Download - Center for research in pig production and health · CPH Pig · 2020-07-01 · Introduction The Center for research in pig production and health enhances, consolidates and raises the

Page 1: Center for research in pig production and health · CPH Pig · 2020-07-01 · Introduction The Center for research in pig production and health enhances, consolidates and raises the

fac u lt y o f h e a lt h a n d m e d i c a l s c i e n c e su n i ve r s i t y o f co pe n h ag e n

fac u lt y o f h e a lt h a n d m e d i c a l s c i e n c e su n i ve r s i t y o f co pe n h ag e n

Center for research in pig production and health · CPH Pig

Page 2: Center for research in pig production and health · CPH Pig · 2020-07-01 · Introduction The Center for research in pig production and health enhances, consolidates and raises the

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”Center for research in pig production and health er et førende, internationalt anerkendt forsknings- og inno-

vations kraftcenter som bidrager til en konkurrencedygtig, effektiv , etisk for-svarlig og bæredygtig svineproduktion med høj og dokumenteret dyresundhed,

dyrevelfærd, fødevaresikkerhed og produktkvalitet.”


The Center for research in pig production and health is a leading,

internationally acclaimed research and innovation power centre that

contributes to competitive, efficient, ethical and sustainable pig

production with a high level of proven animal health, animal welfare,

food safety and product quality.”

Page 3: Center for research in pig production and health · CPH Pig · 2020-07-01 · Introduction The Center for research in pig production and health enhances, consolidates and raises the

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Research into production and productivity, animal health, welfare, food safety, product quality and sustainability in pig production lie at the heart of CPH Pig. Research ranges from national healthcare programmes via herd-oriented research focusing on practical herd advisory services to basic scientific population and molecular methods. Research is most often done in collaboration with other Danish and foreign universities, industry and the regulatory authorities.

Danish pig production is highly important for Denmark. Pig exports amounted to about DKK 30bn in 2011, thus accounting for about 2/3 of revenues from animal exports. Even though Danish pig production is efficient, there is major competition in the global market where in many places, labour costs are significantly lower than in Denmark.

Forord Preface

Forskning i produktion og produktivitet, dyresundhed, velfærd, fødevaresikkerhed, produktkvalitet og bære-dygtighed i svineproduktionen er omdrejningspunktet for CPH Pig. Forskningen strækker sig fra sundhedspro-grammer på nationalt plan, over besætningsorienteret forskning med fokus på praktisk besætningsrådgivning til grundvidenskabelige metoder på molekylært og po-pulationsniveau. Forskningen foregår oftest i samarbejde med andre danske og udenlandske universiteter samt erhverv og myndigheder.

Dansk svineproduktion er af stor og væsentlig betydning for Danmark. Svineeksporten beløb sig i 2011 til ca. 30 milliarder og udgjorde dermed ca. 2/3 af indtægterne fra den animalske eksport. Selvom dansk svineproduktion er effektiv, er konkurrencen stor på det globale marked, hvor arbejdsomkostningerne mange steder er væsentlig lavere end i Danmark.

Ulla Wewer Christian Fink HansenDekan CenterlederDean Center Director

Page 4: Center for research in pig production and health · CPH Pig · 2020-07-01 · Introduction The Center for research in pig production and health enhances, consolidates and raises the


Center for research in pig production and health øger, samler og synliggør svineforskningen ved Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet ved Københavns Universitet og tjener som platform for en styrket indsats i forskning, innovation, myndighedsbetjening og ud-dannelse og et styrket samarbejde med erhverv, GTS-institutter, myndigheder og universiteter både nationalt og internationalt.

Det unikke ved kompetencerne på Det Sundheds-videnskabelige Fakultet er, at vi har samlet forskere med baggrund og kompetencer inden for både husdyr-videnskab og veterinærvidenskab. Denne kombination af forskningskompetencer giver os en særlig stærk position til at adressere udfordringer i dansk svine produktion med forskning i temaer som dyresundhed, dyrevelfærd, ef-fektivitet og bæredygtighed.

