Download - Catechism Bible Mega Quiz 2018 Question Bank: Class 6 ......b. Mordecai to the King c. Esther to Mordecai d. Esther to King Ahasuerus Catechism Bible Mega Quiz 2018 Question Bank:

  • Catechism Bible Mega Quiz 2018

    Question Bank: Class 6


    Prepared by Maryann Soares

  • Catechism Bible Mega Quiz 2018 Question Bank: Class 6. Esther

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    o Esther: Chapters 1 to 15

  • Catechism Bible Mega Quiz 2018 Question Bank: Class 6. Esther

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    Multiple Choice

    1. Who is King Ahasuerus 's wife at the beginning in the book of Esther.

    a. Zeresh

    b. Vashti

    c. Judith

    d. Jezebel

    2. What happened to Vashti as a result of her disobedience?

    a. She was hanged

    b. She was disposed off and her royal position was to be given to another

    c. She was very angry

    d. She received no special favors


    3. What did the king do during the 3rd year of his reign ?

    4. What made King Ahasuerus angry with Queen Vashti ?

    5. What was the result of Queen Vashti's disobedience ?

    Give One Word For

    6. The tribe that Mordecai belonged to.

    7. The Queen who refused to obey the King’s summons

    8. The city from which the King Ahasuerus ruled.

    Fill In The Banks

    9. King Ahasuerus had ______ provinces of the Persian Empire under his rule.

    10. King Ahasuerus displayed his splendor and wealth of his kingdom for ____ days

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    True Or False

    11. The King issued a decree in his kingdom that every man should be master over his own


    12. Queen Vashti gave a banquet for all the women in the palace of King Ahasuerus.

    Jumbled Words

    13. N I C E V O R P S

    Clue: King Ahasuerus ruled over 127 of these

    14. E N I W

    Clue: A banquet beverage

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    Multiple Choice

    1. What is Esther's Hebrew name ?

    a. Hagar

    b. Hadassah

    c. Hannah

    d. Helga

    2. How long did Esther spend preparing herself to meet the king.

    a. 9 months

    b. 12 months

    c. 3 months

    d. 6 months

    Answer In A Sentence

    3. Why did the King have a beauty contest ?

    4. Who was Mordecai ?

    5. Why did Esther not reveal the fact that she was Jewish ?

    6. The King had a great banquet when Esther was crowned the queen; what did he call it?

    7. What did Mordecai discover and tell Esther?

    8. Who were the two guards who conspired to kill the King?

    Give One Word For

    9. The man who raised Esther as his own daughter after her parents death.

    10. Relation between Esther and Mordecai.

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    Fill In The Banks

    11. The young girls had to undergo a beauty treatment for ______ months.

    12. Once Esther obtained favour with Hegai she was provided with ______ maidservants.

    13. Esther was crowned Queen in the _____ th year of King Ahasuerus’ reign

    True Or False

    14. Esther was an orphan.

    15. Abihail was the uncle of Mordecai.

    16. When Esther was crowned queen, the King declared a holiday to all the provinces.

    Jumbled Words

    17. M E J I N A B N

    Clue: The tribe from which Esther’s family descended

    18. W O R N C

    Clue: Esther wore this when she became the Queen

    19. N E Q E U

    Clue: Esther's new title

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    Multiple Choice

    1. Why did Haman hate Mordecai?

    a. Mordecai was a wicked man

    b. Mordecai did not bow to him

    c. He is jealous of Mordecai high office

    d. Mordecai did not pay him the bribe

    2. How much was offered to the king to be allowed to exterminate the Jews?

    a. 1000 talents of silver

    b. 100 talents of silver

    c. 300 talents of silver

    d. 10,000 talents of silver

    Answer In A Sentence

    3. What did Haman do when Mordecai refused to bow down to him ?

    4. How did Haman decide the day and month he was going to kill the Jews.

    5. How did Haman plan to destroy the Jews ?

    Give One Word For

    6. Type of ring used to seal all orders of the King.

    Fill In The Banks

    7. The pur (lot) for the annihilation of the Jews fell on the ______ th day of the twelfth month.

    8. King Ahasuerus received a payment of _____ thousand talents of silver for the destruction of the


    True Or False

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    9. Haman bribes the king with 1,000 talents of silver to have the Jews killed.

