Download - Chapter 18 The Chief Information Officer’s Role. Introduction Drucker said, “Effectiveness, in other words, is a habit; that is, a complex of practices.

Page 1: Chapter 18 The Chief Information Officer’s Role. Introduction Drucker said, “Effectiveness, in other words, is a habit; that is, a complex of practices.

Chapter 18The Chief Information Officer’s


Page 2: Chapter 18 The Chief Information Officer’s Role. Introduction Drucker said, “Effectiveness, in other words, is a habit; that is, a complex of practices.


Drucker said, “Effectiveness, in other words, is a habit; that is, a complex of practices. And practices can always be learned.”

Superior managers are made, not born, and superb management skills are learned and developed, not the result of genetics

Management is a skill, the result of learning

Page 3: Chapter 18 The Chief Information Officer’s Role. Introduction Drucker said, “Effectiveness, in other words, is a habit; that is, a complex of practices.

Challenges Facing Senior IT Executives

To a considerable extent, both the CIO’s position and the perception of its incumbent are shaped by this individual’s behavior patterns in the firm The tasks typically required of the CIO are

hazardous to one’s career CIOs have failed due to performance

deficiencies, others were caught in organizational consolidations, cost reductions, or bad times for the industry or firm

Page 4: Chapter 18 The Chief Information Officer’s Role. Introduction Drucker said, “Effectiveness, in other words, is a habit; that is, a complex of practices.

The Chief Information Officer

The number of firms that have a chief information officer has increased greatly in the past 10 years Information technology staffers are still viewed

in some companies with skepticism“The CIO position is a relationship, not a

job. If the CIO/top management team relationship is effective, the title doesn’t matter. If it is ineffective, the title doesn’t matter.”

Page 5: Chapter 18 The Chief Information Officer’s Role. Introduction Drucker said, “Effectiveness, in other words, is a habit; that is, a complex of practices.

CIO’s Organizational Position

Just as chief financial officers are held responsible for their firm’s expenditures even though they may not spend most of the money, a firm’s chief information officer is responsible for the firm’s IT usage even if the IT line organization does not consume most of the IT resources

CIOs are responsible for managing the firm’s corporate IT function and its information infrastructure

Page 6: Chapter 18 The Chief Information Officer’s Role. Introduction Drucker said, “Effectiveness, in other words, is a habit; that is, a complex of practices.

CIO’s Organizational Position

CIOs make technology investments and recommend or approve IT investments elsewhere in the firm

Develop and implement IT strategies to increase the firm’s revenue and profits

Set standards for information or telecommunication operations in the firm

Recommend and enforce corporate policy on IT matters including procurement, security, data management, personnel, and cost accounting

Page 7: Chapter 18 The Chief Information Officer’s Role. Introduction Drucker said, “Effectiveness, in other words, is a habit; that is, a complex of practices.

CIO’s Performance Measures

The performance of CIOs is measured by their success in applying information technology cost effectively, achieving corporate goals and objectives, and bringing value to the firm

Organizations expect CIOs to identify technological and business opportunities and to provide leadership in capitalizing on these opportunities for the firm’s advantage

Page 8: Chapter 18 The Chief Information Officer’s Role. Introduction Drucker said, “Effectiveness, in other words, is a habit; that is, a complex of practices.

Challenges Within the Organization

Organizational changes and new business methods heavily impact IT executives They must use current information systems

innovatively and adopt new computing and telecommunication systems and products to facilitate organizational transitions and deal with competitive threats

IT organizations must promote and support cost-effective technological innovations

Page 9: Chapter 18 The Chief Information Officer’s Role. Introduction Drucker said, “Effectiveness, in other words, is a habit; that is, a complex of practices.

The Chief Technology Officer

CTO’s position is that of evaluating technology futures and advising the firm on technology selection CIO is responsible for business aspects of IT CTO oversees technology aspects

Page 10: Chapter 18 The Chief Information Officer’s Role. Introduction Drucker said, “Effectiveness, in other words, is a habit; that is, a complex of practices.

The Chief Information Officer’s Role

Formulating and obtaining approval of new IT policies Approve IT strategies Approve IT resource allocation Establish IT cost-accounting methods Develop policy instructions for IT procurement Oversee outsourcing contracts Ensure quality IT hiring and training policies Establish standards for data security, disaster

recovery, and IT business controls

Page 11: Chapter 18 The Chief Information Officer’s Role. Introduction Drucker said, “Effectiveness, in other words, is a habit; that is, a complex of practices.

