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Section 5.2Quantum Theory andthe Atom11/2 sessions

1 block



Section 5.3Electron Configurations3 sessions

11/2 blocks



1. Compare the wave and particle modelsof light.

2. Define a quantum of energy and explainhow it is related to an energy change ofmatter.

3. Contrast continuous electromagneticspectra and atomic emission spectra.

4. Compare the Bohr and quantummechanical models of the atom.

5. Explain the impact of de Broglie’s wave-particle duality and the Heisenberguncertainty principle on the modern viewof electrons in atoms.

6. Identify the relationships among ahydrogen atom’s energy levels, sublevels,and atomic orbitals.

7. Apply the Pauli exclusion principle, theaufbau principle, and Hund’s rule to writeelectron configurations using orbitaldiagrams and electron configurationnotation.

8. Define valence electrons and drawelectron-dot structures representing anatom’s valence electrons.

Discovery Lab: What’s Inside?, p. 117MiniLab: Flame Tests, p. 125ChemLab: Line Spectra, pp. 142–143

Problem-Solving Lab: How was Bohr’satomic model able to explain the linespectrum of hydrogen? p. 130Physics Connection, p. 131

Careers Using Chemistry: Spectroscopist,p. 136How It Works: Lasers, p. 144

Section Objectives Activities/Features

CHAPTER Electrons in Atoms

Section 5.1Light and QuantizedEnergy11/2 sessions

1/2 block




Resource Manager

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UCP.1, UCP.2; A.1, A.2;B.1, B.6; G.1, G.2, G.3

1(A), 2(B), 2(E), 3(C),3(E), 5(A)

UCP.1, UCP.2; A.2; B.1,B.6; G.2, G.3

3(A), 3(C), 3(E), 5(A),6(A)

UCP.1, UCP.2; A.1, A.2;B.1, B.6; E.2; F.6; G.2,G.3

1(A), 2(A), 2(B), 2(C),2(D), 2(E), 3(D), 3(E),5(A), 6(A), 8(A)

National Science State/Local Reproducible Masters TransparenciesContent Standards Standards

Study Guide for Content Mastery,pp. 29–30 Laboratory Manual,pp. 37–40 L2






Section Focus Transparency 19

Teaching Transparency 17













Study Guide for Content Mastery,pp. 25–26 ChemLab and MiniLabWorksheets, pp. 17–20 L2






Section Focus Transparency 17

Teaching Transparency 15

Math Skills Transparency 5



















Study Guide for Content Mastery,pp. 27–28 Laboratory Manual, pp. 33–36Challenge Problems, p. 5 L3









Section Focus Transparency 18

Teaching Transparency 16













Key to National Science Content Standards: UCP � Unifying Concepts andProcesses, A � Science as Inquiry, B � Physical Science, C � Life Science,D � Earth and Space Sciences, E � Science and Technology,F � Science in Personal and Social Perspectives, G � History and Nature of Science

Refer to pages 4T–5T of the Teacher Guide for an explanation of the National Science Content Standards correlations.

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ChemLab (pages 142–143)40-W tubular light bulb, light socket with power cord, spectrum tubes (hydrogen, neon, andmercury), spectrum tube power supplies (3), Flinn C-Spectra®‚ diffraction grating, colored pencils,food coloring (red, green, blue, and yellow), 275-mL polystyrene culture flasks (4), book, water

Discovery Lab (page 117)wrapped box containing small object

MiniLab (page 125)Bunsen burner, cotton swabs (6), distilled water, lithium chloride, sodium chloride,potassium chloride, calcium chloride, strontium chloride, unknown

Demonstration (pages 136–137)spectrum tubes (hydrogen and neon), spectrum tube power supply, Flinn C-Spectra®‚ diffraction grating, colored pencils or chalk

For a review of solution preparation, see page 46T of the Teacher Guide.

There are no solutions to be prepared for the activities in this chapter.

Materials List

Preparation of Solutions

CHAPTER Electrons in Atoms5

Resource Manager

Chapter Assessment, pp. 25–30MindJogger VideoquizzesAlternate Assessment in the Science ClassroomTestCheck Software Solutions Manual, Chapter 5Supplemental Problems, Chapter 5Performance Assessment in the Science ClassroomChemistry Interactive CD-ROM, Chapter 5 quiz

Spanish Resources Guided Reading Audio Program, Chapter 5Cooperative Learning in the Science ClassroomLab and Safety Skills in the Science ClassroomLesson PlansBlock Scheduling Lesson Plans







Assessment Resources Additional Resources

Texas Lesson PlansTexas Block Scheduling Lesson Plans

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Level 1 activities should be appropriate for students withlearning difficulties.

Level 2 activities should be within the ability range of all students.

Level 3 activities are designed for above-average students.

ELL activities should be within the ability range ofEnglish Language Learners.

Cooperative Learning activities are designedfor small group work.

These strategies represent student products that can beplaced into a best-work portfolio.

These strategies are useful in a block scheduling format.




















VIDEOTAPE/DVDMindJogger Videoquizzes,Chapter 5

VIDEODISCCosmic ChemistryGreenhouse Effect, MovieAlbert Einstein, StillNiels Bohr, StillAtomic Theories, MovieLouis-Victor de Broglie, StillBohr-de Broglie Hydrogen Orbits, Still

CD-ROMChemistry: Matter and ChangeFlame Test, VideoThe Aurora, VideoAtomic Emissions, VideoElectrons and Energy Levels, AnimationBuilding Atoms, Exploration

The following multimedia for this chapter are available from Glencoe.

Look for the following icons for strategies that emphasize different learning modalities.KinestheticBuilding a Model, p. 123; Meeting Individual

Needs, pp. 127, 139; Quick Demo, p. 131

Visual-SpatialPortfolio, p. 118; Chemistry Journal, p. 133;

Reteach, p. 141

IntrapersonalEnglish Language Learners, p. 121; Enrichment,

p. 122; Meeting Individual Needs, p. 131; ChemistryJournal, p. 129

LinguisticChemistry Journal, pp. 119, 122, 140; Portfolio,

p. 133

Logical-MathematicalMeeting Individual Needs, p. 128

Key to Teaching Strategies

Glencoe Technology

Multiple Learning Styles


Assessment Planner

Portfolio AssessmentPortfolio, TWE, pp. 118, 120,133, 145

Assessment, p. 139

Performance AssessmentAssessment, TWE, pp. 122,128

MiniLab, SE, p. 125ChemLab, SE, pp. 142-143Discovery Lab, SE, p. 117

Knowledge AssessmentAssessment, TWE, pp. 126,134

Section Assessment, SE,pp. 126, 134, 141

Chapter Assessment, SE,pp. 146-149

Skill AssessmentAssessment, TWE, p. 141Problem-Solving Lab, TWE,p. 130

ChemLab, TWE, p. 143Demonstration, TWE, p. 137

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116 Chapter 5

Electrons in Atoms


What You’ll LearnYou will compare the waveand particle models of light.

You will describe how thefrequency of light emittedby an atom is a uniquecharacteristic of that atom.

You will compare and con-trast the Bohr and quantummechanical models of theatom.

You will express thearrangements of electronsin atoms through orbitalnotations, electron configu-rations, and electron dotstructures.

Why It’s ImportantWhy are some fireworks red,some white, and others blue?The key to understanding thechemical behavior of fire-works, and all matter, lies inunderstanding how electronsare arranged in atoms of eachelement.



Visit the Chemistry Web site to findlinks about electrons and atomicstructure.

The colorful display from fire-works is due to changes in theelectron configurations of atoms.


Tying to PreviousKnowledgeHave students review the followingconcepts before studying thischapter.Chapter 4: atomic structure

Using the PhotoPoint out that the vivid colors oflight given off by fireworks are of different origin than colorsproduced by colored light bulbs orfilters. Explain that energy transi-tions within atoms cause thedistinctive colors—something thatstudents will learn more about inthe chapter.

Chapter ThemesThe following themes from theNational Science EducationStandards are covered in thischapter. Refer to page 4T of theTeacher Guide for an explanationof the correlations.Systems, order, and organization(UCP.1)Evidence, models, and explanation(UCP.2)Form and function (UCP.5)


Purpose Students will make observations using allthe senses except sight.

Safety and DisposalKeep boxes for use next year.

Teaching Strategies• Try to use objects in the box that are

simple, but challenging.• When students are through with the

lab, you may want to identity theobjects, or, to demonstrate thatchemists can’t always see what they arelooking for, you may want to leave theobject’s identity a mystery!

Expected ResultsResults will vary. Students should try touse senses other than sight to determinethe relative size, mass, shape, andnumber of objects.

AnalysisAnswers will vary. Students will deter-mine that observations typically relyheavily upon sight, although touch andhearing are somewhat useful.




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1 Focus

Before presenting the lesson, displaySection Focus Transparency 17on the overhead projector. Havestudents answer the accompanyingquestions using Section FocusTransparency Master 17.

2 TeachConcept DevelopmentExplain that the concept that matteris made up of atoms is useful inmany ways. For example, the factthat water contains two atoms ofhydrogen for every atom of oxygenexplains why the masses of the twoelements are always in the sameproportion in the compound. Pointout, however, that something wellbeyond this concept must accountfor the vastly different chemicalbehaviors of hydrogen, oxygen,and the other chemical elements.







Pages 116–1171(A), 3(E)

Focus Transparency

5.1 Light and Quantized Energy 117

Section 5.1 Light and Quantized Energy

Although three subatomic particles had been discovered by the early-1900s,the quest to understand the atom and its structure had really just begun. Thatquest continues in this chapter, as scientists pursued an understanding of howelectrons were arranged within atoms. Perform the DISCOVERY LAB onthis page to better understand the difficulties scientists faced in researchingthe unseen atom.

The Nuclear Atom and Unanswered QuestionsAs you learned in Chapter 4, Rutherford proposed that all of an atom’s pos-itive charge and virtually all of its mass are concentrated in a nucleus thatis surrounded by fast-moving electrons. Although his nuclear model was amajor scientific development, it lacked detail about how electrons occupythe space surrounding the nucleus. In this chapter, you will learn how elec-trons are arranged in an atom and how that arrangement plays a role inchemical behavior.

Many scientists in the early twentieth century found Rutherford’s nuclearatomic model to be fundamentally incomplete. To physicists, the model didnot explain how the atom’s electrons are arranged in the space around thenucleus. Nor did it address the question of why the negatively charged elec-trons are not pulled into the atom’s positively charged nucleus. Chemistsfound Rutherford’s nuclear model lacking because it did not begin to accountfor the differences in chemical behavior among the various elements.



a wrapped box from yourinstructor

What's Inside?

It's your birthday, and there are many wrapped presents for you to open. Much of the fun is trying to figure out what's inside the

package before you open it. In trying to determine the structure ofthe atom, chemists had a similar experience. How good are yourskills of observation and deduction?


1. Obtain a wrapped box from your instructor.

2. Using as many observation methods as you can, and withoutunwrapping or opening the box, try to figure out what the objectinside the box is.

3. Record the observations you make throughout this discoveryprocess.


How were you able to determine things such as size, shape, number,and composition of the object in the box? What senses did you useto make your observations? Why is it hard to figure out what type ofobject is in the box without actually seeing it?

Objectives• Compare the wave and par-

ticle models of light.

• Define a quantum of energy and explain how it is related to an energychange of matter.

• Contrast continuous electro-magnetic spectra andatomic emission spectra.

Vocabularyelectromagnetic radiationwavelengthfrequencyamplitudeelectromagnetic spectrumquantumPlanck’s constantphotoelectric effectphotonatomic emission spectrum



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Section Focus Transparency 17 Light WavesUse with Chapter 5, Section 5.1

Chemistry: Matter and Change

Section Focus Transparencies

What makes the colors in a rainbow? What other types of waves exist?



Resource ManagerResource Manager

Study Guide for Content Mastery, pp. 25–26

Solving Problems: A Chemistry Handbook, Section 5.1

Section Focus Transparency 17 and Master










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For example, consider the elements chlorine, argon, and potassium, whichare found in consecutive order on the periodic table but have very differentchemical behaviors. Atoms of chlorine, a yellow-green gas at room temper-ature, react readily with atoms of many other elements. Figure 5-1a showschlorine atoms reacting with steel wool. The interaction of highly reactivechlorine atoms with the large surface area provided by the steel results in avigorous reaction. Argon, which is used in the incandescent bulb shown inFigure 5-1b, also is a gas. Argon, however, is so unreactive that it is consid-ered a noble gas. Potassium is a reactive metal at room temperature. In fact,as you can see in Figure 5-1c, because potassium is so reactive, it must bestored under kerosene or oil to prevent its atoms from reacting with the oxy-gen and water in the air. Rutherford’s nuclear atomic model could not explainwhy atoms of these elements behave the way they do.

In the early 1900s, scientists began to unravel the puzzle of chemicalbehavior. They had observed that certain elements emitted visible light whenheated in a flame. Analysis of the emitted light revealed that an element’schemical behavior is related to the arrangement of the electrons in its atoms.In order for you to better understand this relationship and the nature of atomicstructure, it will be helpful for you to first understand the nature of light.

Wave Nature of LightElectromagnetic radiation is a form of energy that exhibits wavelike behav-ior as it travels through space. Visible light is a type of electromagnetic radia-tion. Other examples of electromagnetic radiation include visible light from thesun, microwaves that warm and cook your food, X rays that doctors and den-tists use to examine bones and teeth, and waves that carry radio and televisionprograms to your home.

All waves can be described by several characteristics, a few of which youmay be familiar with from everyday experience. Figure 5-2a shows a stand-ing wave created by rhythmically moving the free end of a spring toy.Figure 5-2b illustrates several primary characteristics of all waves, wave-length, frequency, amplitude, and speed. Wavelength (represented by �, theGreek letter lambda) is the shortest distance between equivalent points on acontinuous wave. For example, in Figure 5-2b the wavelength is measuredfrom crest to crest or from trough to trough. Wavelength is usually expressedin meters, centimeters, or nanometers (1 nm � 1 � 10�9 m). Frequency (rep-resented by �, the Greek letter nu) is the number of waves that pass a given

118 Chapter 5 Electrons in Atoms

Figure 5-1

Chlorine gas, shown herereacting vigorously with steelwool, reacts with many otheratoms as well. Argon gas fillsthe interior of this incandescentbulb. The nonreactive argonprevents the hot filament fromoxidizing, thus extending thelife of the bulb. Solid potas-sium metal is submerged in oilto prevent it from reacting withair or water.




a b c

Go to the Chemistry InteractiveCD-ROM to find additionalresources for this chapter.


Quick Demo

Demonstrate that unlikecharges attract using thefollowing materials, which canprobably be obtained fromyour school’s physics depart-ment: a hard rubber rod;either a piece of cat hide withthe fur attached or a piece ofwool; a glass rod; a piece ofsynthetic fabric, such as nylon.Use a Y-shaped piece of stringto suspend the rubber rodhorizontally from a support.Impart a negative charge tothe rod by rubbing it with fur.Then, impart a positive chargeto the glass rod by rubbing itwith synthetic fabric. Whenyou bring the glass rod close tothe suspended rubber rod, therubber rod will move towardthe glass rod. Explain that therods’ unlike charges cause theattraction. Point out that anatom’s positively chargednucleus exerts the same typeof electrostatic attraction for its negatively chargedelectrons.




Visual-Spatial Have students researchand explain how electrons in atoms

should behave according to classical physics.Have them draw diagrams illustrating theirfindings. Students should include their

explanations and diagrams in their portfo-lios. Negatively charged electrons orbitingthe nucleus should spiral into the posi-tively charged nucleus, giving off energyin the process.










Classical Physics and Electrons in Atoms

VIDEODISCCosmic ChemistryDisc 4, Side 8Movie: GreenhouseEffect 1:00 minExamination of thischemical phenomenon


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point per second. One hertz (Hz), the SI unit of frequency, equals one waveper second. In calculations, frequency is expressed with units of “waves persecond,” ��


�� or (s�1), where the term “waves” is understood. For example,

652 Hz � 652 waves/second � �65


� � 652 s�1

The amplitude of a wave is the wave’s height from the origin to a crest, orfrom the origin to a trough. To learn how lightwaves are able to form pow-erful laser beams, read the How It Works at the end of this chapter.

All electromagnetic waves, including visible light, travel at a speed of3.00 � 108 m/s in a vacuum. Because the speed of light is such an importantand universal value, it is given its own symbol, c. The speed of light is theproduct of its wavelength (�) and its frequency (�).

c � ��

Although the speed of all electromagnetic waves is the same, waves mayhave different wavelengths and frequencies. As you can see from the equa-tion above, wavelength and frequency are inversely related; in other words,as one quantity increases, the other decreases. To better understand this rela-tionship, examine the red and violet light waves illustrated in Figure 5-3.Although both waves travel at the speed of light, you can see that red lighthas a longer wavelength and lower frequency than violet light.

