Download - Chapter 4 Developing Through the Life Span Sara J. Buhl Psychology 101 Cayuga Community College.

Page 1: Chapter 4 Developing Through the Life Span Sara J. Buhl Psychology 101 Cayuga Community College.

Chapter 4 Developing Through

the Life Span

Sara J. BuhlPsychology 101

Cayuga Community College

Page 2: Chapter 4 Developing Through the Life Span Sara J. Buhl Psychology 101 Cayuga Community College.

Developmental Psychology study of physical, cognitive, and social

changes from infancy through old age

Page 3: Chapter 4 Developing Through the Life Span Sara J. Buhl Psychology 101 Cayuga Community College.

Developmental IssuesNature (genetic inheritance) versus Nurture (our


Continuity versus Stages Is development gradual and continuous? Or is there a

sequence of separate stages? Stability versus Change

Do our personality traits remain the same or do they change?

Page 4: Chapter 4 Developing Through the Life Span Sara J. Buhl Psychology 101 Cayuga Community College.

Prenatal DevelopmentZygote (conception to 2 weeks)

fertilized eggenters a 2-week period of rapid cell divisiondevelops into an embryo

Embryo developing human organism from 2 weeks through

second month (8 weeks)

Fetusdeveloping human organism from 9 weeks to birth

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Prenatal DevelopmentTeratogens

agents that can reach the embryo or fetus during prenatal development and cause harm chemical, e.g., alcohol, some medicines,

cocaine, heroin, nicotineviral, e.g., HIV, Rubella

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Prenatal DevelopmentFetal Alcohol Syndrome

caused by a pregnant woman’s heavy drinkingphysical and brain abnormalities in childrenno known safe amount of alcohol during


SmokingFetus may receive fewer nutrientsMay be born underweight

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Infancy and ChildhoodMaturation

biological growth processes that enable orderly changes in behavior

At birth 3 months 15 months

Cortical Neurons

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Maturation & Infant Memory

What is your earliest memory?

Infantile Amnesia - most people cannot recall much from before age 4 or 5

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Cognitive DevelopmentCognition

mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating

Jean Piaget (1896-1980)developed and administered intelligence tests interested in how children had different ways of

reasoning than adultsmind develops in a series of stagesSchema = a framework that organizes and

interprets information (e.g., dog)

Page 10: Chapter 4 Developing Through the Life Span Sara J. Buhl Psychology 101 Cayuga Community College.

Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development

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Object PermanenceInfants younger than 6 months tend not to

understand that things continue to exist when they are out of sight

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Conservationproperties such as mass, volume, and number

remain the same despite changes in the forms of objects

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Current Researchers & Piaget

Piaget underestimated young childrenbabies do seem to possess a more intuitive sense

of logic and numberssymbolic and formal operational thinking both

appear earlier than Piaget thoughttoday development is seen as more continuous

than Piaget proposed

Studies do support the sequence of Piaget’s stages (even if the ages aren’t exact)

Page 14: Chapter 4 Developing Through the Life Span Sara J. Buhl Psychology 101 Cayuga Community College.

Social DevelopmentStranger Anxiety

fear of strangers that infants commonly displaybeginning by about 8 months of age

Attachmentan emotional tie with another personshown in young children by seeking closeness to the

caregiver and showing distress on separation

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Attachment StylesSecurely Attached

Explore surroundings, play (when mother is present) Distressed when mother leaves; comforted when she


Insecurely Attached - Ambivalent Less likely to explore and may cling to mother Seem indifferent when mother leaves and returns

Insecurely Attached – Avoidant Also less likely to explore and may cling to mother May cry loudly and remain upset when mother leaves

and returns

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Social Development

Harlow’s Surrogate Mother ExperimentsMonkeys preferred

contact with the comfortable cloth mother, even while feeding from the nourishing wire mother

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Social DevelopmentMonkeys raised

by artificial mothers were terror-stricken when placed in strange situations without their surrogate mothers

(due to animal welfare issues this would not be done today )

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Social Development

Groups of infants who had and had not experienced day care were left by their mothers in a unfamiliar room







3.5 5.5 7.5 9.5 11.5 13.5 20 29

Percentage of infantswho criedwhen theirmothers left

Age in months

Day care


Page 19: Chapter 4 Developing Through the Life Span Sara J. Buhl Psychology 101 Cayuga Community College.

Parenting StylesAuthoritarian

Parents impose rules Obedience is expected

Permissive Parents submit to their children’s desires Few demands are made Little punishment

Authoritative Set expectations, but are also responsive Set and enforce rules Explain reasons for rules

Page 20: Chapter 4 Developing Through the Life Span Sara J. Buhl Psychology 101 Cayuga Community College.

