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Chapter 1 Science Skills

1.1 What is Science?

● How does the process of science start and end?

○ ________________________________________________________________



● Curiosity provides questions, but scientific results rely on finding answers.

○ In some experiments, observations are qualitative, or _______________.

○ In some experiments, observations are quantitative, or ______________.

○ Some questions - for example, how the universe began- cannot be answered by

direct observations and measurements but only by other kinds of evidence.

● What is the relationship between science and technology?

○ ________________________________________________________________



○ Science - ________________________________________________________



○ Technology - __________________________________________________



● What are the branches of natural science?

○ _______________________

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■ __________________ - the study of the composition,

_______________, properties, and _______________ of matter.

■ __________________ - the study of matter and _____________ and the

interactions between the two through _____________ and ___________.

○ _______________________

■ ______________________

■ ______________________

■ ______________________

■ ______________________

○ ____________________ - the study of living things also know as biology.

■ _____________________

■ _____________________

■ _____________________

Biology includes the physics and chemistry of living things, as well as their origin

behavior .

Biologists study the different ways that organisms grow, survive, and reproduce.

● There is overlap between different areas of science.

● The Big Ideas of Physical Science

○ ______________________ - The universe is both very old and very big.

○ ______________________ - A very small amount of the universe is

matter, All matter that you are familiar with is made up of building blocks

called atoms.

○ ______________________ -___________ cause changes in _________.

The laws of physics allow these changes to be calculated exactly.

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○ _______________________ - ___________ exists in many forms.

___________ can be transferred from one form or object to another, but

can never be destroyed.

● Science is both a process and a body of knowledge. As more knowledge is

added, the models that science uses to describe the universe change.

● Be skeptical. Ask questions. Be aware that the scientific facts of today might be

changed as knowledge grows. However, believe in the scientific process that has

discovered them.

1.2 Using the Scientific Approach

● An organized plan for gathering, organizing, and communicating information is called a

_____________ _____________.

○ Can be used to search for the answer to a question.

○ Can vary from case to case, depending on the question and how the researcher

decides to look for an answer.

● What is the goal of the scientific method?

○ ________________________________________________________________



● Scientific Methods

○ ____________________ - information that you obtain through your senses.

○ ____________________ - a proposed answer to a question.

■ In an experiment, any factor that can change is called a variable.

● _____________________ - causes a change.

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● _____________________ - changes in response to the

_________________ variable.

● ____________________________ - an experiment in which only

one variable, the __________________ variable, is deliberately

changed at a time.

○ ____________________ - Describes how facts apply to a hypothesis.

○ _______________________________ - a well-tested explanation for a set of

observations or experimental results. Once a hypothesis has been supported in

repeated experiments, scientists can begin to develop a theory.

#1 Label with the correct terms for one example of the scientific method.

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#2 Identify the following as a part of the Scientific method.

Test whether speed affects how wet you get in the rain.

Scientists determined that running in the rain keeps you drier

The faster your speed, the drier you will stay.

How does speed affect how wet you get in the rain?

● __________________ - a statement that summarizes a pattern found in nature.

○ Example: Newton’s __________ of gravity is a scientific __________ that has

been verified over and over. Scientists have yet to agree on a ____________

that explains how gravity works.

● A ________________________ describes an observed pattern in nature without

attempting to explain it. The explanation of such a pattern is provided by a


● Why are scientific models useful?

■ A model is a representation of an object or event. A street map is a model

of a city.

○ ________________________________________________________________



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Safety plays an important role in science. Laboratory work may involve flames or hot plates,

electricity, chemicals, hot liquids, sharp instruments, and breakable glassware. Always follow

your teacher’s instructions and the directions exactly.

1.3 Measurement

● ________________________________ - is a way of expressing a value as the product

of a number between 1 and 10 and a power of 10.

■ Example: the speed of light is about 300,000,000 meters per second. In

scientific notation, that speed is _________________m/s. The exponent

____ tells you that the decimal point is really ____ places to the

__________ of the 3.

○ For numbers less than 1 that are written in _________________

_______________, the exponent is __________________.

■ Example: An average snail’s pace is 0.00086 meters per second. In

________________________, that speed is _______________________

m/s. The ________________ exponent tells you how many decimal

places there are to the ___________ of the 8.6

○ To multiply numbers written in scientific notation, you multiply the numbers that

appear _____________ the multiplication signs and __________ the exponents.