Sunlight, which is one example of what is called white light, contains a con-tinuous range of wavelengths and frequencies. Sunlight passing through a prism

5.1 Light and Quantized Energy 119

Figure 5-2

The standing wave producedwith this spring toy displaysproperties that are characteristicof all waves. The primarycharacteristics of waves arewavelength, frequency, ampli-tude, and speed. What is thewavelength of the wave in centimeters?



Wavelength � Crest


Wavelength � Trough


Figure 5-3

The inverse relationshipbetween wavelength and fre-quency of electromagneticwaves can be seen in these redand violet waves. As wavelengthincreases, frequency decreases.Wavelength and frequency donot affect the amplitude of awave. Which wave has thelarger amplitude?



Lower frequency

Higher frequency

a b


Figure Caption QuestionsFigure 5-2 What is the wavelengthof the wave in centimeters? �4.5 cmFigure 5-3 Which wave has thelarger amplitude? The red wavehas a larger amplitude.

Pages 118–1193(C), 3(E)

Quick Demo

Project the beam from a high-intensity projector into the sideof a large beaker of water.Darken the room and adjustthe arrangement so studentscan see the visible portion ofthe electromagnetic spectrumon a wall or screen. Explainthat reflection and refractionseparate the component colorsof white light from theprojector as they pass throughthe beaker and water. Point outthat rainbows are formed inmuch the same manner whenthe colors in sunlight separateas they are reflected andrefracted by raindrops.




Frequencies and Daily LivingLinguistic In order to reinforce theconcept of frequency, have students

think of and describe at least five phe-nomena they encounter that recur oroccur at given frequencies in their dailylives. Have them describe these phenom-ena in their journals and, when possible,quantify the frequencies.



Resource ManagerResource Manager

Math Skills Transparency 5 and Master







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Figure 5-5

The electromagnetic spectrumincludes a wide range of wave-lengths (and frequencies).Energy of the radiation increaseswith increasing frequency.Which types of waves or rayshave the highest energy?

is separated into a continuousspectrum of colors. These arethe colors of the visible spec-trum. The spectrum is calledcontinuous because there is noportion of it that does not cor-respond to a unique wave-length and frequency of light.You are already familiar withall of the colors of the visiblespectrum from your everydayexperiences. And if you haveever seen a rainbow, you haveseen all of the visible colors atonce. A rainbow is formedwhen tiny drops of water in the

air disperse the white light from the sun into its component colors, producing acontinuous spectrum that arches across the sky.

The visible spectrum of light shown in Figure 5-4, however, comprises onlya small portion of the complete electromagnetic spectrum, which is illustratedin Figure 5-5. The electromagnetic spectrum, also called the EM spectrum,encompasses all forms of electromagnetic radiation, with the only differencesin the types of radiation being their frequencies and wavelengths. Note inFigure 5-4 that the short wavelengths bend more than long wavelengths as theypass through the prism, resulting in the sequence of colors red, orange, yellow,green, blue, indigo, and violet. This sequence can be remembered using the fic-titious name Roy G. Biv as a memory aid. In examining the energy of the radi-ation shown in Figure 5-5, you should note that energy increases with increasingfrequency. Thus, looking back at Figure 5-3, the violet light, with its greaterfrequency, has more energy than the red light. This relationship between fre-quency and energy will be explained in the next section.

120 Chapter 5 Electrons in Atoms

Figure 5-4

White light is separated into acontinuous spectrum when itpasses through a prism.

Frequency (�) in hertz

Radio Infrared Ultraviolet Gamma rays

Electromagnetic Spectrum


3 � 104

106 108 1010

3 � 10-2


3 � 10-4


3 � 10-6


3 � 10-8


3 � 10-10


3 � 10-12


3 � 10-14

Wavelengths (�) in meters

Visible light



Microwaves X rays

3 � 102

Energy increases


Figure Caption QuestionFigure 5-5 Which types of wavesor rays have the highest energy?gamma rays and X rays

Quick Demo

Borrow a Slinky from thephysics department and attachit securely to an object on oneside of the room. Demonstratewave characteristics—wavelength, frequency, andenergy—by generatingstanding waves. Start with ahalf wave, showing the longestwavelength, lowest frequency,and least energy. Work up totwo or two and one-halfstanding waves. It will beobvious that you must usemore energy as the number ofstanding waves increases. Witheach increase in the number ofwaves, ask students what ishappening to frequency andwavelength, and how energy is changing. Frequency isincreasing, wavelength isdecreasing, and energy isincreasing.




Have students research and discuss themany ways humans use electromagneticwaves to transmit information and carryenergy from place to place. Have themwrite up their findings in their portfolios.








Electromagnetic Waves and UsesResource ManagerResource Manager

Teaching Transparency 15 and Master







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5.1 Light and Quantized Energy 121


PRACTICE PROBLEMS1. What is the frequency of green light, which has a wavelength of

4.90 � 10�7 m?

2. An X ray has a wavelength of 1.15 � 10�10 m. What is its frequency?

3. What is the speed of an electromagnetic wave that has a frequency of 7.8 � 106 Hz?

4. A popular radio station broadcasts with a frequency of 94.7 MHz. What is the wavelength of the broadcast? (1 MHz � 106 Hz)

Microwave relay antennas areused to transmit voice and datafrom one area to another with-out the use of wires or cables.

For more practice withspeed, frequency, andwavelength problems,go to Supplemental

Practice Problems inAppendix A.


Calculating Wavelength of an EM WaveMicrowaves are used to transmit information. What is the wavelength of a microwave having a frequency of 3.44 � 109 Hz?

1. Analyze the ProblemYou are given the frequency of a microwave. You also know thatbecause microwaves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum, their speed, frequency, and wavelength are related by the formula c � ��. The value of c is a known constant. First, solve the equationfor wavelength, then substitute the known values and solve.

Known Unknown

� � 3.44 � 109 Hz � � ? mc � 3.00 � 108 m/s

2. Solve for the UnknownSolve the equation relating the speed, frequency, and wavelength of an electromagnetic wave for wavelength (�).

c � ��

� � c/�

Substitute c and the microwave’s frequency, �, into the equation.Note that hertz is equivalent to 1/s or s�1.

� � �33..0404





Divide the values to determine wavelength, �, and cancel units asrequired.

� � �33..0404





� � 8.72 � 10�2 m

3. Evaluate the Answer The answer is correctly expressed in a unit of wavelength (m). Both ofthe known values in the problem are expressed with three significantfigures, so the answer should have three significant figures, which itdoes. The value for the wavelength is within the wavelength rangefor microwaves shown in Figure 5-5.

Because all electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed, you can usethe formula c � �� to calculate the wavelength or frequency of any wave.Example Problem 5-1 shows how this is done.


ReinforcementWhen the people in a stadiummake a “wave,” the wave travelsaround the stadium as individualpersons move their bodies andarms up and down. Point out,however, that each person trans-mitting the wave remains in thesame place.

PROBLEMSHave students refer to AppendixD for complete solutions toPractice Problems.1. 6.12 � 1014 s�1

2. 2.61 � 1018 s�1

3. 3.00 � 108 m/s4. 3.17 m

Math in ChemistryMath in ChemistryExplain that when two quantitiesare related mathematically in sucha way that the increase in onequantity is proportional to thedecrease in the other quantity, thetwo quantities are said to beinversely proportional. Point outthat the relationship c � �� is validonly if the quantities � and � areinversely related.


English Language LearnersIntrapersonal Have English languagelearners look up and then explain

the meanings of several key English wordsused in this section: radiation, spectrum,constant, effect, emission, quantum. Thenask them to use the words in a paragraphabout waves.








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Particle Nature of LightWhile considering light as a wave does explain much of its everyday behav-ior, it fails to adequately describe important aspects of light’s interactions withmatter. The wave model of light cannot explain why heated objects emit onlycertain frequencies of light at a given temperature, or why some metals emitelectrons when colored light of a specific frequency shines on them. Obviously,a totally new model or a revision of the current model of light was needed toaddress these phenomena.

The quantum concept The glowing light emitted by the hot objects shownin Figure 5-6 are examples of a phenomenon you have certainly seen. Ironprovides another example of the phenomenon. A piece of iron appears darkgray at room temperature, glows red when heated sufficiently, and appearsbluish in color at even higher temperatures. As you will learn in greater detaillater on in this course, the temperature of an object is a measure of the aver-age kinetic energy of its particles. As the iron gets hotter it possesses agreater amount of energy, and emits different colors of light. These differ-ent colors correspond to different frequencies and wavelengths. The wavemodel could not explain the emission of these different wavelengths of lightat different temperatures. In 1900, the German physicist Max Planck(1858–1947) began searching for an explanation as he studied the light emit-ted from heated objects. His study of the phenomenon led him to a startlingconclusion: matter can gain or lose energy only in small, specific amountscalled quanta. That is, a quantum is the minimum amount of energy that canbe gained or lost by an atom.

Planck and other physicists of the time thought the concept of quantizedenergy was revolutionary—and some found it disturbing. Prior experience hadled scientists to believe that energy could be absorbed and emitted in con-tinually varying quantities, with no minimum limit to the amount. For exam-ple, think about heating a cup of water in a microwave oven. It seems thatyou can add any amount of thermal energy to the water by regulating thepower and duration of the microwaves. Actually, the water’s temperatureincreases in infinitesimal steps as its molecules absorb quanta of energy.Because these steps are so small, the temperature seems to rise in a continu-ous, rather than a stepwise, manner.

The glowing objects shown in Figure 5-6 are emitting light, which is aform of energy. Planck proposed that this emitted light energy was quantized.

122 Chapter 5 Electrons in Atoms

Figure 5-6

These photos illustrate the phenomenon of heated objectsemitting different frequencies oflight. Matter, regardless of itsform, can gain or lose energyonly in small “quantized”amounts.


Performance Havestudents develop an experiment ordemonstration that illustrates thequantum concept. They might use abalance and small objects havingnearly equal masses, such as paperclips. Or, they might use a gradu-ated cylinder and small objectshaving nearly equal volumes, suchas marbles or ball bearings. Use thePerformance Task Assessment Listfor Designing an Experiment inPASC, p. 23.

EnrichmentIntrapersonal Have inter-ested students research and

make a class presentation or reporton the operation of an opticalpyrometer, a device that measuresextremely high temperatures by the wavelengths of light emitted bythe objects. L2










What’s a Quantum?Linguistic Have students research thereactions of Planck’s contemporaries

to his quantum concept. Have them list andexplain the reactions of Planck’s contempo-raries in their chemistry journals.






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He then went further and demonstrated mathematically that the energy of aquantum is related to the frequency of the emitted radiation by the equation

Equantum � h�

where E is energy, h is Planck’s constant, and � is frequency. Planck’s constanthas a value of 6.626 � 10�34 J � s, where J is the symbol for the joule, the SIunit of energy. Looking at the equation, you can see that the energy of radia-tion increases as the radiation’s frequency, �, increases. This equation explainswhy the violet light in Figure 5-3 has greater energy than the red light.

According to Planck’s theory, for a given frequency, �, matter can emit orabsorb energy only in whole-number multiples of h�; that is, 1h�, 2h�, 3h�,and so on. A useful analogy for this concept is that of a child building a wallof wooden blocks. The child can add to or take away height from the wallonly in increments of a whole number of blocks. Partial blocks are not pos-sible. Similarly, matter can have only certain amounts of energy—quantitiesof energy between these values do not exist.

The photoelectric effect Scientists knew that the wave model (still very pop-ular in spite of Planck’s proposal) could not explain a phenomenon called thephotoelectric effect. In the photoelectric effect, electrons, called photoelectrons,are emitted from a metal’s surface when light of a certain frequency shines onthe surface, as shown in Figure 5-7. Perhaps you’ve taken advantage of the pho-toelectric effect by using a calculator, such as the one shown in Figure 5-8, thatis powered by photoelectric cells. Photoelectric cells in these and many otherdevices convert the energy of incident light into electrical energy.

The mystery of the photoelectric effect concerns the frequency, and there-fore color, of the incident light. The wave model predicts that given enoughtime, even low-energy, low-frequency light would accumulate and supplyenough energy to eject photoelectrons from a metal. However, a metal willnot eject photoelectrons below a specific frequency of incident light. Forexample, no matter how intense or how long it shines, light with a frequencyless than 1.14 � 1015 Hz does not eject photoelectrons from silver. But evendim light having a frequency equal to or greater than 1.14 � 1015 Hz causesthe ejection of photoelectrons from silver.

In explaining the photoelectric effect, Albert Einstein proposed in 1905 thatelectromagnetic radiation has both wavelike and particlelike natures. That is,while a beam of light has many wavelike characteristics, it also can be thoughtof as a stream of tiny particles, or bundles of energy, called photons. Thus, aphoton is a particle of electromagnetic radiation with no mass that carries aquantum of energy.

5.1 Light and Quantized Energy 123

Figure 5-7

In the photoelectric effect, lightof a certain minimum frequency(energy) ejects electrons fromthe surface of a metal.Increasing the intensity of theincident light results in moreelectrons being ejected.Increasing the frequency(energy) of the incident lightcauses the ejected electrons totravel faster.


Electron ejectedfrom surface Beam of light

Metal surface


Figure 5-8

The direct conversion of sun-light into electrical energy is aviable power source for low-power consumption devices suchas this calculator. The cost ofphotoelectric cells makes themimpractical for large-scale powerproduction.


Concept DevelopmentExplain to students that they mightthink of the light emitted by anatom as a “window into the atom.”Explain further that the chemicalbehaviors of the elements arerelated not to the number ofsubatomic particles in their atoms,but to the arrangement of electronswithin their atoms.

Building a ModelKinesthetic Have studentgroups build a setup that

models the photoelectric effect. For example, the setup might showthat impacting small magnetsattached to a heavy iron object with lightweight and low-energyobjects such as marshmallows will not displace the magnets.Then, the setup could show that heavier objects with greaterenergy displace the magnets. Havestudents draw the analogy betweenthe marshmallows and low-energyphotons and between the heavierobjects and high-energy photons.










Pages 120–1233(C), 3(E), 5(A)

Internet Address Book

Note Internet addresses that you find useful in thespace below for quick reference.

VIDEODISCCosmic Chemistry:Disc 1, Side 1Still: Albert Einstein



Disc 3, Side 6 and Disc 4, Side 8

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124 Chapter 5 Electrons in Atoms

Calculating the Energy of a PhotonTiny water drops in the air disperse the white light of the sun into arainbow. What is the energy of a photon from the violet portion ofthe rainbow if it has a frequency of 7.23 � 1014 s�1?

1. Analyze the ProblemYou are given the frequency of a photon of violet light. You alsoknow that the energy of a photon is related to its frequency by theequation Ephoton � h�. The value of h, Planck’s constant, is known. Bysubstituting the known values, the equation can be solved for theenergy of a photon of violet light.

Known Unknown

� � 7.23 � 1014 s�1 Ephoton � ? Jh � 6.626 � 10�34 J � s

2. Solve for the UnknownSubstitute the known values for frequency and Planck’s constant intothe equation relating energy of a photon and frequency.

Ephoton � h�

Ephoton � (6.626 � 10�34 J � s)(7.23 � 1014 s�1)

Multiply the known values and cancel units.

Ephoton � (6.626 � 10�34 J � s)(7.23 � 1014 s�1) � 4.79 � 10�19 J

The energy of one photon of violet light is 4.79 � 10�19 J.

3. Evaluate the Answer The answer is correctly expressed in a unit of energy (J). The knownvalue for frequency has three significant figures, and the answer alsois expressed with three significant figures, as it should be. Asexpected, the energy of a single photon of light is extremely small.

PRACTICE PROBLEMS5. What is the energy of each of the following types of radiation?

a. 6.32 � 1020 s�1 b. 9.50 � 1013 Hz c. 1. 05 � 1016 s�1

6. Use Figure 5-5 to determine the types of radiation described in problem 5.

Sunlight bathes Earth in whitelight—light composed of all ofthe visible colors of the electro-magnetic spectrum.


For more practice with photon energyproblems, go toSupplemental Practice

Problems in Appendix A.


Extending Planck’s idea of quantized energy, Einstein calculated that a pho-ton’s energy depends on its frequency.

Ephoton � h�

Further, Einstein proposed that the energy of a photon of light must have acertain minimum, or threshold, value to cause the ejection of a photoelectron.That is, for the photoelectric effect to occur a photon must possess, at a min-imum, the energy required to free an electron from an atom of the metal.According to this theory, even small numbers of photons with energy abovethe threshold value will cause the photoelectric effect. Although Einstein wasable to explain the photoelectric effect by giving electromagnetic radiationparticlelike properties, it’s important to note that a dual wave-particle modelof light was required.


