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    Country in a Box:

    Republic of CroatiaRepublika Hrvatska

    A Teachers Guide

    Compiled by the Center for Eurasian, Russian and East European StudiesEdmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University

    The Harbor of the Old City, Dubrovnik, Croatia
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    Croatia in a Box: Table of Contents

    Facts at a Glance 3-6

    History of Croatia 7-11

    Timeline of Major Events in Croatian History 12-13

    Croatian Culture 14-16

    Croatian Folklore: The Mouse and the Frog 17

    Additional Resources 18

    The Ban Jelacic Square at midday, Zagreb, Croatia
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    Croatia: Facts at a Glance_______Text and map taken directly from Central Intelligence Agency. The World Factbook: Croatia.Available at:

    Country Name:Croatia


    Background: The lands that todaycomprise Croatia were part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire until the close ofWorld War I. In 1918, the Croats, Serbs,and Slovenes formed a kingdom knownafter 1929 as Yugoslavia. FollowingWorld War II, Yugoslavia became afederal independent communist stateunder the strong hand of Marshal TITO.Although Croatia declared itsindependence from Yugoslavia in 1991,it took four years of sporadic, but oftenbitter, fighting before occupying Serbarmies were mostly cleared fromCroatian lands, along with a majority ofCroatia's ethnic Serb population. UnderUN supervision, the last Serb-held

    enclave in eastern Slavonia was returnedto Croatia in 1998. The country joined NATO in April 2009 and the EU in July 2013.

    Location: Southeastern Europe, bordering the Adriatic Sea, between Bosnia and Herzegovinaand Slovenia

    Area: Total: 56,594 sq kmLand: 55,974 sq kmWater: 620 sq km

    Area - Comparative: Slightly smaller than West Virginia

    Terrain: Geographically diverse; flat plains along Hungarian border, low mountains andhighlands near Adriatic coastline and islands

    Elevation extremes: Lowest point: Adriatic Sea 0 mHighest point: Mt. Dinara 1,830 m
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    Flag of Croatia: The coat of arms of the Republicof Croatia is the historical Croatian coat of

    arms, whose base consists of 25 alternating redand white (argent) fields.The flag of the Republic of Croatia consists ofthree colors: red, white and blue, with thehistorical Croatian coat of arms in the center.

    Natural Resources: Oil, some coal, bauxite, low-grade iron ore, calcium, gypsum, naturalasphalt, silica, mica, clays, salt, hydropower.

    Environment - Current Issues: Air pollution (from metallurgical plants) and resulting acid rainis damaging the forests; coastal pollution from industrial and domestic waste; landmine removal

    and reconstruction of infrastructure consequent to 1992-95 civil strife

    Population: 4,470,534 (July 2014 est.)

    Urbanization: Urban population: 57.8% of total population (2011)

    Life Expectancy at Birth: Total population: 76.41 yearsMale: 72.81 yearsFemale: 80.2 years (2014 est.)

    Ethnic Groups: Croat 90.4%, Serb 4.4%, other 4.4% (including Bosniak, Hungarian, Slovene,

    Czech, and Roma), unspecified 0.8% (2011 est.)

    Religions: Roman Catholic 86.3%, Orthodox 4.4%, Muslim 1.5%, other 1.5%, unspecified2.5%, not religious or atheist 3.8% (2011 est.)

    Education Expenditures:4.3% of GDP (2010)

    Government Type: Presidential/parliamentary democracy

    Independence: 25 June 1991 (fromYugoslavia)

    Legal System: Civil law system based onYugoslav civil codes

    Executive Branch: Chief of state:President Ivo Josipovic; Head ofgovernment: Prime Minister ZoranMilanovic

    Legislative Branch: unicameralAssembly or Sabor (151 seats; memberselected from party lists by popular vote toserve four-year terms)

    Judicial Branch: Supreme Court;Constitutional Court; judges for bothcourts are appointed for eight-year terms

    by the Judicial Council of the Republic, which is elected by the Assembly

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    The Croatian Kuna

    National Anthem: Name: "Lijepa nasa domovino" (Our Beautiful Homeland)lyrics/music: Antun Mihanovic/Josip Runjaninnote:adopted 1972; "Lijepa nasa domovino," whose lyrics were written in 1835, served as anunofficial anthem beginning in 1891

