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Chapter 14: Forging the National Economy (1790-


Page 2: Chapter 14:  Forging the National Economy (1790-1860)

The Westward Movement

• US marched quickly toward west

• Pioneer life is very hard w/ isolation, disease & loneliness

• Frontier people were individualistic, superstitious & ill-informed because new information was slow to reach them

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Shaping the Western Landscape

• Westward movement molded environment

• Tobacco exhausted land & moved on, but “Kentucky blue grass” thrived

• Ecological imperialism• Trapped beavers, sea

otters, and Bison to manufacture for East

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Shaping the Western

Landscape• Spirit of nationalism led to

appreciation of American wilderness

• Catlin pushed for national park & achieved it with Yellowstone in 1872

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The March of the Millions

• Mid-1800s, pop cont’d to double every 25 years

• 1860-orginial 13 states now has 33 states; pop 4th in the world (Russ, Fra, Austria)

• Urban growth cont’d explosively

• 1790-only New York & Philadelphia had >20,000 people, but 1860, 43 had

• Brought bad sanitation sewage system & pipe-in water

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• High birthrate had accounted for pop growth, but near 1850s, millions of Irish, German came

• A surplus pop. in Euro but not all came to US 25/60 million

• Appealing of US (land, freedom from church, aristocracy, 3 meat meals a day)

• Intro of transoceanic steamship (reduce traveling to 12 days, death rate high not as bad)

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The Emerald Isle Moves West(1830s-1960s-2 million)

• Irish potato famine in mid-1840s led to death of 2 million & many flee to US

• Illiterate, discriminated

• Hated by Protestants because they were Catholic and it was feared that the Powerful Church may get a foot hold in America

• Hated competition w/ blacks for job

• Ancient Order of Hibernians (serve to aid Irish)

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The Emerald Isle Moves West (1830s-

1960s-2 million)• Because of rules of

“enfranchisement” (granting voting citizenship) they slowly gain power

• Gradual property owning (grand success), children educated.

• Attracted to politics, filled police dept.

• Politicians tried to appeal to Irish by yelling at London

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The German Forty-Eighters

• 1 million poured in bet 1830s-1860s because of crop failures (economic failures) and an autocratic government (does not take public’s opinions to mind)

• Liberals such as Carl Schurz contributed to elevation of US politics

• They easily assimilate and thrive in the U.S. having brought more $ than Irish and possessing better skills. Many bought land in west esp. in Wisconsin.

• Votes crucial so wooed by US politicians but not as potent because they spread out

• Contributed to US culture (Christmas tree); isolationism

• Urged public education & freedom (enemies of slavery)

• Still subject of resentment from nationalists because they are a group & brought beers to US.

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Flare-ups of Anti-foreignism

• “Nativists” prejudiced newcomers in jobs, politics, religion

• Catholic became major religious group because of immigration of 1840s, 50s & set out to build catholic school

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Flare-ups of Antiforeignism • Nativists feared that Catholicism would

build on Protestantism (popish idols) so formed “Order of star-spangled Banner”

• Met in secrecy-“Know-Nothing” party• Fought for restriction on immigration,

naturalization & deportation of alien paupers

• Wrote fiction books about corruption of churches

• Mass violence, ex. Philadelphia 1844-burned churches, schools, people killed

• Made America pluralistic society w/ diversity

• No longer hated because they were crucial to economic expansion & more availability of jobs

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The March of Mechanization

• Industrial revolution spread to US & US destined to be an industrial giant because:

1. Land was cheap, labor available, $ for investment plentiful, raw available

BUT: We Lacked consumer for factory-scale manufacturing

• British long-established factory was our major competition

• Kept textile to own monopoly (forbade travel of crafts men & export of machine)

• US remained very rural to farming

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Whitney Ends the Fiber Famine

• Samuel Slater – “Father of the Factory System”

• Learned machinery when working in British Factory escaped to US, aided by Moses Brown build 1st cotton thread spinner in US (1791)

• Eli Whitney built a cotton gin (50 times more effective than hand picking cotton)

• Cotton economy now profitable, saved the South to King Cotton

• South flourished & expanded cotton kingdom toward west

• Northern factories manufactured, esp. New England (w/ poor soil, dense labor, access to sea, river for water power)

• West produced the food to feed the people in the northeaster factories.

