Download - Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.

Page 1: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.

Chapter 16

Nonrenewable Energy

Page 2: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.


• About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from burning fossil fuels.– Solar energy indirectly supports wind power,

hydropower, and biomass.

• About 76% of the commercial energy we use comes from nonrenewable fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, and coal) with the remainder coming from renewable sources.

Page 3: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.


• Nonrenewable energy resources and geothermal energy in the earth’s crust.

Figure 16-2Figure 16-2

Page 4: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.


• Commercial energy use by source for the world (left) and the U.S. (right).

Figure 16-3Figure 16-3

Page 5: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.


• Net energy:

Page 6: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.


• Crude oil (petroleum) :

• Only 35-50% can be economically recovered from a deposit.– As prices rise, about 10-25% more can be

recovered from expensive secondary extraction techniques.

• This lowers the net energy yield.

Page 7: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.

OIL• Refining crude oil:

– Based on boiling points, components are removed at various layers in a giant distillation column.

– The most volatile components with the lowest boiling points are removed at the top.

Figure 16-5Figure 16-5

Page 8: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.


• Eleven OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) have 78% of the world’s proven oil reserves and most of the world’s unproven reserves.

• After global production peaks and begins a slow decline, oil prices will rise and could threaten the economies of countries that have not shifted to new energy alternatives.

Page 9: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.

Case Study: U.S. Oil Supplies

• The U.S. – the world’s largest oil user – has only 2.9% of the world’s proven oil reserves.

• U.S oil production peaked in 1974 (halfway production point).

• About 60% of U.S oil imports goes through refineries in hurricane-prone regions of the Gulf Coast.

Page 10: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.


• Burning oil for transportation accounts for 43% of global CO2 emissions.

Figure 16-7Figure 16-7

Page 11: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.

CO2 Emissions

• CO2 emissions per unit of energy produced for various energy resources.

Figure 16-8Figure 16-8

Page 12: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.


• Natural gas:

– Liquefied petroleum gas LPG:

• Coal beds and bubbles of methane trapped in ice crystals deep under the arctic permafrost and beneath deep-ocean sediments are

unconventional sources of natural gas.

Page 13: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.


• Russia and Iran have almost half of the world’s reserves of conventional gas, and global reserves should last 62-125 years.

• Natural gas is versatile and clean-burning fuel, but it releases the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide (when burned) and methane (from leaks) into the troposphere.

Page 14: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.


• Some analysts see natural gas as the best fuel to help us make the transition to improved energy efficiency and greater use of renewable energy.

Figure 16-11Figure 16-11

Page 15: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.


• Coal:

Figure 16-12Figure 16-12

Page 16: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.

Fig. 16-13, p. 369

Waste heat

Coal bunker TurbineCooling tower

transfers waste heat to



Cooling loop


Pulverizing mill

Condenser Filter


Toxic ash disposal

Page 17: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.


• Coal reserves in the United States, Russia, and China could last hundreds to over a thousand years.– The U.S. has 27% of the world’s proven coal

reserves, followed by Russia (17%), and China (13%).

– In 2005, China and the U.S. accounted for 53% of the global coal consumption.

Page 18: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.


• Coal is the most abundant fossil fuel, but compared to oil and natural gas it is not as versatile, has a high environmental impact, and releases much more CO2 into the troposphere.

Figure 16-14Figure 16-14

Page 19: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.


• Coal can be converted into synthetic natural gas (SNG or syngas) and liquid fuels (such as methanol or synthetic gasoline) that burn cleaner than coal.– Costs are high.

– Burning them adds more CO2 to the troposphere than burning coal.

Page 20: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.


• Since CO2 is not regulated as an air pollutant and costs are high, U.S. coal-burning plants are unlikely to invest in coal gasification.

Figure 16-15Figure 16-15

Page 21: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.


• When isotopes of uranium and plutonium undergo controlled nuclear fission, the resulting heat produces steam that spins turbines to generate electricity.– The uranium oxide consists of about 97%

nonfissionable uranium-238 and 3% fissionable uranium-235.

– The concentration of uranium-235 is increased through an enrichment process.

Page 22: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.

