Download - CCR 632 Portfolio

Page 1: CCR 632 Portfolio

Portfolio On the syllabus, I write that a requirement for class is a portfolio, one that includes selections that you’ve worked on over the course of the semester. The purpose of this portfolio is to prepare you for your teaching assignments next year. In addition to the cover letter—the reflective piece I mention below—your portfolio should include: • Your syllabus for WRT 105, calendar, plus three unit assignments and a list of readings (and pdfs). • A final project that can take one of two forms:

1) A 5-page (approximately 1,500-word) exploration of five articles on a theme of your choosing from College Composition and Communication in the past ten years. You may also use any of the articles that I placed in the folder “Possible Articles for Final Inquiry.” These should be articles that we have not yet covered in class or in the teaching explorations. The purpose of this assignment is to expose you to other theories and practices of composition and to give you an opportunity to translate these ideas to a general audience.

2) A 5-page (approximately 1,500-word) reflection on teaching WRT 105 with me for four classes. The class meets Tuesday and Thursdays, 5 p.m. to 6:20 p.m. You would work with me on developing the lessons for this last unit (centered on argument) and teaching part of the class. If you’d like to choose this option, please write me as soon as possible as space is limited.

Portfolios are due December 14. Your portfolio should include (your syllabus, detailed calendar, three unit assignments, missing PDFs, and your final project)


Fall2015,Mondays5:15-8:05p.m.,HOL201PatrickW.Berry,[email protected],office:HBC235
