Download - Chapter 6 Section 4. Vocab Inflation Mercenary Diocletian Constantinople Attila.



Chapter 6

Section 4


Inflation Mercenary Diocletian Constantinople Attila

A Century of Crisis

Rome’s Economy Weakens (3rd century AD)

Outlying tribes and pirates disrupt tradeFailure to continue expansion left Rome

needing new source of gold and silver○ Minted more money with same amount of

silver, led to inflation. Food shortages due to over worked and

destroyed farm land

A Century of Crisis

Military and Political Turmoil Over time the Roman government resorted

to recruiting mercenaries, to defend the empire○ Made less than a Roman soldier, had little

loyalty to the empireCitizens of Rome lost their loyalty

○ At one time would give their lives for the republic, now are indifferent to the empire’s fate….

Emperors Attempt Reform Diocletian reforms:

Becomes Emperor in 284 ADStrong ruler; limited personal freedoms and

restored order to empireDoubled size of Roman army; controlled

inflation with fixed prices on goodsClaimed to be a direct descendent of the


Emperors Attempt Reform Diocletian Reforms:

Split the Empire in two○ Realizes the empire has become too large○ Splits into the Greek and Latin speaking

empires○ Greek: Eastern(Greece, Anatolia, Syria,Egypt)○ Latin: Western (Italy, Gaul, Britain, Spain)○ Diocletian controls the East, much wealthier

than the West○ Diocletian retires in 305 AD.

Emperors Attempt Reform Constantine Moves the Capital:

Constantine gains control of the Western Empire in 312 AD

324 he gains control of the Eastern Empire as well, restoring single rule to the empire

330 he moves Rome’s capital to the Greek city of Byzantium

Sits on the Bosporus Strait, trade and defensive purposes

Emperors Attempt Reform Constantine Moves the Capital

Center of power in the empire shiftedNew capital was surrounded with high wallsTook new name Constantinople

The Western Empire Crumbles

Germanic InvasionsGermanic tribes have lived on Rome’s

northern border in relative peace since the time of Julius Caesar

370 AD Germanic tribes are pushing further and further into Gaul…..why????

Western Empire Crumbles Germanic Tribes

Group of Mongol nomads, the Huns, from central Asia came into the area and were destroying everything in their paths

Germanic tribes moved into Rome to get away from the Huns

Western Empire Crumbles Attila the Hun:

444 AD Attlia, unites the Huns and launches an assault on Rome

He attacked both the Eastern and Western Empires, in the East he destroyed nearly 70 cities

Unable to conquer Rome itself due to famine and disease, Rome’s troubles did not end with his death in 453 AD

Western Empire Crumbles An Empire No More:

Rome’s last emperor was Romulus Augustus (14 yrs old)

476 he was defeated by the Germanic tribes.No other emperor would rule the Western

EmpireHowever; the Eastern half which became

known as the Byzantine Empire flourished for more than a 1,000 yrs after the fall of the west.