    Economy - Overview: Though still one of the wealthiest of the former Yugoslav republics,Croatia's economy suffered badly during the 1991-95 war. The country's output during that timecollapsed and Croatia missed the early waves of investment in Central and Eastern Europe thatfollowed the fall of the Berlin Wall. Between2000 and 2007, however, Croatia's economicfortunes began to improve with moderate butsteady GDP growth between 4% and 6% ledby a rebound in tourism and credit-drivenconsumer spending. Inflation over the sameperiod remained tame and the currency, the

    kuna, stable. Croatia experienced an abruptslowdown in the economy in 2008 and hasyet to recover; economic growth wasstagnant or negative in each year since 2009.Difficult problems still remain, including astubbornly high unemployment rate, unevenregional development, and a challenginginvestment climate. Croatia continues to face reduced foreign investment. On 1 July 2013Croatia joined the EU, following a decade-long application process. Croatia will be a member ofthe European Exchange Rate Mechanism until it meets the criteria for joining the Economic andMonetary Union and adopts the euro as its currency. EU accession has increased pressure on thegovernment to reduce Croatias relatively high public debt, which triggered the EUs excessivedeficit procedure for fiscal consolidation. Zagreb has cut spending since 2012, and thegovernment also raised additional revenues through more stringent tax collection and by raisingthe Value Added Tax. The government has also sought to accelerate privatization of non-strategic assets, with mixed success.

    GDP (Purchasing Power Parity): $78.9 billion (2013 est.); Country comparison to the world:84

    GDP - Real Growth Rate: -1% (2013 est.); Country comparison to the world: 205

    GDP - Per Capita (PPP): $17,800 (2013 est.); Country comparison to the world: 78

    GDP - Composition by Sector: Agriculture: 5%, Industry: 25.8%, Services: 69.2% (2013 est.)

    Labor Force: 1.715 million (2013 est.)

    Agriculture - Products: Wheat, corn, sugar beets, sunflower seed, barley, alfalfa, clover,olives, citrus, grapes, soybeans, potatoes; livestock, dairy products

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    Industries: Chemicals and plastics, machine tools, fabricated metal, electronics, pig iron androlled steel products, aluminum, paper, wood products, construction materials, textiles,shipbuilding, petroleum and petroleum refining, food and beverages, tourism

    Current Account Balance: -$102.3 million (2013 est.)

    Exports - Commodities: Transport equipment, machinery, textiles, chemicals, foodstuffs, fuels

    Exports - Partners: Italy 14.1%, Bosnia Herzegovina 13.1%, Germany 11.1%, Slovenia10.1%, Austria 6.3% (2012 est.)

    Imports - Partners: Germany 13.7%, Italy 12.5%, Slovenia 11.5%, Austria 9.1%, Hungary6.2%, Russia 5.4% (2012 est.)

    Debt - External: $60.47 billion (31 December 2013 est.)

    Exchange Rates: Kuna (HRK) per US dollar -5.775 (2013 est.)

    Military Service Age and Obligation:18-27 years of age for voluntary military service; 16years of age with parental consent; 6-month service obligation; conscription abolished 1 January2008 (2010)

    Military expenditures:2.39% of GDP

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    The Origin: Excavations inKrapina have revealed that thearea has been inhabited since thePalaeolithic Age. Although theresults of the excavations are inthe Croatian Natural HistoryMuseum in Zagreb, you can get ageneral picture of Neanderthal lifein the outdoor prehistoric parkat Krapina. Eastern Slavonia wasthe base for what became knownas the Vucedol culture, whichreached Slovakia, Slovenia,Austria, Germany, Hungary andthe Czech Republic beforemoving southward to the Adriaticislands.

    History of Croatia_______

    Text taken directly from Lonely Planet:

    Migration: While the Roman Empire was disintegrating, theCroats and other Slavic tribes were tending fields and raisinglivestock in a swampy terrain that roughly covered the areaof modern Ukraine, Poland and Belarus. It appears that earlyin the 7th century they moved south across the Danube andjoined the Avars (Eurasian nomads) in their attacks onByzantine Dalmatia. Salona and Epidaurus were ravaged,their inhabitants taking refuge in Spalato (Split) and Ragusa(Dubrovnik) respectively. Sometimes the Croat and Slavictribes joined the Avars in their attacks on Byzantium and

    other times they were persuaded by Byzantium to attack theAvars.

    By the middle of the 7th century the Croat tribe had begun tosettle in Pannonia and Dalmatia, mingling with earlier Slavsettlers on the Pannonian plains and forming communitiesaround the Dalmatian towns of Jadera (Zadar), Aeona (Nin)and Tragurium (Trogir). During the course of the 8th centurythe Dalmatian and Pannonian Croats organised themselvesaround powerful clans, one of which was called Hrvat(Croat), a name that the clan gave to its territory in central

    Dalmatia, Bijela Hrvatska (White Croatia).

