Download - [Challenge:Future] Life in YOUR Living Room: a Movement for Peace-Building in Art and Action


Life in YOUR Living Room

Emma Mastad & Ursel Biester2011

This is YOU in your living room

Wake the fuck up!

“Open your heart and look within. Are you satisfied with the life you´re living?” Bob Marley

You are 1 of 7 billion people in this world

All 7 billion have the same 6 needs to feel fulfilled.How many of them do you cover in your life?

6 needs of fulfilment

• 1. Certainty/Comfort

• 2. Uncertainty/Variety

• 3. Significance

• 4. Connection & LOVE

• 5. Growth

• 6. Contribution

Want to know how to meet all 6 human needs

in 3 hours?

This is still

you in your living room Fulfilling the first need of certainty and

comfort in your safe and warm home. Cosy and nice. Sure. But...

...this is LIFE in your living room!

Being the host and co-creator of a magical space in time. Where the people you know in your local community will

have the unique opportunity to meet ALL 6 needs of fulfilment. Being alive!

LiYLR is what makes us feel fulfilled and alive!

VISION: Peace building in art and action

Global network and community of local peace builders in art and action leadership

Global movement of LiYLR initiatives, trainings and annual international gatherings

MISSION for 2030Inspire/invite as many people as possible to create a more fun and meaningful every day life where YOU are

Enable the local musicians and artists to unfold their social healing potential in their community by the LiYLR performance model on our LiYLR events and programmes

Kick starting local social entrepreneur´s heart projects

We believe...

”Don´t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what this world needs is people who have come alive."

Howard Thurman

“I am alive in music”“I always wanted to sing, perform and to work for shaping a better reality. A world with more love and play between people. With more “heartiness”. For myself and my life. Thus for the world I live in every single day. The way of me manifesting my needs and dreams is by creating life in MY living room. Right now. I want to inspire you to come alive in what creates meaning in your life. ” Emma Mastad, LiYLR co-founder

We invite YOU to be the next LiYLR host!

“How to LiYLR?” As a kick off gift you get12 easy steps to start

Art and Action in YOUR living room:

How to LiYLR1 & 21 & 2

2.Preparing the magical spaceRight before the evening starts, the masters of ceremony and the host prepare the living room,defining the place for the stage, putting up candles, snacks and the „Life in Your Living Room“ thread on the wall. Each living room has its own charm. Use the stuff you have!

1. Coordination & co-designing Before the evening, the masters of ceremony coordinate the evening with the host of the house, asking about the hosts personal preferences for specific musicians or if he/she knows particular project-holders from his area

How to LiYLR3 & 43 & 4

3. Arrival & WelcomeGuests start to arrive. Music is playing from the amp. The host and the masters of ceremony welcome them, hand them drinks and do small talk, anything to have a light, inclusive and enjoyable atmosphere.

4. Opening “the show”The masters of ceremony open the evening, explaining about its purpose, flow and practicalities.

How to LiYLR5 & 65 & 6

6. 1st round of ProAction CaféIn the 1st round of the ProAction Café, the question that the group should talk about is.“What is the quest behind the project? Or, in other worlds: why do you actually want to do it?“ This questioning ensures a deepening of the project, so that it is not just a quick idea, but has more grounding in the real motivation of the project-holder. After 10 minutes the groups get a second question handed in from the masters of ceremony: „What is missing?“ By this question the guests are invited to contribute with their own ideas and bring in their knowledge, network or ideas.

5. Live music # 1The first musician tells his/her story and perform his/her music

How to LiYLR7 & 87 & 8

8. 2nd round of ProAction CaféThe project-holder talk to one other person (or several, if more are interested) about the question: „What are my next steps?“ This ensures actionable outcomes. The rest of the guests mingle and just enjoy the party.

7. Live music # 2The second musician tells his/her story and perform his/her music.

How to LiYLR9 & 109 & 10

10. Live music # 3The third musician tells his/her story and perform his/her music.

9. Project presentationEverybody gathers in a circle in the living room. The project holders get 2 minutes each to present their next steps.

How to LiYLR11 & 1211 & 12

12. Jamming Unofficial gathering, playing, singing, talking, partying & having FUN!

11. Closing the ceremonyThe masters of ceremony end the planned part of the 3h LiYLR evening.

People´s voices on the LiYLR initiatives

“1000 times better than going out to a pub night!”

“Thank you for such a cozy and meaningful evening. Can I host the next one?”

“Your music really touched me. I write songs too. Could you teach me some chords on the guitar some time?

I really want to start playing too!!”

Our mission is to kick off a peaceful (r)evolution through art & action

Starting with your heart and your living room...

taking it to living rooms and hearts around the world!

“a revolution without dancing is not a revolution worth having

if there won´t be dancing at the revolution, I´m not coming” emma goldman

Dance the (r)evolution with us in YOUR living


Become a member of the LiYLR online community by sending an email to: [email protected]