Download - Cell Division & Meiosis Jeopardy Let’s Split Half a Man (or Woman) How do You Fix That? It Takes Two to Tango Why are We Different? 20 40 60 80 100 Final.


Cell Division & Meiosis


Let’s Split

Half a Man (or Woman)

How do You Fix That?

It Takes Two to Tango

Why are We


20 20 20 20 20

40 40 40 40 40

60 60 60 60 60

80 80 80 80 80

100 100 100 100 100

Final Jeopardy

20 Points

Suppose a single-celled organism has 8 chromosomes. How many chromosomes

will each daughter cell have after asexual reproduction?

Each daughter will have 8 chromosomes

40 Points

The zygote in the diagram below is about to undergo mitosis. Draw a picture that shows the chromosomes of the daughter cells.

60 Points

When a single-celled organism (like an amoeba) undergoes mitosis, describe

the genetic information of the parent and the daughter cells.

After mitosis, the daughters have the same genetic info as the parent and each other

80 Points

In the following diagram, what is the significance of anaphase?

A. The daughters have the same chromosomes as the parentB. The cells split in halfC. The daughters have twice the chromosome number as the parentD. The DNA is replicated

A. The daughters have the same chromosomes as the parent

100 Points

Some marine sponges contain a biological catalyst that blocks chromosome separation.

Which process will this enzyme stop?

respiration diffusion

photosynthesis mitosis


20 Points

Compared to mitosis, how many chromosomes do cells have after


½ the number of chromosomes

40 Points

Which process only occurs in organisms that undergo sexual reproduction?

mutation meiosis

replication mitosis


60 Points

After meiosis in sperm cells, 1) how many chromosomes do the sperm have compared to the parent, and 2) are the sperm genetically identical or different?

1) Half the chromosome number of the parent2) They are genetically different

80 Points

Meiosis has 2 stages, Meiosis I and Meiosis II. If a cell has 8 chromosomes, how many will the daughter cells have

after each stage?

4 after Meiosis I, and 4 after Meiosis II

100 Points

In both Mitosis and Meiosis, when does DNA replication occur?

Before division of the nucleus

20 Points

The diagram below can best be used to illustrate which process?

tissue repair recombinationsexual reproduction meiosis

Tissue repair

40 Points

If the skin cell to the left undergoes mitosis, what chromosome pattern

will the daughters have?

60 Points

Warts are caused by a virus that causes skin cells to undergo reproduce. What

process does the virus stimulate?


80 Points

What cellular activity might involve the process shown in the diagram below?

A) phagocytosis by a white blood cell B) an animal repairing tissue damage C) a zygote reproducing in an ovary D) meiotic cell division

B) An animal repairing tissue damage

100 Points

In humans, which cell type is produced by mitosis?

a skin cell an egg cella sperm cell a zygote

A skin cell

20 Points

In the following diagram, which 2 processes produce cells with half the genetic

information characteristic of the species?

Processes 1 and 2

40 Points

In the following diagram, which process produces cell 1?

fertilization meiosismutation mitosis


60 Points

60 chromosomes

In the following diagram, if cell 2 has 30 chromosomes, how many does cell 3


80 Points

In sexual reproduction, offspring may or may not closely resemble their parents.

Why might offspring resemble, but not be genetically identical to either parent?

Because offspring receive some genes from each parent

100 Points

In the diagram to the left, describe 1

difference between the cells produced by

Process 1 and the cells produced by Process 3.

Process 1 Process 3

Sex cells Body cells

Haploid cells Diploid cells

20 Points

Describe the gene combination of an offspring resulting from meiosis and

fertilization, as compared with the parent.

Offspring have different gene combinations than either parent

40 Points

During meiosis, the process of crossing-over results in:

A) Overproduction of gametes B) Formation of identical offspring C) Variation within the species D) Fertilization and development

C) Variation within the species

60 Points

Which process will produce the least genetic variation in offspring?

A) Fusion of eggs and sperm B) Meiosis to produce gametes C) Internal fertilization to produce and embryo D) Mitosis to produce a large population

D) Mitosis to produce a large population

80 Points

Changes in the genetic code (mutations) will be transmitted to offspring if they occur in:

gametes cancer cells

membranes antibodies


100 Points

D) A new combination of inheritable traits

In the following diagram, chromosome crossover is shown during meiosis. What is the result of this process?

A) Loss of genetic information B) Increase in chromosome number C) Inability to pass chromosomes to offspring D) A new combination of inheritable traits

Final Jeopardy

Meiosis occurs in sex cells, while mitosis occurs in body cells. List two other differences between meiosis and mitosis.

Mitosis Meiosis

Diploid chromosome number

Haploid chromosome number

1 nuclear division 2 nuclear divisions

2 chromosomes of each pair

1 chromosome of each pair