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page 5

Relay foR pizza

photo by Karli Morris/The eagleAthletes in motionUSU Eastern student government sponsor many activities during Welcome Week including a wheelbarrow race. Members of the baseball team participated in hopes of winning the free pizza at the end of the race.

Player Highlight

Name: Denver Hansen

Number: 25

Position: 1st base, DH

Hometown: Kamas, Utah

Major: Exercise Sports Science

Hero & Why: King Leonitis, because he is the biggest man to walk the Earth

Somethingmostpeopledon’tknow aboutyou:Ideliverflowersformymother’sflowershop

Favorite thing about USU Eastern: The people here and the small- town atmosphere


This year, just like the last, is different than the past rivalry games. Utah and BYU usually play near the end of November, whereas this year, they play the third game into the season. I have mixed feelings on this, for one, on the positive side is we don’t have to wait so long for the best game of the year, but then on the other hand what’s the point of the game? Usually this game decides the conference champion, but now it being so early it doesn’t have that effect anymore.

Another downside to this is over the

course of the season, the tension rises be-tween the fans as the two teams battle it out for the top team in the conference. What tension is going to be there in the third game? Not as much as there was in the past.

Now this brings us to something that will affect the rivalry game greatly. With the past conference changes that both teams made: Utah joining the Pac-12 and BYU going Independent, this once great rivalry, coined The Holy War, will be no more in 2014 and 2015. This brings us back to the game being

played earlier in the year. Knowing that the game won’t be played

for two straight years adds tension to these next two games. It will especially add em-phasis on the 2013 game, because whoever wins that one will have the bragging rights for two years, until the game resumes again. That’s a long time to have to deal with your opposing team’s fans rubbing it in all year. Maybe they should have a scrimmage game in the off season, just to satisfy some fans and end the punishment of the team that lost.

Anyway, whoever wins is going to have a fun two years, or how they put in Utah, it will

be the best two years. This year’s Holy War will take place in the Rice Eccles stadium in Salt Lake City

Sept. 15. Fans from all over will be coming to see how this rivalry match will end up. With the beat down that the Cougars had last year, it will be great to see what the turnout will be. To answer any questions as to what team I support, I will end with a quote from former Utah Head Coach Ron Mcbride, “When Brigham Young came into the valley, he pointed to where the University of Utah would be and said, “‘This is the place.’ Provo, Utah, was just an afterthought.”

Katie BigelowUSU Eastern Alumni

Employee of the Quarter was Ruth Whiteside, a coordinator III for Utah State University Eastern

who has given over 20 years of service to the college. One of her favorite parts of working at USU Eastern is, “The friendships I established with students, faculty, staff and the public. Some of the students remain in contact with me. I’m always so proud and happy to hear about what they are doing with their lives. It makes me happy when former students and CEU employees stop by the BDAC to visit.” Her service has allowed her many memories, “I have many, many memories I will treasure forever. It’s hard to narrow down; however, a few of my favorite memories are when the basketball team went to SWAC Nationals in Kansas, when I received the Student Choice Award in 1996-1997, Outstanding Staff Person of the Year, participating in Spencer’s Wishes and the restoration of the gym

floor. Graduation is always special to me and last but not least, being Employee of the Quarter.” For new employees of USU Eastern, Whiteside offered her advice, “We are all here to make our institution the best college experience for our students. While the main focus is academics, there are so many other ways to be involved. I encourage you to have interaction with students other than classrooms. There are so many opportunities to do this, such as basketball, volleyball and baseball games. I would be happy to share what I have learned with new employees. “I have met so many people that have made a positive and lasting impact on my life, I can’t choose one. One person I would call my mentor is Coach Dave Paur. He has been a constant positive impact on my life and puts things in perspective on a daily basis. I admire the care and concern James Prettyman has for students. I think a lot of James and appreciate the fact I can always count on him helping with students.”Prettyman said, “Her uncanny people

skills and dedication is what Ruth has added to the BDAC.” When asked if money were no object, what you would be doing, she said, “I wouldn’t change a thing. I am right where I want to be. I love working with the students and at the BDAC. Why would I want to be doing anything else?” Officer Jeff Wood said, “She has a cheerful personality and her dedication has made the BDAC a better place.” She says one of the most satisfying parts of her job is, my day-to-day interactions with students, faculty and staff. Also providing assistance and my dedication to the students. She is dedicated to her students, job and the institution. Student athlete Candice Cornaby said, “First thing that comes to my mind about Ruth is she is the nicest woman I have ever met. She truly cares about us athletes. I enjoy the times I get to go to the BDAC and just sit and talk with Ruth.” One of the longest days of Whiteside’s life was, “Once again it’s hard to choose