3 AssessCheck for UnderstandingAsk students to explain whychemists found Rutherford’snuclear model of the atom lacking.It did not explain or account forthe differences in the chemicalbehavior of the elements.

PROBLEMSHave students refer to AppendixD for complete solutions toPractice Problems.5. a. 4.19 � 10�13 J

b. 6.29 � 10�20 Jc. 6.96 � 10�18 J

6. a. gamma ray or X rayb. infraredc. ultraviolet


Have capable students research and perhapsexplain to the class how astrophysicistsdetermine what elements make up Earth’sSun and other stars. In general, because astar is made up of hot, glowing gases, its

emitted light can be gathered by a telescope and analyzed. From the atomicemission and absorption spectra of thelight, the elements present in the star canbe determined.







Resource ManagerResource Manager

CD-ROMChemistry: Matter and ChangeVideo: Flame TestVideo: The AuroraVideo: AtomicEmissions

ChemLab and MiniLab Worksheets, p. 17 L2



ExtensionBegin to extend students’ under-standing of wave-particle dualityby explaining that not only dowaves have a particle nature, butmoving particles have a wavenature, a concept students willlearn more about in the nextsection.

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Atomic Emission SpectraHave you ever wondered how light is produced in the glowing tubes of neonsigns? The process illustrates another phenomenon that cannot be explainedby the wave model of light. The light of the neon sign is produced by pass-ing electricity through a tube filled with neon gas. Neon atoms in the tubeabsorb energy and become excited. These excited and unstable atoms thenrelease energy by emitting light. If the light emitted by the neon is passedthrough a glass prism, neon’s atomic emission spectrum is produced. Theatomic emission spectrum of an element is the set of frequencies of the elec-tromagnetic waves emitted by atoms of the element. Neon’s atomic emissionspectrum consists of several individual lines of color, not a continuous rangeof colors as seen in the visible spectrum.

Each element’s atomic emission spectrum is unique and can be used to deter-mine if that element is part of an unknown compound. For example, when aplatinum wire is dipped into a strontium nitrate solution and then inserted intoa burner flame, the strontium atoms emit a characteristic red color. You canperform a series of flame tests yourself by doing the miniLAB below.

Figure 5-9 on the following page shows an illustration of the characteris-tic purple-pink glow produced by excited hydrogen atoms and the visible por-tion of hydrogen’s emission spectrum responsible for producing the glow.Note how the line nature of hydrogen’s atomic emission spectrum differs fromthat of a continuous spectrum. To gain firsthand experience with types of linespectra, you can perform the CHEMLAB at the end of this chapter.

5.1 Light and Quantized Energy 125

Flame TestsClassifying When certain compounds areheated in a flame, they emit a distinctive color.The color of the emitted light can be used toidentify the compound.

Materials Bunsen burner; cotton swabs (6); dis-tilled water; crystals of lithium chloride, sodiumchloride, potassium chloride, calcium chloride,strontium chloride, unknown

Procedure 1. Dip a cotton swab into the distilled water. Dip

the moistened swab into the lithium chlorideso that a few of the crystals stick to the cotton.Put the crystals on the swab into the flame ofa Bunsen burner. Observe the color of theflame and record it in your data table.

2. Repeat step 1 for each of the metallic chlorides(sodium chloride, potassium chloride, calciumchloride, and strontium chloride). Be sure torecord the color of each flame in your datatable.

3. Obtain a sample of unknown crystals from yourteacher. Repeat the procedure in step 1 using

the unknown crystals. Record the color of theflame produced by the unknown crystals inyour data table. Dispose of used cotton swabsas directed by your teacher.

Analysis1. Each of the known compounds tested contains

chlorine, yet each compound produced a flameof a different color. Explain why this occurred.

2. How is the atomic emission spectrum of an ele-ment related to these flame tests?

3. What is the identity of the unknown crystals?Explain how you know.

miniLABFlame Test Results

Compound Flame color

Lithium chloride

Sodium chloride

Potassium chloride

Calcium chloride

Strontium chloride


Purpose Students will observe and recordthe colors of light emitted whencertain compounds are burned in a flame.

Process SkillsClassifying, comparing andcontrasting, observing and infer-ring, predicting

Safety PrecautionsRemind students to use cautionwith the flame. Although the wetswab will not burn very easily,have a beaker of tap water set outfor students to drop the hot cottonswabs into—this will decrease thefire hazard.

DisposalSwabs should be thrown in thetrash. Remind students not to throwswabs into the sink. Teachersshould check local regulations todetermine if the chemicals used inthe lab are permitted in the schooltrash. If they are not, waste chemi-cals must be sent to a landfill siteapproved for the disposal of chem-ical and hazardous wastes.

Teaching Strategies• Darken the room as much as

possible so that the flame colorscan be seen vividly.

Expected Results




Analysis1. The colors are due primarily to electron

transitions of the metal atoms. The colorsare characteristic of lithium, sodium, potas-sium, calcium, and strontium.

2. The colors are a composite of eachelement’s visible spectrum.

3. Answers will vary depending on the iden-tity of the unknown sample.

Compound Flame color

lithium chloride red

sodium chloride yellow

potassium chloride violet

calcium chloride red-orange

strontium chloride bright red

unknown depends oncompound

Performance Have students look at the flame color spectra using a Flinn C-Spectra or a spectroscope and relate thespectra to the elements comprising eachcompound. Use the Performance TaskAssessment List for Analyzing the Data inPASC, p. 27. L2




Pages 124–1251(A), 2(B), 2(E), 3(C), 3(E), 5(A)

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Reteach Reinforce the concept that red lighthas less energy than blue light.Explaining that you are making asolution of a fluorescent substance,prepare a solution of about 10 gfluorescein in 100 mL water in a150 mL beaker. Turn out the roomlights, and shine a flashlight’s beamthrough a transparent red cello-phane sheet into the fluoresceinsolution. When you turn out theflashlight, the solution will notfluoresce. Then, repeat the process,but use a blue cellophane sheetrather than a red one. The solutionwill fluoresce when you turn outthe light. Ask students to explainthe results. The blue light waveshave a higher frequency, shorterwavelength, and greater energythan the red light waves. Thesolution may be flushed downthe drain with water.

Knowledge Ask studentsto compare the wavelengths,frequencies, and energies ofmicrowaves and X rays.Microwaves have longer wave-lengths, lower frequencies, andlower energies than X rays.

Figure Caption QuestionFigure 5-9 Which line has thehighest energy? the violet line







Section Assessment5.1

7. speed, wavelength, frequency, andamplitude; EM waves travel at c.

8. The wave model treats light as anelectromagnetic wave. The particlemodel treats light as beingcomprised of photons. The wavemodel could not explain the

photoelectric effect, the color ofhot objects, and emission spectra.

9. A quantum is the minimum amountof energy that can be lost or gainedby an atom. Matter loses or gainsenergy in multiples of the quantum.

10. A continuous spectrum contains allthe visible colors; an atomic emis-sion spectrum contains only

specific colors.11. Einstein proposed that electromag-

netic radiation has a wave-particlenature, that the energy of aphoton depends on the frequencyof the radiation, and that thephoton’s energy is given by theformula Ephoton � h�.

12. a: 3, b: 1, c: 1126


An atomic emission spectrum is characteristic of the element beingexamined and can be used to identify that element. The fact that only cer-tain colors appear in an element’s atomic emission spectrum means thatonly certain specific frequencies of light are emitted. And because thoseemitted frequencies of light are related to energy by the formula Ephoton� h�,it can be concluded that only photons having certain specific energies areemitted. This conclusion was not predicted by the laws of classical physicsknown at that time. Scientists found atomic emission spectra puzzlingbecause they had expected to observe the emission of a continuous seriesof colors and energies as excited electrons lost energy and spiraled towardthe nucleus. In the next section, you will learn about the continuing devel-opment of atomic models, and how one of those models was able to accountfor the frequencies of the light emitted by excited atoms.

126 Chapter 5 Electrons in Atoms

Figure 5-9

The atomic emission spectrum ofhydrogen consists of four dis-tinct colored lines of differentfrequencies. This type of spec-trum is also known as a linespectrum. Which line has thehighest energy?






Hydrogen gasdischarge tube


450 500 550

Hydrogen’s atomic emission spectrum600 650 700 750

Section 5.1 Assessment

7. List the characteristic properties of all waves. Atwhat speed do electromagnetic waves travel in avacuum?

8. Compare the wave and particle models of light.What phenomena can only be explained by theparticle model?

9. What is a quantum of energy? Explain how quantaof energy are involved in the amount of energymatter gains and loses.

10. Explain the difference between the continuousspectrum of white light and the atomic emissionspectrum of an element.

11. Thinking Critically Explain how Einstein uti-lized Planck’s quantum concept in explaining thephotoelectric effect.

12. Interpreting Scientific Illustrations UseFigure 5-5 and your knowledge of light to matchthe numbered items on the right with the lettereditems on the left. The numbered items may beused more than once or not at all.

a. longest wavelength 1. gamma raysb. highest frequency 2. infrared wavesc. greatest energy 3. radio waves

ChemLab 5, located at the end ofthe chapter, can be used at thispoint in the lesson.

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1 Focus

Before presenting the lesson, displaySection Focus Transparency 18on the overhead projector. Havestudents answer the accompanyingquestions using Section FocusTransparency Master 18.

2 TeachVisual LearningTable 5-1 Ask students to examinethe table’s Relative energy columnand determine Bohr’s formularelating the hydrogen atom’s rela-tive energy to the electron’s Bohratomic orbit (n). En � n2E1 L2









Pages 126–1273(A), 3(C), 3(E), 5(A), 6(A)


Focus Transparency

5.2 Quantum Theory and the Atom 127

Objectives• Compare the Bohr and

quantum mechanical mod-els of the atom.

• Explain the impact of deBroglie’s wave-particle dual-ity and the Heisenberguncertainty principle on themodern view of electrons inatoms.

• Identify the relationshipsamong a hydrogen atom’senergy levels, sublevels, andatomic orbitals.

Vocabularyground statede Broglie equationHeisenberg uncertainty

principlequantum mechanical model

of the atomatomic orbitalprincipal quantum numberprincipal energy levelenergy sublevel

Section Quantum Theory and the Atom

You now know that the behavior of light can be explained only by a dualwave-particle model. Although this model was successful in accounting forseveral previously unexplainable phenomena, an understanding of the rela-tionships among atomic structure, electrons, and atomic emission spectra stillremained to be established.

Bohr Model of the AtomRecall that hydrogen’s atomic emission spectrum is discontinuous; that is, itis made up of only certain frequencies of light. Why are elements’ atomicemission spectra discontinuous rather than continuous? Niels Bohr, a youngDanish physicist working in Rutherford’s laboratory in 1913, proposed aquantum model for the hydrogen atom that seemed to answer this question.Impressively, Bohr’s model also correctly predicted the frequencies of thelines in hydrogen’s atomic emission spectrum.

Energy states of hydrogen Building on Planck’s and Einstein’s conceptsof quantized energy (quantized means that only certain values are allowed),Bohr proposed that the hydrogen atom has only certain allowable energystates. The lowest allowable energy state of an atom is called its ground state.When an atom gains energy, it is said to be in an excited state. And althougha hydrogen atom contains only a single electron, it is capable of having manydifferent excited states.

Bohr went even further with his atomic model by relating the hydrogenatom’s energy states to the motion of the electron within the atom. Bohr sug-gested that the single electron in a hydrogen atom moves around the nucleusin only certain allowed circular orbits. The smaller the electron’s orbit, thelower the atom’s energy state, or energy level. Conversely, the larger the elec-tron’s orbit, the higher the atom’s energy state, or energy level. Bohr assigneda quantum number, n, to each orbit and even calculated the orbit’s radius. Forthe first orbit, the one closest to the nucleus, n � 1 and the orbit radius is0.0529 nm; for the second orbit, n � 2 and the orbit radius is 0.212 nm; andso on. Additional information about Bohr’s description of hydrogen’s allow-able orbits and energy levels is given in Table 5-1.


Bohr’s Description of the Hydrogen Atom

Bohr Correspondingatomic Quantum Orbit radius atomic energy Relative orbit number (nm) level energy

First n � 1 0.0529 1 E1

Second n � 2 0.212 2 E2 � 4E1

Third n � 3 0.476 3 E3 � 9E1

Fourth n � 4 0.846 4 E4 � 16E1

Fifth n � 5 1.32 5 E5 � 25E1

Sixth n � 6 1.90 6 E6 � 36E1

Seventh n � 7 2.59 7 E7 � 49E1

Table 5-1



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Section Focus Transparency 18 Atomic OrbitalsUse with Chapter 5, Section 5.2

Chemistry: Matter and Change

Section Focus Transparencies

Does it take more energy for the painter to climb to the

middle rung of the ladder or to the top rung of the ladder?

Suppose the painter dropped his paintbrush from the top

rung of the ladder. Later, the painter dropped the same

paintbrush from the middle rung of the ladder. From which

level did the paintbrush hit the ground with more energy?




Kinesthetic Demonstrate the electrontransitions associated with energy-level

changes. Tell students that a book on thefloor represents an electron in an atom’slowest-energy orbit. Raise the book to ahigher energy level (their chair). Ask ifenergy is required. yes Ask what happenswhen the book returns to the floor. Energy

is released. Explain the analogy betweenthe book’s energy levels and an electron’stransitions between atomic orbits. Point outthat the energy needed to raise an electronto a higher-energy orbit is exactly the sameas the energy released when the electronreturns to its original orbit.








Learning Disabled

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An explanation of hydrogen’s line spectrum Bohr suggested that thehydrogen atom is in the ground state, also called the first energy level, whenthe electron is in the n � 1 orbit. In the ground state, the atom does not radi-ate energy. When energy is added from an outside source, the electron movesto a higher-energy orbit such as the n � 2 orbit shown in Figure 5-10a. Suchan electron transition raises the atom to an excited state. When the atom is inan excited state, the electron can drop from the higher-energy orbit to a lower-energy orbit. As a result of this transition, the atom emits a photon correspon-ding to the difference between the energy levels associated with the two orbits.

�E � Ehigher-energy orbit � Elower-energy orbit � Ephoton = h�

Note that because only certain atomic energies are possible, only certainfrequencies of electromagnetic radiation can be emitted. You might comparehydrogen’s seven atomic orbits to seven rungs on a ladder. A person can climbup or down the ladder only from rung to rung. Similarly, the hydrogen atom’selectron can move only from one allowable orbit to another, and therefore,can emit or absorb only certain amounts of energy.

The four electron transitions that account for visible lines in hydrogen’satomic emission spectrum are shown in Figure 5-10b. For example, electronsdropping from the third orbit to the second orbit cause the red line. Note thatelectron transitions from higher-energy orbits to the second orbit account forall of hydrogen’s visible lines. This series of visible lines is called the Balmerseries. Other electron transitions have been measured that are not visible, suchas the Lyman series (ultraviolet) in which electrons drop into the n = 1 orbitand the Paschen series (infrared) in which electrons drop into the n = 3 orbit.Figure 5-10b also shows that unlike rungs on a ladder, the hydrogen atom’senergy levels are not evenly spaced. You will be able to see in greater detailhow Bohr’s atomic model was able to account for hydrogen’s line spectrumby doing the problem-solving LAB later in this chapter.

Bohr’s model explained hydrogen’s observed spectral lines remarkablywell. Unfortunately, however, the model failed to explain the spectrum of anyother element. Moreover, Bohr’s model did not fully account for the chemi-cal behavior of atoms. In fact, although Bohr’s idea of quantized energy lev-els laid the groundwork for atomic models to come, later experimentsdemonstrated that the Bohr model was fundamentally incorrect. The move-ments of electrons in atoms are not completely understood even now; how-ever, substantial evidence indicates that electrons do not move around thenucleus in circular orbits.

128 Chapter 5 Electrons in Atoms

Figure 5-10

When an electron dropsfrom a higher-energy orbit to alower-energy orbit, a photonwith a specific energy is emitted.Although hydrogen has spectrallines associated with higherenergy levels, only the visible,ultraviolet, and infrared series ofspectral lines are shown in thisdiagram. The relative ener-gies of the electron transitionsresponsible for hydrogen’s fourvisible spectral lines are shown.Note how the energy levelsbecome more closely spaced as nincreases.



n � 7

n � 6Ultraviolet




Visible series(Balmer)

n � 5

n � 4

n � 3n � 1 �

n � 2






en a










Performance Havestudents make a large copy of thehydrogen atom’s Bohr orbits (asshown in Figure 5-10b) on a pieceof construction paper and tack thepaper to a classroom bulletinboard. Have them put a large,easily visible thumbtack in thelowest orbit to represent the orbitaloccupancy related to hydrogen’slowest energy state. Then, havethem move the thumbtack betweenthe appropriate orbits to simulatethe following orbit transitions andspectral lines in hydrogen’s atomicemission spectrum: violet (6→2),blue-violet (5→2), blue-green(4→2), and red (3→2). Use thePerformance Task Assessment List for Model in PASC, p. 51.