    Croatian kings: Charlemagnes Frankish army seizedDalmatia in AD 800, which led to the Christianisation of theCroat rulers in a series of mass baptisms. AfterCharlemagnes death in AD 814, the Pannonian Croats

    revolted unsuccessfully against Frankish rule without the support of the Dalmatian Croats, whosemajor coastal cities remained under the influence of the Byzantine Empire throughout the 9thcentury. Even as Dalmatia accepted the political domination of Byzantium, the spread ofChristianity encouraged cultural ties with Rome, which proved to be the unifying factor inforging a national identity.

    The first ruler to unite Pannonia and Dalmatia was Tomislav, who was crowned in AD 925 andrecognised by the pope as king. His territory included virtually all of modern Croatia as well aspart of Bosnia and the coast of Montenegro. By the mid-10th century, the countrys fragile unitywas threatened by power struggles in its ruling class. Venice took advantage of the disarray tolaunch an invasion of Dalmatia at the turn of the 11th century that established its first footholdon the coast. Kreimir IV (105874) regained control over Dalmatia with the help of the papacy,but the kingdom once again descended into anarchy upon his death. The next king, Zvonimir
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    (107589), also cemented his authority with the help of the pope, but the independent land heforged did not survive his death.

    Hapsburgs and the Ottomans: The rise of the Ottoman Empire brought new threats to 16th-century Croatia. The defeat of the Serbs in 1389 at Kosovo opened the door to Bosnia, which did

    not last long after the fall of Constantinople in 1453. Sensing nasty weather from the east, theCroatian nobility desperately appealed to foreign powers for help but to no avail. The Ottomanscontinued their relentless advance, virtually wiping out the cream of Croatian leadership at the1493 Battle of Krbavsko Polje. Despite the sudden unity of the remaining noble families, onecity after another fell to the Ottoman sultans. The important bishopric at Zagreb heavily fortifiedthe cathedral in Kaptol, which remained untouched, but the gateway town of Knin fell in 1521.Towns were burned, churches and monasteries sacked, and tens of thousands of citizens wereeither killed or dragged off into slavery.

    Neither Hungary nor Austria was able to protect Croatia against the Ottoman onslaught and theCroats continued to lose territory. By the end of the century only a narrow strip of territory

    around Zagreb, Karlovac and Varadin was under Habsburg control. The Adriatic coast wasthreatened by the Turks but never captured and Ragusa (Dubrovnik) maintained its independencethroughout the turmoil.

    To form a buffer against the Turks the Austrians maintained a string of forts south of Zagrebcalled the Vojna Krajina (Military Frontier). Initially open to anyone who wanted to live on themarshy land, the Habsburgs invited Vlachs to settle the land in the 16th century. At the time,most Vlachs belonged to the Serbian Orthodox Church, which irritated the Croatian Sabor(Parliament); however, they were much more irritated by the arrangement allowing the settlers toescape the harsh feudal system that the Hungarians had instituted in the country. Despiterepeated efforts by the Croatian nobility to either turn them into serfs or get rid of them

    completely, the Serbian peasants stayed on their land until they were expelled in 1995.

    It wasnt until the Ottoman rout at the siege of Vienna in 1683 that Croatia and much of Europefinally freed themselves from the Turkish threat. In the Treaty of Sremski Karlovci (1699), theTurks renounced all claims to Hungary and Croatia. During the 18th century, Croat and Serbimmigrants flooded into Slavonia joined by Hungarians, Slovaks, Albanian Catholics and Jews.Under the rule of Maria Theresa of Austria, the region returned to stability.

    The 1848 revolution:One of the effects of Hungarian heavy-handedness was to create the firststirrings of a national identity among the southern Slavic people. The sense of a shared identityfirst found expression in an Illyrian movement in the 1830s that centred on the revival of theCroatian language. Traditionally, upper-class Dalmatians spoke Italian, and northern Croatsspoke German or Hungarian. The establishment of the first Illyrian newspaper in 1834, writtenin Zagreb dialect, prompted the Croatian Sabor to call for the teaching of the Slavic language inschools and even for the unification of Dalmatia with Slavonia. Despite Hungarian threats, in1847 the Sabor voted to make Illyrian the national language.

    The increasing desire for more autonomy and the eventual unification of Dalmatia and Slavonialed the Croats to intervene on the side of the Habsburgs against a Hungarian revolutionary

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    movement that sought to free the country from Austrian rule. The Croatian Sabor informedAustria that it would send the Croatian commander Josip Jelai to fight the Hungarian rebels inreturn for the cancellation of Hungarys jurisdiction over Croatia, among other demands.Unfortunately, Jelais military campaign was unsuccessful. Russian intervention quelled theHungarian rebellion and Austria firmly rejected any further demands for autonomy from its

    Slavic subjects.