Vores unikke kompetencer skal tjene som platform for en styrket indsats i forskning og uddannelse og et styrket samarbejde med erhverv, GTS-institutter, myndig-heder og universiteter, både nationale og internatio-nale. CPH Pig vil også bidrage til at svineproduktions-området styrkes i uddannelserne Veterinærmedicin og Husdyrvidenskab.

LedelseCPH Pig er dannet af 3 institutter ved Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Københavns Universitet:

• Institut for Klinisk Veterinær- og Husdyrvidenskab• Institut for Veterinær Sygdomsbiologi• Institut for Produktionsdyr og Heste.

Centret er forankret administrativt ved Institut for Produktionsdyr og Heste, og lektor Christian Fink Hansen er leder af centret.

RådgivningspanelCentret er endvidere organiseret med et rådgivende udvalg (Advisory Committee) af personer fra Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet og Videncenter for Svineproduktion, som er en del af Landbrug og Fødevarer. Det rådgivende udvalg består af personer på ledelsesniveau med stort fagligt kendskab til området.Advisory Committee mødes 1-2 gange årligt med cen-trets leder for at rådgive om centrets aktiviteter.

Teknisk styregruppeCentrets specifikke aktiviteter udvikles løbende af en Teknisk Styregruppe (Technical Steering Committee, TSC), der består af 1-2 akademiske repræsentanter fra hvert af de deltagende institutter. Centrets leder er, sammen med TSC, ansvarlig for den faglige ledelse af centret og imple-menteringen af aktiviteter inden for det fastlagte budget.

Page 5: Center for research in pig production and health · CPH Pig · 2020-07-01 · Introduction The Center for research in pig production and health enhances, consolidates and raises the


The Center for research in pig production and health enhances, consolidates and raises the profile of pig production research at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen and serves as the platform for greater efforts in national and international research, innovation, regulatory services and training and education and closer collaboration with industry, GTS – Advanced Technology Group, authorities and universities.

The unique aspect of our competencies at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences is that we have brought together researchers with backgrounds and skills in the animal and veterinary sciences. This combination of research skills gives us an especially strong position for addressing the challenges of Danish pig production, with research into such issues as animal health, animal welfare, cost-effectiveness and sustainability.

We intend our unique competencies to serve as the platform for greater efforts in research and education and closer collaboration with national and international industry, GTS institutes, authorities and universities. CPH Pig will also contribute to strengthening the pig production sector in the BSc and MSc programmes on veterinary medicine and animal science.

ManagementCPH Pig is an amalgamation of three departments at the Faculty of Health and Medical Science, University of Copenhagen:

• DepartmentofClinicalVeterinaryandAnimalScience• DepartmentofVeterinaryDiseaseBiology• DepartmentofLargeAnimalSciences.

For administrative purposes, the centre is anchored in the Department of Large Animal Sciences. It is headed up by Christian Fink Hansen, associate professor at the Department of Large Animal Sciences.

Advisory CommitteeThe centre is also organized with an Advisory Committee with personnel from the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences and the Pig Research Centre, which is part of Danish Agriculture & Food Council. The Advisory Committee consists of managerial level personnel with extensive professional knowledge of the field. The Advisory Committee meets the director once or twice a year to advise on the centre’s activities.

Technical Steering CommitteeThe centre’s specific activities are constantly being developed by a Technical Steering Committee (TSC) consisting of 1-2 academic representatives from each of the participating departments. The director and the TSC are responsible for the academic management of the centre and for implementing activities within the predetermined budget.

Page 6: Center for research in pig production and health · CPH Pig · 2020-07-01 · Introduction The Center for research in pig production and health enhances, consolidates and raises the


Mens effektivitet også i fremtiden er en forudsætning for at kunne konkurrere, har Danmark brug for ”added va-lue” til sine produkter. I tillæg til effektivitet bør den dan-ske svineproduktion indrettes på dokumenteret kvalitet, der omfatter dyresundhed og -velfærd, fødevaresikker-hed, produktkvalitet samt miljøvenlig produktion. Med fokus på disse indsatsområder er der mulighed for, at dansk svineproduktion kan vokse yderligere og bidrage til at skabe flere arbejdspladser og eksportindtægter.

