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C-DIS Brief Manual for Labs/Units

(Beta Form

(CSIR – Data Infographics System)

An initiative by

Research Project Planning and Business Development Directorate

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

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Brief Manual for C-DIS (CSIR – Data Infographics System) (Beta Form)

Available Functionalities :

1. Change Password 2. Dash Board (Publicly accessible / After Login) 3. Download Template for Data Reporting (Publicly accessible) 4. Download Lab/ Unit specific Template for Data Acquisition (After login) 5. Uploading lab/ unit specific standardized templates (after login): 6. View uploaded Lab/Unit Data (for use by labs/ CSIR hqrs) 7. View History of uploaded Lab/Unit Template (for use by labs/ CSIR hqrs) 8. Selective P2P File Sharing via encrypted tokens (Sender CSIR hqrs/ Recipient labs/units) 9. Attaching PDF/Word/PPT documents through object embedding 10. Periodic reporting templates


C-DIS is built upon three ‘E’s. Ease, Empowerment and Excellence enabling rational decisions by exploiting power of data analytics.World over data driven analytics and planning is gaining higher momentum for making informed business/ investment decisions. Data is not only a true renewable source of information and knowledge but also a dimensionless entity (i.e. the usage of information/knowledge fetched out of data chunks depends upon the person handling it, like a data emanating from high science R&D projects can be utilized for decision analysis and risk planning). Utilization of R&D data can also be easily harnessed in planning and monitoring SDGs, National Missions and what not. CSIR being a vibrant organization is very much in need of development of data ecosystem.

Towards this, Head, RPPBDD conceptualized a smart centralized data acquisition system to reduce the burden of CSIR laboratories and to improve efficiency of CSIR headquarters, so that same data is not sought by different people/ divisions of CSIR hqrs repetitively. The system was envisaged to be smart and competent enough to capture, model and analyze data for information enriched decisions and planning with respect to CSIR endeavors. The system should also enable data standardization and uniformity at par with international norms.

The proposed system is a humble initiative, designed and developed in-house by RPPBDD, CSIR hqrs. To begin with, the mode of uploading data to this system is through powerful yet simple EXCEL which will synthesize the backend engine which would later be catalyzed for analysis and modelling for a better information and knowledge retrieval.

How it works:

As you are very well aware of MS-SHAREPOINT (a web-based, collaborative platform that integrates with Microsoft Office and provide a seamless integration of data; and also a document management and versioning system), C-DIS in its primary form does the same (without incurring an expenditure of lakhs of rupees).

In its present form, C-DIS is providing a mutually advantageous platform to all CSIR laboratories/ Units for providing data/information/knowledge inputs sought by CSIR hqrs in a standardized smart template form, which will be available at centralized server. From CSIR hqrs prospective, it will have


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a centralized location where data will be available 24X7 and any authorized person can view and use it for information/knowledge mining. This will not only reduce the frequency of duplicated requests from Hqrs to laboratories but also provide Hqrs accessibility to data which is consolidated and stored at a single place. From Lab/Unit prospective they will get their document versioning system where director/authorized person can view what inputs have been provided at what time against particular requests from hqrs, so as to avoid sending of the same information yet again.

The nerves of C-DIS are sophisticated and well-designed complex yet easy to use Excel templates. Currently many categories of templates are under design process, to progressively cover all the dimensions of data being required by CSIR Hqrs.

Data captured with many of the embedded/customized/ self-designed and available excel macros will be exploited for decision harvesting, modelling and scenario building. Captured data will lead to development of CSIR information/ knowledge bank which in turn be harnessed to support many of the high end optimal scientific decisions matrixes and analysis for serving millions of people of the country in an efficient manner on day to day basis.

Current Scenario and Available Functionalities:

Functionalities would be available in following two ways:

(i) Through public dashboard on C-DIS home page: Herein all such information will be available which is generic in nature and can be shared publically

(ii) After login: Herein all such information will be available which is lab/units specific and/or to be shared selectively.