    Jumbled Words

    10. T I D E C

    Clue: An official order of the king to annihilate all the Jews in his empire

    Who Said To Whom

    11. Let a decree be issued for their destruction and I will pay ten thousand silver talents to the king.

    a. Haman to King Ahasuerus

    b. King Ahasuerus to the King of Judah

    c. Esther to Queen Vashti

    d. Mordecai to Esther

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    Multiple Choice

    1. Who said the famous verse: "Who knows, perhaps you have come to royal dignity for just such a

    time as this?"

    a. Mordecai

    b. Haman

    c. Ahasuerus

    d. Abihail

    2. What did Esther request Mordecai and the Jews to do?

    a. Offer up a sacrifice

    b. Pray

    c. Fast for 3 days

    d. March round the city

    Answer In A Sentence

    3. What did Mordecai want Esther to do about Haman's wicked plan to destroy the Jews?

    4. What happens if you go into the inner court of the King uncalled?

    5. How did Esther prepare herself to go before the King to plead for her people?

    Fill In The Banks

    6. Esther had not been called to the inner court for _______ days

    7. Esther prayed and fasted for _____ days before she met the king.

    Jumbled Words

    8. A S K T H C O C L

    Clue : This was used by the Jews as a sign of mourning

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    Who Said To Whom

    9. If you keep silent at such a time as this, deliverance for the Jews will rise from another quarter

    a. Mordecai to Esther

    b. Mordecai to the King

    c. Esther to Mordecai

    d. Esther to King Ahasuerus

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    Multiple Choice

    1. What does Haman's wife suggest he build to express his rage for Mordecai?

    a. A house

    b. A monument

    c. A gallow

    d. A palace

    Answer In A Sentence

    2. What request did Esther make to the king ?

    3. Why did Haman have a set of gallows made ?

    Give One Word For

    4. What Haman built for Mordecai.

    Fill In The Banks

    5. Haman had a gallows built for Mordecai which was _____ cubits high.

    Who Said To Whom

    6. Whatever is your request, it shall be given to you, even to the half of my kingdom

    a. King Ahasuerus to Haman

    b. King Ahasuerus to Esther

    c. King of Babylon to King Ahasuerus

    d. King Ahasuerus to Mordecai

    7. Let a gallows be made and tell the king to have Mordecai hanged on it

    a. Haman's wife Zeresh to Haman

    b. Esther to Haman

    c. The courtiers to the Prime Minister

    d. Queen Vashti to Esther

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    Multiple Choice

    1. How did King Ahasuerus honor Mordecai?

    a. He held a great banquet for Mordecai

    b. He gave Mordecai half his kingdom

    c. Had him dressed in royal robes and led on horseback through the city

    d. He gave Mordecai his crown

    Answer In A Sentence

    2. What did the king do when he could not sleep ?

    True Or False

    3. Mordecai was honored and led on horseback around the city for saving the Kings life.

    Who Said To Whom

    4. What shall be done for the man whom the king wishes to honor

    a. King Ahasuerus to Esther

    b. King Ahasuerus to Haman

    c. Haman's wife Zeresh to Haman

    d. Haman to King Ahasuerus

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    Multiple Choice

    1. How does Haman die

    a. The Jews killed him

    b. Hanged on the gallows

    c. Slain by Mordecai

    d. Falls on his own sword

    Answer In A Sentence

    2. What did Esther tell the King at the 2nd banquet ?

    3. What was the new decree issued by the king to save the Jews ?

    4. What is Purim?

    Give One Word For

    5. The book containing records of the royal court

    Jumbled Words

    6. W A L L O G S

    Clue : This was built for Mordecai but used for Haman

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    Answer In A Sentence

    1. After Haman was hanged, how did the king reward Mordecai ?

    Give One Word For

    2. The Hebrew queen who saved her people.

    True Or False

    3. Esther issued an edict on behalf of the King that Jews may defend themselves against those who

    attacked them.

