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Lyceum of the Philippines University – Cavite Campus






1.1 Background of the Study

Digital technology has revolutionized the way in which people

communicate and share information – at local, national and international levels.

Computers help individuals to create and consume information at unprecedented

scale and at unprecedented speed. The social dimension of computing reminds us

that computing is about people, not merely about information. According to

Madison (2006) computing builds connections, networks, and pathways for

information and activity channels that constrain the individual and enable the

group. We should look for value in the social dimensions of computing; as

matters of law and policy, therefore, we should look for ways to enhance and to

limit–that social character.

By definition, democratic governments should reflect public opinion and

work best when the citizens are well-informed (Turney, 2009). Governments were

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among the first organizations to need, and to practice, public relations as a way of

maintaining appropriate relationships with their citizens. There are various tools

that can be used in the practice of public relations. Traditional tools include press

releases and media kits which are sent out to generate positive press on behalf of

the organization. Widely used tools include brochures, newsletters and annual

reports. Increasingly, government are utilizing interactive social media outlets,

such as blogs and social media as tools in their public relations campaigns. Unlike

the traditional tools which allowed for only one-way communication, social

media outlets allow the government to engage in two-way communication, and

receive immediate feedback from the public. 

The growth of web technologies has led to an explosion of social

networking media sites. These have attracted millions of users worldwide, and

offer a wide variety of methods that users can connect to others and share

common interests. According to Kes-Erkul and Erkul (2009) social media have

the capacity to change the relationship between the Internet and its users, and can

change power structures and increase the opportunity for users to engage in

greater community participation. Cole (2009) indicates that social media can be

powerful tools governments can deploy to help rejuvenate civic engagement.

Blogs, wikis, RSS feeds and social networking sites like Twitter,

Facebook and LinkedIn have provided creative ways to recruit, engage, connect

and retain employees. They have also provided an opportunity to facilitate

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strategic knowledge sharing across organizations and government agencies. This

development has led to a greater interest in how governments can use tools and

sites to reach a variety of users with diverse goals. Freeman and Loo (2009) claim

that these technologies can be leveraged to transform the way governments

provide online information and services, as well as interact with constituents and

stakeholders. Romsdahl (2005) argues that more participation of government

policy-making via the Internet could help revitalise dialogue between citizens and

governments and promote greater participation by disenfranchised citizens and

groups as they use these technologies to educate others about political issues in

their communities.

Furthermore, social networking is more recently being used by the public

especially the youth nowadays.  As the social networking site's popularity

increased, its services were quickly expanded to students at other universities and

eventually to everybody (Lane, 2010). Social networks allow students to socialize

in multiple ways. But as Lane (2010) sees it, when this technologically enhanced,

social life is extended into the academic life of students, grades can be severely

affected. However, social networking tools and certain web pages serve as a

quick and easy way for students to communicate while the government is able to

get the opinion of the public and to keep the public updated on their activity.

Several government agencies are taking advantage of these web pages for

recruiting and talent management, as well as improving job performance. Some

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agencies have created a Facebook network for employees to achieve better talent

management — as a way to share knowledge, build collaboration and improve

employee engagement. People must be aware that there is more important use of

social networking other than socializing. For the students, aside from socializing,

they should spend time thinking of how effective are social networks not only for

government work but also for reaching the public. They should be aware of such

web pages or social networking sites that government agencies use for public


Because of the above mentioned scenario, the researchers developed the

interest to determine the impact of social networking sites as information

dissemination tool of government agencies as perceived by certain group of

students which play a significant role in the efficient achievement of accessible

communication and access to public. Additionally, it may help increase the speed

of public feedback and input not only from professionals but also from the youths.

Through this study, the players in the government system would become more

aware and conscious of the present psychological makeup of its people especially

the students as affected by social media. They could devise measures to improve

its programs and campaigns, more particularly in the aspect of informing and

communicating to the public and accepting feedback from them.

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1.2 Research Problem and Objectives

Statement of the Problem

This study generally aimed to determine the impact of social networking

sites as information dissemination tool of government agencies.

General Objectives

This study generally aimed to determine the impact of social networking

sites as information dissemination tool of government agencies as perceived by

second year Foreign Service students of the Lyceum of the Philippines University

Cavite Campus during the second semester of academic year 2011-2012.

Specific Objectives

This study was specifically conducted to:

1. study the role of Social Networking sites in the current communication

and information dissemination.

2. determine the impact of social networking sites as an information

dissemination tool of government agencies.

3. study the possible benefits of these social networking sites as information

dissemination tool of government agencies to students taking up Foreign


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1.3 Significance of the Study

This study was conducted to determine the impact of social networking

sites as information dissemination tool of government agencies as perceived by

second year Foreign Service students of the Lyceum of the Philippines University

Cavite Campus during the second semester of academic year 2011-2012.

