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Soap / Shampoo / Treatment and massage oils

Shanty Khayalian

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Parsley soap / Benefits

1. Reduces Wrinkles, Fine Lines and Scars:

Since Vitamin C is not naturally present in the body, we need to consume it in sufficient amounts through food. The high amount of Vitamin C in parsley nourishes the skin from within to reduce fine lines, wrinkles and scars. Consuming parsley stimulates the production of collagen in the skin and promotes cell

reproduction and repair. This leads to faster growth of new skin which results in blemish free, even and smooth skin.

2. Erases Under Eye Dark Circles:

Parsley works wonder to erase under eye dark circles. It contains high amount of Vitamin C, chlorophyll

and Vitamin K which helps to lighten the under eye area and reduce puffiness.

3. Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties:

The volatile oils, eugenol particularly, present in parsley provides antibacterial and anti-fungal properties which is useful for treating acne, pimples, skin infection and to disinfect pores.

4. Clear and Glowing Skin:

Consuming parsley abundantly helps to balance excess sebum secretion in oily skin. It further helps to

clear the pores which might otherwise lead to acne outbreaks. Zinc in parsley controls skin inflammation and promotes skin regeneration. It also reduces the redness and diminishes acne blemishes.

5. Fights Free Radicals:

Parsley contains high amount of antioxidant which protects our skin from free radical damage and delays

the signs of ageing like fine lines and wrinkles.

6. Healthy Skin:

Parsley contains minerals like calcium, potassium, manganese, copper and zinc which are essential for maintaining healthy skin.

7. Prevents Acne and Zits:

Ladies with combination and oily skin tone can prepare this homemade toner to prevent zits and pimples.

8. Prevents Dark Spots and Skin Discoloration:

Parsley is beneficial for reducing the appearance of dark spot and skin discoloration. Parsley, honey and lemon juice face pack can effectively erase dark spots and skin discoloration.

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No Chemicals / additives / Fragrances Made in old fashion


Chamomile oil soap / Benefits

1. Chamomile Soap is innately instilled with amazing healing, anti-oxidant, cleansing and moisturizing

properties and is considered a full fledge skincare treatment.

2. Infused with great healing properties, Chamomile Soap accelerates the healing process of minor

wounds and also disinfects the wounds.

3. Chamomile Soap is an excellent all-natural SKIN BLEACH. It lightens your complexion and renders it a

healthy glow naturally.

4. It is found to be very effective in soothing skin irritation and sunburns.

5. This magic potion is a powerhouse of antioxidants that help you fight acne and breakouts. It also works wonders to eliminate acne scars.

6. It protects your skin from free radical damage, a chief contributor to premature aging, hence help retaining your youthful charm for long.

7. Placing cooled down Chamomile Soap under the eyes can help reducing under-eye dark circles and eye puffiness. It also soothes your tired eyes.

8. When blended with powdered milk, Chamomile Soap provides you a great body and facial scrub. It sloughs off the dead, dry skin cells revealing the underlying cells which are new.

9. If consumed on a regular basis, Chamomile Soap nourishes and moisturizes your skin from deep inside. You may also want to use chamomile in your homemade beauty recipes to draw its beauty benefits.

No Chemicals / additives / Fragrances Made in old fashion

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Cucumber soap / Benefits

1. Revitalizes skin:

The greatest and most important skin benefit of cucumber Soap is that it helps in revitalizing the skin.

2. Reverses skin tanning:

It has a mild bleaching property which can reverse skin tanning and give you youthful and glowing skin.

3. Controls puffiness of the eyes:

If you are worried about eye puffiness then cucumber Soap can provide you with instant relief. The ascorbic acid and caffeic acid in cucumber Soap brings down the water retention rate which in turn diminishes the swelling and puffiness around the yes.

4. Helps soothe sunburn:

The cucumber Soap is a natural and gentle way to treat sun burn.

5. Rejuvenates skin:

The most common use of cucumber Soap is to improve complexion and rejuvenate the skin.

6. Treats open pores:

You can also use cucumber Soap to treat open pores.

7. Fights cellulite:

Cucumber Soap can also help to banish cellulite of thighs.

8. Hydrates skin:

Its rich in Vitamin E and potassium which help in reducing fine lines, wrinkles, blemishes and other signs

of ageing.

9. Reduces dark circles:

The abundance of antioxidants and silica within the cucumber Soap can rejuvenate the skin and fade dark circles.

