Download - Cash Stora, Lavanham · was gi\'en in the fourth room of tbe ... rlcc red blood, which out Nl'rvl!lne I hn.

Page 1: Cash Stora, Lavanham · was gi\'en in the fourth room of tbe ... rlcc red blood, which out Nl'rvl!lne I hn.


. , ,. .. .:,

if '. . ',: ,

WhaJ~,.,·A.bout !, Your , .~

Christmas Cake?· I

Remember \\'e carry a first ,class stock of groceries." Always Fresh and at Lowest Cash Prices.

We Have the Agency for Fleischman's Yeast ·and R~celve Fresh Shipments, Every, Week.

Apples See our winter apples befllre purchasing elsewhere.', We ha\'e a car due about the first of December, with

.sc\'eral first class varieties ~rid q~ality guaranteed.

lR. A. S~O~N'?9EftSON ·LI~"~~IEle' ___ ial&' ~~&~aea __ ~E

. ",' ~

1'.' ...

" • . -

:.S,ne~ial5 f".r ' , ';:,,;~~' .... ', :, '. ehris,tm'as"

, We have made speciai"preparation~ 'f9r your Christmas '. ref1uir~m,~nt. New Furnitu~~, Chairs,., .. etc., T~ys, , Dolls ·and many. namE:less'1lollday novelties., Spend" , an hour or ·two in this store·for your gift sliggestions; ,

..., J

" ,

, . . Metca:lf's' 'Furniture Store

\.~: =-.;. ... '" , . . • ,_;' • 1 • - ~ r -: .:-=:-:- --=-=:::::=J

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, Carr;)" with them pleas·antne.a and good cheer'

. 'I (or aU. ,

• • -. ,I

' .. ,~' .. >' .., ..... ,

DR. :A'. W. MYI.ES



A very, iuteresting programme was gi\'en in the fourth room of tbe Treherue school on Friday alle~­uoou ,last, when the respective pupils:froUl Mbs McCreary's lind Miss Dudley's rooms e'l[hihited their taleut" in drills, reCitati~ns, solos and dialo~ues(the latter being par­ticuillily"well performed.: The ap. preciative audience was' composed of v,isitors from tbe ,higb scbool and the parents ·aud· friends of the pupils,.· " . . At ihe couc\usion of, th; 'pro­grauilue '. bASketS. made' by . the' pupils' of the third room 11011' 'filled ,with,~andy" provided. by. , . , .

fourtb e .. C5101G


.. " .• , .. ~ CONSRRV A'l'IVIi; CA NDIDA'rlt


. Exhibit of School Work

.' . ,

~ha Cash Stora, Lavanham , .

Money saved is money earried-every bod )' 'knows that, Try me for Groceries and >;LJU will save money. ·Here is a sample:-

Best Redpath Sugar, per 100 Ibs.' .... . 15,40 Best Redpath Sugar, 17 Ibs. for .' . 1.00 Tomatoes, lIew pack, 2 calls tor .25 Lawton Berries, per cnn . . . ,20 Strawberries, per can. . . . . . . .20

", t:'arlour MntchES, 2 pacleets for • . ,25 Guld Seal Baking Powder, ptr CBn . ,20 Choice Seeded Raisihs, per packet •. , .10 Choice Cleaned Currnnts, per packet. .10 Pure Lard, 20 lb. pnil . . . . . . . , :3.60

A good assortment of Soft· Qrinks, Tobaccos and Cigars always·on. hand.

., " '

,A. Shearer '''':, Lavenh'am

,~'. , ,

.. "

I , .0.

'For two years IlOW the Manitoba EducationBI Association has' beld

. f b' an exhibit of scbool work in cou-

'iF' I!I " , -It '.


, ,. "

.,' ;


ti ° IS. nection witb the Easterconventi'on.

rst cam-' d h' . 0 . , Twenty schools bR work ou ex 1-We want some fir5t c\a5S well iniproved farm~ for our clients. IT ust be good Ilind in high ~tate of CUltivation, The owner must be prepared to give a long option' and put lhe price at a P ul>ll.iS\Hf!!;:,~, n·tbe other ..• E d I. f I bllion last, • aster an mucu 0 tIe

i:al:ldid.a:fe·,~ yJ!}JE:Xa:jjd~r ,,- Morrison. m)li;:.Artbtlr Meigben

have' no

work· was of a higb order~ of. merit. That' tbe ~i8itors are mucb tntere!:l: ted in tbis feature of the couvention

shown by the fact that as many

:' . right figure. ,

Correspondence Invited. , 'r

Write Full Particulars. ~.

r so' were counted at Oil:: time in D' ~ C . D. A~ the room devoted to t~is purpose.' ownle . ~ ~mp8ny 'l'he' Associatiou illtend'to repeat 02. McArthur Building, f. • Winnipeg, Man •

this 'fellt'ti;e at, tlte oe'xt convention, ~L!l!!I~~E!!I:eI:Ia::;:;;;;::::::~=:'~.~;;::::;::~~ and again make the' ~ffer of prizes ;:' ' . .,

, :fils,.,~nd $10, to the l"alcll"~"1 • ..' . ..

hall;Wli9,:tQ~:~d Of:.5c111O()ls·,~ sending,ill the three best ·1 ' .. ' t W , .... ,',,, -PI '"~.:~"""',:,~.-,.;!;'l~~, , : ';"";l.\<,I,j~.~~!, '~: .,,~:..~ .:" :QW:!!,,,.'; ,;

followin~ lines; cCiw. pbi5iticiii; graphy, Natu:-e Study,

S~ ~ ~"""'. l' • ... 1 ..... 'w~·, .... ,'~ ... "~""'i'""'\''''~.'~ .

- ,

• ,


.' , ' .

school rooms. , ~

l'be programme was a~ follo-vios ':·IM:eigrh.~~1 ship; DrawinK, Painting,' Sewing, Basketry,Paper-Folding and Pa'ller·,1 Culting" ~affia, Clay or Plastlcene Mod~11ing;llIid light WoodwoJ.o:.

O'f, course YOIl ~re going to' do a11;' the fall plowinlZ you can and if there is :lIly likelihoorlof YOI,1t:'ueediug a new plow, we want YOl1r choice a "Great West". Thi~ is' uot IIOle!,. beea •• we· sell tbem, but we are certain that they will give you ~Ifect satisfaction. The makers of tbese ptows have !tl1died tbe

\ r ~. Every article should be labelled

.conditious under wbich these plows would be used and the result < • us you can plainly see is ii'perfect machine, .'

