Download - Chapter 2 Origins of American Government. American system of government did not begin with Declaration of Independence or the US Constitution… Goals of.

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Chapter 2 Origins of American Government Slide 2 American system of government did not begin with Declaration of Independence or the US Constitution Goals of section: Examine early English concepts of government that influenced American colonies (Ordered, Limited, Representative) Analyze influence of Magna Carta, Petition of Right, and English Bill of Rights Compare the structure of royal colony governments and our National Government Slide 3 Ordered Government Orderly regulation English colonists created local governments based on what they had known in England Many of the governmental offices/units are still around today: offices of sheriff, justice of peace, grand jury, counties, etc. Limited Government Idea that government is restricted in what it may do Individuals have certain rights government cannot take away Representative Government Idea that government should serve the will of the people government of, by, and for the people (Abraham Lincoln) Slide 4 The Magna Carta (1215) The Magna Carta Group of barons were seeking protection against the heavy handed and arbitrary acts of King John Included guarantees of rights such as trial by jury and due process of law (protection against arbitrariness) Originally intended only for privileged classes The Petition of Right (1628) The Petition of Right Limited the Kings power in several important ways Demanded that king could not arbitrarily imprison an individualtrial or law was needed Challenged divine right of kingseven monarchs had to obey law The Bill of Rights (1688) The Bill of Rights Further prevented abuse by kings and gave more power to parliament Slide 5 Royal Colonies Proprietary Colonies Charter Colonies Slide 6 Often described as 13 schools of government Why? Established separately over about 125 years First colony: Virginia Last colony: Georgia Each colony came out of a particular set of circumstances Similarity: each colony established by a charter Gave colonists or companies a grant of land and some governing rights Slide 7 Subjected to the direct control of the Crown New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia These colonies were ones that had their charter revoked by King of England King then appointed a governor to serve in each colony as well as a council (which later became the upper house of legislature and the colonys highest court Lower house were elected property owners Ruling with stern hand Slide 8 Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania Organized by a proprietorperson whom the king had made a grant of land to Governor appointed by proprietor Maryland and Delaware had bicameral legislatures Pennsylvania was a unicameral body King still held significant power in these colonies Slide 9 Massachusetts Bay Colony was first charter colony in 1629 Connecticut and Rhode Island were other charter colonies founded by religious dissidents from Massachusetts Were largely self governing Governors elected each year and largely operated out of Kings control and approval Connecticut and Rhode Island charters were so liberal that they were kept unchanged even after independence, finally changed in 1818 and 1843, respectively Class discussion: Some historians believe that if Britain had allowed other colonies the same freedoms, the Revolution wouldnt have occurred. Do you agree? Slide 10 We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately (Ben Franklin; spoken to other members of Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776) Slide 11 British Colonial Policies Controlled by King through the Board of Trade and the Privy Council Parliament minimal involvement in management of colonies Colonists became use to self rule Let us keep the dogges poore, and well make them do as we please Taxes largely unenforced Effectively operated like a federal system of government King George III: 1760 Stern handtaxes enforced, more restrictive trade acts Slide 12 The Albany Plan The Stamp Act New Restrictive Laws First Continental Congress Second Continental Congress Declaration of Independence Slide 13 Early Attempts New England Confederation (1643) League of friendship The Albany Plan Albany Plan of Union (1754) Benjamin Franklin Delegates from each colony Form a military, regulate trade, war/peace with Native Americans, and collect taxes Slide 14 Britains tax and trade policies increased resentment among colonists, among them the Stamp Act of 1765 Colonists viewed the taxes as both severe but more importantly, taxation without representation Stamp Act Congress of 1765 Declaration of Rights and Grievances Eventually British Parliament repealed the Stamp Actbut other laws followed that restricted freedom of colonies further Organized resistance began to grow in colonies Boston Tea Party Slide 15 In response to Intolerable Acts September 5, 1774 (no Georgia) Philadelphia Declaration of Rights Results Boycott trade Local Committees Slide 16 Philadelphia 1775 (three weeks after Lexington and Concord) First form of national government for the United States (July 1776 March 1781) Unicameral congress exercised both legislative and executive powers John Hancock made President of the Congress Named Washington the Commander and Chief of the Army Slide 17 Congress named a committee of five to prepare document: Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston, Thomas Jefferson Groundbreaking in several ways Idea that every person is created equal Conception of certain unalienable rights Principle that government should be based on consent of the governed as opposed to divine right or tradition Slide 18 Common Features Popular Sovereignty People recognized as only source of governmental authority Limited Government State governments could only exercise powers granted to them by people in constitutions Civil Rights and Liberties Many began with a Bill of Rights Separation of Powers/Checks and Balances Divided among three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial Slide 19 Slide 20 A. What weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation made a lasting government impossible? B. What were the effects of these weaknesses? Separate into groups, have at least three points for each question Group 1: Kotarski, Moore, Le, Viancos Group 2: Henning, Contreras, Nasr, Mills Group 3: Darouiche, Leach, Jarlsjo, McStravick Group 4: Swanson, Connell, Cano, Whaley Group 5: Lucas, Hondros, Johnson, Dotson Slide 21 Approved on November 15, 1777 Established a firm league of