Social DevelopmentThe correlation between authoritative parenting and

social competence in children



Child’s traits(e.g., self-reliant

socially competent)

Harmonious marriage,common genes, orother third factor

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Chapter 4 – Part IIAdolescence & Adulthood

Development is now seen as lifelong

AdolescenceTransition from childhood to adulthoodStarts with pubertyEnds when independent adult status is attained

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Adolescence Physical Changes

Puberty – sexual maturation; become capable of reproducing

Surge of hormonesRapid physical development

Primary sex characteristicsBody structures that make reproduction possible

Ovaries, testes, and external genitalia

Secondary sex characteristicsSexual characteristics that are nonreproductive

breasts; facial hair

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Adolescent BrainBrain is still developing

Frontal lobe matures until about age 25Myelin growth occurring (fatty tissue surrounding

axons that speeds communication between neurons)

Judgment improvesBetter impulse controlGreater long term planning ability

Page 24: Chapter 4 Developing Through the Life Span Sara J. Buhl Psychology 101 Cayuga Community College.

AdolescenceCognitive Development

PiagetFormal Operational Stage

Adolescents are capable of abstract reasoning and logic Abstract ideas like good versus evil Hypothetical reasoning and consequences

Page 25: Chapter 4 Developing Through the Life Span Sara J. Buhl Psychology 101 Cayuga Community College.

AdolescenceMoral Reasoning

Kohlberg’s Moral DilemmasMoral dilemmas were posed to children, adolescents,

and adults“Is it acceptable for a person to steal medicine to

save a loved one’s life?”Answer often depended on stage of developmentPreconventional morality (before age 9)

Self-interest is focus: avoid punishment or obtain rewards

Conventional morality (by early adolescence)Cares for others and upholds laws and social rules

Postconventional morality Considers rights of people and basic ethical principals

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Moral DevelopmentEmpathy – capability to relate to another

person’s feelings and emotionsSympathy – ability to support another by being


Delay Gratification

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AdolescenceSocial Development

Erik Erikson (1960s)Stages of Psychosocial DevelopmentSearch for identity

Identity – sense of self

Intimacy – ability to form close relationships (later adolescence and early adulthood)

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Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development

TRUST vs. MISTRUSTInfancy (0-1 yr.)When needs are met, a basic sense of trust is


Page 29: Chapter 4 Developing Through the Life Span Sara J. Buhl Psychology 101 Cayuga Community College.

Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development

Autonomy vs. Shame and DoubtToddlerhood (Age 1-2) Gaining independence: WalkingLearn to do things for themselves OR doubt their

abilitiesFirst Power Struggles

Page 30: Chapter 4 Developing Through the Life Span Sara J. Buhl Psychology 101 Cayuga Community College.

Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development

INITIATIVE vs. GUILTPreschooler (ages 3-5) Language = questionsCreative independent playLearn to initiate tasksGuilt – Feeling bad about behavior

Page 31: Chapter 4 Developing Through the Life Span Sara J. Buhl Psychology 101 Cayuga Community College.

Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development

COMPETENCE vs. INFERIORITYElementary School (6 years to puberty)Skills: Read, Write, Math, Social, SportsTendency to feel inferior if unable to master tasks

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Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development

IDENTITY vs. ROLE CONFUSIONAdolescence (teen years – 20s) Meaning of question: Who am I ?Role ExperimentationRefine sense of self (identity) Identity Crisis – confusion about sense of self

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Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development

INTIMACY vs. ISOLATIONYoung Adulthood (20s to early 40s) Emotional commitmentForm close relationshipsLack of close relationships – social isolation

Page 34: Chapter 4 Developing Through the Life Span Sara J. Buhl Psychology 101 Cayuga Community College.

Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development

GENERATIVITY vs. STAGNATIONMiddle Adulthood (40s - 60s) Contribution to Next Generation

Through family and workWhat makes life meaningful?May feel a lack of purpose

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Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development

INTEGRITY vs. DESPAIRLate Adulthood (late 60s+ ) Pride, Self-RespectReflect on lifeMay feel satisfaction or failure

Page 36: Chapter 4 Developing Through the Life Span Sara J. Buhl Psychology 101 Cayuga Community College.

Adolescence Social Development

Parent influence diminishes in many areas

Parent influence remains in:ReligionThinking about collegeCareer choicesPolitical views

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Adolescence Social Development

Peer Influence GrowsTalkDressActions

Peer exclusionPainfulMay lead to withdrawalLonelinessLow self-esteem

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AdulthoodPhysical Development

Physical abilities – peak in mid-20s

Health & exercise habits play a large role

Women – ability to reproduce declinesMenopause occurs around age 50

Later life changes in vision, hearing, smell become

increasingly noticeable Immune system weakens

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AdulthoodCognitive Development

Memory abilities change as we ageWhen asked to learn a list of 24 words

No clues: younger people recall more wordsMultiple choice test of recognition: no change with


Crystallized intelligenceAccumulated knowledge and verbal skillsIncreases with age

Fluid intelligenceAbility for quick and abstract reasoningDecreases in late adulthood

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AdulthoodSocial Development

Evidence does not support a midlife “crisis”Most divorces are in 20sMost suicides in 70s and 80sLife crisis triggered by major events (illness,

divorce) not age

Social ClockPreferred timing of social events (marriage,

parenthood, retirement)Culture dependent

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Adults are marrying laterDivorce rates have increased

Less economic dependence for womenStriving for an “equal” relationship (work, chores)