: You Can Make No Mistake in with tbe name '.of the school and the grade of the pupil, a~d exhibits

~~~,~t, be sent t~ the Secretary lIOt ~ ============================== Buying a"'Oreat West" Plow,

I .f


, .L ,

later than one week before. the ' I,' ,. oPe.ilill~ o( the convelltio?, the .:. W. O. Barkwell '&," 'Son .!' date' of which ·will be announced • " iii

'. 'Exhibitors should also lIO· .. . \

tily the Secretary by letter so" that .~::::::::~=::::::=.::::=::::; there may - be no " trouble 'in fi a'

1':Vii.ry:":.el~Uiui:illsti.c ri=ceiiv,!I[JI:~~.:L:ng the' shipmen'ts. Tbe'As-

• ,', ::;. 'L

';,ery;"Plc:aSiiU"g':lar~~i~el:e)~5ii~I;~lflOIl;'1 will pay express or mail-I"U,.~';',,,, ". ing ~barge5 both ways.

F: D. Harris, Sec.,"M. E. A., ' . ,Central Collegiate In'stitute, '

- .'. '" Winnipeg. Man'.; c 1 -, .

. Wa~ons , , -',:,,' We sell the Ihmilton wagoD witb'grllin'.tigbt boxes. This is

.is a well·known wagon lind would sell on its name alone but ;. ·wheu the I.H.C. trade mark·is bebind 'it YOl1 call be HlUled

:of a good article. ,Give us a ':call betOfl! buyinK elsewhere I ) .. '

See Our Wheel Di.C) ~nd;t.".~" ~Cultivat.r .. • " ' ... '~t • }"f!"", . ".

~ '~. .... • , ~~1\'" ...... '. t •. ~ --", ,"" ." .'~ ,.?'k I •••

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< • • ;:.~'... .,.. .. •• ... •• " I IJ

. :Thos.: Wilson ., ,

, 'I, N. S~APLES . ,~ , .

. " '" lib, Gh ... ~. or 0 •••

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Page 2: Cash Stora, Lavanham · was gi\'en in the fourth room of tbe ... rlcc red blood, which out Nl'rvl!lne I hn.

, ,



Slxty·four Cento Work. Then F-!~,i"dj T",i,j"j;tv~lrDur":"'"

- l \ ~ '\i ...

How brgent Is(~~,'~n~~!~~:~l:~l Increase In the' spectors In England Is shown In a Dr. Williams' report of the Womon's Trade Union A all

_ _ _____ . _____ ..o.,-;.... ________ ; __ --.~ ..... ----...... - """'-

, Clearly UnjUlt Partially Anfwered.

Ever since they came to school that that part of Kansa.s where they morning two of,the hoys been rain, certain church congrega· persistently, naughty At have united to petition for It. fore, the ,teacher, now 't I Bee your husband going to asperated, turned to tbem "hti.,;I, today1'one Kansas woman In· said ...that they lIlust stay In of<8l!Q!her. playtime untU -each hlUI written he went to ask for rain nnmo one thousand times. , His faith muSt be pretty strong

Playtime duly came, and as the Yes, he wore his rnlncoat and look rest of the clas~ rose and hastened overshoes and his oldest umbrella !rom·-the -room to-enjoy a -8pel1-ofl--11~·dl<ln't raln~ - -- ---treedom, tue two miscreants sQ.ttled No; but he brought baclc a much d6wn' 'to their IrleBome Imposition better umbrella "lIln tbe ooe he took

LeOgue, tram whiCh the Collowlng par- da y '_ . Nc stronger proof 01 the wonderful ..t!cular'L.!,re _culled: ________ - 1.:~~~~~~!1!:m~~~~~~tl~~i~t';i-in,i:_·········~~·1 Thollsnnds at-women-suffer from

l-mTll'lrl>rNCTl11IlieCoiilil-oe-iifiiiIilcea In n. wenvlng mllI n girl elgbteen bendaches, backaches, dizziness, Ian

thnn t!lf' letter at M ISB Lucy Mosher, yenrs or I1go, Who enrned 64 cents for ' guor nnd nervousness ,:' Few renllze "bo tor yenrs bOs been n. well-known n "eek's worle of nrty-Ilve hOllrs, was It was on nn old cast Texns train thnt thl'lr mlnery nll comes Irom the Five minutes later tho re- away. resident of Windsor, N S Qned :?4 cents Jor_ bad werlc _For tl1lle- lIttll! coltel! po~ ot-lI.n,englne, hav. -sta.o ot the;r blood ,They tnke

''!"wniJe-[o ndd in" unsolicited test- Ing nt their worl( eighteen girls were Ing wheezed laboriously over serpen· one thing to. their hend, another for .tmonv to the efficncy of YOllr wonder· Hned 48 cents "ach, In n collnr tine ralls, jolted to n restful spot at their slomach nnd n third lor tbelr tnl IInlmcnt, 'Nl'rv\llne' 1 consIder I tory workers were elll1.rged 10 cen,ts no place In particular Time passed nerves And; ot all tho wblle it is It tho bost remedy for n cold, 8(>re for cotton which lhoy cun buy outsl.e tediously, Some of the passengers simply their blood that Is the cause

~ throat wheezIng tightness In the for 1 cent." They ,an! Hned 14 cents stalked nenously up nnd down the of all the trouble Dr, Williams' ~ ciiest, , etc .. nnd can stnto thnt' tor lor lenvlng a, nc-cdlo, In theIr work 'n Bles, while others drew their PInk P!I\s will cure becnUse they net .,',:yeaTS our home hns ncv~r been with· Fnetory girls who, were .worklng hnts down over their eyes and trl ually malee no\\, rlcc red blood, which

out Nl'rvl!lne I hn.<1 a drendtul at· from nine \.III six were compelled .to to forget It. When n halt·hour had rORehos every or".nl' nnd overy nerve -tack of cold thnt ecotllad on my chest, take home hundles, Sometimes elaplle<l the conductor came tbrough. III thA body, cnrrylng with It a new

, thnt tourtec~ dlrr~ront remedies could worleed till ten nnd eleven o'clock, Sny friend, said a qucrulous volcetl health nnd n~w strength Mrs Wm 1 n't hreak up I ruhbed on Nervl!lne Girls lanva tbe factory 'to at old man. ns nenr as you clln tell, whnt A carll, Charlottetown, P ill I snys,

three times n dny I'sed Nervl1lne ns night In the omployer's is It holding us' "Befor~ I begnn the use of Dr WIl-Il ~arglo, and was completel)' reBtored Women packors, who w~~r~,~~;~~'1b>~~:'1 We're taking on wllter, wns the !lams' Pink Pl11s I wns one of the most I havo In<luced dozens of mv trlends ground Hoar wlt.h thll do> planntlun, miserable women JIving For marc to USe Nervl1!no. and they aTe nil de times hit their fingor WeI!, wby don't you glt another thnn three yenr. I live': Ule of con-lighted with Its wonderrul power over nalls, they were so cold Girls stand tenRpoon? Thr,t un seems to leak stant tlread I was tnking weale spells pnln and slclmcRs nn dny In dnmp plnees, pnrtly III the somethln' drendful! EO that I could lIOt be left nlone If t

"You nrc nt IIbertv to publish this open nlr, nnd ha\'e their hands In cold walked from one room to nnother my Eigned lelter, which I hope will sbow water all day, Their hnndsl nTe so henrt would Jlnlpllnt~ so violently that the wny to health to mnny tllnt need covered with sorcs nnd chllblnlns as I [enred I would dl'. I was cantin' to use Nervlllne. to be nlmost IIseless, unlly sending for the doctor, who told

(SIgned) "LUCY MOSHER" Olrls mallLng'medlcated lozenges me r hnlLno blood nd that my nerves All Harts ot neheB, paIns and sutter· worle In n room lull of fumes' In were shnttored Notwithstanding his

lngs-Internal nnd external-yield to one caBe thl! worl(crs kept crockery on trentment I did not get any better I Nl'rvlllnc Accept no flubstltute the cloak'room Hoar, which Is swept could not Ileep nnythlng on my stom Large rnmlly size boWes, 50c; trlnl tourtlmes a dny It Is then carried 8ch, l\ll<l thl' thing would malte sl7.o, 25~ at 011 denlerR or the Catnrr' Into the dining-room, where there nre me slcll. The, my trouble wns com' Co, Bul'lulo NY, and King no mean!! o[ wnshlng It In pllcnted with rheumntlsm, which be

, ston, Ont, lull of [umes girls hnve to eat III d I came so bnd thnt T had to be lItted , • Ilt the bench where they worlt MlIIer's Worm~ Powder~ w r ve lllte a child, and th_ pain wns nlmost

turned to see how they were on, ond found a beoted nrgument In progrcss

Come, come' sh~ asltod. What's the matter now1

Whereupon one of the boys burst Into tears.

Taln't talr muml he gnspell His name's Tim 'Bust, ami ,nino's Almmu dar O'Shaughnessy,

The Walter's prlco It was nt a bnnquet, where a notable

gntherlng of polltlclnns hnd IlBsembled A certnln nsplrln~!,Dung bnrrlster was among the number, nnd ns he spied nn InHupntial judge at the far end, he cnlled the hend walter, sUpped hall a-crown Into hIs band, and whIspered Put me next to Judge Spink nt tbe tnble

When the time came tor the guests to be sented, he found to his nstonlsh· ment that he was nt tbo opposite cnd to the judge

He called the hoad wnlter to e;o;-plain

'Well sir repllll:\ official. the tnct Is that'tbe lurll!;e gn"o me five bob to put you as fnr (rom him ns possible,

W orms from tho system without injury hi I I bl Rhymely Bannet-Have you over .The repolt pointed out that there unbearnble [was In t S' ep ora e cont

ribute,! nnythln" 'to tho CDuse or hns Ileen no rent Increase In the stalt to tho ch!ld The powders nre sO easy condition whwn my husbnn<l read at Holp for Asthma. Noglect gives ., to. tak n thnt the most delicate starn· d t tl d ntnge The troll lIterature? of women Inspectors since 1908, al· ~ Dr, W!11lams Plnl, Pills, ,ill go me ns Ima n great n vn .

ncll cnn assimilate them and welcome k h It a bl It h B ecured a roothold Fnrmer Groenhnw-Yolt het I hev llJOugh Lhe number of women work Ibn suppl~ When 1 hnc tn en n e, once a B '

You're the fourtl' poet thet's stayed ers hIlS Increased from about 1,600000 them as speedy ensers ot pn n, e· dozen boxes I telt mucb better and] fnstons Its grill on the bronchial pas· " .. hare all summer nn' aln t heen able to to noarly 2000000 cnuse they promptly ltl11 the ;,orm could go about tho house T I,ept on sages tennclously Dr, ,I D !Cell·

pny no bonrd thnt cnuse the pnln. nnd thus t .... takIng thp _'Ills uulll T hatl nsed ogg's Asthma Rcmedy Is CIRCULAJ!I rAWS OF PAPER ferlng at the child Is relieved With twolve hoxps ani I can 'trul sny thev of astllmn cl lon~. slnrlOl:ng,

so sterling a rommly at hnnd no ch!ld made me a well woman Indeed I of sul'lerlng, however, ... r.l #"" ~ .... ',.,;---'-'---

-Sec here, young mlln Rnld the stern pnrent os lie entered tile parlor,'You

:., ~ .I. have \men cnJ1lng on my dnughter u.~ \hpr frequently 01 late Are your In· II tenUons ljerlolls7

Ir The,' certainly nre, air. nnswered , the young mnn ! I'm trying to Inducc j her to oxchnn!:p l160 nnd her old ~\ pinna tor n ne" ,one,

I" YOll tell me, snld the judge, th ): this Is tho person who knoclted

England r-lndB They do the Fined Wood Work

The latest lise Cor pnper Is 'perhaps the pecul1ar, ,A cnctol/ In Eng·

should suiter un hour trom worms do not thlnl' - would, he living now hnvl' been prevent",l bad the rem but ror Dr Wl!llnms' Pink Pl!1s I heen used when the trouhle was In

A New Type 1,ewls Cnss Ledyard was tnlltlng

Ne\\ York about a muckraller of new type,

I've never hennl any good of 'him he Bold Even when 1 tbought I henrd n word In his favor, It hns nl ways pro' ed the opposite when trac·

wish I could "'lermmd< <;Ivery woman first stnges Do not negl.ect asthma, wbo Is sick to folldw my example, tor but use thIs prepnration nonce I have prove,1 they wl!1 cure the most desperate cascs, nnd 1 consld~r my.solr Queer TrIcks of Memory n JIving witness of this face In Inter lIle Emernon's memory pln~

YOII carl eet these Pl!1s .• MrnU!!n cd h:m some strange trlclts. Jnmes maellelne dealer or by .~:~-_·, .. '··-;~·~ICnbot his hlogrnpber, sa}~ thnt he at 60 centA a box or' for met him one day In the streets of Bas·

ell to I ts source 250 from The Dr WIIUnms' Medicine ton nppnrently at a loss for something ~c ..... ,· Broellvl!\e, One nnd nsked hIm w1leTe he wns going

Poor Pal Futhpr-You must know sir thnt

my daughter will get nothing from me un til my denth

Sullor-lh, that's nll right! T hnve enough to lIvo on lor two or three yenrs'

More Noise I'm going to start an nntl·nolse "8

soelation, snld tho mnll who Is al wnys promoting somethl1l

How wl11 you bO about It' Well, tho first tblng Is to get the

public Interested 1 have alrendy eng"ged hair a doz"n spenkers and n brass hnnd.

How the Star. Ran An old German was In Cle witness

box tho etbor day n nd " lnwyeor Was cross-exnmlnlng him as to tho posl· tlon of the door, wIndow Ilnd so forth In a hOl180, \\ here a crime had been committed .

And now, sir, weut on the Inwyer kindly describe to the court just how tbe stairs run In that hOUSe

Tho old mnn loolccd da1.o,1 nnrl scratche(1 his hend for a few mInutes How tbe slnlrs run' he repeated

Yes, If YOLl plense, how the slnlrs run' snld the In wyer

Vell, ycntllred tho witness Iy; \'In I am oop·stnlr. they run [\o\\n, nnc ven I am down stairs lho~ q"un

An Old ~.1W

Maude-She's suell n Qlliet little II('rson thnt I'm surprised to hear she Is wenrlng a sllhouto skirt, •.