Forskningstemaer og kompetencer CPH Pig kan hjælpe den danske svineproduktion med at dygtiggøre sig på en række felter ved at fokusere sin forskning på særlige temaer. Dette vil give bedre kompe-tencer og merværdi i produkterne.

VelfærdDyrevelfærd bør være et centralt tema i den danske svineproduktion. CPH Pig kan gennem forskning bidrage med udvikling af hurtige og effektive metoder til at bedømme dyrenes overordnede velfærd, samt kortlæg-ning af forsvarlig dyreetik i svineproduktionen. CPH Pig giver den danske svineproduktion bedre kompetencer, fx til afvejningen mellem nytte og pris i relation til dyrevel-færdsinterventioner. Høj velfærd og godt nærmiljø til både søer og grise kan sikres gennem undersøgelser af stier til løsgående søer, og der kan påvises sammenhæng mellem parasitært smittepres og velfærdsfremmende indsatser i form af strøelse og overbrusning.

SundhedUdover generel dyrevelfærd er sundhed et vigtigt tema. Hos CPH Pig vil vi forske i nye og eksisterende syg-domme, og derved kan der udarbejdes risikoanalyser og

modellering af eksotiske sygdomme og bekæmpelses-strategier på nationalt niveau samt kortlægges smittebe-skyttelse mod luft- og vektorbåren smitte. Et tilsvarende forskningstema med konsekvenser for mennesker, er sygdomme, der spredes mellem svin og mennesker.På det praktiske niveau er temaerne overlevelse, ernæ-ring og avl, fx avlsmæssige metoder til forbedring af sundhed og robusthed hos søer og grise.

ProduktionI produktionsøjemed forskes der i effektivitet på flere parametre. Forbedret foder- og omkostningseffektivitet i slagtesvineproduktionen resulterer i mindre spild og dermed en økonomisk gevinst for svineproducenten. Her kan CPH Pig bl.a. forbedre kompetencerne inden for vur-dering af danske proteinfodermidler og påvise fordelen i anvendelse af informations- og kommunikationstekno-logi til dataregistrering der sikrer intensiveret overvågning og styring af produktion. Der forskes også i forbedrede staldsystemer, herunder ventilationssystemer og omkost-ningseffektiv nedbringelse af udledning.

AntibiotikaresistensAnvendelse af antibiotika har konsekvenser både for dyr og mennesker. Der forskes i forbedrede metoder til overvågning af brugen af antibiotika i hele besætninger og i udvikling af effektive vacciner, der kan erstatte anti-biotika. Der sigtes efter sygdomsresistens og forbedret foderudnyttelse bl.a. ved molekylære studier inden for etablering og dynamik af en robust tarmflora fra fød-sel til efter fravænning. Herunder undersøger CPH Pig hvordan tarmfloraens mikrobiota påvirkes af værtsdyrets ernæring og genetik.

Page 7: Center for research in pig production and health · CPH Pig · 2020-07-01 · Introduction The Center for research in pig production and health enhances, consolidates and raises the

Whereas efficiency will also in future be a precondition for competitiveness, Denmark’s products need to have added value. In addition to efficiency, Danish pig production should be designed with assured quality for animal health and welfare, food safety, product quality and environmentally-friendly production. Focusing on these areas of input will enable Danish pig production to grow further and contribute towards creating more jobs and export revenues.

Research themes and skills CPH Pig can assist in making Danish pig production more skilled in a range of ways by focusing its research on special themes. This will provide greater competencies and add value to products.