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Page 15: Chapter 14:  Forging the National Economy (1790-1860)

Marvels in Manufacturing• Embargo of war of 1812 encouraged

home manufacture• With peace of Ghent, British poured in

surplus in cheap $, forcing close of American factories

• Congress passed Tariff of 1816 to protect US economy

• Eli Whitney introduced machine made replaceable parts (on muskets-1798) universal in manufacturing by1850

• Base of assembly line (flourished North); cotton gin flourished south

• England will be the #1 purchaser of American Grown Cotton

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Marvels in Manufacturing• Elias Howe & Issac Singer (1846)

made sewing machine (foundation of clothing industry) and the textile mills (cloth) will be the first mass industry to take off in America

• Decade of 1860 had 28,000 patents while 1800 only had 306

• Principle of limited liability (can’t lose more than invested) stimulate economy

• Laws of “free incorporation” (1848)-no need to apply for charter from legislature to start corp.

• Samuel Morse’s telegraph connected business world -“What hath god wrought?”…..the first message typed from Washington to Baltimore-by Morse.

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Workers and “Wage Slaves”

• Factory system led to impersonal relations

• Benefit went to factory owner, labors were long, wages low, meals bad, no union

• Child labor heavy

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• Adult working condition improved in 1820s & 30s w/ mass vote to workers

• 10 hour day, higher $, tolerable condition, public education, ban of imprisonment for debt

• 1840s president Van Buren made 10 hour day for Federal Workers

• Many struck but lost because employers import more workers (so hated immigrants)

• Unions formed in 1830s but hit by panic of 1837

• Case of Commonwealth vs. Hunt in Supreme court of MA (1842)

• Legalized union on peaceful & honorable protest

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Women and the Economy

• Women were toiled in factory under bad conditions

• Opportunities rare & women mainly in nursing, domestic service, teaching

• Women usually worked before marriage, after marriage they were house wives (made more decisions in family)

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Women and the Economy

• Arrange marriages died down; marriage w/ love tied family closer

• Family grew smaller (avg. 6); fertility rate dropped sharply “domestic feminism”

• Child-centered w/ less children & discipline not physically

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Western Farmers Reap a Revolution in the Fields

• Trans-Allegheny region (Ohio-Indiana-Illinois) became nation’s breadbasket

• Planted corn & raised hogs (known as “porkopolis” of the west”

• Inventions that boomed agriculture• John Deere -steel plow that cut

through hard soil & can be pulled by horses

• Cyrus McCormick -mechanical mower-reaper

• Led to large-scale production & cash crops

• Produced more than south; product flow N to S in rivers, not E & W-needed transportation rev,

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Highways and Steamboats • Improvements in transportation

needed for raw material transport• Lancaster turnpike-hard road

from Philadelphia & Lancaster; brought economic expansion to west

• Federal gov’t constructs Cumberland Road (Maryland -Illinois) (1811-1852 ) w/ state & federal $

• Robert Fulton invents steam engine (Steam boats)-1807

• Contributed to development of S & W economy

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“Clinton’s Big Ditch” in New York• Clinton’s Big Ditch-Erie Canal

between Great Lakes & Hudson River(1817-1825)

• Annoys many New England farmers because it forces them to move for construction (some give up farming all together)

• Impact is enormous on economy as it shortens expense & time of transportation & cities grew along the side, – Price of food reduced approx


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Pioneer Railroad Promoters

• 1st railroad in US (1828); by 1860-30,000 mi. railroad tracks in US (3/4 at north)

• Railroad 1st opposed bec. financier afraid to loose $ from Erie canal & also caused fire to houses

• Trains were badly constructed (brakes bad) & gauge of traveling varied

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The Transport Web Binds the Union

• Steamboat allowed reverse transport of S to E to bind them together

• New York became the Queen port of the country goods distributed

• Principle of divided labor-each region specialize in own economic activity

• Transformed the home: no longer the center of industry now a restful place to tend to the Family

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Wealth and Poverty• The industrial revolution

widens the gap bet. rich & poor

• Unskilled workers were “drifters” who went from town to town for jobs – (1/2 of industrial pop) -

forgotten• Social mobility existed but

not in proportion, rags-to-riches were rare

• Standard of living did raise, wage rose too (helped diffuse potential class conflict)

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Cables, Clippers, and Pony Riders• Cotton accounted for ½ of exports• After repeal of Corn Law of 1846,

wheat became imp role in trade w/ Eng.

• American imported more than exported (substantial debt to foreign creditors)

• 1858-Cyrus Field laid Cable between US & Euro (but died in 3 weeks); better one in 1866

• Golden age of naval commerce came in 1840s, 50s

• Mckay builds clipper ships (fast, long)• Tea trade w/ British flourishes &

carried many to CA• Crushed by British’s iron tramp

steamers• Speedy communication-roads from

Missouri to CA, Pony Express