Ednn-Perhnps she believes In 'the old saying thnt little girls should be seen, but not beard -

An Engllsllmnn"en bolldays, wns drl~lng nround tbe county Tlppermy ono wa"m day, when he cnme aeross a farmer setting potntoes. Thinking

as to Style Fit and Dunbibty IS assured by pucchasio2 3l-N

uPERRIN" " GL,OVES At Ie"' •• deal era. eveO' ... be ....




ANYON can use


down with his motor cnr Could you \ slvanr to the mnn? q 1 I did, retuTIIPd lIle complalnnnt eag·

erly, but he didn't stop to henr me

f[: [t'


mnnuinctUres 'clreulnr snws Irom pnper 'rhese pnper saws nre used for the manulncturlng 01 Hne tUrnlture, ,'eneer, and othG. t'_,n plates 01 wood which must be trented with speclnl enre, Some time ago circular saws made from drawing pa' er wore shown In an English exposition, The saws were driven by an electric motor and produced fine !ionrds, whlcb could not hM e been made better by the nnest steel snW The veneers mnde In this war are snld to be so smvoth tbnt the .cn.blne~ mn~ers caniuBo them without

It's \I1~e the caSb at the whose mnster snld • ,ymle Is slow nnd sure

Slow Rnd sure, eh' Yeij sloW to I~arn and sure to lor·

t -'_-'- To dine snld Emerson, ,,It'l an old friend 'T know wbere she lives but

hope you WOII't ask me her name he went 011 to describe her as

Some men nre smart; Bome men nre dumb, Some men lack common sense.

, mother or the wife c: the youne; man-tbe ta!1 mar-\\ ho Bpealts so we!1 ::.nd so on until Cabot guogsed to whom he was reterrlng This fnlllng lerl to a pathetiC scene at I,longfellow'. funClal, - Afle", gnzlng long nt the face of his lifelong fnend as 1113 lay In his coffin Emerson salll to a hystandel', thnt gentlemnn "ns a swaet, beautlflll sonl but I have ent'rely.forgotten his

01. having a jolee with him, he ,begnn' Well" pnt> what nre you plnntlng?

"Pratlcs,' sir. snld! Pn.. - , Do you think potntoes wl11 come up'

asltell the EngllRbmnn Of course, slliu Pn~

, b

foot Mot mn\ws you stnnd On one and move ),ollr shoulders In thnt MleetI: thq, ,snlll.c" I} , ,

WeH, rel,lIed Ihe crnno, c~nnce of ,my IChrnlng to sl "cclou,e prnatlcl~!\" to s~o If I enn't U'

l.clnssICl~dnpcer~___ _ .. - ___ _ , (~ We \!pod to joke on womnn's rights

..... c. _ And Fnsblon's .stto.ngc,_dIJlP\aYA,-;-~ I We Jolted ot dangerous aIrship nlgh.s

~ I And stntesmen's devlolls ways, I

_ I' Ifut noW we're'IP'ellng'rather Illue, . 'r,lke I m'b.tly other Colllsi' -" .!

ff For nil the jokeB arc coming true

1 H

ti' r <.


And sorlous things nrc jol,es,

" '"

lurther planing I,

I " What Stunted Emerson Emerson's period at literary {1I·od:u':'1

might have been conSlm,ruUI> longer hnd lIe follo' cd tbe brenK fast-regime ndvocated hy LDncet. In one at Mr H J .~n"r" letters to his wife hI! writes: a1\ human) Rn(h we all n~ed ph,":orlno oups"':'but no pic at wns pie at breltnlne~ Etl\ereon


tl \ I A Fire Alarm He doclnreel he burned 'with love' for I';"~""-

, Lucy , ~ J

..,. Whn t hl\Ilpened1 ' Her tather put him out,

get J


While some w111 borro\v trouhle, soml! 'Von't even tnke orIence,

An amatell( enn stnrt n love I1fTnlr with a womnn bllt it taltes a connols seur to brenle on, ort,

This IR a grent nge, • Whnt has strllclt you now'

The [Il(; thn t 30 many eloctors I successful without wblsllers wasn't so. thirty ) enrs ago

nrc It

n life things ara not wltnt they seem, Tb'ere e Dlany a crooked denl,

And mnny a mnn wears nn nuto cap 'Vho .asn't an nuto!:lobHe


de wore a ncclet , nnmlng ret1 The hull wns In t1:e lot.

Oh he came down-nU right, all right! Th~ cross "enotlls the spot,

, Wh~, I set onions last yenr In ollr garden and cnrrots ea:no UP, said the

, . name \

What fortune has Miss Polly' She BOYS her fnc~. Is her fortunl! Well, It hns too lmnny bad featurcs

malte a good In vestmen

You're a menn old (ndinn giver, Said Genovleve to ,Tncle,

For every Itlss you give rna YOII Insist on tnklng hnek

--- --Len-Sweetheart, 1 cannot

my emotions for you < Marlon-Why don't you try the par·

eel post"

Ada was Rsleed 'I she belle ,ed tll\'lnlnl! rod

Certainly sho rep,led. Look at the hot wnter We found with the twig' of

apple tree I I' t ,~~~~~~~

Englishman Oh t snld Pnt, I sQt an acrc ot tllr·

nips Inst ) enr In that "1'111 over there nnd 110 ~'on lcnow whnt came up?

No replied tho l~ng!lshman .­Mllte Murphy's old blnclc dOnlI0Y'I.W",;":~T:!;!E~~RtIP\~rR\~00F COLLARS AND CUFFS bettor limn linen ami big'

\VnAh It with ponp and Honesty 1.:"10l;~' or direct Stillo stylI)

Teacher-Henry, can yo' denne a nlHl .Ize we \\ III mull you hypocrite? THE ARLINGTON GO OF CANAOA LImited

Hcnry-YesEUI\I 1t Is a lt1d "at 6S Fraser AVeM"e, Toronto Ont£rlo comes to school wid n smlle on his fnee, ----------

Remembered Him Did your uncle remember you when

he came to malIC I Is wUl? He rememberec! me so weU

l(in my'nnm -Ollt altogether I

BeloT~ I mnrrled my wife I could lIslen to her voice for hOUTS and

Ar.d 'ow' Now I hnve to,

My son, sRI(\ the fnther who Bomewlllit ad,Uctedl to' mornllzlng, this Is the ago 01 speclnltles nnd, special· ists Is Lhere nnythlng you cnn do bett~r thnn nn\ one else In the world'

Yetll, thlr, lisped tho smnn boy, I enn read my own writing

leST AIID HEAllH 10 liTHER AJlD CHIli, ),laS" WU~.LOWI. SOOTIIUfQ o'Yaur has beetP

Stu Jor over SIXT'V VXAItS by UtI J IONS 01 MOTflRRS for their CHI LlJIU.(N Will r..­T.I{TIlING "lth I'~R"JlCT SUCCI\5S !t .~uTlI.S the CHII D SOI'T~NS ,It. GUnl';. "J.!.:.'I> .1I1'hIN I CURUS WIND COLIC ,"'­• the best rentedy for DJA1UlnatA. It Is RI)< IOlutelv bumless. lie flUfe and uk JM 16MI'''' WI.slew'. Seolhlal Syrup," and Ulke ao oLl"ca kiad. Twenly~t1ve cents. botUe.,

L ADIES WAN rED DO An'I'IS'l'IC congenial n(!cdlowork ll~ homo, mnke

(rom three to th 0 dollnrs per £lilY decor­ating cushion lOps. Armour Art Co .. Dept B, Brednlllr , Block Winnipeg,

Her Yearning Sbe-Do yo~ love me as much when

you nre nbsent Irom mD'

He (Iervently)-I lova yoa more. dnrllng.

She-Oh, why cnr't I bo with you, then?

A Definition There WIlS n young mnn, vnln of bit Gep"gle--What's a faith curlst, dnd? nccompllshments nS n preacher, wbe: Dnd-H("s a fenow who " on't (ake alter officIating nt Il certnln service tor

h\s modlelpe, a'Scottlsh mlnIBt'.::, wllo occaslonnl!, ..:.:... ___ -":--'_ had to avnll himself ot the nsslslnnct

Dear me, Uncle Ephr!ll:n! she of was met by lhe olt clnlmed as she plet th' old gentlemnn q~tended hnnds as ht In tho ha!l\\ay, you don't Itnow how IrOln tho pulpit Expect surprl~cd, I nm to sce you, Did you praise, he said. No compll trnvel nl\.t\lo' way Irom/Vermont 1 [lrny, nlone? nav my young (rielHI, said tbt

Naw, lIe replied, :eepl;- o:Cended nt pnrso~ no{vndnys I'm gllld 0' nny the cillestion, ~ns he put his bng body. down Therofi \'tj~ru tllrly or ""L¥ .. ,,[lOU·1 ~ :;,.-'--',----1110 on tbe:";s?une. trnlnf (~ • Julin, y~u have tho prettiest moun

In the world, sighed young Vn~, l,"lf'

kla , WQII, she replied II mine 18 th.

prettiest tllen yours comes next And.l.a entoe I


1'I;er~ Is rcnl pl~ncllre In ovnlng fiue stocl( well fed; but SCTjlh'stocle nnlt ugly iences gl \ e the Int mor) that tire" loellng wblch detracts from success,


wrltos this wlso sentence

L~:~-~~t~;'il:~~~~red,~O~f:m~,~r~~l denel/lang' Hnr, .100m "","'1h" h sentimental lil~iiil~~~~~~~~t~~ ~i~t:~~~~~~1Efi}~~~;~ nllrents e1touh1 note and acl ;;;';~"t"ill.:,~.i""!!th; ~:r:~~~{;t~i~I~!~::~ina, Bhould



. I

Page 3: Cash Stora, Lavanham · was gi\'en in the fourth room of tbe ... rlcc red blood, which out Nl'rvl!lne I hn.


REB£LS GAIN IN MEXICO EMPIRE RULERS WATCH FOR A NAVAL HOLIDAY ROBT BURNS MANUSCRIPT TUE MARIET REPORT I ~~;c:e~~y~arg;oJ~lO: ~:s~ I~rl~e~ I::! THE SUNDAY SCHOOL British Columbia Attitude May Cause Earl of Roseberry Will have to De- 2 Cnn West 33%c 3 C W 31%c

CONGRESS IS S AID TO FAVOR liver Judgment W Ex 1 Feed 32c 1 Feed 31c 2 LESSON XI -FOURTH QU ARTE" NORTH MEXICO IS NOW r-REE OF Troubl" In Eastern India M M eekly Grain Letter Supplied by Feed 28~c Futurcs closed Decem M ..

FEDERAL TROOPS London-Developnents In the Hindu CHURCHILLII PLA S GllLsgov-The Earltl:0f RjodsebCrYtWtllr Thompson Sons ... Co Grain Me ... ber 33'he 1\[ny 3714c FOR DEC 4 f913 '

I I I B It I I C I bla are be- require to possess d u gmcn 0 q\ est 01 n r s I 0 urn Solomon I[ he Is to satisfy nil pnrlles chilnts Winnipeg Barley-

• ~ebel Leuder Is Pushing Southward- Ing cnrefully wntched In otrlclnl qunr Idea of Suspending Naval Construct Jjy his dcclslon ns to where the Burns 'Vlnnlpeg Dec 2 -The past weok The trade In bnrley Is qule~ nnd

General Villa Will Enter the City of ters hel e It Is rrollzad that the Ion for a Year Meet. W th Approv Glen Riddell manuscripts bougut US I In the whe It mnrkets has been 11l1rk prlc~s on the lower grades l!of.c to Chihuahua Wit, a Corrblncd Force ~~~fJ:!l~n~ofum~7~ef,;~st~;~dH~on~:ea~! al of United StateR Pre,ldent- John Grlbbel of PhlJadelphla and to 1 ed by an und~lded nttllude on tile 2c lower Todny s rices nre No 3 <f 7000 Men 0 Establlah MIlitary n now difficulty for Indln and tl e 1m Would be Great Benefit to Country be given by him to a Scottish IIStltU part of SI>Cculutive traders It Is the 42'l:\c No 4 40'hc Rejected 3 'hc

I 1 It I I Ing the Washln~ton -The House for hours !lon recom nended by Lord Rosoberry Ume of yoa wI en ns n rule "be lt Feed 37c

Text o( the Lesson Josh vII 6 Is.:­Memory Verses 13 - Golden TelC!. Numbers lClCxll 23-Commentary by Rev D M Stearns

-Ieac;quarters perini nut lor os n assung ~ shall go The Gln.sgoW Herald says prlcos seek their Ic.west level for tho FI~lC-Juarez Mexico -A new ora begnn "pinions of nntlvE.'!! In Indln who look lebated tl e Hensley resolution to cdltorlall crop )ear It so happel s that this TI e time market has been ncll e

In Northern FOldco recently It mark to the Kin.:: to secure them equal commit the UnIted Scates to the Wins QU te : n mber of Institutes can nd day n ) on.r ngo prices In all United with n slightly onsler tone Receipts cd tho peaceful occupa Ion I..y tt e re I rlgl ts In nll parts of Ills Dominions ton Ch Ircllll plnn for nn Internatlon n lauslble claims to ossesslon Stntes murkets and In our Wlnnlpog nre largp 448 cars In the last three be or the terrltor~ abnnd >ned by TI e most 1 opeful solUtion ror South al year B holiday In nnvnl construct ~~d c:r.I:. comre Dumford wh~re a p lh market touched the lowest points lor dnvs To lay s cash prices nre No 1 lIuerta s fe leral troops ,\ It! 2000 Africa perhaps nlso for British Col Ion and the advocates of the project II Irlted effort Is be ng mnde to ea the crop year 19121913 This yenr N W l16\! c 2 C W 114 tt. C Fl turcs rouols Gen Fr lIlC sco \ IIIn en ro Ito umhln Is now \ nder consideration by predlcte I t! e passage of the resolu t cb~FsI I Lhe house wbere Bur 1 B d ao wo expect It Is going to turn out tl at closed DI'(l 116 % lIfny 123%c rrom J \ Irez to 110 e\acuatcd cit of II e Imperlnl nnd Indian executives It tlon would probably bo passed I nnni a n h t s as we hnve nlready see the lowest pr ces All urlces quoted above art' based Chlhuanua pa"sell tI rough Ahuma In Is to ImItate he colonlzntlon scheme mously :O;I~;~I~~I~It1~v~ht~lytO~1 t e poe for the curreut season In the low dIp on delivery In store F'lrt Wllllnm 85 n lies SO ltll ~ Ive tI ollsand more of the Soudnl for the Indians who re Representative Hensley of Mrssou Th tt t Allo val' also sug whIch markets mnde In October the Port Arthur and D Iinth rebe s will join hi 01 t Ie wn' nnd ruse to submit to the con IItlon which rl In urgln.; Its ndoption po nted out 0 co nge a h lowest points being touched au Octo with a combined rorce of 000 men he the Dominion Government deems ne thnt only 2 per rent of the Unite I gests Itsetfl ~s a lfi~~:rgt{e(lo~lt0:J I ~t ber 18 when 1 Northern In our New Zeala.,d State to A d Farmers will enter Ie stnte c pi nl there to cessllr, States rev en Ie Is <Ievoted to the bene- tha flo lr So ng n u 011 a re Y Winnipeg mnrket stOOd at 78c nnd Vnncouver B C -Alexal der L Icns estnbUsh h A ml Itnry hoad qunrter!! South Arrlca jOl rnnla suggest tI e fit of ngrlc Illl re ~ hilI' 60 per cent ."s"os nn excellent coUect on o[ Burn the May future closed at 83%c Cur I M I A hns 31bmltted to the provlnc