just one. A day that will be in my memory forever will be the day Coach Brad Barton died. I closed the BDAC to the public and let the basketball team remain there until I was sure they would all be okay. We were there late, but I felt so bad for the team that I wanted to help them in any way I could.” Student and dancer Daylan Jones said, “She always has a smile when you walk into the BDAC. She’s always the first one to greet you. You can tell how much she loves the students and school by the way she carries herself and takes care of the BDAC. I think of her as my Price grandma. She’s definitely the one I’ll miss the most when I leave CEU.” Friend Mike Kourianos said, “She looks at the athletes as her children. She has a love for them. Ruth brings a special spirit when people come to her. She has a listening ear. If you’re having a bad day, she is there to help. You see all the people who give her hugs. It’s genuine love.” Paur said, “Ruth is the BDAC. She loves the activities and she’s always at all of them, because she loves the kids.”

Whiteside: employee of the quarterpage 7

Outdoor adventures

at CC Recreation

Labyrinth Canyon Canoe Trip

September 13-16Fee: $400 and children $300, no matter how old the child is. Fee includes transporta-tion, food, and canoes. Par-ticipants must provide their own camping gear. Items are available to rent at Carbon Rec. Join us in the journey through time. Your guides will tell you about the history and geology of this beautiful


Mountain Bike Ride: Luke’s Trail

September 29Come with us, find new

people to ride with. No charge, but you must reg-ister by Sept. 26. This ride is for competent beginners and anyone more advanced who would like to go for a moderate ride. It is perfect for a family.

Meet at Luke’s Trailhead at 8 a.m. Plan to be on the trail 3-4 hours.

Little Grand

Canyon OvernightBackpack Trip

October 6-7 Pre-trip meeting Oct. 2

at 5 p.m. Fee: $20, includes transportation for the first 8 people registered. After that people will need to provide their own transportation. People will need to make arrangements for a backpack, gear and food. Items are available to rent at Carbon Rec.

The 17-mile moderate hike is great for beginners. If you’ve always wanted to go backpacking, this is your opportunity. Go with a guide who can show you the ropes and make the experi-ence safe.

Little Wild Horse Canyon Hike

October 20Fee: $10, includes trans-

portation for the first 10 people registered. After that people will need to provide their own transportation.

Hike one of the most famous slot canyons in the world. Bring your own water and snacks for the trail. The hike will be 4 to 8 miles long, depending on the capabilities of the group. Easy hiking with several moderately difficult obstacles to negoti-ate. We will stop at Ray’s in Green River on the way home for a burger and fries. Meet at the Carbon Rec office at 8 a.m. You will be back in Price 6-7 p.m.

Black Dragon Canyon Ride

November 3Fee: $10, includes transpor-tation for the first 10 people registered. After that people will need to provide their own transportation.This 15-mile moderately dif-ficult downhill ride is great for the whole family. Must pre-register, must provide your own bike, helmet, lunch/water. We will stop at Ray’s in Green River on the way home for a burger and fries (on your own). Meet at the Carbon Rec office at 8 a.m. You will be back in Price 5-6 p.m.


Bouldering Outing

November 10 Fee: $10, includes trans-

portation for the first 10 people registered. After that people will need to provide their own transportation. If you don’t know what bouldering is, this is your opportunity to find out. This is low level rock climbing, using spotters and crash pads rather than ropes.

•Holy War continued from page 6

USU Eastern Campus Store is up and ready for service!

Need text books but can’t afford to buy them whole price?

RENT THEM! Come check out the item of the month to receive 25% OFF! 10% OFF for students wearing USU Eastern apparel every

Friday (True Blue Friday).

Player Highlight

Name: Paige Peterson

Number: 10

Position: Setter

Hometown: Marion, Utah

Major: Cosmetology

Hero & Why: My dad, because he is hard working and always laid back, never seen him mad

Somethingmostpeopledon’tknowaboutyou:Ihavetwoother siblings attending this college. Hayden and Megan Peterson

Favorite thing about USU Eastern: The people who visit my room

Favorite thing about your sport: My teammates
