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  • 8/18/2019 Cc Land and Building


    Land & Building Department and its major activities

    Land & Building Dept. has two broad wings i.e Land & PWD. Land wing is responsible for the largescale acquisition of land for the DDA (plan development) and other ovt. Deptts.!Agencies for

    underta"ing various development pro#ects. $he PWD wing is responsible for planning% designing%construction and maintenance of roads% sub wa's% bridges and fl'overs on PWD roads and alsoconstruction of office accommodation for the Departments of ovt. of Delhi as well asquarters!flats for the ovt. emplo'ees. $he ma#or activities in brief of these two wings are asunder

    Land Wing:-

    LA D A*+,- -$-/

    $he land is acquired under the provisions of LA Act 0123. -f the DDA or an' other ovt.Deptt.!underta"ing of ovt. of Delhi requires some land for underta"ing some developmentpro#ects li"e construction of road% bridges% reservoir% sewage plants etc. the' send an indent to the

    L& 4 Deptt. After receipt of the indent% the Land Acquisition *ollector of the concerned Distt. isrequested to submit a draft notification u!s 3 of LA Act which indicates the intention of the ovt. toacquire the land for plan and non plan development of *$ of Delhi. After receipt of draftnotification u!s 3 of LA Act% the same is processed b' the Land Acquisition 4ranch and afterobtaining approval of the 5on6ble Lt. overnor% Delhi% the notification u!s 3 is issued. /b#ectionsare also invited from the landowners whose land has been acquired within 78 da's from the date of issuance of notification u!s 3 b' the LA* concerned. $he LA* after hearing the ob#ections and alsogiving personal hearing to the ob#ectors% submits its report to the ovt. and the declaration u!s 9 isissued after obtaining the approval of 5on6ble Lt. overnor. 5owever% if the land is urgentl'required for an' pro#ect% then section 0: of LA Act (emergenc' clause) is invo"ed and in that case%the provision of inviting ob#ections u!s ; (A) is dispensed with. After issuance of declaration u!s 9%LA* announces the award and ma"es compensation to the landowners after ta"ing possession ofthe acquired land.

    D< /$-=-*A$-/ /= LA D , D LA D A*+,- -$-/ A*$.

    ,nder the provisions of section 31 of LA Act% an' acquired land can be released from acquisition ifits possession has not been ta"en over b' the ovt. Detailed guidelines and procedure have beenprescribed for de notification of the land. =or this purpose% a de notification committee under the*hairmanship of ecretar' (L&4) has been constituted with *ommissioner (L?)% DDA% / D to L.and D'. *ommissioner of concerned >evenue Distt. as members. $he recommendations of the denotification committee has to be approved b' the 5on6ble Lt. overnor% Delhi.


    Alternative plots to the persons% whose land has been acquired% are allotted under the scheme of @Large cale Acquisition Development and Disposal of land in Delhi announced b' the ovt. of-ndia% ?inistr' of 5ome Affairs on Bnd ?a'. 0290. -n the past% the Deptt. had been invitingapplications for grant of alternative plots from the eligible applicants through press advertisementsfrom time to time. Presentl'% the application in the prescribed form has to be filled with theDepartment with in one 'ear of the pa'ment of compensation. $he eligibilit' conditions forallotment of alternative plots are as under

    0. A person who is the >ecorded /wner prior to issue of notification u!s 3 of LA Act.

    B. A person whose land has been acquired should have received the compensation as a rightful

    owner from LA*!*ourt and the possession of acquired land should have been ta"en b' the ovt.

  • 8/18/2019 Cc Land and Building


    7. $he applicant should not own a house!residential plot!flat out of village abadi in his!her ownname or in the name of his wife!husband or an' of his!her dependent relations including unmarriedchildren% nor should be a member of an' *ooperative 5ousing societ'.

    3. =or awards announced post 7.3.19% the acquired land should not be less than one bigha.

