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  • 1. Section 2: Turbulent Centuries in Africa

2. Objectives Describe how the Portuguese established footholds on Africas coast. Analyze how European actions affected the slave trade and the rise of African States. Explain how the European presence in Africa expanded. 3. Why Spices? Historically used for: Preserving food Adding flavor to meat Making medicines Making perfumes 4. Why Spices?BasilGingerCinnamon 5. Portugal Gains Footholds The Portuguese who explored Africas coasts were seeking a sea route to Asia that bypassed the Mediterranean and buy goods directly from the source- not through Arab middlemen! 6. Portugal Gains Footholds The Strategy: Build small forts Establish trade posts Attack African coastal cities EX: Mombasa 7. Portugal Gains Footholds Why so scared? Portuguese conquest was limited to the coasts. They lacked accurate maps and faced resistance from Africans. 8. QUESTION: Where have we seen slavery in the past and in the world?Hint: Not just in Africa! 9. ANSWER: Nearly everywhere! 10. The African Slave Trade The Portuguese often bought slaves to work on their plantations.They relied on African rulers and traders to retrieve slaves. Slaves were traded for items like rum, weapons, and textiles.plantations: large estates run by an owner or owners overseer 11. The African Slave TradeAffonso I, ruler of Kongo in West Central Africa, started an early attempt to stop slave trade in Africa. 12. The African Slave TradeAffonso I had been tutored by Portuguese missionaries as a young man.missionary: a person sent out to convert others to a religion 13. QUESTION: What is the exclusive control of a business or industry?Hint: this could build a wealthy and powerful state 14. Weve all played it!!!Answer:Monopoly 15. New African States Arise The Asante Kingdom Present-day Ghana Military leader: Osei Tutu Won control of many regions of Africa and built a strong state Traded slaves & gold for European firearms Managed monopolies on gold and slave trade 16. New African States Arise The Oyo Empire Waves of settlement by the Yoruba people of present-day Nigeria Used wealth from slave trade to build an army Conquered neighboring kingdoms Traded with European merchants 17. QUESTION: Who were Dutch farmers that settled around Cape Town? 18. ANSWER: The Boers 19. European Presence Expands The Boers Dutch farmers that settled Cape Town, the first permanent European settlement in Africa Enslaved and killed Africans that were settled there Believed that they