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  • 7/25/2019 Chap 14 Modified


    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 1

    Chapter 14Chapter 14

    Upon completion you will be able to:

    Unicast Routing Protocols:Unicast Routing Protocols:RIP, OSPF, and BGPRIP, OSPF, and BGP

    Distinguis between intradomain and interdomain routingUnderstand distance !ector routing and RIPUnderstand lin" state routing and OSPFUnderstand pat !ector routing and BGP


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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 2

    Figure 14.1 #utonomous systems

    An autonomous systemis a set of networks and routers undthe control of a single administrative authority!outing within an autonomous system is intradomain routin!outing "etween autonomous systems is interdomain routin

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 3

    Figure 14.2 Popular routing protocols

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 4


    In distance !ector routing,In distance !ector routing, te least cost route between any two nodes iste least cost route between any two nodes iste route wit minimum distancete route wit minimum distance$ In tis protocol eac node maintains a$ In tis protocol eac node maintains a

    !ector %table& o' minimum distances to e!ery node!ector %table& o' minimum distances to e!ery node

    (e topics discussed in tis section include:(e topics discussed in tis section include:




    *en to Sare*en to Sare

    (wo+ode -oop Instability(wo+ode -oop Instability

    (ree+ode Instability(ree+ode Instability

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 5

    Figure 14.3 Distance !ector routing tables

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 6

    Figure 14.4 Initiali)ation o' tables in distance !ector routing

    In distance vector routing# each node shares its ta"le withits immediate neigh"or periodically $eg every %&s' and whenthere is a change

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 7

    Figure 14.5 Updating in distance !ector routing

    Step 1( Add cost $)' to ta"le received from neigh"or $C'Step )( Compare *odi+ed Ta"le with ,ld Ta"le $row "y rowIf -e.t node entry is dierent# select the row with the sma

    cost If tie# keep the old oneIf -e.t node entry the same# select the new row value $regless of whether new value is smaller or not'

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 8

    Figure 14.6 (wo+node instability . wat can appen wit distance !ector routing

    oth A and knowwhere 2 is

    3ink "etween A and 2fails A updates itsta"le immediately

    ut "efore A can tell sends its info to A

    A# using 5s info# up0dates its ta"le $errorThen A send its ta"le

    to and updates itta"le $more error'

    oth routers keep up0dating ta"les# event0ually hitting in+nity I

    the meantime# chaos

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 9

    Figure 14.6 (wo+node instability . wat can appen wit distance !ector routing

    Possi"le Solutions to two0node insta"ility(

    1 6e+ne in+nity to "e a much smaller value# such as 1&&Then it doesn5t take too long to "ecome sta"le ut nowyou can5t use distance vector routing in large networks

    ) Split 7ori8on 9 instead of :ooding entire ta"le to eachnode# only part of its ta"le is sent *ore precisely# if node

    thinks that the optimum router to reach 2 is via A# then does not need to advertise this piece of info to A 9 theinfo has already come from A

    % Split 7ori8on and Poison !everse 9 -ormally# the distanvector protocol uses a timer If there is no news a"out a

    route# the node deletes the route from its ta"le So whennever hears from a"out the route to 2# it deletes itInstead# -ode still advertises the value for 2# "ut if thesource of info is A# it replaces the distance with in+nity#saying ;6o not use this value< what I know a"out this routcomes from you=

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 10

    Figure 14.7 (ree+node instability . no solutions ere/

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 11

    14.3 RIP

    (e Routing In'ormation Protocol(e Routing In'ormation Protocol %RIP& is an%RIP& is an intradomainintradomain routingroutingprotocolprotocol used inside an autonomous systemused inside an autonomous system$ It is a !ery simple protocol$ It is a !ery simple protocol

    based on distance !ector routingbased on distance !ector routing$$

    (e topics discussed in tis section include:(e topics discussed in tis section include:

    RIP 0essage FormatRIP 0essage Format

    Re1uests and ResponsesRe1uests and Responses

    (imers in RIP(imers in RIP

    RIP 2ersion 3RIP 2ersion 3


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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 12