Logical-Mathematical Ask gifted stu-dents to work through Bohr’s use of

Newton’s second law (F � ma), Coulomb’sconstant (K), and Bohr’s own concept ofquantized angular momenta to derive the

relationship rn � �4πh2K



q2�. Then, have them use the equation to calculate the radii of thehydrogen atom’s first four Bohr orbits. P






Resource ManagerResource Manager

VIDEODISCCosmic ChemistryDisc 1, Side 1Still: Niels Bohr



Disc 1, Side1Movie: Atomic Theories 0:41 sBohr’s atomic model

Study Guide for Content Mastery, pp. 27–28

Solving Problems: A Chemistry Handbook, Section 5.2

Section Focus Transparency 18 and Master










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The Quantum Mechanical Model of the AtomScientists in the mid-1920s, by then convinced that the Bohr atomic modelwas incorrect, formulated new and innovative explanations of how electronsare arranged in atoms. In 1924, a young French graduate student in physicsnamed Louis de Broglie (1892–1987) proposed an idea that eventuallyaccounted for the fixed energy levels of Bohr’s model.

Electrons as waves De Broglie had been thinking that Bohr’s quantizedelectron orbits had characteristics similar to those of waves. For example, asFigure 5-11b shows, only multiples of half-wavelengths are possible on aplucked guitar string because the string is fixed at both ends. Similarly, deBroglie saw that only whole numbers of wavelengths are allowed in a circu-lar orbit of fixed radius, as shown in Figure 5-11c. He also reflected on

the fact that light—atone time thought to bestrictly a wave pheno-menon—has both waveand particle characteris-tics. These thoughts ledde Broglie to pose anew question. If wavescan have particlelikebehavior, could theopposite also be true?That is, can particles of matter, including elec-trons, behave like waves?

5.2 Quantum Theory and the Atom 129

Figure 5-11

A vibrating guitar string isconstrained to vibrate betweentwo fixed end points. Thepossible vibrations of the guitarstring are limited to multiples ofhalf-wavelengths. Thus, the“quantum” of the guitar stringis one-half wavelength. Thepossible circular orbits of anelectron are limited to wholenumbers of complete wave-lengths.




1 half–wavelength

n � 3 wavelengths

n � whole number (not allowed)

n � 5 wavelengths

2 half–wavelengths

3 half–wavelengths

Vibrating guitar stringOnly multiples of half wavelengths allowed

Orbiting electronOnly whole numbers of wavelengths allowed



n � 1

n � 2

n � 3



Pages 128–1293(C), 3(E), 6(A)

Quick Demo

Have a fan rotating at highspeed when students enter theclassroom so that they will nothave seen the fan’s blades in a stopped position. As soon as the class period begins, askthem to describe the fan’sblades. They will be able to tell the blades’ approximatelength and little else. Explainthat scientists experiencesomewhat the same situationin trying to describe electronsin atoms. The electrons moveabout the nucleus and appearto fill the entire volume, yetoccupy very little volume them-selves. Explain that due to themotion of the electrons andcertain limitations in our abilityto view them (as described byHeisenberg’s uncertainty prin-ciple), we are unable to simul-taneously describe exactlywhere the electrons are andwhere they are going.




Gases for IR and UVIntrapersonal Have studentsresearch the types of gases used to

emit infrared and ultraviolet electromag-netic radiation. Have them summarizetheir findings in their chemistry journals.






VIDEODISCCosmic ChemistryDisc 1, Side 1

Still: Louis-Victor de Broglie

{`Hß—“}Disc 1, Side 1Still: Bohr-de Broglie HydrogenOrbits


English Language LearnersHave English language learners look upand then explain the meanings of severalkey English words used in this section:state (as in ground state), uncertainty,principal, level (noun). Ask students to useeach word in a sentence or a paragraph.








Resource ManagerResource Manager

Lab Manual, pp. 33–36 L2




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In considering this question, de Broglie knew that if an electron has wave-like motion and is restricted to circular orbits of fixed radius, the electron isallowed only certain possible wavelengths, frequencies, and energies.Developing his idea, de Broglie derived an equation for the wavelength (�)of a particle of mass (m) moving at velocity (v).

� � �mhv�

The de Broglie equation predicts that all moving particles have wavecharacteristics. Why, then, you may be wondering, haven’t you noticed thewavelength of a fast-moving automobile? Using de Broglie’s equation pro-vides an answer. An automobile moving at 25 m/s and having a mass of 910kg has a wavelength of 2.9 � 10�38 m—a wavelength far too small to beseen or detected, even with the most sensitive scientific instrument. By com-parison, an electron moving at the same speed has the easily measured wave-length of 2.9 � 10�5 m. Subsequent experiments have proven that electronsand other moving particles do indeed have wave characteristics.

Step by step, scientists such as Rutherford, Bohr, and de Broglie hadbeen unraveling the mysteries of the atom. However, a conclusion reachedby the German theoretical physicist Werner Heisenberg (1901–1976), acontemporary of de Broglie, proved to have profound implications foratomic models.

130 Chapter 5 Electrons in Atoms

problem-solving LAB

How was Bohr’s atomic modelable to explain the line spec-trum of hydrogen?Using Models Niels Bohr proposed that elec-trons must occupy specific, quantized energy lev-els in an atom. He derived the followingequations for hydrogen’s electron orbit energies(En) and radii (rn).

rn � (0.529 � 10�10 m)n2

En � �(2.18 � 10�18 J)/n2

Where n � quantum number (1, 2, 3...).

AnalysisUsing the orbit radii equation, calculate hydro-gen’s first seven electron orbit radii and thenconstruct a scale model of those orbits. Use acompass and a metric ruler to draw your scalemodel on two sheets of paper that have beentaped together. (Use caution when handlingsharp objects.) Using the orbit energy equation,calculate the energy of each electron orbit andrecord the values on your model.

Thinking Critically1. What scale did you use to plot the orbits? How

is the energy of each orbit related to itsradius?

2. Draw a set of arrows for electron jumps thatend at each energy level (quantum number).For example, draw a set of arrows for all transitions that end at n � 1, a set of arrowsfor all transitions that end at n � 2, and so on,up to n � 7.

3. Calculate the energy released for each of thejumps in step 2, and record the values on yourmodel. The energy released is equal to the dif-ference in the energies of each level.

4. Each set of arrows in step 2 represents a spec-tral emission series. Label five of the series,from greatest energy change to least energychange, as the Lyman, Balmer, Paschen,Brackett, and Pfund series.

5. Use the energy values in step 3 to calculate thefrequency of each photon emitted in eachseries. Record the frequencies on your model.

6. Using the electromagnetic spectrum as a guide,identify in which range (visible, ultraviolet,infrared, etc.) each series falls.


Purpose Students will explore the relation-ship between electron orbit radiiand energy states of the hydrogenatom. This relationship will then beused to explain the characteristicsof spectroscopic series that resultfrom electron transitions betweenorbits.

Process SkillsConstructing models, usingnumbers, acquiring and analyzinginformation, drawing conclusions,applying concepts, predicting

Teaching Strategies• Ask students to explain how the

force between two magnetsdepends on the separationdistance, and then relate this to the electric force of attractionbetween an electron and proton.The magnetic force decreaseswith the cube of the distance.Because of this, magnets areuseful in modeling the behaviorof electric force, which decreaseswith the square of the distance.

• Ask students to describe the fullrange of the electromagneticspectrum and how frequency, �,wavelength, �, and energy, E, arerelated. c � �� (c is the speed oflight) and E � h�

Thinking Critically1. The largest radius is r7 (25.9 �

10�10 m). Thus, a scale of 1 cm � 1 � 10�10 m results in agraph about 26 cm in diam-eter, which will fit on the twosheets of paper. Energyincreases with increasingradius.

2. See the Solutions Manual.3. See the Solutions Manual.4. greatest energy to least

energy: Lyman, Balmer,Paschen, Brackett, and Pfund

5. See the Solutions Manual.6. Lyman series, ultra-violet;

Balmer series, visible; Paschenseries, near infrared; Brackettseries, middle infrared; Pfundseries, far infrared



problem-solving LAB

Skill Have the students extend the ideaspresented here to make a prediction concerningthe spectrum that would be emitted from hydro-genlike atoms, such as He� or Li2�. Or, havethem predict what would happen to the contin-uous spectrum of light if it passed through acell containing hydrogen gas. L2




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The Heisenberg Uncertainty PrincipleHeisenberg’s concluded that it is impossible to make any measurement on anobject without disturbing the object—at least a little. Imagine trying to locatea hovering, helium-filled balloon in a completely darkened room. When youwave your hand about, you’ll locate the balloon’s position when you touchit. However, when you touch the balloon, even gently, you transfer energy toit and change its position. Of course, you could also detect the balloon’s posi-tion by turning on a flashlight. Using this method, photons of light that reflectfrom the balloon reach your eyes and reveal the balloon’s location. Becausethe balloon is much more massive than the photons, the rebounding photonshave virtually no effect on the balloon’s position.

Can photons of light help determine the position of an electron in an atom?As a thought experiment, imagine trying to determine the electron’s locationby “bumping” it with a high-energy photon of electromagnetic radiation.Unfortunately, because such a photon has about the same energy as an elec-tron, the interaction between the two particles changes both the wavelengthof the photon and the position and velocity of the electron, as shown inFigure 5-12. In other words, the act of observing the electron produces a sig-nificant, unavoidable uncertainty in the position and motion of the electron.Heisenberg’s analysis of interactions such as those between photons and elec-trons led him to his historic conclusion. The Heisenberg uncertaintyprinciple states that it is fundamentally impossible to know precisely both thevelocity and position of a particle at the same time.

Although scientists of the time found Heisenberg’s principle difficult toaccept, it has been proven to describe the fundamental limitations on whatcan be observed. How important is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle?The interaction of a photon with an object such as a helium-filled balloon hasso little effect on the balloon that the uncertainty in its position is too smallto measure. But that’s not the case with an electron moving at 6 � 106 m/snear an atomic nucleus. The uncertainty in the electron’s position is at least10�9 m, about ten times greater than the diameter of the entire atom!

The Schrödinger wave equation In 1926, Austrian physicist ErwinSchrödinger (1887–1961) furthered the wave-particle theory proposed by deBroglie. Schrödinger derived an equation that treated the hydrogen atom’selectron as a wave. Remarkably, Schrödinger’s new model for the hydrogenatom seemed to apply equally well to atoms of other elements—an area inwhich Bohr’s model failed. The atomic model in which electrons are treatedas waves is called the wave mechanical model of the atom or, more com-monly, the quantum mechanical model of the atom. Like Bohr’s model,

5.2 Quantum Theory and the Atom 131

Figure 5-12

A photon that strikes an elec-tron at rest alters the positionand velocity of the electron. Thiscollision illustrates theHeisenberg uncertainty princi-ple: It is impossible to simultane-ously know both the positionand velocity of a particle. Notethat after the collision, the pho-ton’s wavelength is longer. Howhas the photon’s energychanged?Before collision After collision


Speed = 0 Electron's speedincreases





y y


People travel thousands ofmiles to see the aurora bore-

alis (the northern lights) and theaurora australis (the southernlights). Once incorrectly believedto be reflections from the polarice fields, the auroras occur 100to 1000 km above Earth.

High-energy electrons and pos-itive ions in the solar wind speedaway from the sun at more thanone million kilometers per hour.These particles become trapped inEarth’s magnetic field and followalong Earth’s magnetic field lines.

The electrons interact with andtransfer energy to oxygen andnitrogen atoms in the upperatmosphere. The color of theaurora depends on altitude andwhich atoms become excited.Oxygen emits green light up toabout 250 km and red light above250 km; nitrogen emits blue lightup to about 100 km andpurple/violet at higher altitudes.



Figure Caption QuestionFigure 5-12 How has the photon’senergy changed? It has decreased.

EnrichmentMake a sign that says “HeisenbergMay Have Slept Here.” Show it tostudents and ask how the uncer-tainty about whether or notHeisenberg slept in a given loca-tion is analogous to an electron’sposition in an atom. Heisenberg’sprinciple states that it is funda-mentally impossible to knowboth a particle’s motion (actuallymomentum) and position at thesame time.

Pages 130–1313(C), 3(E), 5(A), 6(A)

Quick Demo

Kinesthetic Give a heavyball to a blindfolded

student in the middle of anopen space (about a 5-footradius). Quietly, set a 50-mL,plastic graduated cylinderabout 5 feet from the student.Surround the blindfoldedstudent with a ring of otherstudents about 10 feet distant,and instruct the student togently roll the ball in variousdirections until the cylinder islocated. When the ball finallyhits the cylinder, it knocks the cylinder from its originalposition. Then, ask thestudents if the informationgained from rolling the ballgives the cylinder’s positionafter impact. The cylinder isno longer where it wasbefore being hit with theball. Then describe theanalogy to the photon andelectron.









Intrapersonal Have capable studentsinvestigate and report on whether

quantum mechanics invalidates the laws andmodels of classical physics. In general, classi-cal physics laws and models are validapproximations of the laws of quantum

mechanics. As such, they accuratelydescribe and predict behavior at themacroscopic level. However, quantummechanics is needed to accurately describe and explain atomic and sub-atomic behavior.







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Figure 5-14

Energy sublevels can be thoughtof as a section of seats in a the-ater. The rows that are higherup and farther from the stagecontain more seats, just asenergy levels that are fartherfrom the nucleus contain moresublevels.

the quantum mechanical model limits an electron’s energy to certain values.However, unlike Bohr’s model, the quantum mechanical model makes noattempt to describe the electron’s path around the nucleus.

The Schrödinger wave equation is too complex to be considered here.However, each solution to the equation is known as a wave function. And mostimportantly, the wave function is related to the probability of finding the elec-tron within a particular volume of space around the nucleus. Recall from yourstudy of math that an event having a high probability is more likely to occurthan one having a low probability.

What does the wave function predict about the electron’s location in anatom? A three-dimensional region around the nucleus called an atomic orbitaldescribes the electron’s probable location. You can picture an atomic orbitalas a fuzzy cloud in which the density of the cloud at a given point is propor-tional to the probability of finding the electron at that point. Figure 5-13a illus-trates the probability map, or orbital, that describes the hydrogen electron inits lowest energy state. It might be helpful to think of the probability map asa time-exposure photograph of the electron moving around the nucleus, inwhich each dot represents the electron’s location at an instant in time. Becausethe dots are so numerous near the positive nucleus, they seem to form a densecloud that is indicative of the electron’s most probable location. However,because the cloud has no definite boundary, it also is possible that the elec-tron might be found at a considerable distance from the nucleus.

Hydrogen’s Atomic OrbitalsBecause the boundary of an atomic orbital is fuzzy, the orbital does not havean exactly defined size. To overcome the inherent uncertainty about the elec-tron’s location, chemists arbitrarily draw an orbital’s surface to contain 90%of the electron’s total probability distribution. In other words, the electronspends 90% of the time within the volume defined by the surface, and 10%of the time somewhere outside the surface. The spherical surface shown inFigure 5-13b encloses 90% of the lowest-energy orbital of hydrogen.

Recall that the Bohr atomic model assigns quantum numbers to electronorbits. In a similar manner, the quantum mechanical model assigns principalquantum numbers (n) that indicate the relative sizes and energies of atomic

132 Chapter 5 Electrons in Atoms

Figure 5-13

This electron density dia-gram for a hydrogen atom rep-resents the likelihood of findingan electron at a particular pointin the atom. The greater thedensity of dots, the greater thelikelihood of finding hydrogen’selectron. The boundary ofan atom is defined as the vol-ume that encloses a 90% proba-bility of containing its electrons.



n = 4 (4 sublevels)

n = 3 (3 sublevels)

n = 2 (2 sublevels)

n = 1 (1 sublevels)





Applying ChemistryA photon striking an atomin an excited state stimu-lates it to make a transi-tion to a lower-energystate and emit a second

photon coherent with the first.Coherent means that the photonshave the same associated wave-lengths and are in phase (crest-to-crest and trough-to-trough). In alaser, photons from many atoms arereflected back and forth until theybuild to an intense, small beam—typically about 0.5 mm in diameter.

Medical lasers can be engi-neered to produce pulses of varyingwavelength, intensity, and duration.For example, ophthalmologists canreshape corneas by removing tissuewith 10-ns pulses from a 193-nmwavelength argon laser.

Because laser beams can befocused to such small diameters,they can be used for internal surg-eries, destroying target tissuewithout adversely affectingsurrounding tissue. And by chan-neling laser beams through opticalfibers, doctors can perform surg-eries in previously unreachableparts of the body. For example,bundles of optical fibers threadedthrough arteries can carry laserbeams that destroy blockages.