Developing IT Management Maturity

Ensure that IT and business strategies and plans are tightly coupled and approved by the senior management team

CIOs must ensure the financial integrity of business investments in systems and technology

Create cost-effective IT operations

Page 12: Chapter 18 The Chief Information Officer’s Role. Introduction Drucker said, “Effectiveness, in other words, is a habit; that is, a complex of practices.

Evaluating Technology Futures

CIOs are responsible for providing technological leadership in information processing. Executives depend on CIOs to forecast

technology trends and assess significance Although difficult and risky, technology

forecasting and evaluation is critical Extrapolating present use has limited utility

Page 13: Chapter 18 The Chief Information Officer’s Role. Introduction Drucker said, “Effectiveness, in other words, is a habit; that is, a complex of practices.

Important Business and IT Trends

IT servicesThe movement toward outsourcing

Web hosting, application hosting, network operation and management outsourcing

Technologies supporting data transfer and personal interactions

Page 14: Chapter 18 The Chief Information Officer’s Role. Introduction Drucker said, “Effectiveness, in other words, is a habit; that is, a complex of practices.

Finding Better Ways of Doing Business

CIOs must constantly seek ways to improve the organization’s performance and create or sustain business advantage Using cost-effective hardware Adopting alternative application acquisition

methods Using disciplined processes to manage

production operations and networks Outsourcing all or part of IT operations

Page 15: Chapter 18 The Chief Information Officer’s Role. Introduction Drucker said, “Effectiveness, in other words, is a habit; that is, a complex of practices.

Introducing New Technology

Installing new technology involves critical people considerations. Proponents of a new system must “sell” their

ideas to other individuals in the firm, such as operators, users, and maintainers

Even good ideas may fail without the support of most of the people involved

Page 16: Chapter 18 The Chief Information Officer’s Role. Introduction Drucker said, “Effectiveness, in other words, is a habit; that is, a complex of practices.

Technology Adoption

Individuals become adopters through communication-based processes that include: Becoming aware of the innovation Becoming interested and seeking information

about it Evaluating it based on needs Experimenting with it Adopting the innovation if conditions are


Page 17: Chapter 18 The Chief Information Officer’s Role. Introduction Drucker said, “Effectiveness, in other words, is a habit; that is, a complex of practices.

Innovation Adoption Propensities

Page 18: Chapter 18 The Chief Information Officer’s Role. Introduction Drucker said, “Effectiveness, in other words, is a habit; that is, a complex of practices.

Facilitating Organizational Change

Structure is not only related to new technology or system approaches, but also depends to a considerable extent on management style Centralized autocratic management styles tend to adopt

conservative strategies Aggressive and competitive companies tend to be less

centralized Highly competitive, high-performance companies adopt

flexible structures, especially in critical areas such as IT

Page 19: Chapter 18 The Chief Information Officer’s Role. Introduction Drucker said, “Effectiveness, in other words, is a habit; that is, a complex of practices.

New Ways of Doing Business

Mature IT managers believe that operating excellence is a high-priority goal for their organizations

IT managers must seek to promote new ways of doing business for the firm E-commerce is considered one of the highest

growth areas and one of the most important business activities for the next five to ten years

Page 20: Chapter 18 The Chief Information Officer’s Role. Introduction Drucker said, “Effectiveness, in other words, is a habit; that is, a complex of practices.

CIOs in the Internet World

Firms tend to expect benefits from new technology as a given and tend to forget, despite much evidence these benefits may be mostly intangible, imprecise, and immeasurable Benefits can and must be translated into returns CIOs are required to display the seasoned

maturity and general management skills worthy of a CEO

Page 21: Chapter 18 The Chief Information Officer’s Role. Introduction Drucker said, “Effectiveness, in other words, is a habit; that is, a complex of practices.

What CIOs Must Do for Success

CIOs must be fully contributing members of the executive suite, providing leverage to senior executives through initiative, creativity, and vision

CIOs must be advocates for IT and must educate peer managers on the complexities and challenges of IT

CIOs must develop visions and strategies for the firm’s use of information technology

Page 22: Chapter 18 The Chief Information Officer’s Role. Introduction Drucker said, “Effectiveness, in other words, is a habit; that is, a complex of practices.


The chief information officer’s position is precarious in both theory and practice The CIO position stands on shaky ground

because information cannot be quantified or measured

Information is commonly created, used, and discarded without the CIO’s knowledge or approval

They are expected to be the firm’s technological leaders