Presently following functionalities are available on C-DIS:

1. Change Password

As first precautionary measure, user Labs/units/ divisions/ directorates are suggested to change their password after first login. As is standard procedure these days, it is suggested that passwords may be changed at regular intervals.

In case password is forgotten, request mails for password reset may be sent to RPPBDD.

2. Dash Board (Publicly accessible / After Login)

Dash boards will be accessible both publically on home page and as well as after login home page in following manner:


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3. Download Template for Data Acquisition (Publicly accessible)

After selecting Year, the available standardized data templates corresponding to that year would appear.

Users can download the templates under this section without need of logging into the system.

4. Download Lab/ Unit specific Template for

Data Acquisition (After login)

Lab/ Unit specific templates would appear in this section, which will not be accessible through public template download gateway. After selecting Year, the available standardized specific data templates corresponding to that year would appear for download.

5. Uploading general standardized templates (after login):

Duly filled up data on template, can be uploaded by the user under this section by labs/units. In case any modifications are required, the data entry can be modified and newly filled template can be uploaded once again. This can be done any number of times.

6. Uploading lab/ unit specific standardized

templates (after login): This provision has been made to avoid too much cluttering/ over population of template list in template category drop down box. Duly filled up Lab/ Unit specific templates therefore should be uploaded through this section only.As mentioned in previous section, in case any modifications are required, the data entry can be modified and newly filled template can be uploaded once again. This can be done any number of times.


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This sort of Public and lab specific segregation will be available in many other relevant sections also

7. View uploaded Data (after login) On selection of year and template, all the versions of the uploaded data templates by labs/units will appear in both general and lab/unit specific category separately. User can download to view any version of uploaded data templates.

There is an inbuilt document versioning system. Here one can see that how many times lab/units have uploaded the data against same template. File comparison functionality will be developed in course of time for comparing changes made in multiple versions.

8. Download P2P Shared File This is another unique functionality provided to user wherein CSIR headquarters would be in a position to selectively share any file to labs/ outside world (irrespective of the fact that whether recipient has an account in C-DIS or not). So in principle, this is a P2P selective file sharing module. Upon receiving P2P ID, one can download the associated file by placing it in the provided text box and clicking download button.

9. Attaching PDF/word /PPT

documents through object embedding: There may be cases wherein there is need to enclose annexures of different formats to support data entered on main templates. C-DIS allows attachment of annexures which may be in different formats like PDF, word and PPT etc. through object embedding inside the excel sheet.

Here we have presented method to insert PDF, in excel 2016 however the same will be applicable for word, ppt or any other type of file to be inserted in the excel template:


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Go to Insert tab and click on the Object icon in the Text group. This will open the Object dialog box.

In the Object dialog box, select the ‘Create New’ tab and the select ‘Adobe Acrobat Document’ from the list. Note that you need to have

Adobe reader installed on your system for Adobe object to appear in the list.

Check the option – ‘Display as icon’. Click OK. Select the PDF file that you want to embed and click on Open


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10. Periodic reporting templates: C-DIS would alert at defined time interval to its concerned users whenever requisite data becomes due for submission for any periodic reporting templates


As of now, system is in its nascent data acquisition phase. The development of designing, modelling and analytics would keep progressing as per user requirements. Accordingly, the C-DIS data acquisition system and manual would keep evolving with time on regular basis.

Even at this stage user is free to use data for visualization, reporting and analytics by using any of the tools they are comfortable with. Moreover, relevant data will be freely available to CSIR hqrs/ labs/ units/ directorates etc. from any location to centralized data bank for ready reference and secure usage.

The labs will be provided facility of guidance/ hand holding to start using this system shortly to speed up the adaptation of the system at pan CSIR level.

In the meanwhile, any of the following RPPBDD resources may be contacted for any pressing/ emergent issues:

Contact DetailsDr Anjan Ray

Head, RPPBDD,[email protected]

011-237114159Mr Arvind Kumar Kundalia

Scientist, [email protected]

011-23321425, (M) 9910900355

Mr Abhishek Kumar,Scientist, RPPBDD

[email protected], (M) 7379862898


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Users feedbacks/ queries/ comments/suggestions/ criticisms/compliments are welcome