EnrichmentStudents may think the letters s, p,d, and f, which represent sublevels,arbitrary and perhaps mysterious.Explain that the letters originatedfrom descriptions of spectral linesas sharp, principal, diffuse, andfundamental.

Internet Address Book

Note Internet addresses that you find useful in thespace below for quick reference.

Resource ManagerResource Manager

Challenge Problems, p. 5 Teaching Transparency 16 and Master










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orbitals. That is, as n increases, theorbital becomes larger, the electronspends more time farther from thenucleus, and the atom’s energy levelincreases. Therefore, n specifies theatom’s major energy levels, called prin-cipal energy levels. An atom’s lowestprincipal energy level is assigned a prin-cipal quantum number of one. When thehydrogen atom’s single electron occu-pies an orbital with n = 1, the atom is inits ground state. Up to seven energy lev-els have been detected for the hydrogenatom, giving n values ranging from 1 to 7.

Principal energy levels containenergy sublevels. Principal energylevel 1 consists of a single sublevel,principal energy level 2 consists of twosublevels, principal energy level 3 con-sists of three sublevels, and so on. Tobetter understand the relationshipbetween the atom’s energy levels and sublevels, picture the seats in a wedge-shaped section of a theater, as shown in Figure 5-14. As you move away fromthe stage, the rows become higher and contain more seats. Similarly, thenumber of energy sublevels in a principal energy level increases as n increases.

Sublevels are labeled s, p, d, or f according to the shapes of the atom’sorbitals. All s orbitals are spherical and all p orbitals are dumbbell shaped;however, not all d or f orbitals have the same shape. Each orbital may con-tain at most two electrons. The single sublevel in principal energy level 1 con-sists of a spherical orbital called the 1s orbital. The two sublevels in principal energy level 2 are designated 2s and 2p. The 2s sublevel consists of the 2sorbital, which is spherical like the 1s orbital but larger in size. SeeFigure 5-15a. The 2p sublevel consists of three dumbbell-shaped p orbitalsof equal energy designated 2px, 2py, and 2pz. The subscripts x, y, and z merelydesignate the orientations of p orbitals along the x, y, and z coordinate axes,as shown in Figure 5-15b.

Principal energy level 3 consists of three sublevels designated 3s, 3p, and3d. Each d sublevel consists of five orbitals of equal energy. Four d orbitalshave identical shapes but different orientations. However, the fifth, dz2 orbitalis shaped and oriented differently from the other four. The shapes and orien-tations of the five d orbitals are illustrated in Figure 5-16. The fourth prin-cipal energy level (n � 4) contains a fourth sublevel, called the 4f sublevel,which consists of seven f orbitals of equal energy.

5.2 Quantum Theory and the Atom 133




2s orbital




1s orbital



pzpx py

p orbitals











dxy dxz dyz dz2dx2�y2







z zz



Figure 5-16

Four of five equal-energy dorbitals have the same shape.Notice how the dxy orbital lies inthe plane formed by the x and yaxes, the dxz orbital lies in theplane formed by the x and zaxes, and so on. The dz2 orbitalhas it own unique shape.



Figure 5-15

Atomic orbitals represent theelectron probability clouds of anatom’s electrons. The spheri-cal 1s and 2s orbitals are shownhere. All s orbitals are sphericalin shape and increase in sizewith increasing principal quan-tum number. The threedumbbell-shaped p orbitals areoriented along the three per-pendicular x, y, and z axes. Eachof the p orbitals related to anenergy sublevel has equalenergy.




3 AssessCheck for UnderstandingAsk students to explain why higherenergy levels are made up ofsublevels associated with moreelectrons than lower energy levels.Higher energy levels are associ-ated with larger volumes, whichmay contain more orbitals thansmaller volumes. It is, reasonable,therefore, that more electronsmay be contained in the greaternumber of orbitals associatedwith higher energy levels.

Pages 132–1333(C), 3(E), 6(A)


Linguistic Have students explain andtrace the experimental evidence

accompanying the evolution of models ofthe atom. Ask them to include Thomson’splum-pudding model, Rutherford’snuclear model, the Bohr model, and thequantum mechanical model. Have stu-dents place their explanations in theirchemistry portfolios.








Models of the Atom


Students may think that thehydrogen atom’s energy levelsare evenly spaced.Uncover the MisconceptionHave students compare hydro-gen’s energy levels shown inFigure 5-10b with the rungs on aladder. Unlike the rungs on aladder, hydrogen’s energylevels are not evenly spaced.Demonstrate the ConceptHave students calculate andcompare the ratios En/En�1from E2 through E7. E2/E1 � 4,E3/E2 � 2.25, E4/E3 � 1.78,E5/E4 � 1.56, E6/E5 � 1.44,E7/E6 � 1.36Assess New KnowledgeHave students use their calcu-lated energy ratios fromDemonstrate the Concept tomake their own energy maps forhydrogen’s energy levels. Theirenergy maps will show clearlythat hydrogen’s energy levelsbecome more closely spaced asn increases.




Orbital ShapesVisual-Spatial Have students sketchthe shapes and orientations of

hydrogen’s 3s, 3p, and 3d orbitals. Havethem label the orbital sketches andinclude them in their chemistry journals.








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134 Chapter 5 Electrons in Atoms

Section 5.2 Assessment

13. According to the Bohr atomic model, why doatomic emission spectra contain only certain fre-quencies of light?

14. Why is the wavelength of a moving soccer ballnot detectable to the naked eye?

15. What sublevels are contained in the hydrogenatom’s first four energy levels? What orbitals arerelated to each s sublevel and each p sublevel?

16. Thinking Critically Use de Broglie’s wave-parti-cle duality and the Heisenberg uncertainty princi-ple to explain why the location of an electron inan atom is uncertain.

17. Comparing and Contrasting Compare andcontrast the Bohr model and quantum mechanicalmodel of the atom.

Hydrogen’s first four principal energy levels, sublevels, and relatedatomic orbitals are summarized in Table 5-2. Note that the maximum num-ber of orbitals related to each principal energy level equals n2. Because eachorbital may contain at most two electrons, the maximum number of elec-trons related to each principal energy level equals 2n2.

Given the fact that a hydrogen atom contains only one electron, you mightwonder how the atom can have so many energy levels, sublevels, and relatedatomic orbitals. At any given time, the atom’s electron can occupy just oneorbital. So you can think of the other orbitals as unoccupied spaces—spacesavailable should the atom’s energy increase or decrease. For example, whenthe hydrogen atom is in the ground state, the electron occupies the 1s orbital.However, the atom may gain a quantum of energy that excites the electron tothe 2s orbital, to one of the three 2p orbitals, or to another vacant orbital.

You have learned a lot about electrons and quantized energy in this sec-tion: how Bohr’s orbits explained the hydrogen atom’s quantized energystates; how de Broglie’s insight led scientists to think of electrons as both par-ticles and waves; and how Schrödinger’s wave equation predicted the exis-tence of atomic orbitals containing electrons. In the next section, you’ll learnhow the electrons are arranged in atomic orbitals of atoms having more thanone electron.

Hydrogen’s First Four Principal Energy Levels

Total number of orbitals

Principal Sublevels Number of related to quantum number (types of orbitals) orbitals related principal

(n) present to sublevel energy level(n2)

1 s 1 1

2 s 1 4p 3

3 s 1 9p 3d 5

4 s 1 16p 3d 5f 7

Table 5-2ReteachExplain that an electron’s positionand velocity within an atomicorbital are not known. Reiteratethat at a given instant, there is a10% probability that the electron is outside the orbital’s 90% proba-bility surface.

ExtensionAccording to quantum mechanics,each electron in an atom can be described by four quantumnumbers. Three of these (n, l, andml) are related to the probability offinding the electron at variouspoints in space. The fourth (ms) isrelated to the direction of electronspin—either clockwise or counter-clockwise. The principal quantumnumber, n, specifies the atom’senergy level associated with theelectron. l specifies the energysublevel and describes the shape ofthe region of space in which theelectron moves. ml specifies theorientation in space of the orbitalcontaining the electron. ms speci-fies the orientation of the electron’sspin axis.

Knowledge Ask studentswhich hydrogen energy-level tran-sition accounts for the violet line in its emission spectrum. n � 6 → n � 2 L2




Section Assessment5.2

13. Because only certain atomic ener-gies are possible, only certainfrequencies of radiation can beemitted from an atom.

14. It is too small to see or detect.15. First energy level, s; second energy

level, s and p; third energy level, s,

p, and d; fourth energy level, s, p,d, and f. Each s sublevel is relatedto a spherical s orbital. Each psublevel is related to three dumb-bell-shaped orbitals (px, py , and pz).

16. An electron has wave-particle char-acteristics and does not have asingle, definite location in space.

The Heisenberg uncertainty prin-ciple states that it is fundamentallyimpossible to know precisely boththe velocity and position of aparticle at the same time.

17. Bohr model: the electron is aparticle; the hydrogen atom hasonly certain allowable energy


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1 Focus

Before presenting the lesson, displaySection Focus Transparency 19on the overhead projector. Havestudents answer the accompanyingquestions using Section FocusTransparency Master 19.

2 TeachFigure Caption QuestionFigure 5-17 Does the 3d or 4ssublevel have the greater energy?The 3d sublevel has the greaterenergy.

Using Science TermsExplain that the name aufbau isderived from the German aufbauen,which means “to build up.”







Pages 134–1356(A)


Focus Transparency

Objectives• Apply the Pauli exclusion

principle, the aufbau princi-ple, and Hund’s rule towrite electron configura-tions using orbital diagramsand electron configurationnotation.

• Define valence electronsand draw electron-dotstructures representing anatom’s valence electrons.

Vocabularyelectron configurationaufbau principlePauli exclusion principleHund’s rulevalence electronelectron-dot structure

Section Electron Configurations5.3

5.3 Electron Configurations 135

When you consider that atoms of the heaviest elements contain in excess of100 electrons, that there are numerous principal energy levels and sublevelsand their corresponding orbitals, and that each orbital may contain a maxi-mum of two electrons, the idea of determining the arrangement of an atom’selectrons seems daunting. Fortunately, the arrangement of electrons in atomsfollows a few very specific rules. In this section, you’ll learn these rules andtheir occasional exceptions.

Ground-State Electron ConfigurationsThe arrangement of electrons in an atom is called the atom’s electronconfiguration. Because low-energy systems are more stable than high-energysystems, electrons in an atom tend to assume the arrangement that gives theatom the lowest possible energy. The most stable, lowest-energy arrangementof the electrons in atoms of each element is called the element’s ground-stateelectron configuration. Three rules, or principles—the aufbau principle, thePauli exclusion principle, and Hund’s rule—define how electrons can bearranged in an atom’s orbitals.

The aufbau principle The aufbau principle states that each electron occu-pies the lowest energy orbital available. Therefore, your first step in deter-mining an element’s ground-state electron configuration is learning thesequence of atomic orbitals from lowest energy to highest energy. Thissequence, known as an aufbau diagram, is shown in Figure 5-17. In the dia-gram, each box represents an atomic orbital. Several features of the aufbaudiagram stand out.

• All orbitals related to an energy sublevel are of equal energy. For exam-ple, all three 2p orbitals are of equal energy.

• In a multi-electron atom, the energy sublevels within a principal energylevel have different energies. For example, the three 2p orbitals are ofhigher energy than the 2s orbital.



























ital f


g se



Figure 5-17

The aufbau diagram shows theenergy of each sublevel. Eachbox on the diagram representsan atomic orbital. Does the 3dor 4s sublevel have greaterenergy?



ht ©






, a d



of th

e M



ill C



, Inc


Section Focus Transparency 19 Electron ConfigurationsUse with Chapter 5, Section 5.3

Chemistry: Matter and Change

Section Focus Transparencies

Which seats in the arena are likely to be in more demand?

Imagine that center court represents an atom’s nucleus.

Which part of the arena represents energy levels? Which part

represents individual orbitals?



states. Quantum mechanicalmodel: the electron is a wave-particle phenomenon; an electron’senergy is limited to certain values.Also, the quantum mechanicalmodel makes no assertionsregarding the electron’s patharound the nucleus.

CD-ROMChemistry: Matter and ChangeAnimation: Electrons and EnergyLevelsExploration: Building Atoms

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• In order of increasing energy, the sequence of energy sublevels within aprincipal energy level is s, p, d, and f.

• Orbitals related to energy sublevels within one principal energy level canoverlap orbitals related to energy sublevels within another principal level.For example, the orbital related to the atom’s 4s sublevel has a lowerenergy than the five orbitals related to the 3d sublevel.

Although the aufbau principle describes the sequence in which orbitals arefilled with electrons, it’s important to know that atoms are not actually builtup electron by electron.

The Pauli exclusion principle Each electron in an atom has an associatedspin, similar to the way a top spins on its axis. Like the top, the electron isable to spin in only one of two directions. An arrow pointing up ( ) repre-sents the electron spinning in one direction, an arrow pointing down ( ) rep-resents the electron spinning in the opposite direction. The Pauli exclusionprinciple states that a maximum of two electrons may occupy a single atomicorbital, but only if the electrons have opposite spins. Austrian physicistWolfgang Pauli proposed this principle after observing atoms in excited states.An atomic orbital containing paired electrons with opposite spins is writtenas .

Hund’s rule The fact that negatively charged electrons repel each other hasan important impact on the distribution of electrons in equal-energy orbitals.Hund’s rule states that single electrons with the same spin must occupy eachequal-energy orbital before additional electrons with opposite spins canoccupy the same orbitals. For example, let the boxes below represent the 2porbitals. One electron enters each of the three 2p orbitals before a second elec-tron enters any of the orbitals. The sequence in which six electrons occupythree p orbitals is shown below.

Orbital Diagrams and Electron ConfigurationNotationsYou can represent an atom’s electron configuration using two convenientmethods. One method is called an orbital diagram. An orbital diagram includesa box for each of the atom’s orbitals. An empty box represents an unoc-cupied orbital; a box containing a single up arrow represents an orbitalwith one electron; and a box containing both up and down arrows repre-sents a filled orbital. Each box is labeled with the principal quantum numberand sublevel associated with the orbital. For example, the orbital diagram fora ground-state carbon atom, which contains two electrons in the 1s orbital,two electrons in the 2s orbital, and 1 electron in two of three separate 2porbitals, is shown below.

C1s 2s 2p

136 Chapter 5 Electrons in Atoms

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

SpectroscopistAre you interested in the com-position of the materialsaround you? Do you wonderwhat stars are made of? Thenconsider a career as a spectro-scopist.

Spectroscopy is the analysis ofthe characteristic spectra emit-ted by matter. Spectroscopistsperform chemical analyses aspart of many research labora-tory projects, for quality con-trol in industrial settings, andas part of forensics investiga-tions for law enforcementagencies.


Career Path A career asa spectroscopist requireshigh school courses inchemistry, math, physics,and computer science.

Career Issue Have studentsinvestigate the various types ofspectroscopy and their uses.

For More InformationFor more information about careersin spectroscopy, students cancontact

Society for Applied Spectroscopy201 B Broadway StreetFrederick, MD 21701-6501


Emission Spectra

Purpose To illustrate the relationship between theelectron configurations of nonmetals andtheir emission spectra

MaterialsSpectrum tubes (H and Ne); spectrum tube

power supply; Flinn C-Spectra diffractiongrating; colored pencils or chalk

Safety Precautions Use care around the spectrum tube highvoltage power supply. Spectrum tubes willget hot when used.

ProcedureAn inexpensive alternative to a spectro-scope is to tape a small piece of the FlinnC-Spectra diffraction grating to a 3 � 5

inch card. Have students view the spec-trum emitted from the lights in the class-room. Then, darken the room and havethem view the excited neon atoms in the powered neon spectrum tubes. Usecolored pencils to record the emissionspectrum of neon as seen through theirdiffraction gratings. Remind students thatneon contains 10 electrons. Now repeatthe process using a hydrogen spectrumtube. Since hydrogen has 1 electron, ask




Resource ManagerResource Manager

Study Guide for Content Mastery, pp. 29–30

Solving Problems: A ChemistryHandbook, Section 5.3

Teaching Transparency 17 and Master

Section Focus Transparency 19 and Master

Laboratory Manual,pp. 37–40 L2


















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Recall that the number of electrons in an atom equals the number of protons,which is designated by the element’s atomic number. Carbon, which has anatomic number of six, has six electrons in its configuration.

Another shorthand method for describing the arrangement of electrons inan element’s atoms is called electron configuration notation. This method des-ignates the principal energy level and energy sublevel associated with eachof the atom’s orbitals and includes a superscript representing the number ofelectrons in the orbital. For example, the electron configuration notation of aground-state carbon atom is written 1s22s22p2. Orbital diagrams and electronconfiguration notations for the elements in periods one and two of the peri-odic table are shown in Table 5-3. To help you visualize the relative sizesand orientations of atomic orbitals, the filled 1s, 2s, 2px, 2py, and 2pz orbitalsof the neon atom are illustrated in Figure 5-18.

