Download - Chapter 16 Section 1/3 rd block Nonaggression Pact The pact was between Stalin and Hitler. Hitler promised him territory so he was not eager to join.

Page 1: Chapter 16 Section 1/3 rd block Nonaggression Pact The pact was between Stalin and Hitler. Hitler promised him territory so he was not eager to join.

Chapter 16 Section 1/3rd block

Page 2: Chapter 16 Section 1/3 rd block Nonaggression Pact The pact was between Stalin and Hitler. Hitler promised him territory so he was not eager to join.

Nonaggression Pact

• The pact was between Stalin and Hitler.

• Hitler promised him territory so he was not eager to join with the west.

• Germany and soviet union agreed to divide Poland between themselves.

Page 3: Chapter 16 Section 1/3 rd block Nonaggression Pact The pact was between Stalin and Hitler. Hitler promised him territory so he was not eager to join.


• The German invasion of Poland was the first test for Germany new military strategy called blitzkrieg.

• Fast moving planes infantry forces was their idea to surprise and overwhelm enemies.

• In the attack on Poland. . . . . . . . It worked!

Page 4: Chapter 16 Section 1/3 rd block Nonaggression Pact The pact was between Stalin and Hitler. Hitler promised him territory so he was not eager to join.

Charles De Gaulle

• Charles De Gaulle was the general of a French army who set-up a government –in-exile in London.

• All of his time and energy on reconquering France.

• De Gualle called on all Frenchmen to rise against Germany, they fought the nazi’s until 1944 when France was overthrown.

Page 5: Chapter 16 Section 1/3 rd block Nonaggression Pact The pact was between Stalin and Hitler. Hitler promised him territory so he was not eager to join.

Winston Churchill

• Churchill was a prime minister and declared that his nation would not give in.

• After hearing that they would not give in Hitler put his direct attack on great Britain.

• To break British morale Hitler focused on damaging the cites.

Page 6: Chapter 16 Section 1/3 rd block Nonaggression Pact The pact was between Stalin and Hitler. Hitler promised him territory so he was not eager to join.

Battle of Britain

• When Hitler attacked Great Britain the battle of Britain was born.

• Eventually Hitler’s attacks were called off and he focused on another part of the land, the Mediterranean and Eastern Europe.

Page 7: Chapter 16 Section 1/3 rd block Nonaggression Pact The pact was between Stalin and Hitler. Hitler promised him territory so he was not eager to join.

Erwin Rommel

• The general of the crack German tank force which was sent by Hitler into Britain to reinforce the Italians.

• The British forces were caught by surprise they retreated to Tobruk,Libya.

• After being pushed back Rommel regrouped,won,and earned himself the name “Desert Fox”

Page 8: Chapter 16 Section 1/3 rd block Nonaggression Pact The pact was between Stalin and Hitler. Hitler promised him territory so he was not eager to join.

Atlantic charter

• It was a declaration of principles issued in AUGUST 1941 by British prime minister Winston Churchill

• It upheld free trade among nations and the right of the people to choose their own government.

• On September 4,a German U-boat fired on a U.S. destroyer in the Atlantic.

Page 9: Chapter 16 Section 1/3 rd block Nonaggression Pact The pact was between Stalin and Hitler. Hitler promised him territory so he was not eager to join.

The Phony War

• After they declared war on Germany, the French and British had Soviets suffered heavy losses

• Germans jokingly called it the “sitting war”.

Page 10: Chapter 16 Section 1/3 rd block Nonaggression Pact The pact was between Stalin and Hitler. Hitler promised him territory so he was not eager to join.

Axis Forces Attack North Africa

• Germany’s first objective in the Mediterranean region was North Africa

• Hitler’s partner was Benito Mussolini

• Mussolini took his next step in North Africa In September 1940

• Italian and British forces dug in and waited

Page 11: Chapter 16 Section 1/3 rd block Nonaggression Pact The pact was between Stalin and Hitler. Hitler promised him territory so he was not eager to join.

France Falls

• Resistance in France began to crumble.

• By June 14th,the Germans had taken Paris

• French leaders had surrendered on June 22nd ,1940.

Page 12: Chapter 16 Section 1/3 rd block Nonaggression Pact The pact was between Stalin and Hitler. Hitler promised him territory so he was not eager to join.


• Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin signed a 10 year nonaggression pact with Hitler.

• After being excluded from the Munich conference, Stalin was not eager to join with the west.

• Also, Hitler had promised him territory.

Page 13: Chapter 16 Section 1/3 rd block Nonaggression Pact The pact was between Stalin and Hitler. Hitler promised him territory so he was not eager to join.

Hitler invades the soviet union

• Hitler invaded the U.S.S.R. in the summer of 1940.

• About 500,000 Germans died during the invasion of Moscow.

• Hitler decided to conquer the soviet union when he quit his attempt at Great Britain.

• On June 22nd ,1941 Hitler started operation barberossa to invade the soviet union.

Page 14: Chapter 16 Section 1/3 rd block Nonaggression Pact The pact was between Stalin and Hitler. Hitler promised him territory so he was not eager to join.

Germany’s lighting attack

• After signing this nonaggression pact Hitler moved ahead with plans to conquer Poland.

• This surprise attack took place at dawn on September 1st,1939.

• France and Great Britain declared war on Germany on September 3rd.

Page 15: Chapter 16 Section 1/3 rd block Nonaggression Pact The pact was between Stalin and Hitler. Hitler promised him territory so he was not eager to join.

Section one assessment!!!!

• What was the new military strategy for Germany?• Who was the first new British prime Minster who

said his country will never give up?• What country did Hitler decide to conquer when

he quit his attempt at Great Britain?• Who did Hitler send to reinforce the Italians with

his tank force?

Page 16: Chapter 16 Section 1/3 rd block Nonaggression Pact The pact was between Stalin and Hitler. Hitler promised him territory so he was not eager to join.

Section one assessment!!!!!

• Hitler planned to attack the U.S.S.E in the summer of what year?

• How many Germans died during the invasion of Moscow?

• After Hitler’s attack’s were called off he focused on another part of the land, what was it?

• Who was the general of the French army?

Page 17: Chapter 16 Section 1/3 rd block Nonaggression Pact The pact was between Stalin and Hitler. Hitler promised him territory so he was not eager to join.

Section one assessment!!!!!

• What war did Germans jokingly called the “sitting war”?

• A German U-Boat fired on a U.S what. in the Atlantic.

Page 18: Chapter 16 Section 1/3 rd block Nonaggression Pact The pact was between Stalin and Hitler. Hitler promised him territory so he was not eager to join.

Word Search1Nonaggression Pact 2 Blitzkrieg 3Charles deGaulle

4Winston Churchhill 5 Battle of Britain 6 Erwin Rommel 7Atlantic Charter


Page 19: Chapter 16 Section 1/3 rd block Nonaggression Pact The pact was between Stalin and Hitler. Hitler promised him territory so he was not eager to join.

Reference pageMcDougal little history book