WelfareAnimal welfare should be a core theme in Danish pig production. At CPH Pig, we shall use our research to contribute to the development of faster, effective methods for judging the overall welfare of animals and for identifying ethical methods of pig production. CPH Pig is giving Danish pig production greater skills, for example in the balance between utility and price with respect to animal welfare interventions. A high level of welfare and good environments for sows and pigs can be ensured by investigating housing for loose sows and by demonstrating the interrelationship between parasitic infection pressure and welfare-promoting interventions like bedding and sprinkling.

HealthIn addition to general animal welfare, healthcare is an important theme. At CPH Pig, we shall be researching new and existing diseases, enabling us to do risk analyses and modelling for exotic diseases and treatment strategies at the national level and to identify ways of protecting against air and vector-borne infection. One related research theme with implications for humans is disease spread between pigs and humans.Practically speaking, the themes of the centre are survival, nutrition and breeding, for example breeding methods for improving the health and robustness of sows and pigs.

ProductionFor production purposes, the centre is doing research into efficiency for multiple parameters. Enhanced feed uptake efficiency and cost-effectiveness in slaughter pig production cut waste and mean financial gains for the pig producer. Here, CPH Pig can also improve skills in assessing Danish protein feeds and demonstrate the advantages of using information and communication technology for data registration to ensure closer monitoring and control of production. Research is also being done on improved housing systems, including ventilation systems and cost-effective reduction of emissions.

Antimicrobial resistanceThe use of antibiotics has consequences for both animals and humans. Research is being done into improved methods for monitoring the use of antibiotics for entire herds and for developing effective vaccines to replace antibiotics. The aim is for better utilisation of feed and greater disease resistance, among other things by molecular studies on the establishment and dynamics of robust gut flora from birth until after weaning. As part of this, we are investigating the influence of host animal nutrition and genetics on the intestinal microbiota.


Page 8: Center for research in pig production and health · CPH Pig · 2020-07-01 · Introduction The Center for research in pig production and health enhances, consolidates and raises the

CPH Pig går på tværs af forskningsdiscipliner og skal bidrage til at adressere brede temaer og komplekse problemfelter, der er uden for den enkelte disciplins ræk-kevidde. Målet er ny, kreativ og innovativ forskning med helhedssyn og potentiale for løsningen af store sam-fundsmæssige udfordringer. Dette skal endvidere medvir-ke til at uddannelserne på Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet i veterinær- og husdyrsvidenskab møder sam-fundets behov for arbejdsmarkedsparate, professionelle og forskningskompetente kandidater med den nyeste teoretiske og praktiske viden.

Målene for CPH Pig er defineret med blik for fakultetets strategi for forskning, uddannelse og samfund:

• Flere speciale- og ph.d.-studerende • Flere ErhvervsPhD-studerende og Erhvervspostdocs• Flere postdocs• Flere professorer med særlige opgaver • Flere publikationer i de mest ansete tidskrifter • Yderligere samarbejde med erhverv, bl.a. via

deltagelse i Horizon 2020, Inno+, KIC.

Mål og fremtidsperspektiver

Page 9: Center for research in pig production and health · CPH Pig · 2020-07-01 · Introduction The Center for research in pig production and health enhances, consolidates and raises the

CPH Pig’s interdisciplinary research operations are intended to help address broadly-based themes and complex problem areas that lie outside the scope of individual disciplines. The aim is for new, creative, innovative research with a holistic approach and the potential to solve the major challenges to society. This is also intended to ensure that the BSc and MSc programmes in veterinary medicine and animal science meet the needs of the society for candidates that are market-ready, professional and research-minded, with the latest academic and practical knowledge.

CPH Pig’s objectives have been defined to reflect the Faculty’s strategy for research, education and the society:

• MoreMastersandPhDstudents• More Industrial PhDs and Industrial Postdocs• MorePostdocs• Moreprofessorswithspecialresponsibilities• Morepublicationsinthemostprestigiousjournals• Furthercollaborationwithindustry,alsobyattending

Horizon 2020, Inno+, KIC.