5.3 Electron Configurations 137

Figure 5-18

The 1s, 2s, and 2p orbitals of aneon atom overlap. How manyelectrons does each of neon’sorbitals hold? How many elec-trons in total does neon’s elec-tron cloud contain?









2pz2px 2py


2s 1s

C05 18C 828378 a n











1s 2s 2p

Neon atom












Atomic Orbital diagram Electron Element number 1s 2s 2px 2py 2pz configuration notation

Hydrogen 1 1s1

Helium 2 1s2

Lithium 3 1s22s1

Beryllium 4 1s22s2

Boron 5 1s22s22p1

Carbon 6 1s22s22p2

Nitrogen 7 1s22s22p3

Oxygen 8 1s22s22p4

Fluorine 9 1s22s22p5

Neon 10 1s22s22p6

Table 5-3

Electron Configurations and Orbital Diagrams for Elements in the First Two Periods

Figure Caption QuestionsFigure 5-18 How many electronsdoes each of neon’s orbitals hold?Each orbital contains two elec-trons. How many electrons in totaldoes neon’s electron cloud contain?ten electrons

Visual LearningTable 5-3 Have students write an electron configuration notationthat shows the orbital occupancyrelated to a phosphorus atom’s 3psublevel. 3px


1 A chlorineatom’s 3s and 3p sublevels.3s23px



Concept DevelopmentAsk students to think about andexplain the analogy betweenHund’s rule and the behavior oftotal strangers as they board anempty bus. By and large, passen-gers sit in separate rows untilpeople occupy all rows. Onlywhen no more empty rows areavailable do two passengersoccupy a single row. For elec-trons, the situation is much thesame as they occupy orbitalsrelated to a sublevel. Chemistry’sbus principle is known as Hund’srule.

students to predict if there will be more orfewer lines in hydrogen’s spectrum.

ResultsThe red-orange spectrum of neon alsocontains some green lines. Usually only 3 of the 4 lines of hydrogen are visible.

Analysis1. Write the electron configurations of

neon and hydrogen. Ne: 1s22s22p6, H: 1s1

2. What is the appearance of neon in the

excited state? In the ground state, neon is a clear, colorless gas. In the excitedstate it gives off a red-orange light.

3. Of the two spectra viewed, did hydrogenor neon have more lines? Explain why.Neon has more lines than hydrogenbecause its ten electrons have agreater number of possible energytransitions.

Skill Have students view the excitedspectral tube of another element such asmercury. Ask them to predict if Hg willhave more lines than neon and hydrogenbecause it has 80 electrons. No, Hg actuallyhas fewer lines in the visible spectrum.However, there are many additional linesin mercury’s IR and UV spectra.



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138 Chapter 5 Electrons in Atoms

Electron Configurations for Elements in Period Three

Table 5-4

Figure 5-19

This sublevel diagram shows theorder in which the orbitals areusually filled. The propersequence for the first sevenorbitals is 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s,and 3d. Which is filled first, the5s or the 4p orbital?




















Note that electron configuration notation usually does not show the orbitaldistributions of electrons related to a sublevel. It’s understood that a desig-nation such as nitrogen’s 2p3 represents the orbital occupancy 2px


1. For sodium, the first ten electrons occupy 1s, 2s, and 2p orbitals. Then,

according to the aufbau sequence, the eleventh electron occupies the 3sorbital. The electron configuration notation and orbital diagram for sodiumare written

Na 1s22s22p63s1

1s 2s 2p 3s

Noble-gas notation is a method of representing electron configurations ofnoble gases using bracketed symbols. For example, [He] represents the elec-tron configuration for helium, 1s2, and [Ne] represents the electron configu-ration for neon, 1s22s22p6. Compare the electron configuration for neon withsodium’s configuration above. Note that the inner-level configuration forsodium is identical to the electron configuration for neon. Using noble-gasnotation, sodium’s electron configuration can be shortened to the form[Ne]3s1. The electron configuration for an element can be represented usingthe noble-gas notation for the noble gas in the previous period and the elec-tron configuration for the energy level being filled. The complete and abbre-viated (using noble-gas notation) electron configurations of the period 3elements are shown in Table 5-4.

When writing electron configurations, you may refer to a convenient mem-ory aid called a sublevel diagram, which is shown in Figure 5-19. Note thatfollowing the direction of the arrows in the sublevel diagram produces thesublevel sequence shown in the aufbau diagram of Figure 5-17.

Exceptions to predicted configurations You can use the aufbau diagramto write correct ground-state electron configurations for all elements up to andincluding vanadium, atomic number 23. However, if you were to proceed inthis manner, your configurations for chromium, [Ar]4s23d4, and copper,[Ar]4s23d9, would prove to be incorrect. The correct configurations for thesetwo elements are:

Cr [Ar]4s13d5 Cu [Ar]4s13d10

The electron configurations for these two elements, as well as those of sev-eral elements in other periods, illustrate the increased stability of half-filledand filled sets of s and d orbitals.

Atomic Complete electron Electron configuration Element number configuration using noble-gas notation

Sodium 11 1s22s22p63s1 [Ne]3s1

Magnesium 12 1s22s22p63s2 [Ne]3s2

Aluminum 13 1s22s22p63s23p1 [Ne]3s23p1

Silicon 14 1s22s22p63s23p2 [Ne]3s23p2

Phosphorus 15 1s22s22p63s23p3 [Ne]3s23p3

Sulfur 16 1s22s22p63s23p4 [Ne]3s23p4

Chlorine 17 1s22s22p63s23p5 [Ne]3s23p5

Argon 18 1s22s22p63s23p6 [Ne]3s23p6 or [Ar]


Figure Caption QuestionFigure 5-19 Which is filled first,the 5s or 4p orbital? The 4p orbitalis filled first.

Reinforcement Point out that some textbooks,reference books, and periodictables show electron configurationswritten in energy-level sequencerather than in aufbau sequence.Reinforce that using the energy-level sequence for electron config-urations does not render the aufbausequence invalid.

The Development of FireworksExplain that the Chinese likely first usedfireworks about the second century B.C.After inventing explosive black powder,which they called “gung pow,” theChinese developed black-powder “crack-ers” that produced loud explosions. Mostscholars believe that the Chinese used

crackers to frighten off evil spirits and tocelebrate weddings, births, battle victo-ries, and eclipses of the Moon.

Fireworks became much more inter-esting and colorful in the 1830s, whenItalian pyrotechnics experts added potas-sium chlorate to the mix. The potassiumchlorate provided more oxygen for the

chemical reaction, making it burn fasterand hotter. This enabled the Italians toinclude various inorganic compoundsthat burn at high temperatures and cre-ate spectacular colors. Fireworks’ colorsare due to energy-level transitions ofelectrons in the metal atoms of theseinorganic compounds.

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5.3 Electron Configurations 139


Atoms of boron and arsenic areinserted into germanium’s crystalstructure in order to produce asemiconducting material that canbe used to manufacture com-puter chips.


For more practice withelectron configurationproblems, go toSupplemental Practice

Problems in Appendix A.


Writing Electron ConfigurationsGermanium (Ge), a semiconducting element, is commonly used in themanufacture of computer chips. What is the ground-state electronconfiguration for an atom of germanium?

1. Analyze the ProblemYou are given the semiconducting element, germanium (Ge).Consult the periodic table to determine germanium’s atomic number, which also is equal to its number of electrons. Also notethe atomic number of the noble gas element that precedes germa-nium in the table. Determine the number of additional electrons agermanium atom has compared to the nearest preceding noblegas, and then write out germanium’s electron configuration.

2. Solve for the UnknownFrom the periodic table, germanium’s atomic number is determined tobe 32. Thus, a germanium atom contains 32 electrons. The noble gaspreceding germanium is argon (Ar), which has an atomic number of18. Represent germanium’s first 18 electrons using the chemical symbolfor argon written inside brackets.


The remaining 14 electrons of germanium’s configuration need to bewritten out. Because argon is a noble gas in the third period of theperiodic table, it has completely filled 3s and 3p orbitals. Thus, theremaining 14 electrons fill the 4s, 3d, and 4p orbitals in order.[Ar]4s?3d?4p?

Using the maximum number of electrons that can fill each orbital,write out the electron configuration.[Ar]4s23d104p2

3. Evaluate the Answer All 32 electrons in a germanium atom have been accounted for. Thecorrect preceding noble gas (Ar) has been used in the notation, andthe order of orbital filling for the fourth period is correct (4s, 3d, 4p).

18. Write ground-state electron configurations for the following elements.

a. bromine (Br) d. rhenium (Re)

b. strontium (Sr) e. terbium (Tb)

c. antimony (Sb) f. titanium (Ti)

19. How many electrons are in orbitals related to the third energy levelof a sulfur atom?

20. How many electrons occupy p orbitals in a chlorine atom?

21. What element has the following ground-state electron configura-tion? [Kr]5s24d105p1

22. What element has the following ground-state electron configura-tion? [Xe]6s2


Portfolio Ask students towrite electron configurations andconstruct orbital notations andelectron dot structures for atoms ofall the elements in the third periodon the periodic table. Have theminclude the configurations, nota-tions, and structures in theirportfolios. PP






Pages 136–1396(A)

PROBLEMSHave students refer to AppendixD for complete solutions toPractice Problems.18. a. [Ar]4s23d104p5

b. [Kr]5s2

c. [Kr]5s24d105p3

d. [Xe]6s24f145d5

e. [Xe]6s24f9

f. [Ar]4s23d2

19. 620. 1121. indium22. barium


Visually ImpairedKinesthetic Make or purchase cellular polystyrene (Styrofoam) or

papier-mâché models of s, p, and dorbitals. Allow visually impaired studentsto feel the models and trace their contoursto gain a better appreciation of theirshapes and orientations.








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140 Chapter 5 Electrons in Atoms

Valence ElectronsOnly certain electrons, called valence electrons, determine the chemical prop-erties of an element. Valence electrons are defined as electrons in the atom’soutermost orbitals—generally those orbitals associated with the atom’s high-est principal energy level. For example, a sulfur atom contains 16 electrons,only six of which occupy the outermost 3s and 3p orbitals, as shown by sul-fur’s electron configuration. Sulfur has six valence electrons.

S [Ne]3s23p4

Similarly, although a cesium atom contains 55 electrons, it has but one valenceelectron, the 6s electron shown in cesium’s electron configuration.

Cs [Xe]6s1

Francium, which belongs to the same group as cesium, also has a singlevalence electron.

Fr [Rn]7s1

Electron-dot structures Because valence electrons are involved in form-ing chemical bonds, chemists often represent them visually using a simpleshorthand method. An atom’s electron-dot structure consists of the ele-ment’s symbol, which represents the atomic nucleus and inner-level electrons,surrounded by dots representing the atom’s valence electrons. The Americanchemist G. N. Lewis (1875–1946), devised the method while teaching a col-lege chemistry class in 1902.

In writing an atom’s electron-dot structure, dots representing valence elec-trons are placed one at a time on the four sides of the symbol (they may beplaced in any sequence) and then paired up until all are used. The ground-state electron configurations and electron-dot structures for the elements inthe second period are shown in Table 5-5.

Electron-Dot Structures for Elements in Period Two

Atomic Electron Element number configuration Electron-dot structure

Lithium 3 1s22s1

Beryllium 4 1s22s2

Boron 5 1s22s22p1

Carbon 6 1s22s22p2

Nitrogen 7 1s22s22p3

Oxygen 8 1s22s22p4

Fluorine 9 1s22s22p5

Neon 10 1s22s22p6

Table 5-5










Using Science TermsExplain to students that some text-books and reference books use theword valence in place of oxidationstate. For example, such bookswould say that oxygen has avalence of 2�.

Content BackgroundValence Electrons Explain tocapable students that some inner-level d electrons are often con-sidered valence electrons fortransition elements. For example,although an atom of iron has justtwo electrons in its outermost (4s)orbitals, an additional electronassociated with one of the atom’s3d orbitals is often involved inbonding. And in an atom ofmanganese, as many as five 3d-orbital electrons may beinvolved in bonding.

Pages 140–1413(E), 6(A), 8(A)


Another Solar System—What if? Linguistic Ask students to write essaysfor their journals in which they specu-

late about flying a spacecraft to a planet in a different solar system. In the new solar sys-tem, they discover that each atomic orbital

of the planet’s solid, liquid, and gaseousmatter may contain up to three electronsrather than just two. Their speculationshould focus on the characteristics of theelements on this new planet.






PROBLEMSHave students refer to AppendixD for complete solutions toPractice Problems.23. a. d.

b. e.

c. f. XeBr



3 AssessCheck for UnderstandingAsk students to predict themaximum number of electrons thatcan exist in orbitals related to anatom’s fourth and fifth energylevels—assuming an elementexisted that contained enough electrons. You may want to givestudents the formula 2n2, which canbe used to calculate the number ofelectrons related to each value of n.32 and 50 electrons, respectively

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5.3 Electron Configurations 141

Writing Electron-Dot StructuresSome sheet glass is manufactured using a process that makes use ofmolten tin. What is tin’s electron-dot structure?

1. Analyze the ProblemYou are given the element tin (Sn). Consult the periodic table todetermine the total number of electrons an atom of tin has. Writeout tin’s electron configuration and determine the number of valence electrons it has. Then use the number of valence electronsand the rules for electron-dot structures to draw the electron-dotstructure for tin.

2. Solve for the UnknownFrom the periodic table, tin is found to have an atomic number of 50. Thus, a tin atom has 50 electrons. Write out the noble-gas form of tin’s electron configuration.


The two 5s and the two 5p electrons (the electrons in the orbitalsrelated to the atom’s highest principal energy level) represent tin’sfour valence electrons. Draw tin’s electron-dot structure by represent-ing its four valence electrons with dots, arranged one at a time,around the four sides of tin’s chemical symbol (Sn).

3. Evaluate the Answer The correct symbol for tin (Sn) has been used, and the rules for draw-ing electron-dot structures have been correctly applied.


Flat-surfaced window glass maybe manufactured by floatingmolten glass on top of moltentin.


For more practice withelectron-dot structureproblems, go toSupplemental Practice

Problems in Appendix A.


Section 5.3 Assessment

24. State the aufbau principle in your own words.

25. Apply the Pauli exclusion principle, the aufbauprinciple, and Hund’s rule to write out the electronconfiguration and draw the orbital diagram foreach of the following elements.

a. silicon c. calciumb. fluorine d. krypton

26. What is a valence electron? Draw the electron-dotstructures for the elements in problem 25.

27. Thinking Critically Use Hund’s rule and orbitaldiagrams to describe the sequence in which tenelectrons occupy the five orbitals related to anatom’s d sublevel.

28. Interpreting Scientific Illustrations Which ofthe following is the correct electron-dot structurefor an atom of selenium? Explain.

a. b. c. d. Se Se Se S

23. Draw electron-dot structures for atoms of the following elements.

a. magnesium d. rubidium

b. sulfur e. thallium

c. bromine f. xenon

ReteachVisual-Spatial Havestudents write the electron-

dot structure of strontium. Thestructure includes the symbol Srand two dots. Ask what the twodots represent. They represent thetwo electrons in a strontiumatom’s outermost, 5s, orbital.Then, ask what the electron-dotstructure does not communicateabout the strontium atom’s elec-trons. It does not specify whichorbital contains the two elec-trons, nor does it give any infor-mation about strontium’s innerlevel electrons.

Skill Ask students to iden-tify the elements that have thefollowing ground-state electronconfigurations. [Ar]4s23d5

manganese [Xe]6s24f145d106p3

bismuth L2




Section Assessment5.3

24. Electrons tend to occupy the lowest-energy orbital available.

25. a. Si 1s22s22p63s23p2

↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↑1s 2s 2p 3s 3pb. F 1s22s22p5

↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑1s 2s 2p

c. Ca 1s22s22p63s23p64s2

↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4sd. Kr 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p6

↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓

3d 4p

26. A valence electron is an elec-tron in an atom’s outermostorbitals. a. c.

b. d.27. 1 electron ↑

2 electrons ↑ ↑3 electrons ↑ ↑ ↑4 electrons ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑5 electrons ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑6 electrons ↑↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑7 electrons ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑ ↑ ↑8 electrons ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑ ↑9 electrons ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑10 electrons ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓Single electrons with thesame spin occupy each equal-energy orbital before addi-tional electrons withopposite spins occupy thesame orbital.

28. c is correct; a shows threetwo-electron orbitals; bshows one three-electronorbital; d has the wrongsymbol




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142 Chapter 5 Electrons in Atoms


1. Read the entire CHEMLAB.

2. Explain how electrons in an element’s atoms pro-duce an emission spectrum.

3. Distinguish among a continuous spectrum, anemission spectrum, and an absorption spectrum.

4. Prepare your data tables.


1. Use a Flinn C-Spectra® to view an incandescentlight bulb. What do you observe? Draw the spec-trum using colored pencils.