    The kingdom of Serbs, Croats & Slovenes: With the outbreak of WWI, Croatias future wasagain up for grabs. Sensing that they would once again be pawns to the Great Powers, a Croatiandelegation, the Yugoslav Committee, convinced the Serbian government to agree to theestablishment of a parliamentary monarchy that would rule over the two countries. The YugoslavCommittee became the National Council of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs after the collapse of theAustro-Hungarian Empire in 1918 and they quickly negotiated the establishment of the Kingdomof Serbs, Croats and Slovenes to be based in Belgrade. Although many Croats were unsure aboutSerbian intentions, they were very sure about Italian intentions since Italy lost no time in seizingPula, Rijeka and Zadar in November 1918.

    Given, in effect, a choice between throwing in their lot with Italy or Serbia, the Croats choseSerbia. Problems with the kingdom began almost immediately. Currency reforms benefited Serbsat the expense of the Croats. A treaty between Yugoslavia and Italy gave Istria, Zadar and anumber of islands to Italy. The new constitution abolished Croatias Sabor and centralised powerin Belgrade while new electoral districts under-represented the Croats.

    Opposition to the new regime was led by the Croat Stjepan Radi, who remained favourable tothe idea of Yugoslavia but wished to transform it into a federal democracy. His alliance with theSerb Svetpzar Pribievic proved profoundly threatening to the regime and Radi wasassassinated in 1928. Exploiting fears of civil war, on 6 January 1929 King Aleksandar in

    Belgrade proclaimed a royal dictatorship, abolished political parties and suspendedparliamentary government, thus ending any hope of democratic change.

    WWII & the rise of Ustae:One day after the proclamation, a Bosnian Croat, Ante Paveli, setup the Ustae Croatian Liberation Movement in Zagreb with the stated aim of establishing anindependent state by force if necessary. Fearing arrest, he fled to Sofia in Bulgaria and madecontact with anti-Serbian Macedonian revolutionaries before fleeing to Italy. There, heestablished training camps for his organisation under Mussolinis benevolent eye. Afterorganising various disturbances, in 1934 he and the Macedonians succeeded in assassinatingKing Aleksandar in Marseilles while he was on a state visit. Italy responded by closing down thetraining camps and imprisoning Paveli and many of his followers. When Germany invadedYugoslavia on 6 April 1941 the exiled Ustae were quickly installed by the Germans, with thesupport of the Italians who hoped to see their own territorial aims in Dalmatia realised.

    Within days the Independent State of Croatia (NDH; Nezavisna Drava Hrvatska), headed byPaveli, issued a range of decrees designed to persecute and eliminate the regimes enemieswho were mainly Jews, Roma and Serbs. Over 80% of the Jewish population was rounded upand packed off to extermination camps between 1941 and 1945. Serbs fared no better. TheUstae programme called for one-third of Serbs killed, one-third expelled and one-third

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    converted to Catholicism, a programme that was carried out with a brutality that appalled eventhe Nazis. Villages conducted their own personal pogroms against Serbs and exterminationcamps were set up, most notoriously at Jasenovac (south of Zagreb), which also liquidated Jews,Roma and political prisoners. The exact number of Serb victims is uncertain and controversial,with Croatian historians tending to minimise the figures and Serbian historians tending to

    maximise them. The number of Serb deaths ranged from 60, 000 to 600, 000, but the mostreliable estimates settle somewhere between 80, 000 to 120, 000, including victims of villagepogroms. Whatever the number, its clear that the NDH and its supporters made a diligent effortto eliminate the entire Serb population.

    Tito & the Partisans: The most effective antifascist struggle was conducted by NationalLiberation Partisan units and their leader, Josip Broz, known as Tito. With their roots in theoutlawed Yugoslavian Communist Party, the Partisans attracted long-suffering Yugoslavintellectuals, Croats disgusted with Chetnik massacres, Serbs disgusted with Ustae massacres,and antifascists of all kinds. The Partisans gained wide popular support with their earlyprogramme, which, although vague, appeared to envision a postwar Yugoslavia that would be

    based on a loose federation.

    Yugoslavia:During the 1960s, the concentration of power in Belgrade became an increasinglytesty issue as it became apparent that money from the more prosperous republics of Slovenia andCroatia was being distributed to the poorer republics of Montenegro and Bosnia andHercegovina. The problem seemed particularly blatant in Croatia, which saw money from itsprosperous tourist business on the Adriatic coast flow into Belgrade. At the same time, Serbs inCroatia were over-represented in the government, armed forces and police, partly because state-service offered an opportunity for a chronically disadvantaged population.

    Titos habit of borrowing from abroad to flood the country with cheap consumer goods produced

    an economic crisis after his death. The country was unable to service the interest on its loans andinflation soared. The authority of the central government sank along with the economy, and long-suppressed mistrust among Yugoslavias ethnic groups resurfaced.

