Download - Ch. 16 - Chemical Reactions

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Ch. 16 - Chemical Reactions

IV. Energy & Chemical Reactions

Energy Changes Exothermic Reactions Endothermic Reactions

Page 2: Ch. 16 - Chemical Reactions

A. Energy Changes

During a chemical reaction…energy is used to break bondsenergy is released when new

bonds are formed



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B. Exothermic Reaction

reaction that releases energy

energy released by making new bonds outweighs energy req’d to break old bonds

H2(l) + O2(l) H2O(g) + energy

reaction that powers the space shuttle lift-off

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C. Endothermic Reaction

reaction that absorbs energy

energy req’d to break old bonds outweighs energy released by making new bonds

process used to obtain aluminum from aluminum ore

2Al2O3 + energy 4Al + 3O2