The deport Ire of t c robel rorepsllmmedlnte erenllon of n small commls goes to defray t1 e CORt or the past I sian lously enolgh those prices npproxl lal government his report on state nld "as modI! on ro Ir trnlns ~ garrison slon of represpntollves of the govern wars nnd to prepare for f It Ire wars Kllmnrnock os the home Ofntror mate very c osely to the lowest polats to agrlcultl!re to Investigate wlleh ho of 1700 soiliers h vlng hpen left be-I ment. concerned to Inq lire and sub Reprl'sent'ltlve '..Ieclter of Misso lrl Burns federation can

l IlItewlse I t go 101 ched durh g la8t crJp year wi en n recently mnd" n trip to Australln nn I

hind to gIrd tic 10 Icr to"n As nltdofinlte pro(lQsnls tor rem ova nnd suggeslAd thnt thA money pxpcnlel to let the Glen RlddellmoJus~{P ,ear ngo lodny cash 1 Nor stood nt New Zealanl Mr UCIlS tOlnd thnt far ns Ahul a In V lin h s reAtored I ,,"Ionlzntion elsowhere of Brltlsl In I for battleshl"s COt II be we I spent to to some less fort I~~t~ n~ u ~nGl 78 ~ c nl I the Mny 1913 f Iture closed the stnto houses In A ,stralln and t e tple~rnpl 1 he ral '1n I rIDs 10 Mon IInns from the British Do 1 In Ions prevent dpvnstntinlr noods and to rhere remain E n Ilrg nl' b nS

I at 83%c There h s bee I n good le.1 Dominion ho len In New Zenlnn I were

tez Imn where It 18 Interr Iptc I 1".1 bUild better schoolhousoo nn(1 ronds go" The metropolli! lns It 5 I SUlll of jl st mnrklng time In the spec II 11 enthusiastic ns 10 the system a HI II rne I I r1d1;PH It I. to he recon FOR GREA ER PROTECTION HE' suggested thnt :l senr. nnvnl hoI tlnl gatherlt g °If relll~" In I tte ~u~lcsP Ive mnrl ets Intely 10 some traders Ie s\ bmlts carel Illy complied .tntis str ,ctod wit II n few la S Id~v mh;ht b~ extended Indefinitely al ml seum Tie C y s or 0 e the market looks ~e k while to oll tics to show thu grea Incrp se In ng

When tIe ebels en tor Chlll"h la Lleut Col Simcoe M P Ha. Proposl Renresen aUve Barthold of MlssOl rl berrv s near ne ghbor and I e Ilght ers It seems stubbornly flrll It on ric II re Which bns tnken plnce In the 1\ th tho tattered Mrxfcnn nnl's villel tlon to Make to Parliament nolnte<1 ont thnt bv a venrs nn,"1 look tl'nlerly Ipo1\a leqlest mnde on one day the lice decHnes n Httle tic Antlpolean cotntrlcs As Nnw Zen they are c rrylng s sym ollcn of holldRY the United Stntes wo lid snve Its bel aIr There III nlso n burgess next day sces It ad nnce agall f st Inntl closely rosembles Brit sh Colum their demnn 18 for a restoration 01 the Ottawa -Col C\ rrlo 1>1 P for SfiO 000 000 Gr[>"1 flrltll n $60000000' of Glasgow w lleh Is not too r chly at prese It n lvlgatlon on the grent Iia lIIr I uenR levote" most of his ConRt! ltlonnl Government \Ioy will pSr°.?::ntSI~ ~~eprowp~~p' I~t 1~1l'°~~~~npI~t and Germnny $30000000 entloWed with perso lal Imd emf)rlnlSt or lakes between Can ldn and tl e United renort to the two so It ern Islands and h " tl nnorest f .. leral 0 the loct an I yet co I pres en a Stotes Is winding \ p lor tho season suI n Its the Interestin" Inrormntlon nve "n uzns ns e "" Hnment an extensive nltClutlol II IHe I I I I Iderntlon for a ~ t h II a th so th It Is to I SUDDEN STRIKE:: DEVELOPS cam (eserv ng cons III d wille this ca lses nore ur less of that :<lew Zealan I nn ler It.s system or • ro g 0 n P snvlng r~gnlnUou8 designed to nlTor share of t lose being returnc I from a spasmodic tlemal d for spot w heat aid to r"rmers leR~. I n whol- ~orld mrd tI nl city thnt Ville. Insists hc grellter I rotoctlon to Ives an) I ro " "., ~ <

will nnrel I perty on the Inl(es Col C Irrle Or glnated Through Dismissal of En America llrends n sto e at the nl e ports nn In tl 0 export or domMtlc prod cts The ~II or Gpn Snlvador ~Iorc" holds thnt lire savllg stations shoull glneer Who Refused to Handle - 80 netimes el rutlc prices for san e as Hoigi m Is secon I on lhe list nnd

lo Iho I edcrnl Governor nnd com Ie establlshod n ong the Ink. slore German Action Causes Disapproval 1 tl e click demnn<l for grnhl to fill more t1 ell comes .A Istrlla United King n nn lor In Cllpf with nil lis omcers eSI 00 nl ~ In tho dcsolnte parts At Tainted Goods Berlin-Coming dIrect (ron Donn\ e vessel space springs up nnd \nnlshes 10m Aruel tine Denmarlc Cnnn In Ur all troops niter spndlng 1 ""Ilce com the present Um they nrt> limite I Lonlon-'1"o Grent Western Rail schllgen wi Ole Ie lala eOI[ctenCe, again 18 soon as tie needed gain Is IrHH France Norwny Svelen Gor mls[ Ion to VlIIn who.e nns Vcr 1 0 did prncticn 1.1' to tho lorts Col C Irrle way nnnounced thll It WO\ Id nccept Ith tl e Emperor on Snnd I) the Gcr proc Ircd there Is tl e ever I resent mnnv an the Unite<! Se ntes In the lot nwnlt mnkes n08~tble the rpbel oc pol Its Ot t thnt 8evernl yeare ago 11 frolght for So Itb Wnles a I y subject man Wat minister Majo G ellelll feeling thut ns soou ns tho Inst bushel or ler nnmed clpollol of thQ city without p nght ship-The Ollplc--lIa ~rO¢kel on to ttoe sonlers Isle Tlls ncton hIS Erich Von Inlkenhu)11 letve cd ails obWlned for the l!lst bOlt prices Mr L\ca~ rmno thaI New Ze lamls The facl I at I ercu 10 sent a commls Lnke Superior bl t t IOl1gh the crew been tal, en bec ,"so of the dis ocatlon vlgorou" Sl eech II the Rolel slng 01


m st lecllne to meet the higher freight eXJlOrts since the ndoptlon of the BYS ,Ion to V II thro Igh Fro lorlcn Move got nshore they diad from exposllIe of the tramc due to a str ke wllcl hus I II elite Ilellntloll regllrdh!l t 10 dis rutes It ring tie "Inter by nil rail t~m "mount to nne I In Ir~rI an I sixty tl p Ch II Gover or n I InrB II was ro there being no seltlement nnywhere ""veloped with nl a,ln~ s ddenness t\ rbe 1 con !lUons at Zubern 11 \1 rOllte to seaboard or to n eet the ex per cent In tI c who 0 of the years ~nr led by th~ rchel len lor as l\ mnsk nenr lie nlso proposes 11 nltlng the It orlgh nted tim> 19h he olsmlssal of suce His spoech ,as de,oted ,Imost pense of cnrr) Ing the grail In store II P sVMtem hn I 1 "en In vogl e 10 ennble Morcn 10 to ~ct nwol I I Inn nl HSS<'. Improving pImp \D onglne driver who ref Ised to I entlrely to dofendlng the lctlon o[ the in thc tarmlt I elevators unt I lake tllrtv nve foreclos res hava

COST nF LIVING In~ facilities nnd Iso t1 e storm slg I andle tDlnted gooos rOJll 0 lb In \ mllltnr) of th lt to ~I "he e lhe lrmy n tvlgatlon 01) ns agnln In the spring rna Ie nnls sen Ice wille he considers thnt TI c con P ny declined to ncec la to omcers hn\e on se e al oCCCSIOllS sed Tlls sa technlcnl nfi ence "llc I re [rclghtprs ShOlld ho equl pod with the demnuls of the men thnt I e be re stro 19 mensures to check dlsOl de s strnlns trndl g for t1 e time being bIt ReSOLUTIONS GOING IN

;lest Way of Dealing W th Question w reloss Clober Inspection also Is Instated In snlte of n manifesto Is I General Von ] a I Cl I ) n vn.s con It does not nlways lost ,fter lav ga Irged Rued b) the rnllway 1D101 s executl e sWnt y Interrul te 1 from a I PIS oft tlon Ius letl nllv closed I tl e n ent No Sign of Move of Government al to

Now Under •• on at Ottawa tlech:.rlng tI nt the str e was not al tl e cl alllbe ,ltI he SO e excel tlon tlme It has en Ised a lecH Ie or o'he d High Aost of Living

OUnlln Onl-Pollteal Itl~rcst at J ' N C I r thorl1.o] nnd thnt no strike pay WOl o[ tie Conservatl es Jle folo,eliin cllsh "hent In Olr \\Inn peg mnrk tIe CI pltal at prellCn\ eentlt's nrol n I apan s ew ru Ie be nllowed tI e movement Is growln'l the I 11 POI 101 chancel or Dr \ 0 I Betl et 0 I tI e weel' 1 d on Deceml er an I Ot u !\ -Within tI e past 48 hOllrs t 0 proposnl to nl point a rOYll1 com I :'>ngnskl Jopan -The 1 e Japnnese and th ents nre wade of u genernl tie Illlin Hollweg who w s nil urently I Mny there Is a dec Ine of I %c An Ilhe Government hns received resolu mlsslol to In oRtlg!l.t~ and mite n r latlieshlp Crulsel flrlsUmn IIn~ up or the Grelt \Vrstorn system eldenvorlng to steol a mddle eourso otlct factor that has sorte 01 theltons plseed by tb. Wlnnlp~g B~"r" port on the IIr:h cost of IIvl g Q\ lIc In melted recentl) T e g vesso

2 At meetings ut R ~n" a Ind other between U e m IItmy I nd cl\Ulun I IImrtet fpo I ); s Uw ch ImJ oved of Conlrol the Toronto BOllr or on

recenlh n MOllrp,,1 no yellnper nn 1I'IIch was lall down March 1 191 railway eel troR the men laId down t~rests 1 he cI ance lor S Sl cecl II to tnne of the repOits froll tl e \ gen Irol nnd the Montreal Board of Can no ncntl thnt lion Mr ernt ers hn I Is ono of a division or fOUl vessels Of, thAlr tools lmmedlnt<'ly ~Ise , as const( I tIl' Interl I >te I I tile D rl g II 1 1St I II days ver) lrol nd the Montrea City Council Ilpc\ln I to Hlve II I' co mi.-Ion nom I tl e ln e class Rig Cambrian collierips nrc Idle I e From the I nl erial cl unco 101 8 re Invornble reports I avo lee 1 received nn I LI e cxee lUV) of the Dominion .. d TI" rrport ,nR rpgardcd ns Ie 1he «Irlshlma disilices 27500 tonslct\use the mlner~ Inv~ rr[lsed 10 tra mallts nnl Go eral \01 r I"enha)nslre~ rllng tie we tier 10 h. \rgen Troles onllabor Council a.sklng tilRt In~ more In t1.., nnt re or nn n lt I n I Is fille I viti t lrblnE' englles of ,el or work In trnlns Jrlven by b nclt Int ans ge t ttltulc Il I S Ie I ole tI Ie nnll long viti I Lt 1I e s ggest In ROlnl Commission be appo nte I to "II lorv g OF' t nn rt dpnnlte An I 0 000 ~or~~ ~o" ~ Sb TI f contrac~ legs thnt the Empe 01 s loris tI e co Id let lion Is n a Ie that pre 101 S \ I fu ollie Inq I e It to the q I~stlonldo~ht~e h~fih nn ncemrnl Ipon Rn I wn. ~o orally Rlepl s rna e IRS I co _--- of tie Znbe n garrl.ol [Illy relorts lad beel e,n~ mn el lIe cost of living It s so n w e r"roo;n 1.Od hot In tl 0 nlAnnrn of Ire Clli aclt or 40000 tor.. dnd tanlts to FRANCO AMERICAN TREATY Rep esel tntl eS of AI tl e parllcs estimates of the ql nntlly wile 1 w II be the moiler h lS beo Informnlly dis n ~r nnrle tlo ~o'''rnment wOllI cott In 1000 tonH of 011 Hor Irm except the Consorv tins bltte yat n alllhle (or pXllOrt from tie II gell c ssel In co nel no concr"te propo-lot Icclle Inon SId nn Importnnt ~~enlt rontlsts or el"~t :~~~c:ogpe~~IAmerlc"n Ch~mber of Commerce Inltncled t C Ictlon o[ tie nllllary 11e Illle h 1011 hnve leel ralnel to OS snl bas yetnb7en la(11 befor!' the minis Ill" t()r or n Ibl c ,11", An evening s x nc guns In e r mendatlon rl e Clo ell Hert lei e lbe g de 000000 b .1 cIs wllch compa es w th ters ror de n te c 0 poper In liRe wslng tl e rOMrt tlmt a I tubes Pari. Make. Recom 1\ I cit ed It II Eham~ thnt the errol ts of abo t 108000000 b\ Al els lei g exporl It Is possible thlll f the l~ep~~ Ir~ enn n Isolo III" Plolnted says PUlis - A new Fronco mer con f t ears to "nrds lecollcllintion ha I ed tlls year H lr est I" all I ro ITo I Mr Crolh"r. or Ie ar me

Tho slory 'hlrl ha boen setlt 0 It Ins"eo.tlon of mmunltlon tront desl!; eel to nvoll 20uble InxA b~e~ r~ntlerell I alight grNlsl g r vorabl In tl ~ \rgenttne Provllces to study In Ilstrlnl condit rrom Oltnl'n II nt the gnlflrnment h 8\ OUa, a -~Injor Oglhlclof tb~ In tlon of Arne Icnns r~slllno II F nl co I TI \lsutt n N ltlona L II el ul del and hns ulso I egu n \\ strlllia I nder Ions nn deln' cons derntlon of tho dpclde I to ppoh t a comml".lo to Sl cctlon stnff of Woolwlcl \rsenul nnd of Frencl men rosillng In the e ateC Dr Val es kel plolcsso of (I,orablr condltlol s lUll If all now' q cstlon for a time It mny not how d~nl with the 1 tgl ens! of IIvln~ Is I nglan I hns hem al pOinted by tI e I United states In r.onnect on wit! the I~W nt Strossb g Unlvp sit, lecla e I goes well with I nrveal worl 11 these ever ns the ~lln ster of I abor Is "I oily promnlur~ No 81 ~I concl18 mlnlstor or mlltla for Canada to be new Income tuxes of tI e two co 11 trips u thIs 1I0rlt of sl,tcen lears town d co Intrles t! e new I'hcnt will begin to 1 I own to hnvo pronounced himself de 10n IllS Jot l/len ronel e<! nl 10 gl tl e Inspector of ammunltto I ror the Que was I ecommen Ie I by t e American rc~onCl1h!l' t Ie elements lIld been ut nove towards Eu ope by the n lejdle finitely 11 ravor or the nppolntment of ",hole qllosllon has beon under nt! bec nraGnul Hlthorto the Inspect on chnmber or COmnll'fCP nt a meetlno; te Iv IInclolle b) the government s nt or next montl and If Is JPorted thnt n on~ mnn commlSBlo 1 to report upon ,Ioement ,],1 nre ha e be" I strong has been done by the arsenal officials held he e The " 19~estlon hus arous tlt I mUt .I' vessels are ongaged bv shippers t1 e I roblem II cstlons thnt such a 101 be crOl'l In Q lebec but tho need of nn 0\ tsllo ed consld rnbl~ Interest In Paris A u e for eurly landing In both countrlesl so ------