■ Example: (3.0 x 10 8 m/s) x (5.0 x 10 2 s ) = __________________

(This is about the distance between the sun and Earth.)

● When dividing numbers written in scientific notation, you divide the numbers that

appear before the exponential terms and _______________ the exponents.

○ Example:(1.5 x 10 11 m) (3.0 x 10 8 m/s) = _______________________÷

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● What units do scientists use for their measurements?

○ ________________________________________________________________



○ Scientists around the world use the same system of measurements so that they

can readily interpret one another’s measurements.

○ ___________________ - the straight line distance between two points.

○ ___________________ - the quantity of matter in an object or sample.

Quantity Unit Symbol





Amount of substance

Electric current

Luminous intensity

● Additional SI units, called __________________, are made from combinations of

base units.

○ ________________ - the amount of space taken up by an object.

○ ________________ - the ratio of an object’s mass to its volume.

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Quantity Unit Symbol




Pressure Pascal ( kg/m s 2 )• Pa

Energy Joule (kg m 2 /s 2 )• J

Frequency Hertz (1/s) Hz

Electric charge Coulomb (A s)• C

● ______________________ - indicates how many times a unit should be multiplied or

divided by 10.

Si Prefixes

Prefix Symbol Meaning Multiply Unit by

Billon (10 9 ) 1,000,000,000

Million (10 6 ) 1,000,000

Thousand (10 3 ) 1000

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Tenth (10 -1 ) 0.1 or 110

Hundredth (10 -2 ) 0.01 or 1100

Thousandth (10 -3 ) 0.001 or 11000

Millionth (10 -6 ) 0.000001 or 11000000

Billionth (10 -9 ) 0.000000001 or1


● _________________________ - is a ratio of equivalent measurements used to convert

a quantity expressed in one unit to another unit.

○ Example 1km1000 m 1 km


Convert the height of Mount Everest, 8848 meters, into kilometers.

x -------------- = km

● ____________________ - a gauge of how exact a measurement is.

● _________________ ________________ - are all the digits that are known in a

measurement, plus the last digit that is estimated.

● How does the precision of measurements affect the precision of scientific calculations?

○ ________________________________________________________________



● ___________________ - the closeness of a measurement to the actual value of what is

being measured.

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○ Example: suppose a digital clock is running 15 minutes slow. Although the clock

would remain precise to the nearest second, the time displayed would not be


● __________________ - an instrument that measures temperature, or how hot an object


● ○ C = ( ⚬ F - 32.0 ⚬ )95 ⚬ F = ( ⚬ C) + 32.0 ⚬5


● The SI base unit for temperature is the _____________________

○ A temperature of 0K, or 0__________, refers to the lowest possible temperature

that can be reached.

○ In degrees Celsius, this temperature is -273.15 ⚬ C. To convert between

__________ and degrees Celsius, use the formula:

K =

1.4 Presenting Scientific Data

● In order for new to be useful, it must be reported in a clear, organized manner. Like the

news, scientific data become meaningful only when they are organized and


● How do scientists organize data?

○ ________________________________________________________________



○ _____________ - relates two variables -- a manipulated variable/independent

variable and a responding variable/dependent variable.

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○ ________________ - useful for showing changes that occur in related variables.

■ The ____________________variable is generally plotted on the


■ The ____________________ variable is plotted on the


■ Sometimes the data points in a graph yield a straight line.

● The steepness, or ___________, of this line is the ratio of the

__________________ change to

the corresponding

__________________ change.

● Formula:

● ___________________________ - a relationship in which the ratio of two

variables is constant. The relationship between the mass and the volume

of water is a great example.

○ Example:

A 3 cm 3 sample of water has a mass of 3 grams

A 6 cm 3 sample of water has a mass of 6 grams

A 9 cm 3 sample of water has a mass of ____ grams.

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● ___________________________ - a relationship in which the product of

the two variables in a constant.

○ Example:

A flow rate of 0.5 gallon per minute will fill the pot in 2 minutes.

A flow rate of 1 gallon per minute will fill the pot in 1 minute.

A flow rate of 2 gallons per minute will fill the pot in __________

● ________________________ - often used to compare a set of measurements,

amounts, or changes.

● ________________________ - shows how a part or share of something relates to the


● How can scientists communicate experimental data?

○ ________________________________________________________________



● ___________________ - a process in which scientists examine other scientists’ work.

○ Encourages comments, suggestions, questions, and criticism from other


○ Based on their peers’ responses, the scientists who submitted their work for

review can then reevaluate how to best interpret their data.