Safety Precautions

• Always wear safety goggles and a lab apron.• Use care around the spectrum tube power supplies.• Spectrum tubes will get hot when used.

ProblemWhat absorption andemission spectra do vari-ous substances produce?

Objectives• Observe emission spectra of

several gases.• Observe the absorption

spectra of various solutions.• Analyze patterns of absorp-

tion and emission spectra.

Materials (For each group)ring stand with clamp40-W tubular light

bulblight socket with

power cord275-mL polystyrene

culture flask (4)Flinn C-Spectra® or

similar diffractiongrating

food coloring (red,green, blue, and yellow)

set of colored pencilsbook

(For entire class)spectrum tubes

(hydrogen, neon,and mercury)

spectrum tube powersupplies (3)

Line SpectraYou know that sunlight is made up of a continuous spectrum of

colors that combine to form white light. You also have learnedthat atoms of gases can emit visible light of characteristic wave-lengths when excited by electricity. The color you see is the sum of allof the emitted wavelengths. In this experiment, you will use a diffrac-tion grating to separate these wavelengths into emission line spectra.

You also will investigate another type of line spectrum—the absorp-tion spectrum. The color of each solution you observe is due to thereflection or transmission of unabsorbed wavelengths of light. Whenwhite light passes through a sample and then a diffraction grating, darklines show up on the continuous spectrum of white light. These lines cor-respond to the wavelengths of the photons absorbed by the solution.


Drawings of Absorption Spectra





Drawings of Emission Spectra





• The Flinn C-Spectra is much easier to usethan a spectroscope for viewing spectra. Itcan be ordered from:

Flinn Scientific, Inc. P.O. Box 219Batavia, IL

• You may be able to borrow gas spectrum tubesand power supplies from a physics teacher.

Expected ResultsFor each colored solution listed below, all colorsare visible except as noted.Red solution: blue and greenGreen solution: red and orangeBlue solution: yellow, orange, and some redYellow solution: blue


Preparation Time AllotmentOne laboratory period

Process SkillsComparing and contrasting,predicting, thinking critically, clas-sifying, observing and inferring,sequencing

Safety Precautions• Do not let students handle the

spectrum power supplies or tubes.Warn students not to touch thegas spectrum tubes during usebecause they are very hot and cancause burns. Exercise cautionaround the spectrum powersupplies, as they present a signifi-cant electrical shock hazard.

Disposal You may want to reuse the flasks offood coloring solutions.

Preparation of Materials• Set up light sockets with light

bulbs prior to class and have themplugged in.

• Set up spectrum power suppliesand tubes prior to class.

2. When electrons drop fromhigher-energy orbitals tolower-energy orbitals, theatom emits energy in the formof light. Each orbital transitionis associated with a character-istic spectral line.

3. A continuous spectrum containsa continuum of visible colorsfrom red to violet. An absorp-tion spectrum is a continuousspectrum containing black linesat wavelengths associated withthe atoms’ energy absorptions.An emission spectrum consistsof colored lines associated with the atoms’ energy-leveltransitions.

Procedure• Have several groups of students

start their observations of the gasdischarge tubes first so that thearea doesn’t become crowded bythe end of the class period.



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Skill Have students look at the spec-trum produced by a fluorescent light andcompare this spectrum to the spectrum of anincandescent bulb. L2






2. Use the Flinn C-Spectra® to view the emissionspectra from tubes of gaseous hydrogen, neon, andmercury. Use colored pencils to make drawings inthe data table of the spectra observed.

3. Fill a 275-mL culture flask with about 100-mLwater. Add 2 or 3 drops of red food coloring to thewater. Shake the solution.

4. Repeat step 3 for the green, blue, and yellow foodcoloring. CAUTION: Be sure to thoroughly dryyour hands before handling electrical equipment.

5. Set up the light 40-W light bulb so that it is neareye level. Place the flask with red food coloringabout 8 cm from the light bulb. Use a book orsome other object to act as a stage to put the flaskon. You should be able to see light from the bulbabove the solution and light from the bulb project-ing through the solution.

6. With the room lights darkened, view the light usingthe Flinn C-Spectra®. The top spectrum viewedwill be a continuous spectrum of the white lightbulb. The bottom spectrum will be the absorptionspectrum of the red solution. The black areas of theabsorption spectrum represent the colors absorbedby the red food coloring in the solution. Use col-ored pencils to make a drawing in the data table ofthe absorption spectra you observed.

7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 using the green, blue, and yel-low colored solutions.

Cleanup and Disposal

1. Turn off the light socket and spectrum tube powersupplies.

2. Wait several minutes to allow the incandescentlight bulb and the spectrum tubes to cool.

3. Follow your teacher’s instructions on how to dis-pose of the liquids and how to store the light bulband spectrum tubes.

Analyze and Conclude

1. Thinking Critically How can the existence ofspectra help to prove that energy levels in atomsexist?

2. Thinking Critically How can the single electronin a hydrogen atom produce all of the lines foundin its emission spectrum?

3. Predicting How can you predict the absorptionspectrum of a solution by looking at its color?

4. Thinking Critically How can spectra be used toidentify the presence of specific elements in a sub-stance?

Real-World Chemistry

1. How can absorption and emission spectra be usedby the Hubble space telescope to study the struc-tures of stars or other objects found in deep space?

2. The absorption spectrum of chlorophyll a indicatesstrong absorption of red and blue wavelengths.Explain why leaves appear green.


The approximate emission spectraof the gas spectrum tubes areshown below.

Analyze and Conclude1. The spectral lines indicate

energy is absorbed or releasedas the atom transitions fromone energy level to another.

2. At any given time, the elec-tron occupies a single orbital.However, it can move intoother, vacant orbitals as theatom absorbs or emits energy.

3. The color of a solution is dueto the color of light it trans-mits. The colors not trans-mitted are absorbed, andthese colors comprise theabsorption spectrum.

4. The spectrum of each elementis unique. Thus, the presenceof a unique atomic spectrumindicates the presence of thatelement.

Real-World Chemistry1. The light emitted by stars can

be analyzed for the presenceof unique atomic spectra. Such spectra can identify thetypes of matter that comprisethe star.

2. Leaves appear green becausethey reflect (do not absorb)green light. The reflectedgreen light is what our eyes see.

Pages 142–1431(A), 2(A), 2(B), 2(C), 2(D), 2(E),6(A)





Green Yellow Orange Red

Resource ManagerResource Manager

ChemLab and MiniLab Worksheets,pp. 18–20 L2



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Thinking Critically1. The arrangement of electrons varies from

one substance to another. As a result, thecharacteristics of light emitted by thelaser also vary. The material in the laserdetermines the characteristics of the lightproduced.

2. If one of the mirrors were not partiallytransparent, the photons would have noway to escape the laser. If the mirror weretotally transparent, the photons wouldexit the laser after just one pass throughthe tube. Thus, the photons could notstimulate the emission of additionalphotons; the laser would soon weaken.

Purpose Students will learn how lasers arean application of quantum theory.

BackgroundMost sources of light emit inco-herent light. Incoherent light waveshave different wavelengths, ampli-tudes, and frequencies, travel in alldirections, and are not in phase witheach other as they move throughspace. Laser light is coherent, trav-eling in the same direction whilebeing in phase.

Two conditions must be met fora laser to work. First, the atomsmust be excited to a higher state.Second, the atoms must remain inthe higher state longer than usual sothat they can be stimulated to emitlight rather than to emit it sponta-neously. How these conditions areachieved depends on the type oflaser being used. In a ruby laser, forexample, strong flashes of lightexcite the atoms. The atoms thendrop to a lower state that is stillexcited, which leaves enough timefor stimulated emission to occur.

Visual LearningBring a laser pointer to class, andcompare its light to that of an ordi-nary flashlight. CAUTION: Be surethat students do not look directlyinto the laser light or shine it intoanyone’s eyes.

Teaching Strategies• Ask students to list at least five

different types of materials that canbe used in a laser to produce light.

• Ask students to select an applica-tion of laser light to research. Havethem create a poster summarizinghow the laser is used in this way.









How It Works

1. Inferring How does the material used inthe laser affect the type of light emitted?

2. Relating Cause and Effect Why is onemirror partially transparent?

How It Works

144 Chapter 5 Electrons in Atoms

Sprial flash lamp




Helium andneon filled tube



Ground state

Photon emitted

Excited state

E2 E2

AfterBeforeE1 E1

Ground stateExcited state

E2 E2

AfterBeforeE1 E1

Incident photon

Two coherentphotons emitted

1 The spiral-wound high-intensity lamp flashes,supplying energy to the helium-neon gas mix-ture inside the tube. The atoms of the gas absorb the light energy and are raised to an excited energy state.

5 Some of the laser's coherent light passes through the partially transparent mirror at one end of the tube and exits the laser. These photons make up the light emitted by the laser.



The excited atoms begin returning to the ground state, emitting photons in the process. These initial photons travel in all directions.

3 The emitted photons hit other excited atoms, causing them to release additional photons. These additional photons are the same wave-length as the photons that struck the excited atoms, and they are coherent (their waves are in sync because they are identical in wavelengthand direction).



Photons traveling parallel to the tube are reflected back through the tube by the flat mirrors located at each end. The photons strike additional excited atoms and cause more photons to be released. The intensity of the light in the tube builds.


Lasers A laser is a device that produces a beam ofintense light of a specific wavelength (color).Unlike light from a flashlight, laser light is coherent; that is, it does not spread out as it travels through space. The precise nature of lasers led to their use in pointing and aimingdevices, CD players, optical fiber data transmission, and surgery.

Pages 144–1455(A), 6(A)

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Study Guide 145



Key Equations and Relationships

Summary5.1 Light and Quantized Energy• All waves can be described by their wavelength,

frequency, amplitude, and speed.

• Light is an electromagnetic wave. In a vacuum, all electromagnetic waves travel at a speed of3.00 � 108 m/s.

• All electromagnetic waves may be described as bothwaves and particles. Particles of light are calledphotons.

• Energy is emitted and absorbed by matter in quanta.

• In contrast to the continuous spectrum produced bywhite light, an element’s atomic emission spectrumconsists of a series of fine lines of individual colors.

5.2 Quantum Theory and the Atom • According to the Bohr model of the atom, hydro-

gen’s atomic emission spectrum results from elec-trons dropping from higher-energy atomic orbits tolower-energy atomic orbits.

• The de Broglie equation predicts that all movingparticles have wave characteristics and relates eachparticle’s wavelength to its mass, its frequency, andPlanck’s constant.

• The quantum mechanical model of the atom isbased on the assumption that electrons are waves.

• The Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that it isnot possible to know precisely the velocity and theposition of a particle at the same time.

• Electrons occupy three-dimensional regions of spacecalled atomic orbitals. There are four types oforbitals, denoted by the letters s, p, d, and f.

5.3 Electron Configurations• The arrangement of electrons in an atom is called the

atom’s electron configuration. Electron configura-tions are prescribed by three rules: the aufbau princi-ple, the Pauli exclusion principle, and Hund’s rule.

• Electrons related to the atom’s highest principalenergy level are referred to as valence electrons.Valence electrons determine the chemical propertiesof an element.

• Electron configurations may be represented usingorbital diagrams, electron configuration notation,and electron-dot structures.

• EM Wave relationship: c � ��(p. 119)

• Energy of a quantum: Equantum � h�(p. 123)

• Energy of a photon: Ephoton � h�(p. 124)

• Energy change of an electron:�E � Ehigher-energy orbit � Elower-energy orbit

�E � Ephoton � h�

(p. 128)

• de Broglie’s equation: � � �mh��

(p. 130)

• amplitude (p. 119)• atomic emission spectrum

(p. 125)• atomic orbital (p. 132)• aufbau principle (p. 135)• de Broglie equation (p. 130)• electromagnetic radiation

(p. 118)• electromagnetic spectrum

(p. 120)

• electron configuration (p. 135)• electron-dot structure (p. 140)• energy sublevel (p. 133)• frequency (p. 118)• ground state (p. 127)• Heisenberg uncertainty

principle (p. 131)• Hund’s rule (p. 136)• Pauli exclusion principle (p. 136)• photoelectric effect (p. 123)

• photon (p. 123)• Planck’s constant (p. 123)• principal energy level (p. 133)• principal quantum number

(p. 132)• quantum (p. 122)• quantum mechanical model of

the atom (p. 131)• valence electron (p. 140)• wavelength (p. 118)

Using the VocabularyTo reinforce chapter vocabulary,have students write a sentenceusing each term.

Review Strategies• Have students describe the elec-

tromagnetic spectrum and differ-entiate between visible light andinfrared radiation.

• Ask students to write the equationthat relates an electromagneticwave’s frequency and wave-length.

• Have students write the equationthat relates the energy of aquantum of electromagnetic radi-ation to the frequency of an asso-ciated wave.

• Ask students to explain thesignificance of Heisenberg’suncertainty principle as it relatesto electrons in atoms.

• Have students explain the rela-tionship between an atom’sorbitals and its energy levels.

• Problems from Appendix A or theSupplemental Problems bookletcan be used for review. L2


























Reviewing Chemistry is a compo-nent of the Teacher ClassroomResources package that wasprepared by The PrincetonReview. Use the Chapter 5review materials in this book to review the chapter with yourstudents.


Review the portfolio options that are pro-vided throughout the chapter. Encouragestudents to select one product that demon-strates their best work for the chapter. Havestudents explain what they have learned

and why they chose this example for place-ment into their portfolios. Additional port-folio options may be found in the ChallengeProblems booklet of the Teacher ClassroomResources. PP





Portfolio OptionsVIDEOTAPE/DVDMindJoggerVideoquizzesChapter 5: Electrons in Atoms

Have students work in groups as they play the videoquiz gameto review key chapter concepts.

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146 Chapter 5 Electrons in Atoms

Go to the Chemistry Web site at or use the Chemistry CD-ROM for additional Chapter 5 Assessment.

Concept Mapping29. Complete the concept map using the following terms:

speed, c � ��, electromagnetic waves, wavelength,characteristic properties, frequency, c, and hertz.

Mastering Concepts30. Define the following terms.

a. frequency (5.1) c. quantum (5.1)b. wavelength (5.1) d. ground state (5.2)

31. Why did scientists consider Rutherford’s nuclearmodel of the atom incomplete? (5.1)

32. Name one type of electromagnetic radiation. (5.1)

33. Explain how the gaseous neon atoms in a neon signemit light. (5.1)

34. What is a photon? (5.1)

35. What is the photoelectric effect? (5.1)

36. Explain Planck’s quantum concept as it relates toenergy lost or gained by matter. (5.1)

37. How did Einstein explain the previously unexplainablephotoelectric effect? (5.1)

38. Arrange the following types of electromagnetic radia-tion in order of increasing wavelength. (5.1)

a. ultraviolet light c. radio wavesb. microwaves d. X rays

39. What is the difference between an atom’s ground stateand an excited state? (5.2)

40. According to the Bohr model, how do electrons movein atoms? (5.2)

41. What does n designate in Bohr’s atomic model? (5.2)

42. Why are you unaware of the wavelengths of movingobjects such as automobiles and tennis balls? (5.2)

43. What is the name of the atomic model in which elec-trons are treated as waves? Who first wrote the elec-tron wave equations that led to this model? (5.2)

44. What is an atomic orbital? (5.2)

45. What is the probability that an electron will be foundwithin an atomic orbital? (5.2)

46. What does n represent in the quantum mechanicalmodel of the atom? (5.2)

47. How many energy sublevels are contained in each ofthe hydrogen atom’s first three energy levels? (5.2)

48. What atomic orbitals are related to a p sublevel? To ad sublevel? (5.2)

49. Which of the following atomic orbital designations areincorrect? (5.2)

a. 7f b. 3f c. 2d d. 6p

50. What do the sublevel designations s, p, d, and f spec-ify with respect to the atom’s orbitals? (5.2)

51. What do subscripts such as y and xz tell you aboutatomic orbitals? (5.2)

52. What is the maximum number of electrons an orbitalmay contain? (5.2)

53. Why is it impossible to know precisely the velocityand position of an electron at the same time? (5.2)

54. What shortcomings caused scientists to finally rejectBohr’s model of the atom? (5.2)

55. Describe de Broglie’s revolutionary concept involvingthe characteristics of moving particles. (5.2)

56. How is an orbital’s principal quantum number relatedto the atom’s major energy levels? (5.2)

57. Explain the meaning of the aufbau principle as itapplies to atoms with many electrons. (5.3)

58. In what sequence do electrons fill the atomic orbitalsrelated to a sublevel? (5.3)

59. Why must the two arrows within a single block of anorbital diagram be written in opposite (up and down)directions? (5.3)

60. How does noble-gas notation shorten the process ofwriting an element’s electron configuration? (5.3)

61. What are valence electrons? How many of a magne-sium atom’s 12 electrons are valence electrons? (5.3)


3. 5.





are relatedby

of allwaves




Concept Mapping29. 1. electromagnetic waves;

2. characteristic properties;3. frequency; 4. wave-length; 5. speed; 6. hertz;7. c � ��; 8. c

Mastering Concepts30. a. Frequency is the number

of waves that pass agiven point per second.

b. Wavelength is theshortest distancebetween equivalentpoints on a continuouswave.

c. A quantum is theminimum amount ofenergy that can be lostor gained by an atom.

d. An atom’s ground stateis its lowest allowableenergy state.