Although 0\ r lesso Is u c apte..­vII WQ are aSked to rca I to chapter xl cndlng with tl e wor Is So loshult' took the whole I nd nO<!ordlag to all thnt tl e Lor I said IDto Mas .. and the Inn!. vested fron , lr (xl 21) The section tells ot the conq \Crlng and dostructlon of mal y cities after the taldng of Jericho b\ t begins with the defe t nt AI Ptl I the reason of It

Defent seems strangc nrte the ",or4 of tl 0 Lord to JOBhua There shnll not nny mall bo flblc to 5t lD I berore theo nil t1" d ys or tl y lI[e (15) but the r lin lime t of tiel ord a prD­mlses Rometlmes Ie len Is upon can dltlo lS to b" tnl flI p I nn Olll p rt I ~ wi en He snll II ye nblde I Me nnd lily words abide III ,0 Ye shnll ask

I nt ye w II nnd It shnll be done un 0 you (Jol n x\ )

Wo have seen tl n Iampl al been rorlldden to IlP >rnl rlrte nnvthlng 01 the goods of Jorlcl a n ld lllkno to Josh n there ha I been trnnsgresslon We do not won lor tlmt I <' I lis Igno­ranCe 01 tlls rent I. clothes nt I fell

pan hie fnce before t! e nrk I nit at he anti the ellers or ,rar p t dust

Ion tI elr hea 18 nn I thnt he slid o Lor I ,,1 nt shnll I sn "hcn lsrnol t Irnetl II elr bl cl" I efore U1<'lr P P­

m eH? \\ h t wilt Tlo 10 1 Ito 'I hy gront nnme? (VersoL 6 8)

\\ e do w II to consl ler wi etl rr 0 , nI me or His nnme Is most In ore ... tin aUOI Josh III vas Jenlo IS for II e hOI or or Jeho al Th~ l..or I ox plnlnM the cn se or the defpnt I, t " sad nt nouncempnt tIlt iBrnel hall slnne I I n I solei nn I I ssen lie I nnd Ho Mall tl nt He volt I not be It It tI em any mortj \ ntll thc Sll "ns COl less I'd nnl PIt away Ivers"s 1012) Altl 0 gh only 01 e man had 81 ne I 10tO thnt U e Lord snll t1 ot the I a tlon ~ns guilt, Isrnpi I nih slnno I they I nve transIit'I'1!8e I II ey hn'" tnlol (verse 11) Conslde 10' the welrnre or n family or n cl Irch mny be nlTccted b, tl e wrongdoing of ono person

On the morrow JOBI In bp~nn to searcl for lhe g lIty 0 e a I I>rob nbly bv lot tI e Il\ lit vns fOl n I 10 be In the tribe of J dnh Then tho rl mill' w lB rOl nd nnd t len II e bOURe­boll nn 1 flnr-lly II ~ Indlvilial anll Acl an beg In to re Ize I t I I. 81n had fOllnd him out (xlll 18 nntl Go len To,,!) Josh In tI en rgpd \c a I to mnlo roofe""lon ~I Ich he III n t tho stollm tllngs I elng fa inti I his tc It he nnd nil I s vcr" sto ed nn I b rne I and he aln pI t } ,Ix 26)

TI I' \alley of Achor IR LI "reroro " oken or as n loor of hope Illos I Hi) ror vi ere thore nrc ° rCRslon nn I p ItUnlr n !lny or sill there" \\I ul VOYR be blessl g Acl an s canfps" Ion I snw I coveted I tOO" (('rse 21) tnl es 18 hncl to Eden wllt're Elvo RnW "lid dcslred and toolc the rorbld den fruit

e I nnd It Is pcsslble tlmt this will Inspector I as long been (~It nnd Mil. recommendatlol on the subject 1'1Il that sl Ipment. mny be large In the To Get Rad~um From V nadlum 'be done jar Ogllvles appoIntment will fill tltnt he sont to I resident Wilson nnd Job for Duchess of Sutherland early months or 1914 '1 he In I nl 1ondon-'1h" Dnlly MIrror snlS

nood He comes to Cnnnda wIt! n depnrtment of etate at Washlngto I london-The ncounc. "ent oC crop Is prActically couDte lout or the t" 0 B Itisl scientists Holene an I

Our cy~s ntfect our henrt. ror 1<00 I or e_II (Sum III 61) and we aro prone to follow 0\ r Inc1l1ntlons thercrore wo nel'd to J rnv Turn a II ny mine pvcs rrom beholding vanlt\ pp e"l" 37) \\ hen we beholc tl n ben ty at the l..ord nnd follow Him r Iy n" Cal eh nn I Joshun lid and as Simon Pelp~ WIlS exl orted to 10 all will be well (PH nvll 4 Num xxxII 12 Jol n xxi 2')


British Columbia Will Try New Clause In E)(cluslon of Asiatics

Vaocouver -TI e Impression pre valls here thnt th F aderal Govern mont mny be ab e 10 olTeetively grnp-1110 wltl U e IIIndu problem by bringing Into etreet n sectlon of the Immlgrntlon net which provides ror the posslhlllt) or placing nn embargo agnlnst Immlgronts tInt Is thol ght unsultnble 10 tho cllnmto soclnl and In Iustrlal condltiOl s of Canndn

In the meantime ono or two hellr Inll are gain on of !lin Ius wi om tI e omclals are atteInptln::; tn have deport e I on grounds othM than IhoM! which have been declare I ultra vires by tho Chief Tustlce CommiSSioner Mr Cil menlttl head of the US Immlsratlon service on the Pnelflc Const tnBce I over thc whole quosllon with Sir Rich nrd McBrlle In an Informal Intervlow a t Victoria

dlstlng lis ed record as n capable or The chamber also approved the I adJ Wnrwlck s acceptnnce of the e International whent situation for the Smith 1 ave ,\lscovcred a moll od or ncer with long oxperlence In his work ~eshon mnde In the U 1 te t States Itolshlp of a woman singe I" a Illctor comlt g year 0 vlng 10 the long spell extraction of rndl m commerclnlly

Mall Rate. for Seeds Back Ottnwa -Tbe Post Office Depart

ment hns Issued u clre lIar re establish Ing t1 e rate of postoge on seeds cut tings roots otc at two cents for tlie first rOt r 01 nces or fraction tI ereaf nnd one cent or each additional ounces Or lractlon Tbe rates were recon til' Increased bIt n8 a res I t of the proLest lodged with the depnrt ment the original rates will ugnln come Into rorce

Stupefactlo Powder .. Dresden Saltony -The Snxon war

mlnlstr) I as heen lestlng powder eently Invented which produces sU fnctlon It Is clalmN! the gaB a single bomb has t lrown severnl

tbat commercial nttnches shoull be lal morn It g neWspnper P ampte I an of dry wenther pre vel tlng cultlvat on rrom the resld Ie of vanndh m are 1m accredited to the embnssles abroad for enterprising coml>etlt to ask the and seeding over a wide al en I he ported from Colorado Tho van ad the purpose o! develop mg forel~n Duchess ot S ltherland to nnme hel primary movement In lhe United I m Is used In the man lfacture of radp and that lArger meana sho lid be own tern s to act In • sin Ilnr capnclty States stili keops far below wi nt It steel

pl,red nt the dls(loaal of the depart for It was II year ago tI e dllterenco rrom The presence or Tad m In thl8 are n e~t of ommerce for tho snme n Ir As t Ie Duchess of Sutherllln,l Is July 1st to the l>reseDt date show ng hns becn known but It was too ex lIOSE: It alEo a"proved the estnbllsh Lad~ Warwick s I nIC sister the Idea n dec ease of 4~ 000 000 bushols com pensive to extract to malco It worth mOl t 'lf a legislative of the drafting of pitting them agaInst 01 e another pm ed with tI e same I)ertod of 1912 A while nnd for this rcnso~ tbe residue I gnve plomlse ot some certnln q mnUty of wheat Is no do Ibt hus becu I sed only for romnklng By

scoops but unfortunately as Lndy being used on some Inrms for feed the new process 200 mlllgrnmmes can Warwlclt In Ighlngly to d the cor es on aCCO lilt of tile falh re of th corn be obtained from twenty tons of the pondent M) sister does not go II for crop In tbe West and a cel tnln qUlln resille All the rndllm In twenty thnt sort or thing meaning JOUlnnl tlty Is likely bellg held for fUtu e use tons of r~ldl e cnn be concentrated In 15111 I om the Burne Clluse uut be8ld ... this I n single ton In a few days The nnal

we think win tel wllCat r"rrner. nre extrnctlon takes severnl months but IOld uacl It gO( d tleal ol tl el It Is hoped that this period will be

hope of higher prices later shortened recent chauges In tile sta

apl,londJc-1 tlsw~aL •• ,,, .• ,,,,U.U are all ot kInd fav s ranger marltets Lnst Wheat Will Stand Heat

week United Stntes visible SUI ply Canal Voyage eaHed h~ uUO busl els against Uil



Therp was n secondnry ca lse or 1& rIel" defent nt AI nnd tI ot wns n cleresllmntlng tlle pnemy nnd tllnktnf!: thnt 2000 or 3000 :nen were s Imclent to conq ler such n cIty (verses 2 6) ~ I en the Sin of Achnn wns nut awn:r nnd the Lord encournged Josh In tt) gO up nnd tnke Al snylng FCllr not neither be thol\ tilsmaye I II e n Isn enId Take all the people oC WI -wltlt thee (chanter vIII 1 2)

This time tbe City was tnkMl nn~ Ie­stroYNI as fully recordorl In vIII ~ 29 Then Josh la orfered b Irnt otrerlnt;R nn I pence offorlngs unto 1" I or I wrote a cop~ of the La" of Mosc" and rpnd everY wor 1 hefore nil II c congr gntlon (vtll 30 S6

<Ired men Into n deep slcop lasting se\ en or eight hours The Inventor Is a woman-hla Boehm-!lJ1d the Prus sian military lluthorlUeB have ask"d her to g(l 10 Borlill 10 demonstrate the omeacy of her Invention

'"]c,rell"e (3 0 h VancouvEl,r Be-One of the main II 0 0 00 ullll els n year ngo nrg Iments advanced ngalnst Vancou

total snow 58868000 bushell ver as a great wheot shipping term 55 400 000 n Year UgO nn II Inal Is that grnln will not stand the

nt the present dnte or 3 468 or the voyage through tbe Pan

Chapter 9 tells of the Jnshur. forg'ct tlng his In8tnlctlons from t1" 011 pr captnln to loose his sboe from off lis root (v 1316) for he mado n lengue with the lying Glhoonltos withal\! can sulttn/( lis cnptnln ho flsk-d nnt co Inspl nt t 10 mouth of the I ortl (I'{ 14) We cnnnot Cltpcct that H/l will direct us IC we rnll to neltnowle I~o IIIn tProv III 6)

over same date Inst vear.lamn cannl This argument wns gIven middle of August this yeal a blnek eye by E ~renm vlce-preal Stotes ylslble stood nt 2G dent of the Grain Growers Compnny

b\ ahelB larger tl an It did who with T A Crearer lett for the last yenr so thnt the east Mr Fream e It 8 bls opln

J)j)I~ltll(1n shows large Ion thnt Vanco Iver "ou I be tho ter mlnnl for all II e Alt.°rta nnd Sns

tlnn atcbe ~nn whent. This 0 course ~Ihl will menn the establishment or

great Ind Istrv In this city \\Ir Frram I elonl;lB to Calgnry nnd lIfr Crearer

""'.,," to Winnipeg

In eha x 743 we lenrn thnt Gil gal eel ~o be Josht:a shead nu:ancro,. from which he set forti nnd

which he returned (1}beon VOS a grent city nnd h~n ISe or her s bml­sian to Israel five kings n n Ie wnr with her Ix 1 6)

rrlte Glbeonltes nppeale I to Jos I 11\ I he toolt n I the pC!ople or wnr fn t of Ihp mighty men nr \ nlor nn I

went to their relief ror the lor I I n I said to him F~ar tl em no Not ~ mnn of them Hha I stnnd before II efl (x 68) Arter nn nil n ht mnrch the man of IArael enme suddonlv non II 0 nrmles of the nvc Itlng nn I sl~"

A"' •• ';'I'I with a gr~at slnughter nn t tho

~;~~~·;lB.i,!I;:·~t~"e.~A~~~~~~~t~l}b;~~ I or t CMt down lrreat stance frnm hAn injjtoujit.' CI.?!li:.~~:~~~ri:rE~~) ven upon them nn I siR" more with h·""~·;If.i·j~ignlnii{;' t hnllRtonps !lInn Israel slew \\ Ith lbe

swnr I (x 011) Tn some mlrnc 110 s wav the d~ 1(llht

was prolOnged tln the battle waR rl I v won for tho LorI fou!':1 t for I.rnol Iv 14 42) As the Lord commnn I~" Moses and Moses Joshi n so \I I fo,," un nml lert nothing undone (xl 13 H)

Page 4: Cash Stora, Lavanham · was gi\'en in the fourth room of tbe ... rlcc red blood, which out Nl'rvl!lne I hn.

'1 j.~'" --~-;.,~ ........ ,-.1

, , l , • , \ , ' " ,

. , "

, ;

" I ,i ' ..

t ht! tra m acCioJ~' if, it' pro'v€S"' n=====~:::;'~=~==;:===;; J!. ... ,. ••••••••••• '.' • • • • • • • .". • ' : • • • • • " ••••••••••••••••••• ". •• , ......... i'.:-.: •• : .. : ... ..,.-~ _ ••••• ~t ............ ~ ....................................... - ••• ,<11' 'l'Ii r ... • ....... ~ ••••• v. -w-.. e-. ,. .! •

The IT'reherne Times storr and if tbe "old timcrs" didn't no\~ tlie facts to be trllc, tbey

out of tbe ~larke't and prbliibit lh sale:,of mr.lll1factured goods. Fos­sihly it, will ill tbe f\l~ure, but up to the pr~sent time .tbe ~onsumer

profilaLle. but witli;'.n (erlainty of' loss if for any of the reason; stated

principal fai1~ to pay tb'c

. ' ,P~ivate Greet,~rig Ca .. d~



c, , , '


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" , ' , ,

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" ' , '\ ,

',. 'j'"