    Figure 14.8 45ample o' a domain using RIP

    -ote themetric usedhere for Costis simply thehop count

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 13

    Figure 14.9 RIP message 'ormat

    Command( re>uest $1' or response $)'?ersion( 1 or ) $version ) shown in a couple slides'@amily( TCP/IP has value )-etwork address( address of the destination network6istance( hop count from the advertising router to the destinanetwork

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 14

    Figure 14.10 Re1uest messages

    A re>uest message is sent "y a router that has ust come up o

    a router that has some time0out entries

    A response message is sent in answer to a re>uest $solicited resor simply every %& seconds $unsolicited' !esponse message forshown in previous slide

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 15

    Figure 67$66 sows te update message sent 'rom router R6 torouter R3 in Figure 67$8$ (e message is sent out o' inter'ace



    See Next Slide

    (e message is prepared wit te combination o' split ori)on

    and poison re!erse strategy in mind$ Router R6 as obtainedin'ormation about networ"s 6;

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 16

    Figure 14.11 Solution to 45ample 6

    7opB1 means destis unreacha"le $only

    works on smallernetworks'

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 17

    Figure 14.12 RIP timers

    Periodic timer( controls the advertising of regular updates

    D.piration timer( governs the validity of a route Ehen arouter receives info# sets timer to 1F&s -o update within1F&sG !oute set to 1# which means unreacha"le

    Har"age collection timer( Set to 1)&s after route set to 1Ehen timer e.pires# then toss route info

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 18

    # routing table as 3 entries$ It does not recei!e in'ormationabout 'i!e routes 'or 3 s$ >ow many timers are running at

    tis time?



    (e 36 timers are listed below:

    Periodic timer: 6

    45piration timer: 3 @ < A 6

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 19

    Figure 14.13 RIP !ersion 3 'ormat

    -ote( ?ersion ) supports su"net masks!oute tag( carries information such as the AS num"erSo it allows !IP to receive info from an interdomain routing prot

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 20

    Figure 14.14 #utentication

    @@@@ in family +eld indicates that the message carriesauthentication info and not routing info

    Authentication type( de+nes the protocol used for authenticatioAuthentication data( contains the actual authentication data$eg password'

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 21

    RIP uses te ser!ices o' UDP onwell+"nown port

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 22


    In lin" state routing, i' eac node in te domain as te entire topologyIn lin" state routing, i' eac node in te domain as te entire topologyo' te domain, te node can use Di"straCs algoritm to build a routingo' te domain, te node can use Di"straCs algoritm to build a routing


    (e topics discussed in tis section include:(e topics discussed in tis section include:

    Building Routing (ablesBuilding Routing (ables

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 23

    Figure 14.15 oncept o' lin" state routing

    oncept o' lin" state routing

    Dvery router has knowledge a"out the network# "ut from

    its own perspective

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 24

    Figure 14.16 -in" state "nowledge

    Dach router knows $maintains' its states of its links

    Dach router :oods this info $via a 3ink State Packet' to otherouters periodically $when there is a change in the topology#or every & to 1)& minutes'

    Each routertakes in this data and# using 6ikstra5s

    algorithm# creates the shortest path tree and correspondingrouting ta"le

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 25

    Figure 14.17 Di"stra algoritm

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 26

    Figure 14.18 45ample o' 'ormation o' sortest pat tree

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 27

    (able 67$6(able 67$6 Routing table 'or node #Routing table 'or node #

    -ow let5s try using the 6ikstra5s algorithm introduced inT6C %1

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 28

    14.5 OSPF

    (e Open Sortest Pat First %OSPF& protocol is an(e Open Sortest Pat First %OSPF& protocol is an intradomainintradomainrouting protocol based on lin" state routingrouting protocol based on lin" state routing$ Its domain is also an$ Its domain is also an

    autonomous system$autonomous system$

    (e topics discussed in tis section include:(e topics discussed in tis section include:



    (ypes o' -in"s(ypes o' -in"s

    Grapical RepresentationGrapical Representation

    OSPF Pac"etsOSPF Pac"ets-in" State Update Pac"et-in" State Update Pac"et

    Oter Pac"etsOter Pac"ets


    Fi 14 19 # i

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 29

    Figure 14.19 #reas in an autonomous system

    ,SP@ divides an autonomous system into areas All networinside an area must "e connectedArea "order router( The router at the "order of an area

    ack"one( The area that is connected to all other areas"ack"one routers( !outers inside the "ack"oneAS "oundary router( !outer that is connecting two ASThe cost associated with a route is called the metric *etricould "e min delay# ma. thruput# etc

    Fi 14 21 P i t t i t li "

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 30

    Figure 14.21 Point+to+point lin"

    -o hosts in "etween< T01 connection common

    Fi 14 22 ( i t li "

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 31

    Figure 14.22 (ransient lin"

    A network with several routers attached to it< all 3A-s and somehave transient links< " is unrealistic "ecause too many advertiseIn c# one of the routers also "ecomes la"eled the designated rout

    Fi 14 23 St b li "

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 32

    Figure 14.23 Stub lin"

    A network that is connected to only one router

    and is a special case of the transient

    ?irtual link( A link that is created "etween two routers"y an administration using a longer path that pro"a"lygoes through several router in case the link "etweenthese two routers is "roken

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 33

    Figure 14.24 45ample o' an #utonomous System and its grapical

    representation in OSPF

    Ehat kind of networks are the dotted linesGAre there any stu" networks hereG Ehat are the transient netwo

    Figure 14 25 (ypes o' OSPF pac"ets

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 34

    Figure 14.25 (ypes o' OSPF pac"ets

    ,SP@ works "y transferring packets Ehat are the dieretypes of packetsG

    The link state update packets are the most important# "ut seethe ne.t slide

    Res!"ds t! # li"$%st#te re&uest

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 35

    When a router is

    connect to the system or

    after a failure, it cannot

    wait for all link statepackets before making

    its own database and

    calculating its routing

    table. Neighbors will

    send it a database

    description when they

    receive a hello messagefrom it for the first time

    (not the full database

    but like an outline about

    links). rom this, the

    router can then ask for

    information it does not


    !sed to create


    relationshipsand to test the

    reachability of


    "he first step

    in link staterouting.

    #e$uests pieces of the

    topological database from

    neighbor routers. "hese

    messages are e%changed

    after a router discovers

    (by e%amining database&

    description packets) that

    parts of its topological

    database are out of date.


    #c$et. '(ese )ess#ges #ls! #re used

    *!r t(e regul#r disers#l !* +S,s.

    Sever#l +S,s c#" be i"cluded -it(i" #

    si"gle li"$%st#te ud#te #c$et.





    "ype * +

    Figure 14 26 OSPF common eader

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 36

    Figure 14.26 OSPF common eader

    ?ersion( ?ersion of ,SP@ $Current version is )'Type( Type of the packet $1 to 'Area identi+cation( The area within which the routing

    takes place

    Checksum( entire packet e.cluding the Auth type and AuthAuthentication( 6e+nes the authentication protocol used inthis area & 0J -one# 1 0J PasswodAuthentication( Actual value of the authentication dataAuthentication type B & 0J &s# Authentication type B 1 0Jeight character password

    Figure 14 27 -in" state update pac"et

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 37

    Figure 14.27 -in" state update pac"et

    This is the general form of the link state update packet

    It is used "y a router to advertise the state of its links

    -ote that this packet contains one or more 3SAs $the yellowpart'

    Figure 14 28 -S# general eader

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 38

    Figure 14.28 -S# general eader

    This is the general header for each 3SA

    3ink state age0seconds elapsed since this message was +rstgeneratedD( if 1# then this area is a stu" area

    T( if 1# router can handle multiple types of service3ink state type( 1$router link'# )$network link'# etc $ne.t slide'Advertising router( IP address of router advertising this msg3ink state se>uence num"er( simply a se>uence num"erChecksum is actually "ased on @letcher5s checksum

    -ink&state advertisement (-ink&state update) types

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 39

    R!uter +i"$s (#-) ("ype ) are generated by all routers. "hese links describe the

    state of the router interfaces inside a particular area. "hese links are only flooded

    inside the routers area.

