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Certificate of Origin Markup Language Certificate of Origin Markup Language (COML)(COML)


Presented bySuresh Kumar Kantholy

Trade and Logistics24 June 2004

All rights reserved. ‘CrimsonLogic’ and the Shell Device are trade marks of CrimsonLogicPte Ltd. All information contained in this presentation is disclosed to you on the basis of a prospective business relationship and is proprietary to CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd and may not be used, disclosed or reproduced without the prior written consent of CrimsonLogic.

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• Certificate of Origin (CoO) Overview – What is CoO?– Type of CoO

• CoO Business Process– Workflow– Roles and Responsibility– Core Components

• COML Methodology– Conceptual Model– Spreadsheet Model– Schemas– Implementation Model

• Difficulties Faced

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Certificate of Origin (CoO) Certificate of Origin (CoO) Overview Overview

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What is CoO?What is CoO?

• A document, required by foreign governments, declaring that goods in a particular international shipment are of a certain origin

• A signed statement as to the country of origin of the exported products for a particular shipment

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Type of CoOType of CoO

• Non-preferential CO– Used to distinguish foreign products from domestic

products for the purpose of applying several other trade policy instruments, such as

• anti-dumping and countervailing duties• safeguard measures• origin marking requirements• discriminatory quantitative restrictions or tariff

quotas rules on government procurement

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Type of CoOType of CoO

• Preferential CO– Employed in preferential trading arrangements

(PTAs) and in the context of generalized systems of preferences (GSP)

– Prevents trade deflection — to avoid products from non-preference receiving countries from being transshipped through a low-tariff PTA or GSP partner to a high-tariff one

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CoO Business ProcessCoO Business Process

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Seller AuthorizedOrganization

apply receive

COO Response query COOreceive

amend receive



endorse COO





COO receive

endorse COO

reject COO

reject COO

COO Response

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Roles and ResponsibilityRoles and Responsibility

• Authorized Organization (AO)– A government agency / approved association of

businessmen to protect and promote business interests in the region.

– An agreed entity that issues signatory certificates to organizations participating in this authorization system.

– Validates all the CO information provided by Exporter against the supporting documents like Bill of Lading, Invoice, etc.,

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Roles and ResponsibilityRoles and Responsibility

• Banks (Inland) – Banks play important role in Letter of credit

negotiations. Letter of credit is a letter addressed by a bank, at the insurance and responsibility of a buyer of merchandise, to a seller, authorizing him to draw drafts to a stipulated amount under specified terms and undertaking conditionally or unconditionally to provide eventual payment for drafts.

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Roles and ResponsibilityRoles and Responsibility

• Embassy (Inland)– An official office of the ambassador of the foreign

country, serves as the primary channel of communication between the two governments, negotiates treaties, and promotes economic and cultural exchange between home country and host country.

– Legalized CO documents. In real, some countries in the Middle East require Embassy endorsement, to restrict goods imported from the certain countries for political or other reasons.

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Roles and ResponsibilityRoles and Responsibility

• Insurance Firm– Insurance firms are financial institution that funds

their investment activities from the sale of securities or insurance.

– In some countries, insurance firms likely to verify the goods value based on the shipment listed in Certificate of origin, & may evaluate the insurance value quoted by the seller.

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Core ComponentCore Component

• Application Reference– Identifies the document during and after the stage

of application

• Issuance Country– Source of which the CoO is being certified

• Prepared By Party– Person in-charge of filling-up the CoO information

• Buyer Party– Person import/purchases goods through the

international purchase and supply chain

• Seller Party– Person that exports; originator or wholesaler of

exported goods

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Core ComponentCore Component

• Signatory Party– Authorized declarant who sign on CoO

• Certificate of Origin Line– Describes the "commercial" information about the

consignment between the Buyer and the Seller • Consignment Transport

– Arrangement under which items are delivered by a consignor to a consignee to be resold or used and paid for by the consignee

• AO Endorser Party– Body appointed by the government of a country who

has the right to certify a CoO• Document Routing

– Specifies information related to the conveyance of CoO

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Core ComponentCore Component

• Supporting Document– Documents to support the verification process

during endorsement by AO

• Embassy Endorser Party– Embassy Officer who legalized CoO

• Insurance Endorser Party– Provide insurance to the shipment

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COML MethodologyCOML Methodology

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Conceptual ModelConceptual Model

Certificate Of Origin Application Package
























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Spreadsheet ModelSpreadsheet Model

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Implementation ModelImplementation Model

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Difficulties FacedDifficulties Faced

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Difficulties FacedDifficulties Faced

• UBLish v1.0– UBLish does not include the document type for

COApplication and COApplicationResponse

• Digital Signature?

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