ope,It' IS to like it. ': ' f 5U8SCRIP·(lON.' A YEA"" would say, "Tellitto tbe marinE's".

" -~ '. Wby it was only a few years ago ADV' .. TI.ING .. ATE. ' b k ".' I .. ~. I mlf. K mh •• lYr" th.t you could buy a)l t e mllS •

UDO Cohn ... • ........... $;.00 $1~.00 ,0,00 floo.oo rats in 'Vesteru Canada at [) cent:! 'TI" ... Cnl..... a 15 I_.r,o !2.oo dO.Go Hair Col ..... ; .......... V.o 8.00 ~O.oo 60.00 apiece nnd they sold liS low as 4 ~ JBrtu COL •• o.. ... ... 1.W !t.OO )2.00 dJO t I~blb Col.:.; .. ,.. .... .7; 3.00 ~.oo. ~o,oo cent:!. Winter and sprin2' collect-

----- .. ---Dont take Cbancel

uue Incb .•. I •••. {1.~........ :I.CO .10,00 , Tho .bo.~fIi\ .. doD01.~pI7to ••• tlo ... I ... ious Ilist seas"n brought 45 cents to

ellt.rtafllD1liu1l, '.DeI" •• ml" potlc:e.t. . • '. Tb' t f d . g I' II ur o.,tlll..-(ol,. \r ••• hor, D.'''ro. L ... land 60 cents. Tbe enure collection of e s~s em 0 en orSIll 5 a ~uutclp.l.a ... nl.1D •• Aut IDlorttoD.12 cootl' d h 11 b tt I . L I • Ho" •• Dl.ooqUO.' lo"rtlo •• ~ .oDti • U •• , northern, mink could be bought at wrong an s on ( e II er y a a -!"odC!,. of "'don, I\TlJ'ed. rouud, •• Dced. • b d It 'h b I" fl' an~1 1 .... 00 .oou ifnt 1 ••• r,loo. or 'br •• I ••• ,tloo. $1_ 50 and $2.00 for No I large IS e. ,'as een ue n • a tor II 00. ~ CO'"'f fur cbange nr adrerli8o. • f tb b P 11 ., .... t:lQI''lI~T ••• fWd .0,lator th •• Tn .. ~.' prime skins. Now, they Sl"ll at rlllD 0 more men, an per a 5, a .,,00. , '" "'8 Th b \\ ut.her causes. Bookeeping, il jour·

, _ RAE L. KING .,500 to., 00. ~ est co eet· ~~~~_~~ MANAQ~", ion of red fox was sold for an aver- nal devoted to merchants, clerks

F 9 t ~ f ~ '1' II tb <""",,' aud husiness men advises our young

R lUA II, Dilc. lw. UU,. age 0 .,2.00 o·!IY e collcctiou \110 ul el bring $7.00 . men especially to stnd}' the mslter White weasel we paid nOlbing for, carefully in' all its bearings, and because tllere was 110 market for adopt sOllie settled policy to govern

MilIio~ to Raw Fur Shippers them.'they bring 75 cents their conduct ~o as to be ready to

. '.... . . uote.

-,---- --~------


Pigs for Sale . . ---~

Thoroughbred yorkshirE's 6 mouths old, botb sexes. ApplY' to

D. 'illcLII.REN. ' 10·_tf. L ' Tre heroe.

Farm for/Sale

s. w. JI.I of 2 ami. S. E, ~( "f 3-7-9, I ~ miles west or _ Notre Dame de Gourdes, 18'0 acres broken. first class soil, fair ilnildlllg{. For full particulars IIpply to .

It i~ 1I0t too earl}' to order your greeting cards for the cc;l\ning XlUU~. Dozens of pr!!tlv sampl~s from which to make your choice. The prices are ver y rea SOli a h .1 e, 0 nd thereby afford a \'ery con­venient and appropriale method .of ,keeping in touch with your friend!l at this festive senson.

,Miss A. Burns At Th. Tim •• Ollice

Furs are extr~mely fasbionable alld a woiuan'~ wnrdrobe is not complete without one or more sets of furs. - Even ill mild clilliates, ,here are large quantities of fur overcoats tieing sold )0 gentlemen.

P. BAZINI, to $1.5

0• The cause of this Ire. answer the man wbo a:lks them to

menelous 'p'd'vonce in the value of sign his note. \Vhat re~ponsibllity North American raw furs, is the does one assume wheu he endorses 12

keen competition created hy the a note? SimplY tbis: he is held for well known circular hodses. Yellrs the payment of the amount in full, ago Ihe country dealers and large principal and interest. if the maker Eastern deniers bad it nil their own ot the note tbrough misfortunes. way. Furs were bought at any mismanagement, or rascality foils old price. One would think thnt tJ pay it. Notie-e, the endorser this wOllderflll advance in value Ii ISltrneS all this re;ponsibility, wilh would drive the consltmer of :lIrs no voice in the management of tile

N. p. de Lourdes.

Is You r Subscripllon Look it up, and it' so,

Pay It lip.

Due? rH.--fii;~e:-J

I The present prices of American . , Ta w furs, as compared with prices o! n few years ago, make pleasnnt r~adinK for the old trapper and col­I~ctor, but to the tenderfoot in Ihe fur game it seems like an Impos~ible

business and no shore in the prof

The Quality Staples &'AndersonThe Quality Cllh Store' Calb Store

Keep in Touch lith Your '. . .

Friends at Christmas . ...)

You may find Chrlstmas',-ShoPP'lng hard In some' stores' but It Is different here. W,e have Clone the hard' part and have" arranged ever so many'sultable suggestions that are certain to receive more than ~ passing notice. You have .only a ,short

_ " t~~e, T}o,~ ~.~ ,fl~;I~~_~p'"s~J:\~r~r ,:,:!.o~g~, .'; '-.~ :,



rIortgage Sale UIT ;

Valuable Fal'lll' Property --".'

UNDER ftlHllly \'Irtno of tho PO\\'I'r or SldD oCJlllnlnllil I)r irnl)llpfl In" curtulu mOlilOr­

Qndlllll of MortgRgo, whl~h will uo llroducml ut tho ~1[JIo or tiule. t.horo will be ul1(lrod (or ~alu b)' l?uh! 10 Allctiou U)' NrliuJIl W IIsoli. A tlctlllilcur. nt St, Clllllilo HoLoI, St. Ulnmlu, Ull~lI, all Hp,~· urdny Lho :!OLh. duy uf ])uculI1hor,.\. U. una Itt tho otHtr or ~,BO ole luck In th" nrlflruoon, Lho rollowlnu y"lunblo tllrlll prouurty; Bl,dnlllu lha l)foVlnou of .Mnnitollll I\lul uulnK Lh£) ~ol1tll I:h,lf nud tho NorLh'WtlsL lJllsrtuf or ~6otloll 'J'welll)'· six (~jJ) III Tu'wlIshlp l~IKht. (B) uutl KlUU:ff Slx{fJ) "

l'o.llt. or tho Prluclpnl Morhlluu ill snlet Pro­

v ncn. Tho Vonc1ofil uro In(01'1111)11 lhnL thero Rro

hUlldrotl ("HI ~htrlY (230) JlcrOIl or mort) ell lIud utulor cult.lvntlnn, nlltL t.horo (lie

'-; .. ;i;ilr;~;;ll~lldilJgB, gond SI2.11, ruprn.llQ\" tlJ" lI' nnll It &t.IlLJlu. 11.11 III good rl'(Il1il', nUll

"lthln Olll'), l'fMOh uf IIIflrkllL lJolug n 1IIt.i1J InHrI lIu),"'!!)11 ~tt\t.\(Ul: (If Hll!U: 1.0 IHlr C(1ur. o"a.h, nlill tho

11Ull\ucp Illerul lu"'n~ tn IIC"tlrilnllOtl with cuo· ilt.lJlu~ lq bLl IWH'n knt'''''' uf'thl) t.lUlu or enlu, l' or rur~hqr {I1\rtltJulli ra u Illll)' tll,-WIL't'O~, .\1CMUClIU'·, n~t.omtF.. D.\\,ln80~ &

WlIgJU.llO~, ' \r"utJor'~ Sollcltors

'j'().1 &loclrlc nnllwny Chnmhertl~ WtuullJ(11f ])uled uL W [0 nilltftf thll:l 3rti, tlR)' or N O'OInLJ~

Of ,A. V.HII:I. ,

Ayer's,' Pills - Cently LalIallve: S"~ar.coated.

D05e, anti p1\l, only one, Sold (or 60 $~rs.

Ask Your Doctor MAllobtJ, a.AtorCo" • Alon\nml, Oanr.dn.

"'. ~ .... ~ 1


~ Wall



Paper Sample!!

on Hand ii1 ii1

,~ I l ... _P_h ... :,:,~_O_' .. ~J

SANOL An elfectlvo remody Cor tho re­movu.l of Kidney u.nd Gall Stonoo, Kidney a.nd Blu.ddor troubles, Oru.vel,Rhoumu.tio Pllin!,u.i1ments of Uric Acid origin; endorsod)l:7 pl\yalolans and sW'ge!lIl8,

PRICE $1.50

Correspondence invited. - Free litera lure nnd testimonials from


For Sale by

Geo, 'Grahum - IJruggist , 'TREHT~RNE " " I. •••• ~ ~,- •• , ....

~. • ...... :. ~.: •• : •• : •• :-; .. : ... ;.-: •• ; .. .;..;.< .. .: .. :-wlok ' ~'

, .

• 'tt ',' ,'. .1. • .:. .. !­.:. .:. ,'. mas rocenes • ,- . • :

Ha ve you bought Y011r Ch ristmas i i presents yet? If not you will do well

Special ~ to visit aUf store next week. all groceries. : pnces on

Christnlas Presents f

Don't farget to see om Xmas Ties, Neckscarfs, etc. All ,the nobby style;; and latest shades.

Our Knitted Neckscarfs are latest \\'ca\'es and the prices lo\\', considering the qllalit)'.

made in all the are exceedingl),

A pair of "President" SlIspenders done up in a burnt wood box, mal,es a handsome present for a g·entlem:ln.

i 0>

i. 'f" 'f' 't' 'to 'r' ',' .: . .:. ,', .'. .!. .:. .'. I '.' ,'. r 'r" '1' '.' 'i' 'I'

We 11ave Christlnas for, Sale.

~ Decorations .?

'I' ',' 'i' '.' :i:

~--- .', ,I,

o n arvie & CO. relep hone No, G2

.!. ,', : ',' ,'. r ',' ,', ,f. ,f. .!. ,', e:.

........... t·.· ......... ., . . • • • • ............................... " ...... : •• :": •• : • .) .:..~.(.~.: ... !f.t • .A.. ........... ~ •• ~.4..... • • ---.a.. ':. . . • ...,.......r~ ..... , .. ~ •••• "iI' ......... 'iI.

urJl Em J EM === .. .:=-33£E1 ===-:3I t;i)

Christmas Cutlery -

__ ~v~ .- ha,ve. ~ l~l'g'cr stoc_k .or S~hristl~a5. prescnts ,thi~ ?_e~t tlMll evc\, befo,r~. A s~t of Christmas can'ers'

Fancy Cushions - :, and- --Gus'h ion T~ps

'. 'I '

Fancy -'

.t, MAL ,WPG. ,',

odelled ~nd newly furnished . .;. LIVERY STABLE'

IS always a vcry mllch apprecjated·presente(i'.' We rn have them r~nging in price, $2,5° to, $7.50 per set,


• • ... '1' .

Fancy Cl1shiClIlS lind Cllshioll Top~ in 'no ebdless assortment Q'nd shapes, price's range io11his lot, for complete hand.made cllsh­ions.~ from . . , . , , . 26c, ,to $6,00

Gus~ion Fills, three; each, , • 75c, , '


, " Fancy Linens F~ncy Linen:; in a large rnn'le of styles and pattl!rns in Centrepiece:;, Tea Cloths, Tray Clotbr. nnd SCl\rf~. also soine very oeat Drawn Work: and Hand El1lbroide'r~el

I 1" Pi eees.

, " See Window Display . "

,'SOC,! • ) I~,

-CUT GLASS-,: ,'.'. " '

,~. I •

. " ."" , . , , l(~ I~'~


f, •• 1 • ,.(

~ , • ~ ;;:1:)# ,

. ,-A spnrkling displny of high-~rnde,' Cut Glas!\-in lIumer.o"s -style:; filr Xlllas 'g'ilts.

.A nice rallge of pi,eces from =1'1.60 to =I'~ ,

, -

Handkerchi'efs' , . '

A larger and more complete rallge than ever. SOllie neat fancy boxes of l,inell and Lawn Handkerchiefs, \\'1lich make splen­did Xmas gifts, prices {rom 4c. to 51.25 '

Women'~ ,Fancy· , 'CoHars; Belts,: Etc. . "

An exiensive range o( the above- lil;es will. be on display ina few days, showinj:( SOllie

, of the latest liovelties in NeckWelir. ,'-, " 1 ,

ow tiro proof annex containiilg ·t' -30 addltlonnl singl!' roorn~," At, 'I' Irncllv(' dining I'Oom, 'ellcellcl1t" i'", '. t~blo, ,more pOl?ulnr'thlln ever,. A first class !il'ery and feed busi· 1112.00 per day. - Froe Bus. '.'." tile,s,;; good reliable horses; stylish oJ. "OWL/I<, ""d,,- . f"'nnlll""" 'i- very thing up·lo-date.

:~~~~. ~~~ ~ rI... P ........... .t •• ' •• o_~ •• ft rompt alld obliginl{ 'lervice. ': I ' Draying and teaminl{.

Sp-ecial attention to Commercials. A\ltom/:?b!le lor (-lire.

Phone I,., 'J. H. SMITH


, . ,Old COlin~ ~y : . ,-Excursions

: 'FROM "

rrREHERNE , -', " ,


MAN ICURE - SETS Vou sh.Juld l'lOt fail to see our 'manicure sets. All the ~et5. <:re made of silvcr with plll·e.ebon), handles. \Ve 111\'.lte you all to vi.sit ollr store when' you are

til quest of Christmas 'prcsents, try us.

& co.



.. 11::1 ==~I .. 1:1 ====JIIIE===31E!J,

MO,'N·E'" TO LOAN .- t'epre_sent the Landed Banking and. Loan Co" of Hamilton, Ont" I also have Private ~unds to Loan


The-,Porta~e' Mutual F,ire insurance ·Co • " j

, t

. '



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Page 5: Cash Stora, Lavanham · was gi\'en in the fourth room of tbe ... rlcc red blood, which out Nl'rvl!lne I hn.

, "


" "

" , , ,

" :t

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;I , I ,

, "


. . ---- '., " ' ,

~* ......... ** ••••••• ~ ~ ...... ~wu~~ ....... .. . "

j NOV.~ DEC" JAN., FE,~. : Four Cold· Months Comi.og . : One hnndred aud'twent\' days of frigidit; ;s wh~t ,;ol1're np. 41 against from nolV on, That meam you'll need lots o,f coal :to 41 keep your horne warm and comfortable. How are you fixed?

j- Belter 1I0t wait tou loug. Procrastinati~n never got a lDan any,

tbing~ret, and with cold weatber dne you can't get 'I'~ur coal order~ in au)' 100 50011, V;'e o:arrv 20011 coal. Our prices ri~bt. We ;Y.lut your business and will do our best to bold It.

i IT'S STORM SASH TIME AGAIN By ordering ),our slorm sa.b 110W you will save on your fuel bills. They arc both co.1 reducers and ,greater,.comfort adders. They

pay dil'icteuds from the minute they are put on.

--~' ............. --.

i .... ' .. ~ ..... ~ ........ ~ ..... ~ .. : Gi!O. PattersOn, an old·timer of

, ' Treherne, died at Dauphio 00

- :::_' LOCALS -:< :ITm~s"d ay, D~c. 9th . , " " t,. ,~. 1 •

.~ ....... ~.~ ..... ~ ...... : Mrs:' Parker, Mr~. Smith al'd ,.,' '..' ':. >,' TS· .. Si·er attended the funeral ill ;: T. A. Lewis 'went ,to Brandou , rlt, on Mondav of the late \V. ih is 1,'eek. H. Biglow. 1

0;0. Oraban( was a pllss!!nge r to tbe city on ThursdllY evening. ~irs: Oruudy; of Carman, ~pent

, a fO!w days in 'freherne this week . W: A. Scolt, of Winnipeg, was ali tb!! guest of Mrs. Roux: a.n d

a Treherne visitor for a day or'two olhel relatives. ~ ,

this week.

, ' J. :H. Ferguson, of Wionipeg, has been a visitor in Treberne for tbe past week.

