Download - Čermáková Klára Nemetzová Gabriela, 4. C. o it is made of the flora, fauna, the water, the air and the earth o the paradox is that we are polluting these.

Page 1: Čermáková Klára Nemetzová Gabriela, 4. C. o it is made of the flora, fauna, the water, the air and the earth o the paradox is that we are polluting these.

Čermáková Klára

Nemetzová Gabriela, 4. C

Page 2: Čermáková Klára Nemetzová Gabriela, 4. C. o it is made of the flora, fauna, the water, the air and the earth o the paradox is that we are polluting these.

o it is made of the flora, fauna, the water, the air and the earth

o the paradox is that we are polluting these most important things

o people tend to prefer their own comfort and luxury over a healthy natural environment

o good relations between man and nature are important not only for us but even for animals, plants and future generation

o the biggest environmental issues are: population growth, global warming, the ozone hole, deforestation, air pollution, water pollution and endangered species

Page 3: Čermáková Klára Nemetzová Gabriela, 4. C. o it is made of the flora, fauna, the water, the air and the earth o the paradox is that we are polluting these.

nature has always provided us everything what we need for life

the evolution has been very fast

the world´s population grows and people need and want more

our environment is changing

air, water and soil are polluted, our planet is warming more and more from year to year

Page 4: Čermáková Klára Nemetzová Gabriela, 4. C. o it is made of the flora, fauna, the water, the air and the earth o the paradox is that we are polluting these.

we have used CFC´s in refrigeration, in airconditioning, CFC´s can destroy the ozon layer, which protects us from ultraviolet radition, which can cause skin cancer, eye damage etc,…

we use chemicals, which can get into clouds and make acid rain, which pollutes soil

our cars produce exhaust fumes, which pollute air 

people should come to one´s sense and begin to protect the Earth and our environment

the polar icecaps are melting, sea levels are rising, scientist predict that some seaside areas will disappear under the sea in the future

Page 5: Čermáková Klára Nemetzová Gabriela, 4. C. o it is made of the flora, fauna, the water, the air and the earth o the paradox is that we are polluting these.

population growth – it is probably next bigger problem, because the number of the people increases and because of it more pollution is generated, more habitats are destroyed, and more natural resources are used up

if we go on using our natural resources as today rates we will have no copper, natural gas and oil by the ear 2050

problems are also with the waste

studies show that population growth rates have fallen in areas when several social conditions have been met

Page 6: Čermáková Klára Nemetzová Gabriela, 4. C. o it is made of the flora, fauna, the water, the air and the earth o the paradox is that we are polluting these.

the earth has a thin atmosphere that is like a transparent blanket that keeps us warm

in a process called the greenhouse effect the high energy radiation from the solar system is trapped by gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2)

this heat energy keeps Earth temperatures too high to support life

without these gases, the earth would be a frozen planet with average temperature of about -18°C instead comfortable 15°C. The greenhouse effect is supported by burning of carbon fossils fuels, such as coal to produce energy

Page 7: Čermáková Klára Nemetzová Gabriela, 4. C. o it is made of the flora, fauna, the water, the air and the earth o the paradox is that we are polluting these.

it is not the end of these issues, but we choose the most interesting ones

we think, that this is really important

everybody should start thinking about this and it

will be the best, if somebody start doing something about this and the planet will become healthier…

Page 8: Čermáková Klára Nemetzová Gabriela, 4. C. o it is made of the flora, fauna, the water, the air and the earth o the paradox is that we are polluting these.
Page 9: Čermáková Klára Nemetzová Gabriela, 4. C. o it is made of the flora, fauna, the water, the air and the earth o the paradox is that we are polluting these.