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Cat 6 Cabling Riverside Assessing Your Phone and

Internet Connectivity Requirements

By: San Diego Cat6 Cabling 800-203-9841

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1. Assess client voice and data needs through a meeting

This always helps to develop a thorough understanding of our client’s telecom needs, both present and future.

It also serves as the lens through which SCT Products assesses current provider relationships

This initial meeting lastly serves as SCT Products opportunity to gather invoices and contracts from current providers to initiate the audit. 800-203-9841

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2. Audit current local, long distance and data invoices and contracts

SCT Products can often extract substantial savings from existing providers through the audit process. This includes…

Includes identifying and rectifying any current billing errors, eliminating unauthorized or extraneous fees,

Identifying rate reduction opportunities with the clients' current provider(s), all negotiated by SCT Product Sales

Dial Tone? DSL? Long Distance? T1? Go Here For A Quote 800-203-9841

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3. Identify alternative suppliers for the clients' telecom services

SCT Product Sales maintains relationships with over 30 preferred telecom providers which we screen with consideration of quality, cost, service capability, and the financial stability of the provider to help provide the best recommendation to you 800-203-9841

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4. Provide a formal recommendation/implementation

After SCT Product Sales presents the recommendation document, we implement approved changes on behalf of our clients, both with existing vendors, and any new vendors which may be added to the mix.

Dial Tone? DSL? Long Distance? T1? Go Here For A Quote 800-203-9841

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5. Monthly analysis of client bills with consideration for changes in the voice and data market

SCT Product Sales continues to analyze our clients' invoices and contracts after the recommendation is implemented to ensure that they capitalize on opportunities that the fluctuating market presents. 800-203-9841