10. Treats blemishes:

You can use grated cucumber Soap to treat freckles and blemishes

No Chemicals / additives / Fragrances Made in old fashion

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Carrot soap / Benefits

Carrot soap contains a huge amount of vitamin A, due to which it has a healing power. It can be applied to wounds, cuts and skin rashes. It has anti-inflammatory properties which restores skin tone.

Glowing skin

Carrot soap makes your skin healthy and bright, as it contains a huge amount of vitamin C and anti-


Reduce s acnes and scars.

Has anti-aging properties

Carrot soap contains vitamin C, which promotes collagen production, which retains the skin tightness. It

prevents wrinkles and other aging signs. Vitamin A fights against free radicals which cause wrinkles and pigmentation.

Sun Protection

Beta carotene has a nourishing power. It restores skin tissues and protects skin from sun rays.

Antioxidants and carotene protect and nourish the skin by boosting the immune system against sunrays.

Dry skin

Potassium deficiency can lead to skin dryness. Carrot soap is rich in potassium. Healthy skin

Carrot soap is an effective means to fight different skin problems. Antioxidants treat such problems as acne, burns, dermatitis and other problems caused by vitamin A deficiency.

Do not overuse carrot soap, as it may give orange tone to your skin.


Carrot soap is known to stimulate hair growth and thickness.

Hair loss

Carrot soap fights against hair loss, as it is rich in vitamins which strengthen and give shine to your hair.

Hair growth

Vitamin C and E improves scalp circulation, stimulates hair growth and prevents hair graying.

No Chemicals / additives / Fragrances Made in old fashion

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Origanum soap / Benefits

1. Anti-Bacterial:

Since it possesses anti-bacterial properties, it has the ability to destroy candida and other unknown bad

germs causing skin infections.

2. Cures Athlete’s Foot:

In case of athlete’s foot, you can massage your feet with oregano Soap, add a drop of the oil to your shoes or soak your socks in warm water and 2 drops of oregano oil for relief.

3. Delays Signs of Ageing:

Oregano Soap/Oil with the use of every day can provide anti-aging benefits by removing signs of aging

and delaying the aging process resulting in a brighter skin color.

4. Used in Spa:

Oregano Soap/Oil possesses anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties which destroy the free radicals that damage healthy cells, thus curing acne, PSORIASIS and

nail fungus. Thus, the oil is often used in spa treatments where it is blended with other ingredients. It is one of the most effective inhibitors of yeast infections.

5. Treats Calluses:

Calluses can be treated by massaging the affected area with oregano Soap/Oil diluted in coconut oil.

Oregano Soap/Oil is often used by manicurists for the treatment of growth of fungi between the finger and toe nails.

No Chemicals / additives / Fragrances Made in old fashion

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Grapes Seed oil soap / Benefits

1. Say Goodbye To Acne And Pimples:

Grape seed oil Soap contains linoleic acid that strengthens the cell membranes and improves the overall

quality of your skin. Its regular usage cures various types of skin troubles including acne and pimples. Its antioxidant characteristic prevents the pores from clogging and further prevents the outburst of acne. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that not only prevent acne outbreaks, but also help to cure existing


2. Skin Tightening:

Grape seed oil Soap has astringent properties. Regular application of this oil results in skin tightening and toning. It is especially beneficial for people who have oily skin.

3. Minimizes Under-Eye Circles:

No matter how flawless your skin is, if you have dark circles, your overall appearance looks dull and

lifeless. If you are suffering from dark circles, grape seed oil Soap is what you need. As the oil does not contain any harmful substances, it is not at all dangerous to apply it around your eyes.

4. Moisturizer:

Grape seed oil Soap is very light and its application will leave you with soft and baby-smooth skin. It is

also useful for people with sensitive skin as its application does not lead to any kind of allergic reaction.

5. Prevents Skin Aging:

Grape seed oil Soap is full of antioxidant properties that are excellent for slowing down the skin aging process.

No Chemicals / additives / Fragrances Made in old fashion

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Rose soap / Benefits

This fragrant flower helps rejuvenate and replenish skin. Discover how this lush blossom can make your skin feel as velvety soft as a bed of roses.

1. Antibacterial: Naturally antibacterial rose essential oil makes can help treat acne and acne-prone skin. Combined with its cleansing properties, rose makes an ideal ingredient in face washes and cleansers.

