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The Strive To Be A Creator �

By: Jared Cerqueira�

Have you ever wanted to Create?�

I have always wanted to make things. From drawing to making toys and tools.�

As a child�

I used to create large scale scenes with my toys and have giant battles between them. �

As an adult �

I still wanted to create and I found myself drawing a lot. I also found the hobby of making L.A.R.P weapons. �

Long-term Goals �

I want to be the owner of my own gaming company.�

I want to create my imagination �

I enjoy to draw creatures and monsters and I will bring them to life. �

I want to take on the masters �

After my time in the game art program I would like to try to get the game design masters degree �

I believe… �

The gaming industry has become more of a money farm than an actual entertainment service.�

I know. �

 I feel that the content has stayed the same yet the prices increase.�

Why do I think this? �

Today videogames cost a lot of money. The game itself is $60 brand new with upwards of $40 of add-on content.�

But wait there is a season pass! �

Season passes are the quick way for game makers to bundle all there downloadable content into a cheaper package.�

My Impact �

I want to change the money scheme back into mainly an art form of storytelling. �

Less money more fun.�

No more paying for extra content. �No micro-transactions.�Just content.�  

What I can do. �

I can produce 3D assets to place in games or movies.�

I can also… �

Animate in 3D and 2D. �

My past experience in the field�

I don’t have any past experience in the industry all my experience started at Full Sail. �

But… �

I have been drawing for several years. �

My past job experience. �

I was a delivery driver for a seafood redistribution company. �

How this helped me.�

On a daily basis I had to converse with a multitude of people in each of the restaurants that I delivered to. �

These people… �

The people that I had to serve on a day to day basis were not always happy people. That taught me to talk tactfully to guarantee customer satisfaction. �

Where I want to be in the Industry�

As long as I am in the industry Ill be happy, but if it were up to me I would like to be a project manager.�

For what company?�

I would choose to work for Capcom, Blizzard, and From Software.�

Why do I want to work there? �

Capcom, From software, and Blizzard have made some of my favorite games titles. I would like to learn from them how to make great quality games. �

With Knowledge comes Power! �

If I learn how to create the quality of games that I look up to I could then make it possible to make my own gaming company. This is my End Goal.�  

Sources  •  Slide  3:  h/p://­‐content/uploads/2014/01/Warhammer-­‐6th-­‐EdiBon.jpg  •  Slide  2:  h/p://dearborn-­‐­‐1.jpg  •  h/p://

Dublin_Philharmonic_Orchestra_performing_Tchaikovsky's_Symphony_No_4_in_Charlo/e,_North_Carolina.jpg  •  h/p://­‐of-­‐money-­‐raining.html  •  h/p://  •  h/p://­‐content/uploads/2015/02/Job%20Lots%20For%20Sale-­‐148812617910200260.jpg  •  h/p://  •  h/p://­‐4-­‐soldier-­‐shortcut-­‐bundle-­‐dlc-­‐na/boxart/thumbnail-­‐

ba/lefield-­‐4-­‐soldier-­‐shortcut-­‐bundle-­‐dlc-­‐na_boxart_tall-­‐296x346.jpg  •  h/p://  •  h/p://  •  h/p://­‐d38oey0.jpg  •  h/p://  •  h/p://  •  h/p://­‐content/uploads/2014/07/freelancing-­‐takes-­‐paBence.jpg  •  h/p://­‐content/uploads/2014/12/manager.jpg  •  h/p://­‐content/uploads/2013/04/Dark-­‐Souls-­‐Prepare-­‐to-­‐Die-­‐EdiBon-­‐PC.jpg  •  h/p://­‐marks-­‐background-­‐cute_thum.gif.html  •  h/p://­‐1151283-­‐039991EB000005DC-­‐181_468x286.jpg  •  h/p://­‐breakfast-­‐blog/wp-­‐content/uploads/2012/06/raining_money.jpg  •  h/p://­‐SCHOOL-­‐facebook.jpg  •  h/p://­‐all-­‐over-­‐the-­‐world-­‐are-­‐curious.jpeg