friendship among the States Essentially an alliance of independent states instead of truly a government of the people Took over three years for all the states to ratify the document Maryland last to ratify in 1781 Governmental Structure Congress sole body createdunicameral, one vote per state Executive and judicial powers handled by committees of Congress Powers of Congress War and peace, make treaties, borrow money, build navy, raise army by asking for troops, settle disputes among states, etc. State Obligations Slide 22 One vote for each state Congress powerless to collect taxes Congress powerless to regulate foreign affairs/interstate commerce No executive power No national court system Amendment only with consent of all the states 9/13 majority to pass laws Class discussion: Why were the Articles adopted, given their many flaws? Were the Articles appropriate for their time? Slide 23 States often refused to support central government, both financially and otherwise Several made agreements with foreign governments without approval of Congress Most organized own militaries States taxed one anothers goods and even banned some trade Printed own money with little backingeconomic chaos ensued Slide 24 Shays Rebellion sharply divided American opinions on government 1) Which group supported the rebels? 2) Did this group embrace or fear a strong national government? 3) What were the long-term effects of the rebellion? 4) How did it shape the Framers debate on revising the Articles? 5) Draw some connections to present day debates/current events. Slide 25 Shays Rebellion Mount Vernon Maryland & Virginia Dispute over Potomac River & Chesapeake Bay Annapolis Sept. 11, 1786 Poor turnout Philadelphia Feb. 21 1787 Constitutional Convention Slide 26 Slide 27 the most wonderful work ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man (English statesman, William E. Gladstone) Framers Mostly composed of a new generation of American political figures Organization and Procedure Unanimously elected Washington as president of Convention Each state had one vote, majority needed to pass James Madison Notes Father of the Constitution Slide 28 James Madison Three Branches legislative, executive, judicial Bicameral Congress Representation based on population or upon amount of money it gave for support of central government Lower house popularly elected, upper house chosen by House US Congress would have additional powersgranting central government power to enforce its decisions Smaller states found the plan too radical Slide 29 Unicameral Congress Each state equally represented US Congress Add closely limited powers to tax and regulate trade between states Plural executive Chosen by Congress and could be removed at request of majority of States governors Single supreme Tribunal appointed by executive to head federal judiciary Main difference? Slide 30 Connecticut Compromise Bicameral Congress Senate: states represented equally House: representation based on population Great Compromise Three-Fifths Compromise Southern states vs. Northern States Compromise to allow slaves to count for 3/5 of a person; but southerners had to pay taxes on their slaves Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise Convention agreed that Congress had to have power to regulate foreign + interstate trade Southern worries (tobacco + slave trade) Slide 31 Convention spent much of its time sawing boards to make them fit (Franklin) Wide variety of opinions that required compromises Issues that required compromise: selection of President, treaty- making process, structure of national court system, amendment process However, many Framers agreed on basic issues: need for a new national government, a federal government, dedication to principles of popular sovereignty and limited government, separation of powers, checks and balances Slide 32 Sources Ancient Greece and Rome Contemporary European political philosophy Rousseau Locke Own experiences Articles of Confederation State constitutions Sir, I agree with this Constitution to all its faults, if they are such; because I think a general Government necessary for us (Ben Franklin) Slide 33 2) What momentous decision did the Framers make at the beginning of the Philadelphia Convention? 4) What was agreed to under the Connecticut Compromise? 6) Compare and contrast the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan. 8) The Constitution has been called a bundle of compromises. Is this an accurate description of the document? Explain your answer. Slide 34 Slide 35 Originally, Articles of Confederation could only be amended if all the states agreed to it Framers determined it did not have to be amended, but replaced Article VII: The ratification of the conventions of nine States shall be sufficient for the establishment of the Constitution between he States so ratifying the same. Changing the rules of the game? Slide 36 Federalists & Anti-Federalists Federalists: Madison, Hamilton Stressed weaknesses of the Articles Argued that new central government was required Anti-Federalists: Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, John Hancock, Samuel Adams Many objected to ratification process and disliked that there was no mention of God Feared government would become too powerful Two major points of contention: 1) the greatly increased powers of the central government 2) lack of bill of rights Slide 37 These lawyers, and men of learning, and monied men, that talk so finely and glass over matters so smoothly, to make us poor illiterate people, swallow down the pill, expect to get into Congress themselves; they expect toget all the power and all the money into their own hands, and then they will swallow up all us little folksjust as the whale swallowed up Jonah (Amos Singletary) Slide 38 Nine States Ratify Initially, nine states ratify the Constitution Two important holdouts: Virginia + New York Virginias Ratification Intense debate between Federalists and Anti-Federalists George Washington intervention New Yorks Ratification The Federalist (Hamilton, Madison, Jay) Inaugurating the State New York chosen as temporary capital George Washington elected President by unanimous vote in 1789 Slide 39 1) Research the assigned revolution. Determine the: A) causes B) ideals C) outcomes of the assigned revolution 2) Compare the American Revolution to this other revolution. Group 1 (Haitian Revolution): Kotarski, Moore, Le, Viancos Group 2 (Mexican War of Independence): Henning, Contreras, Nasr, Mills Group 3 (French Revolution): Darouiche, Leach, Jarlsjo, McStravick Group 4 (Haitian Revolution): Swanson, Connell, Cano, Whaley Group 5 (French Revolution): Lucas, Hondros, Johnson, Dotson