Mr~,aud Mr~. J. J. Kelleher, of Portage la Pra,!rie, were guests of Mr. ami Mrs. j. P. S~raube over the week·end.

!\1r. and Mrs D. ·T. Hird were called ~ 0 Macgregor on Sunday owin~ to the seriolls illness of their daughter, Mrs. Arthur Carr.

/ . . Miss Bertie Ait::heson returned trom Wiuuipeg on Saturday last, having beeu thr: guest of Mrs. Vidor Merrett for a few days.

• Treherne Lodge No 173P.L.O.L , beld their first meeting in their new lodge room Oll Tuesd~y evening. They ha\'e leased the rooms form· ~rly occupied bV Dr •• Myles and Staples Bros. in the ,Staples block aud had them fitted up suitable for a lodge room. ---'---

Farm Hel~ ,

Pioneer Butcher!

M;5. 01.'0. I:I. Hazelwood, who has heen serIously ill for the past few wetks, is now on a fair way to i recovery. ' 'rbe nurse was di~missed this I\'eek.

Farmers would do well to secure help now, to do gener.til chores in wiuter and thus bave'the help on the 'ground for next se~son. Single meu and married couples, with and without farm experience are more readily available uow thau at any other time of the year.~

The Corona Lum'ber Co.

,Coal How is your coal bin ,? Have you filled it for the winter? "We are here to sllppiy you with the dif­ferent kinds or coal at the beRt prices and will attend to clll orders very promptly. Don't wait till t he cold weather comes' and Jhen ha\'e to h II rry i ri your stock.

l Lumber and all ~ Building Materials .. =-=======

R. F. Steele AGt:.NT

Broadway Treherne

,..' :

SOCIETY CARDS either printed Dr • engraved from Tho Times Office n t very re~son"ble prices. '

Clothes , '

Phone 67 , We keep absoll1tely the best t he province Clln produce of Prime Beef, Lamb, Veal and Pork an:! my customers know it. We have some fine bllcon and haUlS and home - made sauerkraut and miuce meat.


,w~ au

---• •

. '

J. COULTER' Treherne


Fire Rnd 'Life Insurance. . '

Representative uf the .Domlnlon . Immigration Lab~ur Bureau

Mrs. V. Holda\I'a\', Qf Braudon. returned home this week, having spent n few days at Treherne as the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lounsbury.

In speaking of Messrs. Turubull, Kickert Ii u d Morean, the Swan Lake EcLo suys: "The singers from Treherne gave solos and trios lInd responded most kindly to the mal'!y. encores' which were euthusi· astically called for; in fact the Treherue gentlemen were hosts in themsel ves" .

The ball given last Friday night by the Treherne Tennis Club was

Any of our reade'rs' requiring h~lp should apply at, once to J.


Bruce Walker, Commisslot>er of Immigration, Winnipe'f, ,Mon., who will gil'e their requEst' attention.

------, A'hoosier J. P. on a' vi~it to New

York remarked to an' acquailltaul!e that he had only o,ne' enemy' in his hOllIe town and tbat was the editor of tbe weekly poper.·

"How is that ?" he was asked. ' attended by more thall one hundred "Well, you see,', I sold him a people. A most pleasant time was horse'a fe,\> days ago;' and when I spent, danLing being continued till met him II day or tw~ after he says thret; in the mOrlling. Quite a to me 'why didn't you tellll1e .. that number were present from Rath· there borse had the l;eaV'es?' ". wen' nnd Bonand. Sh~pherd Bros., "Says I, tbe mal~that,sold'hiill of Ruthwe\l: furnished very sntis- to me never said' n9y~hing, abotlt faclory'music. it and I thought it was a secret.'

ReI'. C. W. Morrow ~i\l Feach , ' ' ..

lit b~lh services in' the M~thodist'Now' is,' tn~',Time uroh on SnndliV. The. morn ..

1. ,1 ' . II' - I" , • - .,.' it -' - • '

nil: : SUbject . ,wil~ be." A Oood Ex:- - o' Improve"yourself, in, praCtical IImple", and th~ eveniug subject" business subjects." ,Write for a "Tbe 1'emperance Question': • .I~ev. 'copy of our prospectus. C. W. Morrow preached at special ' . services ill Cypress River lilt Sou­dav, while Mr.ltoland,of Glellboio, occupied the',£reherne pulpit.

¥iss Loin George came 'out from 1,·-­Winnipeg, on SaturdllY. Miss Geci~ge' DI~t with quite n ~erions misfortune at tbe"Winnipeg depot.

Winnipeg .. Wm~ Ha~kins "I ,"

. ,

I.Wll"D she-lost her pllTse.,containlng a su~ of money aud otber vllluable~, Sin.e~,no.'trace of the lIIissing:puTse b~s'l been fo.und, it' is .thl)u~:h 'ui~e. li'kely some .. light' - filligeredl

ill(lividl1af.had:r~lieved . ber;' of respousibl'n,ty. ;.' ,



~ .-

When you want a suit of clot\1e~ go to II Tailor who has made it a life study. We.are showill~ some vllry classy !:!,oods in all the latest Ilhndes for snits and ovt>r­eOllts. \Vc have "lila secured II first olass tailor Irom Winnipeg, ~o we will be able to turn uut your work promptly.- Patronize your tailor. '

W"H!;'N you vi.1t the city make' your home with UI at ,tho LOM- Ii.

B~RD HOTEL, L.ombard Street, east of, t h 8 Grain' Exchange. 'Ro:~ml Iteam.heated, bright and comfortable. 'Good Dlnlng:Ser,' vl,c'oi Belt> L.iquorl and: Cigars:'

" , ,. .'

. ' Clear.lng, Pressing and Repairing

. " ~romptly Done. . . .

T., C. Delgaty: TAIL~R • • TReHERNE

~at"., S 1.60 per day: , t ''"-


, . , ,

-- ......... -.---...... - .- . ... .. ~--- .. ---- _.- , ,

. . .. ~. .....-. ~- .. ,- - . , ~" ,-'

If You are in Doubt . .. \

If you are ill' c1o'ubt what to give Father, M othel' S· ' Ister or Brother for Christmas, come ill and ask to see our Dr. A, Reed Cushion 'Shoes for men, and our Cushionette Nurse Shoes for women. They make walking a, pleasure. ,\Ve also have an up-to-date stock. of Pumps and Kos), Slippers to fit any 'member of the family, '

Our stock of Trunks" Gripps and Suit Cases consists of the latest styles on. the market and the prices are within

, the reach .of any pocketbook. ========== .. =,.,=. =============. :=-.,_.-

J. R. SCOTT - 'Phone 60

Make all Your

Baking a Certain




Make all the

Family Strong

and Healthy-

So many women depend upon their.fallcvwork to help them out at Christmas. Hand·mAde work carries with it a certain

~ sentiment t hat makes the remembrance more apprec­iable. We call help you with stamped linens, embroidery

Ii] cottons. etc, Drop in and make YOUT selections.



, ,

We Sell McCall P"tterns @i',!/i\!/i\!':i\e,'i@i.!li'.!Ii\I'i\!'e\!.'i\!,''i\!.(iJ ~' ~

~ REPAIRS : ~ .~

Mrs. Smith ~ Ir you need allY bicycle reo t c. pairin~ done, or I11llchlnl'ry l. ~ ~

Millinery and (e repairing of nlly kinLl, I his is l. Dressmnking <: the place to get it done. ~

.......................... • • : Treherne High' School: • • • ~tudODh propRred tor Third nndSocOIlti • • OluHK 1'uucbora ' CtJr~lJ\onto8, "uti for.

•• Unlvtlr8lt)' Mutrlcullltlout:l,lIunluatmul •• -- . : LOW RATES AND SPECIAL INJ)UCI:- • • MENT8 FOR NON ... RESICf:'fNT • • STUDENTS :

~ ~

m !.,~,I~tw,h~n~"A,VE' TRE:EoR~: ~ FRANCIS THORIMBERT ~ (e Broadwny, -;. TREHERNE 1!1

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ®'i\e,~ SIi'>!Ii' ~~'!o"',f; 0' .!!i\!Ii\!Ii\~Ii"!Ii"!@


I\..J.Mllls Moroduch Oroe" •• • 800. ur 8011001 Bonrll Prlncl..pQ J : ..........................

Service Counts ..

This is 3n agc when quality 'alld service counts. Realizing the fact that, the public is quick in notioing' a contrast, we nre coolitantly alert to

, our store, our stock and r' service' jList a little above

ordinary. Our "PRIME" beef will cOlll'ir:ce you,

., Wo, Can No"'; Handle all Your

. Fat Stbck liS we wilt' be Shipping ,Re,;ularly. Highest Prices Paid .' fo'r Poultry, Hides, Etc. .

'" • ..;- ! ' .

==~========================== SJe~=:=Jl3E~==.iE======:3SIilI ISlEI ===31~

Make SOlneone's Christmas Happy

Have you like the majority .Qf the people put off your holiday shop-, ping? "You have barely two weeks left to make 'Your selections. We have an, endless variety of novelties ,~uitable ,for Christm£ls gifts.

Handkerchief Boxes Beauty Pins Fancy Ties., .

, ,Chinaware,' etc.

'Christ-m'as 'Cake , ' ,


,. ,



,( , : 'j , ,

, '.~! ;1

, " I

.. ,

, .;


.­, ,

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, , ,

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Page 6: Cash Stora, Lavanham · was gi\'en in the fourth room of tbe ... rlcc red blood, which out Nl'rvl!lne I hn.




I hOllse opposite Oh, looltt be panted w'th a sudden

KITCHENER IN TEARS At .he , )vles Good Joice on my mother In la" •

ha,cn t ~OPI,"ti laughllg ,et' rQ~.l\rl< Incident In the FI nal Soudan Cam· palgn the mOD a' the club chnttlng over

Consumption Takes Hundreds of People AMENDS


sweat at fenr lipan hiS brow for he thought thnt Thorold had come to tnke ,engeance on him ~. the murder of Joan look, thel' s that Thorold He saW me do It and now he shere

cOIDse,lolls, stopped the otber one usIng his re,olver on us ADd a revolver Is a nasty thing In a nllrrow passnge !Ike tbls But Green'lI Imow he has no chance at all auC I shouldn t won der tr he doesn't turn nast·

I'll go IIrst If you like said Thor old and without w BIting lor an nnswer he lJushed by them and raa up stairs

Lord Kltchener Is by no menns the thp cards unemotional maD he Is repre What \\as It' Sorlng It so that "e

sented to he I'p Lctlon he certainly enn laugh too salll hls frleu nrrnng Every day and the surprlsrng Is as the lote A, W Stevens put It In!! Ills Ir mps truth IS that most cases are pi e

Ah thnt's bad muttere I Dllrand turning pole hlmsolf, and then he no L1cad ho\\ some four or five men were slowly closing It. upon them, men of an upright dr!lled appear!:nce and nl1 acting ns It seemed under Game com man direction Oh slops, he clllimed, we've been blo~'n on muttered his swirl glance darting hllher nnd thither tor some avenue of

They followed him, not unwll!lng though they were brave men enough that another sbould IIrst face Green whom they expected to I eslst captwre to the Inst

A brain working In 11 box o[ Ice' But Well you now nn wl[p ~ molhPT bl he can shed tears lives ont In the cullntr and ae, or venta e With timely, IIltelhgenl Once In the IInal SOlid an Campaign visits rhe city A so Rhe IR ge'"ng treatment

By E. R. PunsboD when sudden nnd' torrential rains somewhat deaf We 1001 her to a 'rhese appalling facts should warn swept away the labor of months he moving picture theatre the other broke (lOWD wept and like Job aslt. nl!:ht Rn,l "hon We cam~ Ollt .he was us that after Sickness, colds, over·

w • .c, Leek & c:... U",fttod At the top oC tbe stairs Thorold lIung open the flrst door he saw but the room was empty Then he turned to the next but at t,lls some Impulse he ne' er understood bade him knoelt Qllietly He did so nnd when no ans wer came he knocked again, while the police, clustered together at the hend of the stnlrs watched him daubtlully At the 'Second kuocl, Thorold fancied that he hnrd a sll/(ht noise wtUlln and tlJen at the .Ird summons cnme tI,e MIID,1 or n Rlow step The door oopnp,l nnd nor" Roue rmoeared and

ed why he should be thus aITlicte<1 vpn s!lpnt Wlwn "c 'l:ot homp \\C 'l\ork or any other drams lIpon Agnln In the final scene ot I<har R"ked her how she lII<ed the show

toum when a thanksgiving service W~lI she snld I ro('kon them "('tors strength, Scott's EmulSIOn sltould ! IF"", M ..... ur ... 0& T_ftb

(Coni 'PIll escalle was held the tpors rolled down his ,11,1 thplr norrs right "nou!:h hut I be promptly and rcgularly u5ed be· face and he made DO cITort to hide mllst be getting n" r 11Iv ,I""f I tbem couldn t hear n \\ord the~ said cause tubercular genns thrae only

Ah, Mondny Monday mt:sed Thor But th 0 police suspecting they were old do you know 1 ha\ e an Idea I dlseQl ered closed In morA quickly, Bhould like to meet 1II1 Monduy' an,1 at thnt he dre\ a revolver from

LOCi! gave him n sUllrl' lool! and In' his pocket and lev~II,,<1 It so that In

At the Durbar there nppeared 200 Stone Blind III a weakened system old men all thot was lert of thl:!!'le- Proudly be w alkcd up to his be- Thp '" pays who remnlned loyal In the Mu trothed and drew from hi" pocket a tlons 'I prp _nnnkln" or ml."~ ('nn II The tested and proven, alue of

tiny to be reviewed llY the Duke o[ small morocco cuse Ol,enlng II he I nl I t non", 'n rlo"R lin,," Ihn ot h er S tt' E I d b

wardly cursrxl the IlIck that had stinctlvel, they pnused

stood there looking at him (To be Contlnu~d)