2. Anti-inflammatory: While we may think of roses for their iconic deep red color, rose oils can actually help reduce swollen spots or redness on your skin. Its calming properties can also help sooth rosecea and


You can even create a calming face mask from rose petals. Simply soak 8 petals in 3-4 tablespoons of

water for 2-3 hours. Then mash the petals into the water and add 3 tablespoons of honey. Mix well, and apply to entire face. Leave on for 15-30 minutes. Rinse with cool water.

3. Antioxidants: Rose contains high amounts of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant. This important vitamin can help protect skin cells from damage, such as from staying out in the sun too long. Some evidence even suggests that rose water can help prevent sunburn.

4. Moisturizing: The natural oils found in roses help lock moisture into the skin, keeping skin feeling smooth. Rose is especially beneficial for those with sensitive skin because the sugars in its petals create a

soothing feeling.

5. Naturally fragrant: Many organic beauty products choose to include rose for its delicate aroma in lieu of artificial fragrances.

6. Relaxing: When used aromatically, rose calms and soothes the mind. In fact, rose petals are a staple in Ayurvedic medicine to detoxify and calm. While this characteristic doesn’t directly add beauty benefits,

it sure makes that rose-scented lotion or cream an extra pleasant experience.

7. Toning: As a natural astringent, rose helps tighten pores and restore suppleness for a glowy

complexion. Unlike conventional alcohol-based toners, rose leaves skin feeling smooth, not dried out.

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Carrots Shampoo / Benefits

1. Treatment of Hair Loss 2. Stimulates Hair Growth:

3. Spurs Hair Growth 4. Carotene

No Chemicals / additives / Fragrances Made in old fashion


Parsley shampoo / Benefits

1. Controls Hair Loss 2. Maintains Natural Hair Color

3. Promotes Hair Growth 4. Silky and Smooth Hair 5. Prevents Lice Infestation

6. Acts as a Hair Rinse 7. Get Rid of Dandruff No Chemicals / additives / Fragrances Made in old fashion.

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Nettle shampoo / Benefits

1. Anti-inflammatory:

Nettle soap has anti-inflammatory properties and can be used for treating skin burns and reducing the burn scars.

2. Treats Hair Loss Problem:

Using stinging nettle is one of the oldest treatments for combating hair loss. Stinging nettle capsules and

tea can be consumed to treat hair loss internally while a good scalp massage using nettle oil combats hair loss effectively.

3. Helps In Hair Re-Growth:

Not only does stinging nettle help in combating hair loss, it also helps in hair re-growth. Nettle soap are rich in silica and sulfur. This helps in making hair shinier and healthier. Rinsing hair with nettle extracts

and water results in re-growth of lost hair and also helps in restoring the original hair color.

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Grapes Seed Shampoo / Benefits

1. Grows Hair Faster:

Grape seed oil Mask/Shampoo contains all the essential nutrients to help grow your hair faster. It contains Vitamin E, proteins, minerals and linoleic acid that nourish the hair and scalp.

2. Moisturizes The Scalp And Hair:

Grape seed oil Mask/Shampoo is light and keeps the hair moisturized enough to make you feel on top of

the world. It also helps to get rid of thinning or breaking of the hair and split ends.

3. Combats Dandruff:

Bid goodbye to that itchy scalp and dandruff with grape seed oil Mask/Shampoo. Being an extremely good moisturizer, grape seed oil Mask/Shampoo combats dandruff from the source.

4. Imparts Shine To Hair:

Treat yourself with a grape seed oil Mask/Shampoo treatment to make your hair look shiny, but not oily.

Being very light, it adds to the health of your hair.

5. Helps Strengthen Hair:

Needless to say, the oil is very light and gets quickly absorbed into the scalp. It strengthens the hair from the roots and keeps your hair away from the regular hair troubles.

6. Natural Conditioner:

No matter what trendy hairstyle you get, dry and brittle hair will always make you don the old and boring

look. Enhance your appearance by using grape seed oil Mask/Shampoo regularly instead of the conditioners available in the market.

7. Hypoallergenic:

Grape seed oil Mask/Shampoo is the king of all oils as it easily enhances your crown’s glory. Being

hypoallergenic, it suits even sensitive scalp and hair.

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Calendula shampoo / Benefits

1. Gives Dandruff Free Hair:

Calendula Shampoo/Mask is often used to hydrate the scalp and get rid of dandruff. With regular application, you can say goodbye to dandruff infested hair.