31. Typical answers will say thatthe model did not explainthe following: how theatom’s negatively chargedelectrons occupy the spacearound the nucleus; whythe electrons are not drawninto the atom’s positivelycharged nucleus; a ratio-nale for the chemical prop-erties of the elements.

32. light, microwaves, X rays,radio waves

33. Electricity passing throughthe tube excites neonatoms to higher energylevels. As the excited atomsdrop back to lower energylevels, they emit light.

34. a particle of electromag-netic radiation having a restmass of zero and carrying aquantum of energy

35. a phenomenon in which ametal emits electrons when

light of a sufficient frequency shineson it

36. According to Planck, for a givenfrequency, �, matter can emit or absorbenergy only in discrete quanta that are whole-number multiples of h�.

37. He proposed that photons must have acertain minimum, or threshold, value tocause the ejection of a photoelectron.

38. d. X rays, a. ultraviolet light, b. microwaves, c. radio waves


All Chapter Assessment questionsand answers have been validatedfor accuracy and suitability byThe Princeton Review.

Resource ManagerResource Manager

Chapter Assessment, pp. 25–30 Supplemental Problems, Ch. 5TestCheck SoftwareMindJogger VideoquizzesSolutions Manual, Ch. 5Chemistry Interactive CD-ROM, Ch. 5 quiz




Reviewing Chemistry: Mastering the TEKS, Ch. 5

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Assessment 147


62. Light is said to have a dual wave-particle nature. Whatdoes this statement mean? (5.3)

63. Describe the difference between a quantum and a photon. (5.3)

64. How many electrons are shown in the electron-dotstructures of the following elements? (5.3)

a. carbon c. calciumb. iodine d. gallium

Mastering ProblemsWavelength, Frequency, Speed, andEnergy (5.1)65. What is the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation

having a frequency of 5.00 � 1012 Hz? What kind ofelectromagnetic radiation is this?

66. What is the frequency of electromagnetic radiationhaving a wavelength of 3.33 � 10�8 m? What type ofelectromagnetic radiation is this?

67. The laser in a compact disc (CD) player uses lightwith a wavelength of 780 nm. What is the frequencyof this light?

68. What is the speed of an electromagnetic wave havinga frequency of 1.33 � 1017 Hz and a wavelength of2.25 nm?

69. Use Figure 5-5 to determine each of the followingtypes of radiation.

a. radiation with a frequency of 8.6 � 1011 s�1

b. radiation with a wavelength 4.2 nmc. radiation with a frequency of 5.6 MHzd. radiation that travels at a speed of 3.00 � 108 m/s

70. What is the energy of a photon of red light having afrequency of 4.48 � 1014 Hz?

71. Mercury’s atomic emission spectrum is shown below.Estimate the wavelength of the orange line. What is itsfrequency? What is the energy of an orange photonemitted by the mercury atom?

72. What is the energy of an ultraviolet photon having awavelength of 1.18 � 10�8 m?

73. A photon has an energy of 2.93 � 10�25 J. What is itsfrequency? What type of electromagnetic radiation isthe photon?

74. A photon has an energy of 1.10 � 10�13 J. What isthe photon’s wavelength? What type of electromag-netic radiation is it?

75. How long does it take a radio signal from the Voyagerspacecraft to reach Earth if the distance betweenVoyager and Earth is 2.72 � 109 km?

76. If your favorite FM radio station broadcasts at a fre-quency of 104.5 MHz, what is the wavelength of thestation’s signal in meters? What is the energy of aphoton of the station’s electromagnetic signal?

Electron Configurations (5.3)77. List the aufbau sequence of orbitals from 1s to 7p.

78. Write orbital notations and complete electron configu-rations for atoms of the following elements.

a. berylliumb. aluminumc. nitrogend. sodium

79. Use noble-gas notation to describe the electron config-urations of the elements represented by the followingsymbols.

a. Mn f. Wb. Kr g. Pbc. P h. Rad. Zn i. Sme. Zr j. Bk

80. What elements are represented by each of the follow-ing electron configurations?

a. 1s22s22p5

b. [Ar]4s2

c. [Xe]6s24f4

d. [Kr]5s24d105p4

e. [Rn]7s25f13

f. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p5

81. Draw electron-dot structures for atoms of each of thefollowing elements.

a. carbonb. arsenicc. poloniumd. potassiume. barium

82. An atom of arsenic has how many electron-containingorbitals? How many of the orbitals are completelyfilled? How many of the orbitals are associated withthe atom’s n � 4 principal energy level?


�(nm) 400 450 500 550 600 650 700

56. Because the orbital’s principalquantum number indicates theorbital’s relative size and energy, it alsospecifies the atom’s major energy level.

57. The aufbau principle describes thesequence in which an atom’s orbitalsare filled with electrons.

58. Each orbital must contain a singleelectron before any orbital containstwo electrons.

59. Two electrons occupying a single atomicorbital must have opposite spins.

60. The noble-gas notation uses the brack-eted symbol of the preceding noble gasin the periodic table to represent anatom’s inner electrons.

61. Valence electrons are the electrons inan atom’s outermost orbitals; 2

62. Light exhibits wavelike behavior insome situations and particlelikebehavior in others.

39. An atom’s ground state isits lowest energy state,while any energy statehigher than the groundstate is an excited state.

40. Electrons move in circularorbits around the nucleus.

41. The quantum number nspecifies the electron’s orbit.

42. Their wavelengths are too small to be seen.

43. the quantum mechanicalmodel of the atom; ErwinSchrödinger

44. a three-dimensional regionaround the nucleusdescribing an electron’sprobable location

45. The probability is 90%.46. n represents an orbital’s

principal quantum number,which indicates the relativesize and energy of theorbital.

47. energy level 1 has onesublevel, energy level 2 hastwo sublevels, energy level3 has three sublevels

48. p sublevel: x, y, and zorbitals; d sublevel: xy, xz,yz, x2�y2, and z2 orbitals

49. b, c are incorrect50. their shapes51. their orientations52. two electrons53. The photon required to

measure an electron’svelocity or position changesboth the position andvelocity of the electron.

54. Bohr’s model did notexplain the spectra ofatoms having more thanone electron and did notfully explain the chemicalbehavior of atoms.

55. de Broglie proposed thatall moving particles havewave characteristics.


Pages 146–1473(E), 5(A), 6(A)

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148 Chapter 5 Electrons in Atoms

Mixed ReviewSharpen your problem-solving skills by answering thefollowing.

83. What is the frequency of electromagnetic radiationhaving a wavelength of 1.00 m?

84. What is the maximum number of electrons that can becontained in an atom’s orbitals having the followingprincipal quantum numbers?

a. 3 b. 4 c. 6 d. 7

85. What is the wavelength of light with a frequency of5.77 � 1014 Hz?

86. Using the waves shown below, identify the wave orwaves with the following characteristics.

1. 3.

2. 4.

a. longest wavelength c. largest amplitudeb. greatest frequency d. shortest wavelength

87. How many orientations are possible for the orbitalsrelated to each of the following sublevels?

a. s b. p c. d d. f

88. Describe the electrons in an atom of nickel in theground state using the electron configuration notationand the noble-gas notation.

89. Which of the following elements have two electrons in their electron-dot structures: hydrogen, helium,lithium, aluminum, calcium, cobalt, bromine, krypton,and barium?

90. In Bohr’s atomic model, what electron orbit transitionproduces the blue-green line in hydrogen’s atomicemission spectrum?

91. A zinc atom contains a total of 18 electrons in its 3s,3p, and 3d orbitals. Why does its electron-dot structureshow only two dots?

92. An X-ray photon has an energy of 3.01 � 10�18 J.What is its frequency and wavelength?

93. Which element has the following orbital diagram?

1s 2s 2p

94. Which element has the ground-state electron configu-ration represented by the noble-gas notation [Rn]7s1?

95. How many photons of infrared radiation having a fre-quency of 4.88 � 1013 Hz are required to provide anenergy of 1.00 J?

Thinking Critically96. Comparing and Contrasting Briefly discuss the

difference between an orbit in Bohr’s model of theatom and an orbital in the quantum mechanical viewof the atom.

97. Applying Concepts Scientists use atomic emissionspectra to determine the elements in materials ofunknown composition. Explain what makes thismethod possible.

98. Using Numbers It takes 8.17 � 10�19 J of energyto remove one electron from a gold surface. What isthe maximum wavelength of light capable of causingthis effect?

99. Drawing a Conclusion The elements aluminum,silicon, gallium, germanium, arsenic, selenium are allused in making various types of semiconductordevices. Write electron configurations and electron-dot structures for atoms of each of these elements.What similarities among the elements’ electron configurations do you notice?

Writing in Chemistry100. In order to make “neon” signs emit a variety of col-

ors, manufacturers often fill the signs with gasesother than neon. Research the use of gases in neonsigns and specify the colors produced by the gases.

Cumulative ReviewRefresh your understanding of previous chapters byanswering the following.

101. Round 20.561 20 g to three significant figures.(Chapter 2)

102. Identify each of the following as either chemical orphysical properties of the substance. (Chapter 3)

a. mercury is a liquid at room temperatureb. sucrose is a white, crystalline solidc. iron rusts when exposed to moist aird. paper burns when ignited

103. Identify each of the following as a pure substance ora mixture. (Chapter 3)

a. distilled water d. diamondb. orange juice with pulp e. milkc. smog f. copper metal

104. An atom of gadolinium has an atomic number of 64and a mass number of 153. How many electrons,protons, and neutrons does it contain? (Chapter 4)



d. Na 1s22s22p63s1

↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑1s 2s 2p 3s

79. a. Mn [Ar]4s23d5

b. Kr [Ar]4s23d104p6

c. P [Ne]3s23p3

d. Zn [Ar]4s23d10

e. Zr [Kr]5s24d2

f. W [Xe]6s24f145d4

g. Pb [Xe]6s24f145d106p2

h. Ra [Rn]7s2

i. Sm [Xe]6s24f6

j. Bk [Rn]7s25f9

Level 280. a. F c. Nd e. Md

b. Ca d. Te f. Br81. a. d.

b. e.


82. 18; 15; 4




63. A quantum is the minimumamount of energy that canbe lost or gained by anatom, while a photon is aparticle of light that carriesa quantum of energy.

64. a. 4 c. 2 b. 7 d. 3

Mastering ProblemsComplete solutions to ChapterAssessment problems can be foundin the Solutions Manual.

Wavelength, Frequency,Speed, and Energy (5.1)Level 1

65. � � 6.00 � 10�5 m; infrared radiation

66. � � 9.01 � 1015 s�1;ultraviolet radiation

67. � � 3.8 � 1014 s�1

68. v � 3.00 � 108 m/s69. a. infrared

b. X rayc. AM radiod. any EM wave

Level 270. Ephoton � 2.97 � 10�19 J71. � � 615 nm, 4.88 � 1014 s�1,

Ephoton � 3.23 � 10�19 J72. Ephoton � 1.68 � 10�17 J73. � � 4.42 � 108 s�1; TV or

FM wave74. � � 1.81 � 10�12 m, an

X ray or gamma ray75. t � 9070 s, or 151 min76. � � 2.87 m,

Ephoton � 6.92 � 10�26 J

Electron Configurations(5.3)Level 1

77. 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p,5s, 4d, 5p, 6s, 4f, 5d, 6p, 7s,5f, 6d, 7p

78. a. Be 1s22s2

↑↓ ↑↓1s 2s

b. Al 1s22s22p63s23p1

↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑1s 2s 2p 3s 3p

c. N 1s22s22p3

↑↓ ↑↓ ↑ ↑ ↑1s 2s 2p


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Standardized Test Practice 149

Use these questions and the test-taking tip to preparefor your standardized test.

1. Cosmic rays are high-energy radiation from outerspace. What is the frequency of a cosmic ray that hasa wavelength of 2.67 � 10�13 m when it reachesEarth? (The speed of light is 3.00 � 108 m/s.)

a. 8.90 � 10�22 s�1

b. 3.75 � 1012 s�1

c. 8.01 � 10�5 s�1

d. 1.12 � 1021 s�1

2. Wavelengths of light between 5.75 � 10�9 m and 5.85 � 10�9 m appear yellow to the human eye.What is the energy of a photon of yellow light havinga frequency of 5.45 � 1016 s�1? (Planck’s constant is6.626 � 10�34 J �s.)

a. 3.61 � 10�17 J b. 1.22 � 10�50 Jc. 8.23 � 1049 J d. 3.81 � 10�24 J

Interpreting Charts Use the periodic table and thechart below to answer questions 3–6.

3. Using noble-gas notation, the ground-state electronconfiguration of Cd is ________ .

a. [Kr]4d104f2 c. [Kr]5s24d10

b. [Ar]4s23d10 d. [Xe]5s24d10

4. The element that has the ground-state electron config-uration [Xe]6s24f145d6 is ________ .

a. La c. Wb. Ti d. Os

5. The complete electron configuration of a scandiumatom is ________ .

a. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d1

b. 1s22s22p73s23p74s23d1

c. 1s22s22p53s23p54s23d1

d. 1s22s12p73s13p74s23d1

6. Which of the following is the correct orbital diagramfor the third and fourth principal energy levels ofvanadium?





7. Which of the following orbitals has the highestenergy?

a. 4fb. 5pc. 6sd. 3d

8. What is the electron-dot structure for indium?

a. c.

b. d.

9. The picture below shows all of the orbitals related toone type of sublevel. The type of sublevel to whichthese orbitals belong is ________ .

a. s c. db. p d. f

10. What is the maximum number of electrons related tothe fifth principal energy level of an atom?

a. 10 c. 25b. 20 d. 50


Do Some Reconnaissance Find out what the conditions will be for taking the test. Is it timedor untimed? Can you eat a snack at the break? Canyou use a calculator or other tools? Will those toolsbe provided? Will mathematical constants be given?Know these things in advance so that you can prac-tice taking tests under the same conditions.

Electron Configurations for SelectedTransition Metals

Element Symbol Atomic Electronnumber configuration

Vanadium V 23 [Ar]4s23d3

Yttrium Y 39 [Kr]5s24d1

_________ ___ ___ [Xe]6s24f145d6

Scandium Sc 21 [Ar]4s23d1

Cadmium Cd 48 ____________










3s 3p 4s 3d














3s 3p 4s 3d

0 0 0










3s 3p 4s 3d













3s 3p 4s 3d

















Cumulative Review 101. 20.6 g102. a. physical property

b. physical propertyc. chemical propertyd. chemical property

103. a. pure substanceb. mixturec. mixture

d. pure substancee. mixturef. pure substance

104. 64 electrons, 64 protons, 89 neutrons

Standardized Test Practice1. d 4. d 7. a 9. b2. a 5. a 8. c 10. d3. c 6. b

Mixed Review83. � � 3.00 � 108 s�1

84. a. 18 c. 72 b. 32 d. 98

85. � � 5.20 � 10�7 m86. a. longest wavelength: 4

b. greatest frequency: 3c. largest amplitude: 1

and 3d. shortest wavelength: 3

87. a. 1 c. 5b. 3 d. 7

88. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d8


89. helium, calcium, cobalt,barium

90. n � 4 → n � 291. The two dots are the atom’s

two 4s valence electrons.92. � � 4.54 � 1015 s�1;

� � 6.60 � 10�8 m93. boron94. francium95. 3.10 � 1019 photons

Thinking Critically96. In the Bohr model, an orbit

is a circular path taken byan electron as it movesaround the atomic nucleus.In the quantum mechanicalmodel, an orbital is athree-dimensional regionaround the nucleus thatdescribes the electron’sprobable location.

97. Each element emits a char-acteristic, unique atomicemission spectrum.

98. � � 2.43 � 10�7 m99. Al [Ne]3s23p1

Si [Ne]3s23p2

Ga [Ar]4s23d104p1

Ge [Ar]4s23d104p2

As [Ar]4s23d104p3

Se [Ar]4s23d104p4

The atoms have filled sorbitals and p orbitalscontaining 1 to 4 electrons.See the Solutions Manualfor electron dot structures.


Pages 148–1495(A), 6(A)