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Challenge Registration Fee

Guidelines and Conditions

Page 2: Challenges Registration Guidelines

The project registration fee is made up of two parts: RAGmin, emergency

expenses and t-shirts. Together these make the project registration fee £45.

The challenge registration fee is made up of two parts: RAGmin, and t-shirts.

Together these make up the challenge registration fee of £35.


Challenge Registration Fee Guidelines and

Conditions 2012/13.

1. T-Shirts £8 As part of your registration fee you will receive a challenge t t-shirt.

This will feature the charity’s logo and will be designed by your

challenge leaders. They will be great to wear when you are doing

any fundraising activities and of course when taking part in the

challenge itself.

2) RAGmin £27 Leeds RAG, as the official fundraising body of LUU has a full-time

coordinator to help with the administration and organisation of all

their projects and events. The coordinator is accountable to the

RAG committee. In order to fund this position, and to cover the

running costs of the office (printing, telephone, collection buckets

etc) RAG must raise this money itself. This is what we call RAGmin.

Please see the pie chart overleaf for the breakdown of RAGmin.

In order to maximise the amount of money donated to charity,

RAG raises the majority of its RAGmin through a registration fee

process. This means that we are honestly able to say that all the

money raised for a charity through a RAG event goes directly to

that charity (unless stated otherwise).

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RAGmin Breakdown

Membership t-shirts - something which makes RAG

members distinctive around campus.

Publicity and Advertising - RAG mags, flyers and

posters are some of the ways RAG captures student


RAG’s running costs - our day-to-day expenses - bill

for the office phone, stationary and printing. Dull


Salary for RAG's full-time Coordinator -

as the elected committee are all students, they do

not have the time to run every aspect of an

organisation that raises over a quarter of a million

pounds for charity. Therefore, RAG has a full-time

member of staff which is paid for out of part of the

registration fees.

Team leader and committee training – The president

and committee organise days of team building

exercises, leadership training and the handover of

information and advice from old to new leaders

and committee.

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Registration Fee Terms & Conditions i) Under no circumstances will registration fees for challenges be

refunded or transferred to another person.

ii) All money fundraised must be donated to the chosen charity for the

event, as specified by RAG.

iii) Fundraising cannot be returned to participants; nor may participants

put fundraising towards a future year of the event.

iv) RAG has no responsibility for, or access to, money raised through

online fundraising sites such as Justgiving. However, money raised on

these websites (excluding GiftAid) will contribute to your fundraising

total. Participants will give online fundraising links once set up to event


v) The fundraising total must be reached by the given deadline. Failure to

reach the total by the deadline will result in refusal to participate in the


Bucket and Tin Rental

i) Deposits for buckets are £10 and for tins £5. The deposit will not be

returned if the bucket is lost or broken.

ii) Rentals are for one week only.

iii) Collections in the union will only be made at times specified in the RAG

bucket timetable. Collectors must be booked into a time slot to make


iv) If buckets or tins are returned late, 50p will be deducted from the

deposit return for every day late (including weekends).

v) Deposits will not be returned without the receipt given out at the time

of renting.

For the most recent terms and conditions and notifications of any changes, please

visit our website 3