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C h e m i s t r y 1 2 C h 9 : E l e c t r o n s a n d P e r i o d i c T a b l e P a g e | 1

Chapter 9: Electrons and the Periodic Table

Work on MasteringChemistry assignments

What we have learned:

Dalton’s Indivisible Atom explained the Law of Constant Composition and the Law

of Conservation of Mass and led to the Law of Multiple Proportions.

J.J. Thomson, through Cathode Ray Tube experiments, discovered electrons are

small negatively charged particles inside a divisible atom and came up with the

Plum Pudding Model of the atom.

Rutherford came up with the gold foil experiment shooting alpha particles through

thin gold foil to test the Plum Pudding Model and discovered that some alpha

particles were deflected. This led to Rutherford’s Nuclear Model of the atom in

which a heavy positive nucleus is surrounded by a cloud of electrons.

Now we will further our knowledge of the atom by examining the Bohr model and

the quantum-mechanical model which describe how electrons behave inside the

atom and how those electrons affect the chemical and physical properties of

elements. These models explain the observed emission/absorption spectra and the

periodic behavior of the elements such as why He is inert.

Pictured below are Niels Bohr (left) and Erwin Schrödinger (right)

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Quantum Mechanics explains the behavior of the electrons inside atoms, the periodic

law and expectations in chemical bonding.

Electrons are extremely tiny.

Electron behavior determines much of the behavior of atoms

Problem: Directly observing electrons is impossible. Observing an electron

would change its behavior

Light has properties of both waves and particles

Wave-like Property of Light

Light is a form of Electromagnetic Radiation

Electromagnetic radiation is a form of energy that travels through empty space at

3.00 x 108 m/s = c = speed of light. (186,000 mi/s)

Electromagnetic radiation has a magnetic field component and perpendicular to

that an electric field component.

c = ; speed of light= (wavelength)(frequency)

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Visible light: The components of

white light R O Y G B I V separate

when passed through a prism

Practice 1:

c = ;

wavelength in meters (,

frequency or hertz in 1/s (),

speed of light (c=3.00 x 108m/s)

a) Solve for the frequency of

green light with a wavelength

of 540nm.

b) A radio signal has a frequency of 100.7MHz. Solve for its wavelength.

Hz = s-1

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Particle-like Property of Light (photons)

Light is particle-like: Light has photons of quantized energy.

Photoelectric Effect: Emission of an electron from a metal surface caused by

shining light (electromagnetic radiation) of certain minimum energy. The current

increases with increasing intensity of radiation. This experiment from Albert

Einstein led to the idea of photons and E = hhc/

(Planck’s constant = h = 6.6262 x 10-34 J s).

The shorter the wavelength

the higher the energy.

The electromagnetic spectrum is continuous starting with the low energy, long

wavelength, low frequency radio waves and increasing in energy through microwaves, IR,

VIS (ROYGBIV), UV, Xrays, and gamma rays which are high energy, short wavelength,

high frequency).

Visible light ranges around 750nm red - 400nm violet

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Emission Spectra: the

emission of light from

excited gas atoms. This

observation led to Bohr’s

Atomic Model to explain it.

Mercury (blue)

Hydrogen (pink)

Emission Spectra are like

fingerprints, each element or

compound has a unique emission

spectrum. This allows scientist to

investigate what matter makes up

the stars without going to the sun

and bringing back a sample to test.

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Problems with Rutherford’s nuclear atom:

Electrons are moving charged particles. According to the known classical physics

at that time, moving charged particles give off energy, therefore electrons should

constantly be giving off energy; they should glow, lose energy, crash into the

nucleus, and the atom should collapse; but it doesn’t!

Neils Bohr (1885–1962)

1913 Bohr’s Model (electrons move around the nucleus in circular orbits):

Emission spectra of hydrogen gave experimental evidence of quantized energy

states for electrons within an atom.

Quantum Theory:

Explains the emission and absorption spectra

1. An atom has discrete energy levels (orbits) where e- may exist without

emitting or absorbing electromagnetic radiation.

2. An electron may move from one orbit to another. By doing so the

electromagnetic radiation is absorbed or emitted.

3. An electron moves in circular orbits about the nucleus and the energy

of the electron is quantized.

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Hydrogen Series:

nfinal = 1, Lyman series (UV)

nfinal = 2, Balmer series (Visible)

nfinal = 3, Paschen series (IR)

Balmer series which gives visible light is the

only one to remember

Problem: Bohr’s theory

is limited. It only

explained spectra for an

item with one electron,

the element H,

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Bohr’s atomic theory only worked for 1 electron systems, to explain further the next

theory involves orbitals not orbits…

Quantum Mechanical Model of the Atom (orbitals): Replaced Bohr model

Electrons can be treated as waves or particles (just as in light)

Weakness: Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle. It is impossible to determine both

the momentum and position of an electron simultaneously. This means that the

more accurately you know the position of a small particle, such as an electron, the

less you know about its speed (momentum) and vice-versa

Quantum Mechanical Model:

Use 90% probability maps (orbitals not orbits)

volume of space.