    With political changes sweeping Eastern Europe, many Croats felt the time had come to endmore than four decades of Communist rule and attain complete autonomy. In the Croatianelections of April 1990, Franjo Tudjmans Croatian Democratic Union(HDZ; HrvatskaDemokratska Zajednica) secured 40% of the vote, to the 30% won by the Communist Party,which retained the loyalty of the Serbian community as well as voters in Istria and Rijeka. On 22December 1990, a new Croatian constitution was promulgated, changing the status of Serbs inCroatia from that of a constituent nation to a national minority.

    Independence: Under pressure from the EC (now EU), Croatia declared a three-monthmoratorium on its independence, but heavy fighting broke out in Krajina, Baranja (the area northof the Drava River opposite Osijek) and Slavonia. The 180,000-member, 2000-tank YugoslavPeoples Army, dominated by Serbian Communists, began to intervene on its own authority insupport of Serbian irregulars under the pretext of halting ethnic violence. During the summer of1991, a quarter of Croatia fell to Serbian militias and the Serb-led Yugoslav Peoples Army.

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    In early October 1991, the federal army and Montenegrin militia moved against Dubrovnik toprotest the ongoing blockade of their garrisons in Croatia, and on 7 October the presidentialpalace in Zagreb was hit by rockets fired by Yugoslav air-force jets in an unsuccessfulassassination attempt on President Tudjman. When the three-month moratorium onindependence ended, Croatia declared full independence.

    On 19 November, heroic Vukovar finally fell when the army culminated a bloody three-monthsiege by concentrating 600 tanks and 30,000 soldiers there. During six months of fighting inCroatia 10,000 people died, hundreds of thousands fled and tens of thousands of homes weredestroyed.

    The self-proclaimed Republic of Serbian Krajina held elections in December 1993, which nointernational body recognised as legitimate or fair. Meanwhile, continued ethnic cleansing leftonly about 900 Croats in Krajina out of an original population of 44,000. In March 1994, theKrajina Serbs signed a comprehensive cease-fire that substantially reduced the violence in theregion and established demilitarised zones of separation betweenthe parties.

    While world attention turned to the grim events unfolding in Bosnia and Hercegovina, theCroatian government quietly began procuring arms from abroad. On 1 May 1995, the Croatianarmy and police entered occupied western Slavonia, east of Zagreb, and seized control of theregion within days. The Krajina Serbs responded by shelling Zagreb in an attack that left sevenpeople dead and 130 wounded. As the Croatian military consolidated its hold in westernSlavonia, some 15, 000 Serbs fled the region despite assurances from the Croatian governmentthat they were safe from retribution.

    The Dayton Accords signed in Paris in December 1995 recognised Croatias traditional bordersand provided for the return of eastern Slavonia, which was effected in January 1998. The

    transition proceeded relatively smoothly with less violence than was expected, but the twopopulations still regard each other over a chasm of suspicion and hostility. The Serbs and Croatsassociate with each other as little as possible and clever political maneuvering has largely barredSerbs from assuming a meaningful role in municipal government. The return of Serbian refugeesis as guaranteed at Dayton is also far from being fulfilled. Although the central governmentin Zagreb has made the return of refugees a priority in accordance with the demands of theinternational community, its efforts have often been subverted by local authorities intent onmaintaining the ethnic purity of their regions. In many cases, Croat refugees from Bosnia andHercegovina have occupied houses abandoned by their Serb owners. To date, only about halfhave returned.

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    Timeline of Major Events in Modern Croatian History_______Text taken directly from BBC News. Timeline: Croatia.Available at:

    1918- Croatia joins the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes.

    1929- The Kingdom becomes Yugoslavia.

    1941- Nazi Germany invades. A "Greater Croatia" is formed, also comprising most of Bosniaand western Serbia. A fascist puppet government is installed under Ante Pavelic. The regime actsbrutally against Serbs and Jews as it seeks to create a Catholic, all-Croat republic. Hundreds ofthousands lose their lives.

    1945- After a bitter resistance campaign by partisans under Tito, Croatia becomes one of the sixconstituent republics of the Yugoslav socialist federation. Croatia is multi-ethnic.

    1980- Tito dies. The slow disintegration of Yugoslavia begins as individual republics assert theirdesire for independence.

    1989- Collapse of communism in eastern Europe leads to rise in support for parties with anationalist program.

    1990- First free elections in Croatia for more than 50 years. The communists lose to theconservative, nationalist HDZ led by Franjo Tudjman.

    1991- Croatia declares its independence. Croatian Serbs in the east of the country expel Croats

    with the aid of the Yugoslav army. By the end of the year, nearly one-third of Croatian territoryis under Serb control.