    Net-!r$ +i"$s (N-) (type ) are generated by a /# (/esignated #outer) of a

    particular segment0 these are an indication of the routers connected to that segment.

    Su))#r +i"$s (1-) are the inter&area links (type *)0 these links will list the

    networks inside other areas but still belonging to the autonomous system.

    1ummary links are in2ected by the '3# ('rea 3order #outer) from the backboneinto other areas and from other areas into the backbone. "hese links are used for

    aggregation between areas.

    '1 boundary router summary links are type + links that point to the '13#

    ('utonomous 1ystem 3oundary #outer). "his is to make sure that all routers know

    the way to e%it the autonomous system.

    4%ternal -inks (4-) (type ), these are in2ected by the '13# into the domain.

    Figure 14 29 Router lin"

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 40

    Figure 14.29 Router lin"

    This is a router link 3SA $one of the kinds of 3SAs'It is used to de+ne the links of a true router to announce info

    all of its links and what is at the other side of the link $neigh

    Figure 14 30 Router lin" -S#

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 41

    Figure 14.30 Router lin" -S#

    @or what to enter in 3ink I6# 3ink data#and 3ink type# see the ne.t slide

    6efault typeof service

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 42

    (able 67$3(able 67$3 -in" types, lin" identi'ication, and lin" data-in" types, lin" identi'ication, and lin" data

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 43

    Gi!e te router lin" -S# sent by router 6$37$E$; inFigure 67$96$



    (is router as tree lin"s: two o' type 6 %point+to+

    point& and one o' type 9 %stub networ"&$ Figure 67$93

    sows te router lin" -S#$

    See Next Slide

    See Figure 14.32

    Figure 14.31 45ample 9

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 44

    Figure 14.31 45ample 9

    Figure 14.32 Solution to 45ample 9

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 45

    Figure 14.32 Solution to 45ample 9

    Figure 14.33 etwor" lin" %second "ind o' -S#&

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 46

    g % ' &

    A network link 3SA de+nes the links of a network and

    is generated "y the designated router $6!'

    Figure 14.34 etwor" lin" ad!ertisement 'ormat

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 47

    g '

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 48

    Gi!e te networ" lin" -S# in Figure 67$9

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 49

    g p

    Figure 14.36 Solution to 45ample 7

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 50

    g p

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 51

    In Figure 67$9E, wic router%s& sends out router lin" -S#s?



    #ll routers ad!ertise router lin" -S#s$

    a$R6 as two lin"s, 6 and 3$b$R3 as one lin", 3$

    c$R9 as two lin"s, 3 and 9$

    See Next Slide

    Figure 14.37 45ample < and 45ample =

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 52

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 53

    In Figure 67$9E, wic router%s& sends out te networ" lin"-S#s?



    #ll tree networ" must ad!ertise networ" lin"s: a$#d!ertisement 'or 6 is done by R6 because it is te only

    attaced router and tere'ore te designated router$

    b$#d!ertisement 'or 3 can be done by eiter R6, R3, or R9,

    depending on wic one is cosen as te designated router$

    c$#d!ertisement 'or 9 is done by R9 because it is te only

    attaced router and tere'ore te designated router$

    Figure 14.38 Summary lin" to networ" -S# %tird "ind o' -S#&

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 54

    The summary link to network 3SA is used "y the area "orderrouter to announce the e.istence of other networks outsideits area

    Figure 14.39 Summary lin" to networ" -S#

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 55

    Figure 14.40 Summary lin" to #S boundary router -S# %'ourt "ind o' -S#&

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 56

    The summary link to AS "oundary 3SA is used to announce the routAS "oundary router So a router inside an area can send a packet othe AS

    Figure 14.41 Summary lin" to #S boundary router -S#

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 57

    This packet de+nes the network to which the AS "oundary rouis attached If a message can reach the network# it can "e pick

    "y the AS "oundary router

    Figure 14.42 45ternal lin" -S# %'i't "ind o' -S#&

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 58

    This packet provides info a"out the networks that are availa"leoutside AS to the routers inside the AS The AS "oundary router:oods the AS with the cost of each network outside the AS usinga routing ta"le created "y an interdomain routing protocol

