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  • 7/31/2019 Ccnp Service Provider Overview


    Cisco Service Provider Certification

    2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.



    Growing Need for Service ProviderNetwork Professionals

    As the service provider space continues to

    evolve, many service providers are lookingto transform from providers of basicservices to Experience Providers. AnExperience Provider offers fully integrated,personalized voice, video, and data servicesto anyone, anywhere, anytime using anydevice, and does this securely, reliably, andseamlessly. A properly installed andmaintained IP next-generation network iscritical to making this transition.

    The Cisco Service Provider certification

    program was built on the growing demandfor professionals who can implement,troubleshoot, and optimize a carrier-gradeIP next-generation network. By participatingin the Cisco Service Provider certificationprogram, network engineers are trained inthe latest core and intelligent edgetechnologies. In addition, candidates aretrained to deliver a scalable carrier-gradeinfrastructure capable of rapid expansion tosupport the on-going introduction of newmanaged services and other customer


    Job Ready Practical SkillsThe Cisco Service Provider certificationprogram covers the latest industry andCisco Service Provider technologiesdeployed within a service providerinfrastructure. This certification programspecifically aligns to the actual job tasks of

    network engineers who configure,implement, troubleshoot, and optimize IPnext-generation service provider networks.

    By teaching the job ready, practical skillsand knowledge to ensure successfulimplementation and optimization of carrier-grade IP next-generation networks, thiscertification program prepares thesenetworks to offer intelligent and rapidlydeployable managed services.

    Certification candidates learn these jobready, practical skills by working in labenvironments based on Cisco ServiceProvider carrier-grade core, edge andaccess hardware along with the latest Cisco

    IOS XR, Cisco IOS XE, and Cisco IOSSoftware. This offers a good balancebetween technology and job role, andprepares network engineers to buildmodern, scalable, and reliable IP next-generation networks.

    Curriculum OverviewNetwork engineers spend the majority oftheir time on implementation, and slightlyless time on design/strategy,monitoring/support functions, andmaintenance activities. Over the next fiveyears, risk and security management,troubleshooting and escalations, andinstallation / configuration of traditional andadvanced devices will be most important tonetwork engineers.

    The Cisco Service Provider curriculumcovers the breadth of job related skills for

  • 7/31/2019 Ccnp Service Provider Overview


    Cisco Service Provider Certification

    2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.



    network engineers. It also introducescandidates to the IP Next-GenerationNetwork architecture, and provides network

    engineers with information and practiceactivities to implement a real-world serviceprovider network.

    Achieving CCNA Service ProviderCertificationThe CCNA Service Provider curriculum laysthe foundation for service provider networkengineering job roles. Candidates will learnhow to configure, implement, verify, andtroubleshoot a service provider IP next-generation network. This includes but not

    limited to job tasks such as implementingnetwork and service build-outs fromengineering design documents.

    RequirementsThe CCNA Service Provider certificationprogram is a three-year certificationprogram intended to recognize networkengineers, field engineers, and operationsengineers that work in the service providerenvironment. There are no prerequisites forthe CCNA Service Provider certification

    exams. However, it is recommended thatcandidates have at least 13 years ofexperience working in the service providernetwork environment.

    Recommended Skills and KnowledgeThe following table contains informationrelated to exams and recommended trainingassociated with CCNA Service Providercertification:

    Table 1: CCNA Service Provider Exams andRecommended Training

    ExamNumbers Recommended TrainingCourse Names



    Building Cisco ServiceProvider Next-GenerationNetworks, Part 1(SPNGN1)instructor-led training

    Building Cisco ServiceProvider Next-GenerationNetworks, Part 2(SPNGN2)instructor-led training

    CCNA Service ProviderRecertificationCisco CCNA Service Provider is anassociate-level certification that is valid forthree years and must be recertified beforethe certification expiration date.

    To recertify, certificate holders must passone of the following before the certificationexpiration date:

    Pass any current CCNA Concentration

    exam (wireless, or security, or voice, orSP Ops), or

    Pass any current 642-XXX professional-level exam, or

    Pass the current CCDA DESGN exam,or Pass any current Cisco Specialistexam (excluding Sales Specialist examsor MeetingPlace Specialist exams,Implementing Cisco TelePresenceInstallations (ITI) exams, Cisco LeadingVirtual Classroom Instruction exams, or

    any 650 online exams), or Pass any current CCIE Written Exam, or

    Pass the current CCDE Written ExamOR current CCDE Practical Exam, or

    Pass the Cisco Certified Architect (CCAr)interview AND the CCAr board review toextend lower certifications.
  • 7/31/2019 Ccnp Service Provider Overview


    Cisco Service Provider Certification

    2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.