    1992- The UN sets up 4 protected areas in Croatia, with 14,000 UN troops keeping Croats andSerbs apart. Croatia also becomes involved in the war in Bosnia-Hercegovina (1992-5),supporting the Bosnian Croats against the Bosnian Serbs, then against the Bosniaks (Muslims).Franjo Tudjman is elected president of Croatia.

    1995- Croat forces retake three of the four areas created by the UN. Croatian Serbs flee toBosnia and Serbia. Tudjman is one of the signatories of the Dayton peace accords ending the warin Bosnia-Hercegovina.

    1999- Tudjman dies.

    2000- Parliamentary elections in January see Tudjman's HDZ party defeated. The socialdemocrats and social liberals win at the head of a coalition. The new prime minister is IvicaRacan. In February, Stjepan Mesic of the Croatian People's Party wins the presidency. He sayshe wants Croatia to join NATO and the EU.

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    2003February - Croatia submits formal application for EU membership.

    2003December - Ivo Sanader of the right-wing Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) becomesprime minister in a minority government following his party's success in elections the previous


    2004December - EU agrees to start accession talks with Croatia in March 2005.

    2005 March - EU delays talks on Croatia's membership because of failure to arrest Gen AnteGotovina, who is wanted by the Hague tribunal on war crimes charges.

    2005October - Green light given for EU accession talks to go ahead again even though GenGotovina remains at large. Croatia calls for international mediation after Slovene parliamentdeclares ecological zone in the Adriatic with rights to protect and use sea bed.

    2005December - Fugitive Croatian General Ante Gotovina, sought by the Hague tribunal on warcrimes charges, is arrested in Spain.

    2008April - NATO summit in Bucharest invites Croatia to join alliance. Final status expected in2009.

    2009 April - Croatia officially joins NATO

    2011 December - Parliamentary elections. Centre-left opposition bloc led by Social Democratsousts the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ), which has been in power since 2003.

    2011 DecemberCroatia concludes negotiations for EU accession, to join as the 28 memberstate on 1 July 2013

    2012 January - Croatian voters back joining the European Union in a referendum by a margin oftwo to one, albeit it on a low turnout of about 44%.

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    Croatian Culture

    Croatian Cuisine (Text and pictures taken directly from:

    Hungarian, Italian and Austrian influences can be found in Croatian food, with hearty meat stews

    and goulashes dominating the menu in the hinterland. The Adriatic coast is renowned for itsvariety of seafood dishes.

    Prut ipaki sir(air-dried ham similar to Italianprosciuttoand sheep's cheese from the island of Pag)platters are usually served as an appetizer. Salata odhobotnice(octopus salad) is made from octopus, potato,onion, chopped parsley, olive oil and lemon juice.Crnirioto(black risotto) is made from cuttlefish black ink.Gula(goulash), a

    specialty ofnortheastCroatia, issimilar to theHungarianversion fromwhere it

    originated.Janjetina(roast lamb) is popular in inlandregions, where its not unusual to see whole lambroasting on a spit at roadside eateries.

    In addition, the Turkish influence through Bosnia-Herzegovina is present in Croatian food, mostnotably dishes such as evapii(special meatball made of seasoned and spicy pork or beef) orburek(a pastry made of cheese, apple or meat).

    Rakija (spirit) is a potent firewater drunk as a toast at celebrations, and as an aperitif beforeeating. Types of rakijainclude travarica(made from distilled grapes and flavored with herbs)andlivovica(made from distilled plums).

    Croatian Music(Taken from National Geographic:

    Croatia is rich in folkloric music, including a well-known polyphonic choral tradition. Thischoral tradition was particularly popular during the communist era, when large women's choirswere sponsored by the state. The best-known of these Croatian folkloric ensembles is Lado, whosurvived the collapse of both communist Yugoslavia and the war-torn 1990s intact.

    Croatia's other great folk music tradition is the tumburica and tamburica bands. The tamburica isa lute-like instrument similar to the turkish saz and is the national instrument of Croatia. Picked

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    or strummed, played solo or in a huge ensemble of othertamburica players, the instrument accompanies everythingfrom lively folk dances to sentimental ballads. Zagreb-based band Ex-Pannonia are the most visible tamburicaartists on the international stage.