    Figure 14.43 45ternal lin" -S#

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 59

    Dach advertisement announces one single networkIf there is more than one network# separate announcementsare made

    The AS "oundary router may de+ne a forwarding router that canprovide a "etter route to the destination The packet also can incan e.ternal route tag used "y other protocols "ut not ,SP@

    Figure 14.44 >ello pac"et %(ype 6 OSPF pac"et&

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 60

    Ksed to create neigh"orhood relationships and to testthe reacha"ility of neigh"ors-etwork mask( 6e+nes the mask of the network overwhich the hello message is sent

    7ello interval( num"er of seconds "etween hellomessageD B 1( the area is a stu" networkT B 1( the router supports multiple metrics

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 61

    Priority( 6e+nes the priority of the router to "e adesignated router The router with the highest priority ischosen as the designated router The router with thesecond highest priority is chosen as the "ackup designatedrouter If the value of this +eld is it means the routernever wants to "e a designated or a "ackup designatedrouter

    6ead interval( 6e+nes the num"er of seconds that mustpass "efore a router assumes that a neigh"or is dead

    6esignated router IP address( The IP address of thedesignated router for the network over which the messageis sent

    ackup designated router IP address( The IP address of the"ackup designated router for the network over which themessage is sent

    -eigh"or IP address( 6e+nes the routers that agreed to "ethe neigh"ors of the sending router $the routers that send

    hello messages to the sending router

    Figure 14.45 Database description pac"et

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 62

    Ehen a router is connected to the system for the +rsttime or after a failure# it needs a complete link statedata"ase immediatelyAfter a router is connected to the system# it sends hellopackets to its neigh"ors and since this the +rst time theneigh"ors hear from it# they send a data"ase descriptionmessage

    A data"ase description message only gives an outlinea"out each line in the data"aseThe new router e.amines the outline and +nds out whichlines of information it doesn5t have It then sends one ormore link state re>uest packets to get full info a"out

    that particular link

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 63

    D B 1( means the advertising router is an AS "oundaryrouter $D stands for D.ternal'

    B 1( means the advertising router is an area "orderrouter

    I $initiali8ation' B 1 ( means this is the +rst message

    * $more' B 1 ( means this is not the last message ecausethe data"ase description can "e very long# its contents can"e divided into several messages

    */S $master/slave' :ag( it indicates to the origin of thepacket1 B master# & B slave

    *essage se>uence num"er( contains the S- of themessage Ksed to match a re>uest to a response

    3SA header( Already discussed in the link state updatemessage section The header gives an outline a"out each

    link# without details It is repeated for each link in the linkstate data"ase

    Figure 14.46 -in" state re1uest pac"et %(ype 9 OSPF pac"et&

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 64

    Ehen a router needs information a"out a speci+c route

    or routers# it sends a link state re>uest packet The replyis a link state update packet

    The three +elds here are part of the 3SA header which arealready discussed

    Figure 14.47 -in" state ac"nowledgment pac"et %(ype < OSPF pac"et&

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 65

    ACLs for every link state update packet

    The two sections are suMcient to acknowledge a packet

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 66

    OSPF pac"ets are encapsulated in IPdatagrams$



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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 67


    Pat !ector routing is similar to distance !ector routing$ (ere is at leastPat !ector routing is similar to distance !ector routing$ (ere is at leastone node,one node, called te spea"er nodecalled te spea"er node, in eac #S tat creates a routing, in eac #S tat creates a routing

    table and ad!ertises it to spea"er nodes in te neigboring #Ss$table and ad!ertises it to spea"er nodes in te neigboring #Ss$

    Only te spea"er nodes communicate$Only te spea"er nodes communicate$

    (e spea"er node ad!ertises te pat, not te metric o' te nodes(e spea"er node ad!ertises te pat, not te metric o' te nodes$$