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    Give One Word For

    1. The Holiday celebrating the Hebrews’ victory over the enemies.

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    Answer In A Sentence

    1. What sign did the king give to show it was alright for Esther to enter?

    Give One Word For

    2. What did the King Ahasuerus hold toward Esther to allow her to enter into the inner court.

    Who Said To Whom

    3. 'Take courage; you shall not die'

    a. Mordecai to Esther

    b. King Ahasuerus to Esther

    c. Haman's wife Zeresh to Haman

    d. King Ahasuerus to Haman

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    1. Word Search

    Find all the places mentioned in the Book of Esther

    E T H I O P I A L O T

    Y G D R E A M T B I K

    I O Y D A I S R A E L

    M K E P P R I E B R J

    A S R E T W O N Y H E

    C U G R F R U M L E R

    E S U S W I T D O A U

    D A E I S M N W N R S

    O E S A N E U D D T A

    N S T M E D S T I L L

    I T W N E I I C U A E

    A H J U D A H B E C M




    1. King Ahasuerus had his royal throne in the citadel of ______ (Susa) (Esther 1:2)

    2. Nebuchadnezzar was the King of _______ (Babylon) ((Esther 2:6)

    3. Mordecai’s great grand father Kish was carried away with the other Jews from _____ as captives

    (Jerusalem) (Esther 2:6)

    4. King Jeconiah was the king of _______ (Judah) (Esther 2:6)

    5. King Ahasuerus’ empire extended from _____ (India) to _______ (Ethiopia) (Esther 1:1)

    6. The army of _______ (Persia ) and ______ (Media) attended the great banquet of King Ahasuerus

    (Esther 1:3)

    7. In his dream Mordecai saw the nation of _________ (Israel) crying out to God and was saved. (Esther


    8. Mordecai prayed to God to save His people whom God had redeemed for Himself from the land

    of______ (Egypt) (Esther 13:16)

    9. Haman's father belonged to this place ___________ (Macedonia) (Esther 16:10)

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    2. Crossword

    2 B

    1 Q A

    4 P U R I 3 M 5 I N V I T E 6 D

    E O Q I

    E R U S

    N D E O

    E T 7 F B

    C A E

    8 G A L L O W S Y

    I T E

    E D

    9 K I N G D O M


    1. Esther was made ___________ in place of Vashti (Queen) (Esther 2:17)

    2. An event Esther invited the King and Haman. (Banquet) (Est 5:4)

    3. __________ discovers the guards plan to kill the king. (Mordecai) (Est 2:22)

    6. The King became furious because Queen Vashti ______ his orders (disobeyed)(Est 1:12)

    7. Esther prayed and ___________ for three days (fasted) (Est 4:16)


    4. Celebration that marks the time when Jewish sorrow was turned to joy (Purim) (Est 9:26)

    5. Esther could not approach the King unless he _________ her first (invited) (Est:4:11)

    8. Where the two disloyal officials were hung (gallows) (Est 2:23)

    9. King Ahasuerus offered Esther even half his _________ (kingdom) (Est :5:3)

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    3. Guess the Character


    famous cousin of Mordecai

    descendent of the tribe of Benjamin

    chosen by God to save the Jews in Persia

    wife of King Ahasuerus


    one of the captive Jews living in the city of Susa

    he exposes a conspiracy to kill the King

    he wore sackcloth and ashes in mourning against the

    King's decree

    took care of his orphan cousin


    king of the Persian Empire

    he loved Esther more than the other women

    his officials conspired to kill him

    he loved to display his wealth and splendour


    he was forced to lead Mordecai through the streets to

    honor him

    he accepts wrong advice from his wife and friends

    writes an edict for the King to have the Jews killed

    An Agagite who hated Mordecai

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    1. Vashti (Esther 1:11)

    2. She was disposed off and her royal position was to be given to another (Esther 1:19)

    3. He gave a great banquet that lasted for 180 days where he displayed all his wealth. (Esther


    4. She did not come when the King called for her (She disobeyed the King) (Esther 1:12)

    5. She was to be disposed off and her royal position was to be given to another (Esther 1:19)

    6. Benjamin (Esther 2:5)

    7. Queen Vashti (Esther 1:12)

    8. Susa (Esther 1:2)

    9. 127 provinces (Esther 1:1)