    Literature:Extant ecclesiastical works survive from the 11th century,and by the second half of the 15th century Croatianliterature embraced biblical stories, legends, folklore, andpopular stories. In the 15th and 16th centuries theoutstanding Old Croatian writers were Marko Maruli,author of the epic Istoria sfete udovice Judit u versihharvacchi slozena (written 1501, published 1521; TheHistory of the Holy Widow Judith Composed in CroatianVerses, usually known as Judita), a plea for the national

    struggle against the Ottoman Empire; Hanibal Luci, authorof Robinja (The Slave Girl), the first South Slav secularplay; Marin Dri, who wrote pastoral dramas andcomedies portraying Renaissance Dubrovnik (his comedyDundo Maroje, first performed about 1551, playedthroughout western Europe); and poet Petar Hektorovi. Inthe 17th and 18th centuries the leading voice belonged toIvan Gunduli, author of a stirring epic, Osman (oldestexisting copy approximately 1651; Eng. trans. Osman),describing the Polish victory over the Turks at Chocim(Khotin, now in Ukraine) in 1621.

    Romanticism in Croatian literature evolved out of theIllyrian political movement (183548), which aimed at aunion of all South Slavs within the Habsburg federation.Ljudevit Gaj, one of the leaders of the movement, promotedthe tokavski (Shtokavian) dialect as the literary languageof Croatia and also developed a unified orthography.Personal, patriotic, and reflective lyrics were popular andwere well represented by the sensitive, moving poems ofStanko Vraz and Ivan Maurani. The latter was bestknown for his longer narrative poem Smrt Smail-ageengia (1846; The Death of Smail Aga), written in thetradition of oral epic poetry and showing South Slavic allegiance by taking as its subject thestruggle of Montenegrins against the Turks. Other representative lyrical works include thepatriotic songs and poetic drama of Petar Preradovi and the dramatic works of DimitrijeDemeter. Another major figure, in the late 19th century, was August enoa, poet, dramatist,critic, journalist, and creator of the Croatian historical novel of realism. Conditions among thelower classes became a concern of many Croat writers of the period, including Evgenij Kumii,Ksaver andor Gjalski, and Silvije StrahimirKranjevi. In his autobiographically charged U

    Ivan Goran Kovacic

    Ivan Goran Kovacic was born inLukovdol (part of Vrbovsko), atown in Gorski Kotar, in 1913 toCroatian father Ivan and Jewishmother Rua His middle nameGoran stems from that ("goran"meaning "hill-man"). During World

    War II, he joined the Partisanforces.

    His best known work is "Jama"(The Pit), which ranks among themost celebrated Croatian poemsever written. He penned it duringthe war, while in service near thecity of Livno, Bosnia andHerzegovina. The poem waswritten out of intellectual andethical responsibility thatcondemns fascist atrocitiescommitted by the Ustae.

    Ivan Goran Kovai was killed bySerbian Chetnik troops in an east-Bosnian village of Vrbica nearFoa on July 13, 1943.

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    registraturi (1888; In the Registrars Office), commonly considered the best Croatian novel ofthe 19th century, Ante Kovai tells a poignant tale of a talented village boy sent to the city forschooling. He gives a penetrating portrayal of both rural and urban settings and of humandestinies of the time.

    In the opening years of the 20th century, poetry was the dominant genre, much of it influencedby the Aestheticism movement and concerned with the inner struggles of modern humans withtheir world and the search for meaning in individual existence. These common Western themeswere modified by specifically Croatian concerns with the countrys lack of development andpolitical subjugation (to Hungary at that time). Well-known writers of that time include VladimirVidri and Vladimir Nazor. The leading figure of the early Modernist phase until World War Iwas Antun Gustav Mato. He edited the anthology Mlada hrvatska lirika (1914; The YoungCroatian Lyric),which marked the zenith of such verse. Between the wars, avant-garde poetrycontinued to be expressed in the verse of poets such as Tin Ujevi and Antun Branko imi,while Ivan Goran Kovai, in Jama (1943; The Pit), a long poem evoking the horror of war,retained a classical elegance in his verse. Prose writers included Dinko imunovi, whose

    memorable stories depicted both the backwardness and the beauty of Dalmatia; Ivana Brli-Maurani, who earned lasting popularity with her masterpiece collection ofpoetic fairy tales,Prie iz davnine (1916; Croatian Tales of Long Ago); the prolific Marija Juri Zagorka, whowrote gripping historical novels; and Slavko Kolar, who depicted the life of the peasant in achanging world. The dominant writers of the interwar period were August Cesarec (Zlatni mladi[1928; The Golden Boy]) and Miroslav Krlea (Povratak Filipa Latinovicza [1932; The Returnof Philip Latinovicz] and the collection of English translations The Cricket Beneath the Waterfalland Other Stories [1972]). Both presented contemporary social problems as the result of classexploitation and deeply explored the psychology of their characters. Krlea is known not only forhis imaginative writing, which spanned the century to his death in 1981, but also for his work asan editor of literary periodicals, as an essayist, and as a critic who dominated Croatian culturallife for much of the century.

