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    Chapter 6

    I nterest Rate Futures

    Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition,Copyright John C. Hull 2012 1

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    Day Count ConventionDefines:

    the period of time to which the interest rate applies

    The period of time used to calculate accruedinterest (relevant when the instrument is bought ofsold

    Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition,Copyright John C. Hull 2012 2

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    Day Count Conventions

    in the U.S. (Page 129)

    Treasury Bonds: Actual/Actual (in period)

    Corporate Bonds: 30/360

    Money Market



    Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition,Copyright John C. Hull 2012 3

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    ExamplesBond: 8% Actual/ Actual in period.

    4% is earned between coupon payment dates.Accruals on an Actual basis. When coupons are

    paid on March 1 and Sept 1, how much interest isearned between March 1 and April 1?

    Bond: 8% 30/360

    Assumes 30 days per month and 360 days peryear. When coupons are paid on March 1 andSept 1, how much interest is earned betweenMarch 1 and April 1?

    Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition,Copyright John C. Hull 2012 4

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    T-Bill: 8% Actual/360:

    8% is earned in 360 days. Accrual calculated by

    dividing the actual number of days in the period by360. How much interest is earned between March1 and April 1?

    Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition,Copyright John C. Hull 2012 5

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    The February Effect(Business Snapshot 6.1)

    How many days of interest are earnedbetween February 28, 2013 and March 1,

    2013 whenday count is Actual/Actual in period?

    day count is 30/360?

    Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition,Copyright John C. Hull 2012 6

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    Treasury Bil l Pr ices in the US

    Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition,Copyright John C. Hull 2012 7






    P )(

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    Treasury Bond Price Quotes

    in the U.S

    Cash price = Quoted price +Accrued Interest

    Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition,Copyright John C. Hull 2012 8

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    Treasury Bond FuturesPages 132-136

    Cash price received by party with short

    position =Most recent settlement price Conversionfactor + Accrued interest

    Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition,Copyright John C. Hull 2012 9

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    ExampleMost recent settlement price = 90.00

    Conversion factor of bond delivered = 1.3800

    Accrued interest on bond =3.00

    Price received for bond is 1.380090.00+3.00= $127.20 per $100 of principal

    Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition,Copyright John C. Hull 2012 10

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    Conversion FactorThe conversion factor for a bond isapproximately equal to the value of the bond

    on the assumption that the yield curve is flatat 6% with semiannual compounding

    Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition,Copyright John C. Hull 2012 11

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    CBOT T-Bonds & T-NotesFactors that affect the futures price:

    Delivery can be made any time during the

    delivery monthAny of a range of eligible bonds can be delivered

    The wild card play

    Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition,Copyright John C. Hull 2012 12

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    Eurodollar Futures(Page 136-141)

    A Eurodollar is a dollar deposited in a bank outsidethe United States

    Eurodollar futures are futures on the 3-monthEurodollar deposit rate (same as 3-month LIBORrate)

    One contract is on the rate earned on $1 million

    A change of one basis point or 0.01 in a Eurodollarfutures quote corresponds to a contract price changeof $25

    Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition,Copyright John C. Hull 2012 13

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    Eurodollar Futures continuedA Eurodollar futures contract is settled in cash

    When it expires (on the third Wednesday of

    the delivery month) the final settlement priceis 100 minus the actual three monthEurodollar deposit rate

    Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition,Copyright John C. Hull 2012 14

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    Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition,Copyright John C. Hull 2012 15

    Date Quote

    Nov 1 97.12

    Nov 2 97.23

    Nov 3 96.98


    Dec 21 97.42

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    ExampleSuppose you buy (take a long position in) acontract on November 1

    The contract expires on December 21

    The prices are as shown

    How much do you gain or lose a) on the first

    day, b) on the second day, c) over the wholetime until expiration?

    Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition,Copyright John C. Hull 2012 16

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    If on Nov. 1 you know that you will have $1million to invest on for three months on Dec

    21, the contract locks in a rate of100 - 97.12 = 2.88%

    In the example you earn 100 97.42 = 2.58%

    on $1 million for three months (=$6,450) andmake a gain day by day on the futurescontract of 30$25 =$750

    Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition,Copyright John C. Hull 2012 17

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    Formula for Contract Value(page


    Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition,Copyright John C. Hull 2012 18

    IfQis the quoted price of a Eurodollar futurescontract, the value of one contract is

    10,000[100-0.25(100-Q)]This corresponds to the $25 per basis pointrule

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    Forward Rates and Eurodollar

    Futures(Page 139-141)

    Eurodollar futures contracts last as long as 10years

    For Eurodollar futures lasting beyond two yearswe cannot assume that the forward rate equalsthe futures rate

    Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition,Copyright John C. Hull 2012 19

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    There are Two Reasons

    Futures is settled daily whereas forward is settled

    onceFutures is settled at the beginning of theunderlying three-month period; FRA is settled at

    the end of the underlying three- month period

    Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition,Copyright John C. Hull 2012 20

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    Forward Rates and Eurodollar

    Futures continued

    A convexity adjustment often made is

    Forward Rate = Futures Rate0.5s2T1


    T1 is the start of period covered by theforward/futures rate

    T2is the end of period covered by theforward/futures rate (90 days later that T1)

    s is the standard deviation of the change in theshort rate per year(often assumed to be about1.2%

    Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition,Copyright John C. Hull 2012 21

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    Convexity Adjustment when

    s=0.012(page 141)

    Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition,Copyright John C. Hull 2012 22

    Maturity ofFutures (yrs)

    ConvexityAdjustment (bps)

    2 3.2

    4 12.2

    6 27.0

    8 47.5

    10 73.8

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    Extending the L IBOR Zero Curve

    LIBOR deposit rates define the LIBOR zero

    curve out to one yearEurodollar futures can be used to determineforward rates and the forward rates can thenbe used to bootstrap the zero curve

    Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition,Copyright John C. Hull 2012 23

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    Example(page 141-142)

    so that

    If the 400-day LIBOR zero rate has been

    calculated as 4.80% and the forward rate forthe period between 400 and 491 days is 5.30the 491 day rate is 4.893%

    Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition,Copyright John C. Hull 2012 24










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    Duration MatchingThis involves hedging against interest raterisk by matching the durations of assets

    and liabilitiesIt provides protection against smallparallel shifts in the zero curve

    Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition,Copyright John C. Hull 2012 25

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    Use of Eurodollar FuturesOne contract locks in an interest rate on $1million for a future 3-month period

    How many contracts are necessary to lock inan interest rate on $1 million for a future six-month period?

    Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition,Copyright John C. Hull 2012 26

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    Duration-Based Hedge Ratio





    VF Contract price for interest rate futures

    DF Duration of asset underlying futures atmaturity

    P Value of portfolio being hedged

    DP Duration of portfolio at hedge maturity

    Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition, Copyright John C. Hull 2012 27

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    ExampleIt is August. A fund manager has $10 million investedin a portfolio of government bonds with a duration of6.80 years and wants to hedge against interest rate

    moves between August and DecemberThe manager decides to use December T-bondfutures. The futures price is 93-02 or 93.0625 and theduration of the cheapest to deliver bond is 9.2 years

    The number of contracts that should be shorted is

    Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition,Copyright John C. Hull 2012 28





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    L imitations of Duration-Based


    Assumes that only parallel shift in yield curvetake place

    Assumes that yield curve changes are small

    When T-Bond futures is used assumes therewill be no change in the cheapest-to-deliver


    Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition,Copyright John C. Hull 2012 29

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    GAP Management(Business Snapshot 6.3)

    This is a more sophisticated approach usedby banks to hedge interest rate. It involves

    Bucketing the zero curveHedging exposure to situation where ratescorresponding to one bucket change and all otherrates stay the same

    Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition,Copyright John C. Hull 2012 30

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    L iquidity RiskIf a bank funds long term assets with shortterm liabilities such as commercial paper, itcan use FRAs, futures, and swaps to hedgeits interest rate exposure

    But it still has a liquidity exposure.

    It may find it impossible to roll over the

    commercial paper if the market losesconfidence in the bank

    Northern Rock is an exampleOptions, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition,

    Copyright John C Hull 2012 31