    10. 180days (Esther 1:4)

    11. True (Esther 1:22)

    12. True (Esther 1:9)

    13. provinces (Esther 1:1)

    14. Wine (Est 1:7)


    1. Hadassah (Esther 2:7)

    2. 12 months (Esther 2:12)

    3. To choose a new Queen. (Esther 2:4)

    4. Mordecai was Esther's cousin. (Esther 2:7)

    5. Because her cousin Mordecai told her not to tell. (Esther 2:10)

    6. Esther's Banquet. (Esther 2:18)

    7. A conspiracy to kill the King. (Esther 2:21-23)

    8. Bigthan and Teresh. (Esther 2:21)

    9. Mordecai (Esther 2:7)

    10. Cousin (Esther 2:7)

    11. 12 months (Est 2:12)

    12. 7 chosen (Esther 2:9)

    13. 7th year (Esther 2:16-17)

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    14. True (Esther 2:7)

    15. True (Esther 2:15)

    16. True (Esther 2:18)

    17. Benjamin Est 2:5

    18. Crown Est 2:17

    19. Queen Est 2:17


    1. Mordecai did not bow to him (Esther 3:5)

    2. 10,000 talents of silver (Esther 3:9)

    3. He plotted to destroy all the Jews. (Esther 3:6)

    4. He cast Pur (“the lot”) to decide the date . (Esther 3:7)

    5. He asked King Ahasuerus to issue a decree to kill the Jews. (Esther 3:8-9)

    6. Signet (Esther 3:10 & 12)

    7. 13th day (Esther 3:7)

    8. 10 thousand (Esther 3:9)

    9. False (Esther 3:9) Right answer : 10,000 talents of silver

    10. (Edict) (Esther 3:12)

    11. Haman to King Ahasuerus (Esther 3:9)


    1. Mordecai (Esther 4:14)

    2. Fast for 3 days (Esther 4:16)

    3. He wanted Esther to meet the king to make supplication to him and entreat him for her

    4. people. (Esther 4:8)

    5. According to the law, the person would be put to death. (Esther 4:11)

    6. She fled to the Lord. (Esther 4:1)

    7. 30 days (Esther 4:11)

    8. 3 days (Est 4:16)

    9. Esther to Mordecai (Esther 4:16)

    10. Mordecai to Esther (Esther 4:14)


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    1. A gallow (Esther 5:14)

    2. She requested the King and Haman to attend a banquet she prepared. (Esther 5:4)

    3. So the King would hang Mordecai on them. (Esther 5:14)

    4. Gallows (Esther 5:14)

    5. 50 cubits (Est 5:14)

    6. King Ahasuerus to Esther (Esther 5:3)

    7. Haman's wife Zeresh to Haman (Esther 5:14)


    1. Had him dressed in royal robes and led on horseback through the city (Esther 6:11)

    2. He gave orders to bring the book of records, the annals and they were read to the king.

    (Esther 6:1)

    3. True (Esther 6:11)

    4. King Ahasuerus to Haman (Esther 6:6)


    1. Hanged on the gallows (Esther 7:10)

    2. She revealed her identity and the plot to destroy her people. (Esther 7:3-4)

    3. The Jews could defend themselves from those who attacked them. (Esther 16:20)

    4. A celebration that marks the month when Jewish sorrow was turned to joy. (Esther 9:22-


    5. Annals (Esther 6:1)

    6. (Gallows) Est 7:10


    1. The king gave him his signet ring and made him a powerful person in his kingdom. (Esther


    2. Esther (Esther 8:3-12)

    3. False (Esther 8:10-11) Right answer : Mordecai issued an edict


    1. Purim. (Esther 9:22) (Esther 9:26)

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    1. He raised his golden scepter and touched her neck with it. (Esther 15:11)

    2. Golden Sceptre (Esther Ch 15:11)

    3. King Ahasuerus to Esther (Esther 15:9,10)