Goals and future perspectives

Page 10: Center for research in pig production and health · CPH Pig · 2020-07-01 · Introduction The Center for research in pig production and health enhances, consolidates and raises the

Forskerne bag

En lang række forskere er engageret i CPH Pig:

Svineproduktion og svinesygdomme Centre for Herd-oriented, Education, Research and Development (HERD): Professorerne Anders Ringgaard Kristensen og Jens Peter Nielsen, lektorerne Bjarne Bjerg, Cecile Cornou, Christian Fink Hansen og Helle Stege

Anatomi, fysiologi og biokemi Professorerne Poul Hyttel, Preben Dybdal Thomsen og Christopher Harold Knight

ErnæringProfessorerne Anne-Helene Tauson og André Chwalibog

Epidemiologi Professorerne Søren Saxmose Nielsen, Hans Houe og Liza Rosenbaum

Etologi og etikProfessorerne Björn Forkman, Peter Sandøe og lektor Helle Halkjær Kristensen

Genetik og avl Professorerne Merete Fredholm og Haja Kadarmideen, lektorerne Claus Bøttcher Jørgensen, Thomas Mark og Peter Karlskov-Mortensen

Mikrobiologi Professorerne Anders Miki Bojesen, Anders Dalsgaard, Luca Guardabassi, Hanne Ingmer og John Elmerdahl Olsen

Parasitologi Professorerne Maria Vang Johansen, Stig Milan Thamsborg og lektor Peter Nejsum

Patologi og klinisk patologi Professorerne Henrik Elvang og Mads Kjeldgaard-Hansen

Endvidere er der etableret et netværk for ”Grisen som forsøgsdyr” ved lektor Ole Lerberg Nielsen

Page 11: Center for research in pig production and health · CPH Pig · 2020-07-01 · Introduction The Center for research in pig production and health enhances, consolidates and raises the

CPH Pig has an extensive range of researchers:

Pig production and disease Centre for Herd-oriented, Education, Research and Development (HERD): Professors Anders Ringgaard Kristensen and Jens Peter Nielsen, Associate Professors Bjarne Bjerg, Cecile Cornou, Christian Fink Hansen and Helle Stege

Anatomy, physiology and biochemistry Professors Poul Hyttel, Preben Dybdal Thomsen and Christopher Harold Knight

Nutrition Professors Anne-Helene Tauson and André Chwalibog

EpidemiologyProfessors Søren Saxmose Nielsen, Hans Houe and Liza Rosenbaum

Ethology and ethicsProfessors Björn Forkman, Peter Sandøe and Associate Professor Helle Halkjær Kristensen

Genetics and breedingProfessors Merete Fredholm and Haja Kadarmideen, Associate Professors Claus Bøttcher Jørgensen, Thomas Mark and Peter Karlskov-Mortensen

Microbiology Professors Anders Miki Bojesen, Anders Dalsgaard, Luca Guardabassi, Hanne Ingmer and John Elmerdahl Olsen

Parasitology Professors Maria Vang Johansen, Stig Milan Thamsborg and Associate Professor Peter Nejsum

Pathology and clinical pathology Professors Henrik Elvang and Mads Kjeldgaard-Hansen

A network for ”The pig as a laboratory animal” has also been set up by Associate Professor Ole Lerberg Nielsen.


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Photos: University of Copenhagen · Design: Kliborg Design

02 SUND · CPH Pig vignet · Kliborg design 2013

ICPHPig Department of Large Animal Sciences, Section for Production and Health

Faculty of Health and Medical SciencesUniversity of CopenhagenGrønnegårdsvej 2DK-1870 Frederiksberg C

Center DirectorAssociate Professor Christian Fink [email protected], T +45 353 33095, M +45 2130 9226

Institut for Produktionsdyr og Heste, faggruppen for Produktion og SundhedDet Sundhedsvidenskabelige FakultetKøbenhavns UniversitetGrønnegårdsvej 21870 Frederiksberg C

CenterlederLektor Christian Fink Hansen, [email protected], T 353 33095, M 2130 9226