2. Helps in Hair Growth: Dandruff is one of the major causes of hair fall. Another cause is damaged scalp. This Shampoo/Mask can heal both these conditions, giving your hair a chance to grow stronger. Its regenerative properties help

the hair follicles grow abundantly, giving you a thicker mane.

3. Natural Hair Dye:

Can be used to provide blonde or brunette highlight to the hair. No Chemicals / additives / Fragrances Made in old fashion


Origanum vulgare shampoo / Benefits

1. Cures Dandruff: 2. Stimulates Hair Growth: No Chemicals / additives / Fragrances Made in old fashion

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Rose shampoo | Benefits

1. Soft, revitalized hair 2. Reinvigorate your hair and put the shine back 3. Moisturizer

No Chemicals / additives / Fragrances Made in old fashion


Chamomile Shampoo / Benefits

1. A Chamomile rinse brightens up the blonde hair instantly. If combined with henna, it makes natural

highlights for dark hair as well.

2. It is a wonderful hair lightener. Using Chamomile Soap as final hair rinse adds a stunning bright-golden

light to the brown hair. Use the treatment regularly to lighten your hair gradually.

3. Chamomile is also found to be highly effectual in preventing and eliminating dandruff. In addition, it

also soothes irritated scalp.

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Grapes seed oil / Benefits

1. Cures Dandruff: 2. Minimizes Under-Eye Circles 3. Prevents Skin Aging:

4. Heals Wounds:

Using Grape seed in Facial Masks

Keeping in view the above benefits of Grape seed, it is known to be used in various facials too. This is so because the grape seed oil gets gently absorbed into the skin. Here is the quick recipe for grape seed

facial mask-


1 ½ cup brown sugar, ¼ cup grape seed oil,¼ cup almond oil

Preparation: Take a large bowl and mix all these ingredients together. Apply the mixture on your face

and neck. Make sure it covers your entire face. You can store the remaining mixture in an airtight jar. Let it remain on your face for around 15-20 minutes. Wash off with water.

Who Can Use This Mask: This effective mask helps in deep cleansing your skin from within so use it as cleansing mask.

Grape seed oil facial mask is good for those with sensitive skin. It has found to be beneficial for those with acne prone skin as it prevents breakout of acne.

Grape Seed Oil Facial Mask for Aging Skin:

If you have aging skin and have started showing signs of wrinkles and fine lines then too the facial mask

from grape seed will benefit your skin. It helps in revitalizing and renewing your skin and thereby gives you a fresh and youthful appearance. In order to make facial mask for aging skin you will need:

1 tbsp of grape seed oil, 5-6 grapes, 1 tbsp of honey.

Preparation: Take a blender and blend all these ingredients well. Now apply on your face covering it

completely. In order to get the best out of this mask, gently massage it with your fingertips so that it gets blended well into your face. Leave for 15 minutes and then wash off.

Owing to the presence of honey this mask is one of the best for anti aging skin because honey is known

to help in skin renewal.

The benefits of grape seed oil for hair

Grape seed oil restores the cell membranes of a scalp, strengthens hair roots and reduces

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Rose oil / Benefits

1. Rose oil helps to maintain your skin’s pH balance.

2. It helps fight acne, dermatitis and eczema.

3. Rose oil helps to hydrate, revitalize, moisturize, and smooth out the skin

4. It also helps to heal scars, cuts and wounds.

5. Rose oil calms the skin to help ease any stress and anxiety.

6. The antioxidant properties of rose oil help to strengthen skin cells along with regenerating skin tissues.

7. The nourishing and moisturizing properties of rose oil help to recover the quality of hair.

8. It also helps to revitalize aging skin while keeping fine lines and wrinkle at bay.

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Carrots oil / Benefits

1. Reduces Wrinkles, Fine Lines and Scars: 2. Contains beta carotene which is converted to Vitamin A for proper maintenance and repairing of skin.