    Achieving CCNP Service Provider

    CertificationThe CCNP Service Provider curriculum laysthe foundation for service provider networkengineering job roles. The candidates willlearn how to configure, verify, troubleshoot,and optimize routing policies, and providetechnical leadership to operations supportpersonnel, as well as validation andoptimization input to network designengineers. .


    The CCNP Service Provider certificationprogram is a three-year certificationprogram intended to recognize networkengineers, field engineers, and operationsengineers that work in the service providerenvironment.

    Before attempting to obtain a CCNP ServiceProvider certification, a candidate musthave a valid CCNA Service Providercertification. And it is recommended that acandidate have at least 35 years ofexperience working in the service provider

    network environment.

    Recommended Skills and KnowledgeThe following table contains informationrelated to exams and recommended trainingassociated with CCNP Service Providercertification:

    Table 2: Exams and RecommendedTraining


    Recommended TrainingCourse Names




    Deploying Cisco ServiceProvider Network Routing(SPROUTE) instructor ledtraining

    Deploying Cisco ServiceProvider Advanced NetworkRouting(SPADVROUTE)instructor led training


    Implementing Cisco Service

    Provider Next-GenerationCore Network Services(SPCORE) instructor ledtraining

    Implementing Cisco ServiceProvider Next-GenerationEdge Network Services(SPEDGE) instructor ledtraining

    CCNPService Provider Recertification

    Cisco CCNP Service Provider is aprofessional-level certification that is validfor three years and must be recertifiedbefore the certification expiration date.

    To recertify, certificate holders must passone of the following before the certificationexpiration date:

    Pass any current 642-XXX professional-level exam, or

    Pass any current CCIE Written Exam, or

    Pass the current CCDE Written ExamOR current CCDE Practical Exam, or

    Pass the Cisco Certified Architect (CCAr)interview AND the CCAr board review toextend lower certifications.

    Achieving CCIE Service ProviderCertificationThe Cisco CCIE Service Providercertification validates expert-levelknowledge and skills for building an

    extensible service provider infrastructure todeliver rich managed services.

    RequirementsThe Cisco CCIE Service Providercertification is a two-year program intendedto recognize the Cisco Service Providernetwork experts who have the necessaryskills to implement, troubleshoot, and

  • 7/31/2019 Ccnp Service Provider Overview


    Cisco Service Provider Certification

    2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.



    optimize Cisco Service Provider IP Next-Generation networks.

    Attaining and maintaining this performance-based, practical certification validates skillsthat are only achievable by distinct expertsin the service provider field. Thiscertification carries prestige that is admiredby service provider professionals worldwide.

    To obtain a CCIE Service Providercertification, candidates not only must provetheir theoretical knowledge of serviceprovider networks and best practices with awritten test, but must also demonstrate thisknowledge in a lab environment using Cisco

    carrier-class equipment in real-worldscenarios.

    There are no formal prerequisites for CCIEService Provider certification. Candidatesare expected to have an in-depthunderstanding of the exam topics andstrongly encouraged to have greater thanfive years of job experience before

    attempting certification.

    Recommended Skills and Knowledge

    The following table contains informationrelated to exams and recommended trainingassociated with CCIE Service Providercertification:

    Table 3: CCIE Service Provider Exams

    Required Exam Exam Name

    350-029 CCIE Service

    CCIE ServiceProvider Lab Examv3.0

    Provider Written

    Exam v3.0

    CCIE ServiceProvider LabExam v3.0

    CCIE Service Provider RecertificationCisco CCIE Service Provider is an expert-level certification that is valid for two yearsand must be recertified before thecertification expiration date.

    To recertify, certificate holders must passone of the following before the certificationexpiration date:

    Pass any current CCIE expert-levelwritten exam, or lab exam

    Pass the current CCDE written exam, orcurrent CCDE practical exam or

    Pass the Cisco Certified Architect(CCAr) interview AND the CCAr board

    review to extend lower certifications.

    Learn MoreFor more information or to register forthis program, visit