    $he application% dul' filled% alongwith the documents is processed and is referred to LA*! D?concerned for verification. $here is a >ecommendation *ommittee constituted for allotment ofalternative plot headed b' ecretar' (L&4) who decides these cases and then the cases arerecommended to DDA for allotment of alternative plot.

    $%BL" WO!'( DE$A!TMENT

    Wor"s on continuing chemes and new schemes are being eCecuted b' the Department under$ransport% 5ousing and Public Wor"s ectors. 4esides% PWD engineers have been deplo'ed tounderta"e inspection of buildings of other Dept. of ovt. of *$ of delhi% such as education%technical education% medical% police. social welfare% #udicial% #ail etc. Delhi PWD is divided into four

    ones% each headed b' the *hief

  • 8/18/2019 Cc Land and Building


    made to the allottee of eneral Pool Accommodation. $he rent for one month is >s. 9;! per sq.meters upto $'pe -F & >s. 2;! per sq. meters for $'pe F and above multiplied b' the plinth areaof the particular flat being ta"en temporaril'. $he amount is to be deposited with *ashier (L&4).

    !ED!E((AL O $%BL" +!"E#AN E,

    All the complaints received from the complainants are being disposed off within 78 da's. =or theabove purpose% a separate counter under the @Delhi >ight to -nformation Acts has been set up inthe office premises of Land & 4uilding Department. $his counter of L&4 Deptt. is located at theground floor of G46 4loc"% Fi"as 4hawan% -.P. -) are also available for public hearing from 0B.88oon to 0.88 P.? dail'.

    TELE$.ONE N%MBE!( O T.E O " E!(

    /l.No. Designation Telephone No.

    , Pr. /ecretary 0$ B1-&&2*2((-&&2''&( 03A41

    - A l. /ecretary 0$ B1-&&25652-&&25&7&

    & $egal A visor" c!m" /tan ing Co!nsel -&5*&(25

    7 899) Dy. /ecy. 0Gen.)Alt1 -&&25&*5

    ( Dy. Controller of Acco!nts -&&2*-(6

    6 9/D 0$it.1 -&&25-*2

    2 D$A 0Writ Cell1 -&&25&--

    * D$A 0$egal Cell1 -&5,&*,7

    5 D$A 0$egal Cell1 -&5,&*,7

    ,' A8C ):9 0;P Cell1 -&22'(*5

    ,, Acco!nts 9fficer -&&25&-'

    ,- Tehsil ar 0;P Cell1 -&&2*27(

    ,& Asstt. Director 0Plg.1 -&&2*2'7

    ,7 Dy. /ecy. 0A mn.1 -&&25&2'

    ,( A8C 08o!sing $oan1 -&&25&2'

    ,6 /!perinten ent 0+ig.1 -&&2'&66

    ,2 /!perinten ent 0A mn.1 -&&2'&66

    ,* /!perinten ent 0$A1 -&&2*5'5

    ,5 DD9 0$ B1 -&&2*'-,

    -' #ncharge 0General1 -&&2**(&

    -, Asstt. /tan ing Co!nsel -&&25*7(


    AA9 03inance1


  • 8/18/2019 Cc Land and Building


  • 8/18/2019 Cc Land and Building


    +9 =rom which office! authorit' can - get the #n emnity Bon registered! >econve'ance deedHAns $his can be registered with the ub >egistrar6s office pertaining to 'our area.

    +: What is the procedure regarding eCecution of >econve'ance deedHAns $he loanee has to submit on non #udicial stamp paper (format added)of >s. 088! wipassport si e photograph and enclose all the original documents which have been released.

    +1 - have no idea of m' permanent A!c o. or an' records. Jindl' tell the status of m' case.Ans $his will have to be searched manuall' in all the records which ma' ta"e some time.

    +2 - need no ob#ection certificate% to submit to DDA to get m' propert' converted to freehold.

    Ans -f the loanee is not defaulter and regularl' pa'ing installments% the /* ma' be issued.+08 *an - "now status of m' case over telephoneHAns Ies indeed% if correct A!* no. and other details are immediatel' provided.