Download - CHAPTER 5




1. Diagram below shows two types of food, lemon and bitter gourd.

a. Compare the taste of these two food.[1 mark]

b. Diagram below shows a lime being squeezed into a test tube containing zinc powder.

i. What is the gas produced when the lime juice reacts with zinc powder?.[1 mark]

ii. Why does the lime juice able to remove rust from rusty knife?.[1 mark]

c. Diagram below shows an activity to study the properties of calcium hydroxide.

i. Red litmus paper remains red in test tube P while in test tube Q it turns blue. State one property of calcium hydroxide..[1 mark]

ii. An acid reacts with an alkali as in the following equation.

Acid + alkali salt + water

Explain the process that occurs in the reaction..[2 mark]

iii. If the acid is hydrochloric acid and the alkali is sodium hydroxide, write down the equation of this reaction in the space provided below.

[1 mark]

iv. Tootspaste is an alkaline and is used to clean the teeth. State one other importance of using toothpaste..[1 mark]