    Figure 14.48 Initial routing tables in pat !ector routing

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 68

    Figure 14.49 Stabili)ed tables 'or 'our autonomous systems

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 69

    14 7 BGP

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 70

    14.7 BGP

    Border Gateway Protocol %BGP&Border Gateway Protocol %BGP& is an interdomain routing protocolis an interdomain routing protocol

    using pat !ector routing$using pat !ector routing$ It 'irst appeared in 6;8; and as goneIt 'irst appeared in 6;8; and as gone

    troug 'our !ersions$troug 'our !ersions$

    BGP interconnects tree di''erent types o' #S:BGP interconnects tree di''erent types o' #S:

    66$ Stub #S$ Stub #S, e$g$ a corporate networ", e$g$ a corporate networ"

    3$3$0ultiomed #S0ultiomed #S, e$g$ a large corporate networ" wit connections to, e$g$ a large corporate networ" wit connections to

    multiple #Ss, but does not allow tra''ic to pass tru %transient&multiple #Ss, but does not allow tra''ic to pass tru %transient&

    9$9$ (ransit #S(ransit #S + one tat allows transient tra''ic, suc as an Internet+ one tat allows transient tra''ic, suc as an Internetbac"bonebac"bone

    Figure 14.50 Internal and e5ternal BGP sessions

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 71

    The D0HP session is used to e.change info "etween twospeaker nodes "elonging to two dierent AS

    The I0HP session is used to e.change routing info "etweentwo routers inside an AS

    Figure 14.51 (ypes o' BGP messages

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 72

    Figure 14.52 BGP pac"et eader

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 73

    *arker( !eserved for authentication3ength( Total length of the messageType( Type of the packet $1# )# %# or 4'

    Figure 14.53 Open message

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 74

    The open message is used to create a neigh"orhood relationshi

    A router running HP opens a TCP connection with aneigh"or and sends an open message If the neigh"oraccepts the neigh"orhood relationship# it responds with a

    keepalive message

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 75

    ?ersion( The version of HP The current version is

    *y autonomous system( 6e+nes the AS num"er

    7old time( 6e+nes the ma.imum num"er of seconds thatcan elapse until one of the parties receives a keepalive orupdate message from the other If this time passes# therouter considers the other party dead

    HP identi+er( 6e+nes the router that sends the openmessage $usually its IP address'

    ,ption length( 6e+nes the length of the total optionparameters -o options 0J &s

    ,ption parameters( Dach option parameter itself has twosu"+elds that are the length of the parameter and theparameter valueThe only option parameter de+ned so far is authentication

    Figure 14.54 Update message

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 76

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    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 77

    Knfeasi"le routes length( 6e+nes the length of the ne.t+eld

    Eithdrawn routes( 3ists all the routes that must "e deletedfrom the previously advertised list

    Path attri"utes length( 6e+nes the length of the ne.t +eld

    Path attri"utes ( 6e+nes the attri"utes of the path $route'to the network whose reacha"ility is "eing announced inthis message

    -etwork layer reacha"ility information( 6e+nes thenetwork that is actually advertised "y this message It has

    a length +eld $the num"er of "its in the pre+.' and an IPaddress pre+. $common part of the network address'

    D. -etwork address B 1%1FN&/)43ength B )4# IP address pre+. B 1%1FN

  • 7/25/2019 Chap 14 Modified


    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 78

    BGP supports classless addressing andIDR$


    Figure 14.55 eepali!e message

  • 7/25/2019 Chap 14 Modified


    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 79

    The routers running HP e.change keepalive messagesregularly and "efore their hold times e.pire to tell eachother that they are alive

    Figure 14.56 oti'ication message

  • 7/25/2019 Chap 14 Modified


    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 80

    A noti+cation message is sent "y a router whenever anerror condition is detected or a router wants to close theconnection $-oti+cation message of type Cease'

    Drror code( 6e+nes the category of the errorDrror su"code( 6e+nes the type of error in each categoryDrror data( Can "e used to give more diagnostic info a"outthe error

    (able 67$9(able 67$9 4rror codes4rror codes

  • 7/25/2019 Chap 14 Modified


    TCP/IP Protocol Suite 81

  • 7/25/2019 Chap 14 Modified


    BGP uses te ser!ices o' (P

    on port 6E;$