3. Erases Under Eye Dark Circles: 4. Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties: 5. Clear and Glowing Skin:

6. Healthy Skin: 7. Soothes Irritated Skin: 8. Prevents Ageing:

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Parsley oil / Benefits

1. Reduces Wrinkles, Fine Lines and Scars:

2. Contains beta carotene which is converted to Vitamin A for proper maintenance and repairing of skin.

3. Erases Under Eye Dark Circles:

4. Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties:

5. Clear and Glowing Skin:

6. Healthy Skin:

7. Soothes Irritated Skin:

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Nettle Oil / Benefits

1. Keeps Skin Young:

Due to its antioxidant properties, it provides various effective uses to the skin. The antioxidant properties in it help to control free radicals in the body, which lead to premature aging of the skin.

2. Makes Skin Healthy:

The plant is also rich in silica, which helps in strengthening the skin and making it look healthy. Its

bactericidal, stimulating, anti-inflammatory and mildly deodorant properties make the plant an effective ingredient for many beauty products.

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Origanum Oil / Benefits

1. Anti-Bacterial:

Since it possesses anti-bacterial properties, it has the ability to destroy candida and other unknown bad germs causing skin infections.

2. Cures Athlete’s Foot:

In case of athlete’s foot, you can massage your feet with oregano Soap, add a drop of the oil to your

shoes or soak your socks in warm water and 2 drops of oregano oil for relief.

3. Delays Signs of Ageing:

Oregano Soap/Oil with the use of every day can provide anti-aging benefits by removing signs of aging and delaying the aging process resulting in a brighter skin color.

4. Used in Spa:

Oregano Soap/Oil possesses anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-viral and anti-fungal

properties which destroy the free radicals that damage healthy cells, thus curing acne, PSORIASIS and nail fungus. Thus, the oil is often used in spa treatments where it is blended with other ingredients. It is one of the most effective inhibitors of yeast infections.

5. Treats Calluses:

Calluses can be treated by massaging the affected area with oregano Soap/Oil diluted in coconut oil. Oregano Soap/Oil is often used by manicurists for the treatment of growth of fungi between the finger and toe nails.

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Chamomile Oil / Benefits

1. Chamomile Soap is innately instilled with amazing healing, anti-oxidant, cleansing and moisturizing properties and is considered a full fledge skincare treatment.

2. Infused with great healing properties, Chamomile Soap accelerates the healing process of minor wounds and also disinfects the wounds.

3. Chamomile Soap is an excellent all-natural SKIN BLEACH. It lightens your complexion and renders it a healthy glow naturally.

4. It is found to be very effective in soothing skin irritation and sunburns.

5. This magic potion is a powerhouse of antioxidants that help you fight acne and breakouts. It also

works wonders to eliminate acne scars.

6. It protects your skin from free radical damage, a chief contributor to premature aging, hence help

retaining your youthful charm for long.

7. Placing cooled down Chamomile Soap under the eyes can help reducing under-eye dark circles and eye

puffiness. It also soothes your tired eyes.

8. When blended with powdered milk, Chamomile Soap provides you a great body and facial scrub. It

sloughs off the dead, dry skin cells revealing the underlying cells which are new.

9. If consumed on a regular basis, Chamomile Soap nourishes and moisturizes your skin from deep

inside. You may also want to use chamomile in your homemade beauty recipes to draw its beauty benefits.

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Calendula Oil / Benefits

1. Chamomile Soap is innately instilled with amazing healing, anti-oxidant, cleansing and moisturizing properties and is considered a full fledge skincare treatment.

2. Infused with great healing properties, Chamomile Soap accelerates the healing process of minor wounds and also disinfects the wounds.

3. Chamomile Soap is an excellent all-natural SKIN BLEACH. It lightens your complexion and renders it a healthy glow naturally.

4. It is found to be very effective in soothing skin irritation and sunburns.

5. This magic potion is a powerhouse of antioxidants that help you fight acne and breakouts. It also

works wonders to eliminate acne scars.

6. It protects your skin from free radical damage, a chief contributor to premature aging, hence help

retaining your youthful charm for long.

7. Placing cooled down Chamomile Soap under the eyes can help reducing under-eye dark circles and eye

puffiness. It also soothes your tired eyes.

8. When blended with powdered milk, Chamomile Soap provides you a great body and facial scrub. It

sloughs off the dead, dry skin cells revealing the underlying cells which are new.

9. If consumed on a regular basis, Chamomile Soap nourishes and moisturizes your skin from deep

inside. You may also want to use chamomile in your homemade beauty recipes to draw its beauty benefits.

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Shant Khayalian

Founder of Beauty Products LLC.

[email protected]

+374 91 325350 / +374 41 325350

Yerevan - Armenia