1. Electrons have quantized energy states


2. Electrons absorb or emit

electromagnetic radiation when

changing energy states.

3. Allowed energy states are described by

four quantum numbers which describe

size, shape, position, and spin


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The orbitals in an atom are all centered around the

same center nucleus. As orbitals are filled, some seem to

overlap, creating an electron cloud type appearance.

Orbitals are quantized and exist at discrete energy levels.

Shapes: within an energy level

s-1, p-3, d-5, f-7


Maximum 2 electrons in any one orbital,

Maximum 2n2 electrons for any n level

n= 1; 2 electrons in 1s2

n = 2; 8 electrons 2s22p6

n = 3; 18 e-‘s 3s23p63d10

Electron configuration:

Aufbau Principle: method that fills

electrons in the ground state

Ground state electrons fill lowest

energy and up

Excited state occurs when electrons

have jumped to higher states.

Hund’s Rule of Multiplicity: Electrons

fill up singly with the same spin

within an energy sublevel before

doubling up

Pauli’s Exculsion Principle: No two electrons in the same atom may have the

same four quantum numbers (they cannot occupy the same orbital with

the same spin)

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core [noble gas element]


valence electrons

Isoelectronic series: Atom and ions having the same number of electrons

Electron Configurations: Long form:

Condensed form:

Condensed configurations

start with a noble gas in


N [He]2s22p3

Energy vs Size when d, or

f orbitals are involved.

Orbital diagram: labels and a drawing of the electronic configuration in order to show

each orbital as filled with two electrons, half filled with one electron or empty for

each energy sublevel.

Paramagnetic: (weakly

attracted to a

magnetic field) The

electron configuration

has unpaired


Diamagnetic: (weakly

repelled by a

magnetic field) All

electrons are paired.

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Electron Configuration of atoms and ions

Understand the general trends.

Some exceptions (Cr, Mo s1d5, Cu, Ag, Au s1d10), Nb is 5s14d4, Ce, Th,

exceptions are not tested in Introductory chemistry

Cations lose valence p,s orbital electrons before d orbital electrons.




Ions and their Electron Configurations:

Metals: Give up electrons and become positive cations

Nonmetals: Accept electrons and become negative anions

Main group atoms give up or accept electrons toward the goal of establishing a

core (noble gas) electron configuration. Metals will first lose the valence p

electrons before the valence s electrons.

Transition metals and Inner Transition metals first lose the largest s electrons,

then the d electrons and for inner transitions last are the f electrons.

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Try this: Predict the ground state short electron configuration for each.

Ca Ca+2

F F-

Ag Ag+1

Fe Fe+2 Fe+3

Periodic Table:

The periodic table gives us information in an organized manner. Patterns and

properties can be predicted following groups and periods.

Effective Nuclear Charge:

Negatively charged electrons are attracted to the positively charged nucleus.

The attraction depends on the net nuclear charge acting on an electron and the

average distance between the nucleus and the electron.

Zeff (effective nuclear charge), is smaller than the total charge of the nucleus.

Zeff = Ztotal - Sscreening constant

S is close to the # of core electrons, (i.e. for Na, 10 core electrons, 1 valence

electron. The Zeff = 11-10 = +1 for the valence electron 3s1)

Periodic Trends:


Atomic radii generally

increase from

right to left

top to bottom

Along a period the

Zeff increases left to

right pulling in

electrons closer to

the nucleus and

causing the atoms to

decrease in size.

Vertically, the size of

the orbitals (quantum

number n) increases

from top to bottom.

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Size: Ionic radii and isoelectronic series.

Cations lose electrons and are smaller than the original atom

Anions gain electrons and are larger than the original atom

In an isoelectronic series (all have the same number of electrons, same

electron configuration) the size increases as the charge of the nuclei

decreases. (smallest Sr+2, Rb+1, Kr, Br-1, Se-2 largest)

Ionization Energy (Energy required to remove the outermost ground state electron,


Ionization Energy generally decreases from right to left; top to bottom of

periodic table.

The small nonmetals require the highest ionization energy; they do not want to

lose electrons

Large metals have lowest ionization energy, they want to lose electrons and

become positively charged cations.

Oxidation is a term for an atom losing electrons and increasing its charge (its

charge is also known as its oxidation state).

Electron Affinity (Energy given away when adding an electron, exothermic):

The greatest negative value (most preferred) electron affinity is for fluorine,

(small nonmetals, ignore noble gases they do not want to add electrons)

decreases from right to left; top to bottom of periodic table.

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Metallic Character: Metallic character increases from right to left; top to bottom of periodic table.

Nonmetal character increases from left to right bottom to top.

Electronegativity (Ch 10): The ability of an element to attract electrons within a covalent bond.

Electronegativity increases from left to right; bottom to top of periodic table.

It does not include the noble gases, so the strongest one is F.