At the end of the study, the following are the individuals and institutions

that will benefit from the study:

Students – will be able to assess the effects of these social networking sites

and web pages of government agencies to them. It will also increase their

awareness to the practices the government are using for public relations for

them to be able to participate.

Instructor – will be able to improve, widen their approach and think of

possible ways to increase their students’ awareness of this matter

Government agencies – will also have a good basis for reforming and

modifying programs or campaigns to increase government’s access to

audience. It will also improve the accessibility of communication and enable

them to be more active in its relationships with its citizens.

Future researchers – may use this study as a reference or guide in their study.

It can be used as one of their related studies and can be used to get more


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Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study was conducted at the Lyceum of the Philippines University

Cavite Campus on March 2012.The study covered all second year Foreign Service

students of the Lyceum of the Philippines University Cavite Campus during the

second semester of academic Year 2011-2012. The role of Social Networking

Sites in the current communication and information dissemination was

determined and the impact of Social Networking Sites as information

dissemination tool of government agencies was also established. The possible

benefits of the social networking sites as information dissemination tool of

government agencies to students taking up Foreign Service students was also


1.5 Study Framework

1.5.1 Theoretical Framework

This study will be based on the Network Theory or Network Analysis,

also known as Social Network Theory which can be applied to a wide range of

human organizations, from small groups of people to entire nations (Ethier, 2006)

and the Relationship Awareness Theory which gives organizations and

individuals the awareness and skills they need to build more effective personal

and professional relationships (Porter, 2010).

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According to Ethier (2006), the former theory states that these networks

are created to help their membership reach established and perceived potential

goals, through members helping members to make contacts, within society. It

focuses on the relationships between people, instead of on characteristics of

people. These relationships may comprise the feelings people have for each other,

the exchange of information, or more tangible exchanges such as goods and

money. By mapping these relationships, network analysis helps to uncover the

emergent and informal communication patterns present in an organization, which

may then be compared to the formal communication structures. The term network

refers to a set of objects, or nodes, and mapping or description of the relationship

between the objects. In the case of social networks, the objects refer to people or

groups of people.

Moreover, Barnes (1954) indicates that Social Network Theory views

social relationships in terms of nodes and ties. Nodes are the individual actors

within the networks, and ties are the relationships between the actors. In

connection to the study, the government agencies and the students are the possible

nodes while the awareness of students to the impact of social networking sites and

web pages of government agencies refers to the tie between them. As supported

by Porter (2010), the theory develops concern for task accomplishment and

concern for organization of people, time, money and any other resources to

achieve desired results. The latter theory strengthens the former theory because

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Relationship Awareness Theory is a dynamic and powerful way of looking at

human relationships that aids in building communication, trust, empathy, and

effective, productive relationships.

Based on the theory, the main concept of the study is to aim to determine

the impact of social networking sites as information dissemination tool of

government agencies as perceived by second year Foreign Service students of the

Lyceum of the Philippines University Cavite Campus during the second semester

of academic year 2011-2012.

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Figure 1.2 Theoretical Framework of the study

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Individual actors within the network(nodes)

Exchange of information

Actor within a network(node)

Awareness and skills that will build more effective personal and professional relationship

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1.5.2 Conceptual Framework

As Social Network Theory views social relationship, nodes and ties were

replaced as variables in the study. The government agencies and the students are

the possible nodes while the social networking sites as information dissemination

of government agencies refers to the tie between them. The latter theory

strengthens the former theory because Relationship Awareness Theory was

intended to provide an effective means for understanding one's self and for

understanding others so that interpersonal relationships could be mutually

productive and gratifying. As a result, it may be a good way to determine the

impact of social networking sites as information dissemination tool of government

agencies as perceived by second year Foreign Service students of the Lyceum of

the Philippines University Cavite Campus during the second semester of

academic year 2011-2012.

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Figure 1.2. Conceptual framework of the study

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Social Networking Sites of government agencies

Information on Social Networking Sites that government agencies


Second Year Foreign Service students of Lyceum of the Philippines University Cavite Campus

Awareness of the second year Foreign Service students to the impact of social networking sites as information dissemination tool of government agencies

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1.5.3 Operational Definition of Terms

Social Networking Site – is a website that provides a virtual community for

people to share their interest in a particular topic, or to increase their circle of


Information Dissemination – is the circulation or wide dispersal of information.

Information Dissemination tool – the medium or tool used to distribute


Government Agencies – are administrative units of government that are tasked

with specific responsibilities.

Social Media – term uses to describe a variety of web-based platforms,

applications and technology that enable people to socially interact with one

another online.

Impact – is the effect or impression of one thing on another.

Role – the function assumed or part played by a person or a thing in a particular


Benefits – the advantage or profit gained from something or someone.

Communication – is the process by which information is exchanged between

individuals through a common system.

College of Arts and SciencesBachelor of Science in Foreign Service