Fig. 16-16, p. 372

Small amounts of radioactive gases

Uranium fuel input (reactor core)

Control rodsContainment shell

Heat exchanger

Steam Turbine Generator

Waste heat

Electric power

Hot coolant

Useful energy 25%–30%Hot

water outputPumpPump

Coolant Pump Pump


Cool water input

Waste heat

Shielding Pressure vessel

Coolant passage

Water CondenserPeriodic removal and storage of radioactive wastes and spent fuel assemblies

Periodic removal and storage of radioactive liquid wastes

Water source (river, lake, ocean)

Page 23: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.


• After three or four years in a reactor, spent fuel rods are removed and stored in a deep pool of water contained in a steel-lined concrete container.

Figure 16-17Figure 16-17

Page 24: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.


• After spent fuel rods are cooled considerably, they are sometimes moved to dry-storage containers made of steel or concrete.

Figure 16-17Figure 16-17

Page 25: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.

Fig. 16-18, p. 373

Decommissioning of reactorFuel assemblies

ReactorEnrichment of UF6 Fuel fabricationFuel fabrication

(conversion of enriched UF(conversion of enriched UF66

to UOto UO22 and fabrication of and fabrication of

fuel assemblies)fuel assemblies) Temporary storage of Temporary storage of spent fuel assemblies spent fuel assemblies underwater or in dry underwater or in dry caskscasks

Conversion of U3O8 to UF6

Uranium-235 as UFUranium-235 as UF66

Plutonium-239 as PuOPlutonium-239 as PuO22

Spent fuel Spent fuel reprocessingreprocessing

Low-level radiation Low-level radiation with long half-lifewith long half-life

Geologic disposal of moderate &

high-level radioactive

wastesOpen fuel cycle today

“Closed” end fuel cycle

Page 26: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.

What Happened to Nuclear Power?

• After more than 50 years of development and enormous government subsidies, nuclear power has not lived up to its promise because:– Multi billion-dollar construction costs.– Higher operation costs and more malfunctions

than expected.– Poor management.– Public concerns about safety and stricter

government safety regulations.

Page 27: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.

Case Study: The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Accident

• The world’s worst nuclear power plant accident occurred in 1986 in Ukraine.

• The disaster was caused by poor reactor design and human error.

• By 2005, 56 people had died from radiation released.– 4,000 more are expected from thyroid cancer

and leukemia.

Page 28: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.


• In 1995, the World Bank said nuclear power is too costly and risky.

• In 2006, it was found that several U.S. reactors were leaking radioactive tritium into groundwater.

Figure 16-19Figure 16-19

Page 29: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.


• A 1,000 megawatt nuclear plant is refueled once a year, whereas a coal plant requires 80 rail cars a day.

Figure 16-20Figure 16-20

Page 30: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.


• When a nuclear reactor reaches the end of its useful life, its highly radioactive materials must be kept from reaching the environment for thousands of years.

• At least 228 large commercial reactors worldwide (20 in the U.S.) are scheduled for retirement by 2012.– Many reactors are applying to extent their 40-year

license to 60 years.– Aging reactors are subject to embrittlement and


Page 31: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.


• Building more nuclear power plants will not lessen dependence on imported oil and will not reduce CO2 emissions as much as other alternatives.– The nuclear fuel cycle contributes to CO2

emissions.– Wind turbines, solar cells, geothermal energy,

and hydrogen contributes much less to CO2 emissions.

Page 32: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.

NUCLEAR ENERGY• Scientists disagree about the best methods

for long-term storage of high-level radioactive waste:– Bury it deep underground.– Shoot it into space.– Bury it in the Antarctic ice sheet.– Bury it in the deep-ocean floor that is geologically

stable.– Change it into harmless or less harmful isotopes.

Page 33: Chapter 16 Nonrenewable Energy. TYPES OF ENERGY RESOURCES About 99% of the energy we use for heat comes from the sun and the other 1% comes mostly from.


• Nuclear fusion is a nuclear change in which two isotopes are forced together.– No risk of meltdown or radioactive releases.– May also be used to breakdown toxic material.– Still in laboratory stages.

• There is a disagreement over whether to phase out nuclear power or keep this option open in case other alternatives do not pan out.