    In the less-restrictive atmosphere that followed Yugoslavias break with the Stalinist SovietUnion in 1948, new prose writers included Ranko Marinkovi (Kiklop [1965; The Cyclops])and Vjekoslav Kaleb (Divota praine [1954; The Wonder of Dust, Eng. trans. Glorious Dust]),who wrote on the war and contemporary society in Croatia. Vesna Parun, an important andfruitful poet, was recognized most notably for her collection of poems Crna maslina (1955;Black Olive Tree). The younger prose writer Antun oljan took more cosmopolitan themes forhis work, as did the poet Ivan Slamnig of the same generation. In the latter part of the 20thcentury, Croatian literature included experimental autobiographies by Irena Vrkljan (Marina ili obiografiji [1985; Marina; or, About Biography]), playing with the boundaries betweenautobiography and biography; spirited stories and novels by Dubravka Ugrei; essays andnovels by feminist journalist and writer Slavenka Drakuli (The Balkan Express, 1993); genrenovels by the popular Pavao Pavlii; prose by a prolific Croatian-Bosnian writer of the youngergeneration, Miljenko Jergovi, and, at the turn of the 21st century, by Zoran Feri, Ante Tomi,and Julijana Matanovi.

  • 7/30/2019 CERES Country Profile - Croatia



    Folklore: The Mouse and the Frog

    There was one mouse who used to constantly beg one frog to ferry him across to the other side ofthe river, as the Mouse had heard there was an abundant amount of grain waiting to be eaten overthere. The Mouse asked the Frog over and over again to do him that favor and take him across.

    That may have been, but that Frog was particularly uncooperative and wouldn't be bothered.

    Once, when the Frog was in an atrociously bad temper, it happened that the Mouse yet againasked to be conveyed to the opposite bank of the river. "Oh, alright, you good-for-nothingMouse. You've driven me mad with your nagging. I'll take you across, but hurry up and find along piece of thick string so that we can tie ourselves together leg-to-leg, then I can tow youacross so that you won't drown.

    The Mouse excitedly ran off and found some string, totally ignorant of what the Frog wasplanning for him. He tied one end of the thread around his leg, the other end around the Frog'sleg and said a brief prayer to God imploring that their crossing would be safe and successful.

    The Frog started swimming across the river, all the while thinking to herself, "I'll really give youa big treat now, Mouse, seeing you caught me in just the right mood. I'll take you swimmingalright, underwater to the riverbed!"

    When the Frog reached the very centre of the river, she dived towards the bottom, with theintention of drowning the Mouse. As soon as the poor Mouse realized that the Frog was dragginghim down under the water and would drown him, he mustered all his energies in an effort toremain on the surface. Death was imminent, but life is sweet,so the Mouse began to straggle furiously through the water, like some hooked fish. With all hismight he fought against the Frog's downward force. Splash-he leapt into the air. Splash-he waspulled down again. Such was their deadly struggle.

    Just at that moment, a stork happened to be gliding by and spotted theMouse as it catapulted out of the water. The stork cruised low over the water, snatched up theMouse in its beak, then flew back to its nest with the tied Frog dangling at die end of the string.At first, the stork gobbled up the Frog, then later, the Mouse.

    Don't dig a grave for someone else lest you fall in it yourself!

  • 7/30/2019 CERES Country Profile - Croatia



    Select Bibliography of Sources on Croatia

    Croatia : a nation forged in warTanner, MarcusNew Haven : Yale University Press, 2010

    Croatia through history : the making of a European stateMaga, BrankaLondon ; San Francisco : Saqi, c2007

    Croatia : between Europe and the BalkansBartlett, William, 1950-London ; New York : Routledge, 2003

    Croatia : travels in undiscovered countryFabijani, Tony, 1966-

    Edmonton : University of Alberta Press, c2003

    Croatia: land, people, cultureEterovich, Francis H[Toronto] Published by University of Toronto Press [1964-

    Strangers either way : the lives of Croatian refugees in their new homeapo, JasnaNew York : Berghahn Books, 2007

    They would never hurt a fly : war criminals on trial in The Hague

    Drakuli, Slavenka, 1949-New York : Viking, 2004

    Balkan babel : the disintegration of Yugoslavia from the death of Tito to the fall of MiloeviRamet, Sabrina P., 1949-Boulder, Colorado : Westview Press, 2002

    The demise of Yugoslavia : a political memoirMesi, Stipe, 1934-Budapest ; New York : Central European University Press, 2004

    The medieval Dalmatian episcopal cities : development and transformationDusa, Joan, 1949-New York : P. Lang, c1991

    Croatia between war and independence

    Zagreb : The University of Zagreb and OKC Zagreb, 1991