brought I horold here juH In the very 1 In a moment Monday hnd the door crisis and climax o[ their plnns He open and though til" police gallantly fell It necessary to Ileep him IInder All0Ugh nnd .lisregnrdlng the threat observatiou for there was no telling I or the levelled revolver rushed In on whnt he might uot do If Ielt to hilnself I them they were through tllc door Bnd aad yet there was much clsp thnt I hOn It bano:ed nnd locl!ed b~hlnll them neoded ntt~nl!on without this addlt I heforr tbelr pursuers could reach It lanai lesponslbl1lty of "atchlng 'l'hor Oulel< qulc1" brealt It In crletl Loclt old He hinted thut It would bo bet I and with h~avy bloWS nnd lurloU8 ter If 1\Ir 1 horolll would \ cry Idndly strokes nn nttack upon the door be consent to go to Scotlilnfi Yard und \ glln wblle within the passage Durand The Mapte SUllar Industry leI! them thoro "vor> thing he knew Dnd Monday lool<od nt ench other, nnd lt mu) ~UI jll'O~ lli"U~ to I~"''' thnt

1 Imow nothing 1 horold Iluswered lasted the bitterness 01 death the lli .. lJI~ o~olll II,"I B) I Ul' crop 'II realising tbat Lock 8lmpl~ Wished to Tho games up we"e been blown vllnllua Id WUlen uuout LWO Ulullon get him oul oC the wuy, ns I think yon I upon snld Durand with n wild I1UIHUd I'er yca. In tub IJrovlUce 01 underslnnd ver~ "ell Hut I am go J alwnl s IIDew thnt Thorold \\Ollld be '-Iu~ueo L,~ 1,,,llIaU i lUIS mamlallled Ing to wnlt here 10 see this business the ruin 01 us I tbrough, and to tlll<e cnre thllt Miss 'fhe bRclt wnY panted Mondnv rush· II SlIoug (oollJold more especially n Hose 18 not suhjected to an) nnnoy Ing oIT but Durnnd cursed him lor a those couutles thaL contain more 01 ance fool nnll In a moment Mondny reo less 10ugL lind rocky laod In On

Will )OU promise not 10 mo' e [rom turned crying wildly that there were tnrlo It Illso bull(s large, and In New here lIlll give the word? asked Loclt other pollee hehlnd Ulllnswlc\{ u.nd No,a "cotm consWer Bhllrply 01 olso I shnll 11In e to arrest This Is all ) ou he shrlcke,1 In able quunt,ties of sugar Ilnd syrup nrc you sir And liS ror Miss Iloso sho sPlllr If lOU hat! left the girl nlo~e mlOe eu~h spring must tal!e her chance Lldles who this would n~ver hnve happened Its During the recont )enrs the Industry come to plnces like .hls house mU8t never lucl,y to meddle with a gill \!1te has .. hown signs of decline, lDd In expect to put up \\ Ith somo Ilnnoyaneo that It 8 nIl your doing [or meddling order to encournge Its IDlprovement

I do not Intend to Interfere \\ It II you with her If that Is what you mlllln Thorold It s nil vour doing retorled Durnnd the Han Mnrtln Burrell minister of nDllwercd, but I do mean to sec Miss with n quieter hilt more (lea,IIY rage agllculture, has allthorl7.ed the Ilfepal· , alloll 01 a bulletin which should give R08e IS not In -Cured with hersclf nil your doing for leI ting Thorold"'s It consl,lerable support

And 11.8 to thllt silid Loclt SIOWIlY'I cape you lie saw whnt lOU did and I tbat depends on what her moth c Is Cor you let him get oIT m ruin UR 111<0 this One cause 01 the decline B given as coming Ilere -you blnck nigger of a coward yOIl qunlity of much of the goods

Tborohl lIInde uo answer nnd thel Don t call me that snnrlNI Monday l'nla.l0, On the authority 01 extensive two mell Bllt In silence twas IL long Don't call Inc n nigger-nigger your denIers It Is estlmnted thnt fully sixty a.nd mOllolonou8 time 01 wulUng ... ut selr he snld raising his voice to per cent 01 maple products do not l~ock was lralne to patience anti mnlte It heard abov/: the sOlln.1 of the grade more thau hnlr the pr 111010ld h 1<1 acquired n new habit Ocl blows thai were helng rnlned down pOllnd of No 1 !!oods of sitting VCl y titlll ILnd thinking of tho upon the door Cram outside 10 Jler cent Is made On this nccount {lnst I'or to h'm the prpscnt now Whl not you black nllmer Durnnd It 18 polnled out In the bulletin t1" \hlll he had lot Joan had no Interest rellented, eh black mnn' He lifted makers are losing euch year on qnal and the hlture no hOl,e 50 they snt tho pstol he stili held In his hnnd nlone [ully one m!1l on dollarR In silence together wutchlng the house Bllt we 11 make n merry en~ of It he bulletin goes [lilly Into the sllb OPIlO_ e within which wns even thpn said RO cheer liP YOll nigger YOll Ject of syrllp an!1 sllgnr mal(lng, de helng 101lght ont the dread[1I1 conflict Don t ~Oll enll I1C a nl!:!,:er, scribing clearlY the necessary C<lulp

Connnught nnd the Viceroy J~ord took out n ring-a single dlamo~d- m~~n~eh':A" 0 ,,"It Iton,," hn·~hn!1 co 5 'mll slon IS recogUlzc Y

1~ltchener o[ course was there nnd and placed It on hH tapering linger In (1 th r"rnln<lpd 01 nn Inclden' the greatcst speCialists because Its , I I She looked at It " ,0 "m cn'I' he gazed In sll.:lee at the I ne a It v Som~ lime olnc" "r~nfl""t! tn th~ mcdlcal nOltnshment aSSlIllllatcs

qlla, erlng veterans s tr> smnll ahe snld and not otory I I I h h I Tllen lIe turned to a brotller omcer

very brmlnat, cllher '" 'I ... mnvnnto II nrnsnPe qUickly' to bmld healthy I1ssue p r 11 nllq l"nldnJ:' nF\ .. tv ramhll"l(l f"to th". I

of high rnnk and saW 1 say old chap'l oar e 0\\ Ills smllo vanished rnlp In n ,"otlon nnd ordered n .lIb I aids In the de,elopment of active, let's give these me In a deheero' eAnltllrnOt ~~:~"~~:ICI~I~d ~~f~verlng himself be slnotl'l ,llnner hfc·Sllstal1l1ng blood corpusc:les sponded to the cal, an am m Ah sweetheart but I I bli d' 'Wh,,,, II,. 1"'0111 n 'nil, nrrl p I rho ' er It was Been that the tenrs were R I I ove s n dln"r l"n'''' It n crltlcnl "."mlnnllno strengthens the lungs and bUIlds standing In Lord Kltchener s eyes sal;la s ng her limpid c~ es to his she nn~ then Impprnl!, ely cnllp.1 t'lO wnlt pb) sical force WIthout reaction

or Yes dpor but not stone blind Scott's EmulSIOn IS used III tuber Trembling Cities J I"nk hn"o ",., It,..r' hf' t'xr'''' Imf' I In

The henvy trnlrlc near St Paul's Briggs-Yon must have a lot of trou n Inr~" 017"" ,,,Icn lIn VOll remrmhpt cllioSIS cnmps because of Its rare

I h II I \\'"' r nr,lprn I I"ot no"· bod b Id bl--" k

Lo3don has shaken and crackel t e ,e !~eplng \0\ r wile drellsed up 10 Yna air nnO"" 'th I I I y. 11I mg, ........ ·ma mg prop-columns of lhe catl edrnl sO srrlously the hel~ht of st~ Ie ,·rnr """ I nr "n"n lhat the Government Is considering Grlggo-YeB rut It. nothing h In!: Irnm Ih p mnll 1o th" haRh Inyon' ertles and because It contalDs no how the vibration can be lessened trouble I d hn\e I[ I dldn t to t ~\ 'n' or,lerpd spring chlchen nOli ,~alcohol or hablt-forml1lg drug

port Qir Be ' All Inrge cities, however are In .. Fvnotl' I 1 sure to IDSlst on Scott s

constate state o[ vibration In places A GOOD MEDlflJNE rn<nnn' n,l t'" ,1 n"r tn " like London Mancbester and J3lrm t, ~ol" ~TI,pI ,o'en "",I "" ,n' n hrollp;ht _Ilk Bow.e Toronto o.farlo Ingham there Is no' a square Inch oC FOR THE BABY me "pring port nnll "I chicken

soli that R per[~ctl~ sUII In some large towns It has been fOllnd neeess ary to Insist O!l Iron drainage plll~S being used Instead cl enrthenware ones Thongh embedded In concrete the nvera,;e earther wal _ dralnnge pipe lu.sts only" few weeks unclUcl(

"'" """"i1I~tl1[! !::U''''''e '''n~ ,,'fnt'uzCI,..,t In

Oom •• tl. Economy

cd Some months ago Professor lngte

ton experimented In dlITerent parts of London with a selsmometer-tbe In strnment us~' for measuring ea-th qual!es lIe round that though the tremblln!! of tbo enrth was naturally 1"8s In the suburbs than In the Cltv and hetwe~n 1 a m and 6 a m than at other parts of the day the constl'"t vibration was such as to malte a sel o mometer In London uceless for It. real purpose of re~18terlng far distant earthQuak~ shocks

Of recent vears there has hMn .o",n talk of IIndlng a fresh site fnr Grpen wlch Observntory o\Vlr~ to the vlbra tions set up by tbe London trame

Flnh>'. Own Tnblot. nre 1I1e verv hPBt me,l!cl~e n mother ralo give her IItt e nneA Thoy "w('eren thp 8tom ach regl1l"t" 'he howelH break UP co'ds promote henlthful sleen - In fnct they' re n ". rp for nil minor !lI. of little onPB The mother ",ay feel ah.olu'elv sale In glvln", them to her

IIdren for • hev n re ~unrllntQod h, a ~overnment nnalvst to be strictly free frem all Injurious drngs The 1 nh Ipts lire Rold h' medicine 11.'lIler. or hy ",nIl nt 25 ~"n's a bo' from The Dr wllllnms' Medicine Co Bro"l{v!1l~ Ont

Tither ."'y Woutd Do It "oul<1 hc nice If pverythln", ono

touched turned to gold wouldn t It? aslred the rlreamer

Yes or If p, enone finn tOllche I tnrlled o'er gold suggested the dead beat.

Jl rlnrlnn<:lt! ",,,rhfne I:hno rl"r't'fl t11; on Father wila o[ nn economic \1 turn fhn n"'''np1tl" ,.., thp rf"t'refl1"nt nrt"'r" or mind unci hnled extrn\agnl1cf'~ \\ Ith p,..r, I"", nf thlrt\ vrmrR nf " , nl1n<1 all his heart lie t1 since tile p ulior ",,,1 f"frh "l1 I"mnln~ 1\('1 Tn "'onRlrl""f\

dn)" tried to Instil Idens oC a .Imllnr If"," ('Of htR lnne l1n(l 'nlthr 11 ~flrvlr'" nature Into thG bruin of hf!.:1 ~lllul1 ~t

,go II el~ht thn ('01'""",,\1 lUlCl nrrn""",l to "'I~" T "", h mnnntnrv rp.('oe:nltion "n" It 11K griE'r ''tElR tcrrii.)10 to SC'(' \\ l £111 'nll In tho lot nf' fh,. QI .... e-o .. fr tf'nrl,.. ..... none dnv he r.nmo unon th(' h l1d!n~ ('!prrn 'n .n ","I" thn n •• n.,ratlon economl~t stuffing hlmsclf \\ lib a

slice 01 hrend !,;enerously roverpd wllh RTlf"'''"t, 'rhlq Iq 1,nv; hI" ,11,1 It I n,,"hvp a n)Cl of huller which "~8 surmount

\ nT' hAVe' vnrkr 1 ''''r (lis cd h\ It voting mountnin ot JRTll CO""'TH1,.. n I"r H frtv V('nrq v(,q? Mv bo) aid he Racily thOll~h ~,..

}.. hn" 'ton." tho pxppcfnnt rpclplent vproh surel"- yon do no re-117" of U,I"I nnrqn ~ n

T1nfl vnlt "l"n ........ h" .... n nlllt v~s" \\oh hot Jon nrc doing \pt YOI1 OI'~ht • ~ntl I v now to compr"he' I the ,,!rIled e'

1'1" 1'"rl ntl P" hnw t ,ro11 r. lIC!t It' .". I 1 I rnvne-nnco of rating butter nnd jam uf"f ("nTllnnn, q an w <'Ir tOl!pthpr

n' It ~"t T hn I '-on osked to hnnd ,ou\ Whv I m hcln~ ,I"~e hundre,1 ,Iollnrs rnther' replied thn

Don! vou sep Ihn MInard's Lfnlme"' Curer Garget 1" snmo slice or hrend


mo~t rconom Il"'n 1

VOIm!! hoppr,,1 1m mnllng the

do for both-----

bet" een a amlin s love an,' Ii mnn s eel Mondn) so furlolls "Ith roge that mpnt amI Its operntlon nnel gh es use past s liS for the moment he for fIat even the fill I"'''rmatlo~ on mqrjrptln", An In

Then lit Inst when It was drawing on donger In which they both atlod t~restlno: " .. ctl~n ,Iescrlhps Iho mnlr towllrd. evening the dool 01 tho hOllse flln"l! nigger' sneerpd Dmand with 'no: of ,,,oTllp vl~nr'or a"d 'he coiled E)(change no Robbery oJlP INI lind thel e came out Mrs n Itlnd of mnllclolls dellgllt nt the fury 1(>" nn!1 n",>nnl atlon of p" ITnr paml Youn'" Rohlnson hod bpen kent (I" e. <11111 her husbund, the lUan to which he was provoking his com wbll1h con.tltutl' two \aluable by pro- Romewl,nt Inte nt the omcp on "atll" eli pll Snoe .. 'r rllnlon nnd nt that Monday leaped tI, rtR of FI1/(nr ",akl"" • dnv an.1 AO without wastln!: v,, 'nbl.

A Tip for Him T ",..1,.. ,,.'U',,h 'l1',,,"l~RB ~"" wtr1' frn'l'l

,-, ..... ..,,\1 ('onnt.., TnrllnnA. tnnlr " trip to 'rho Prenchpr-Do you linow where r ;"'RJ""O Thnv Wflrp ?"Jllkln~ l1n

Iittlp boV" go who fish on Sunrlay I "tnt~ o.-not hnl Ilpo: h"o~a Alt.r

Thcy "oothe E.clted Nerves -Ne ... vnus nrreollon~ nrc IIsunllv anrlh"t nble La 'lefectl\C dlgcstlon AS the stomllr.h domlnat"" Ih. nervo r ntreq A couran of Pnrmpl"" R VOl':etahte Pili. will .tllI all ,lIstllrhnn"es nl thl. ehnr octer and hy resto-Ing tile stomnch 10 normnl nellon rellove tnr nprVM rrom Irr!tntl~n Thorp Is no serlntl'o IlItp thpUJ nnd In the correction or Ir rrgulnrlUrs of tl,e ~I!:e 1I\C processps no nrepnrntlon hos done '0 nfferth ~ worl< n8 can be tcsUlled to by thou sands

Tlw unsl,TlfIlI pnlntor up the street at him and selz"d him by the throat 'l'hp \Vorl, whlph I. ,.nTll th .. nAn or 11me !,cttlng n mpal he bought Rome laid down his b'lIsh Lhe two men 'I'hev swaved nnd struggled lurlolls '~r J 1'1 ~nencer 13 5 A ",11 or Ollrrant bllOS at n bakery and set out lounging near strnlghtened themselves Iy In the nnrrow passage while the the nllbllcalionA branch Is [or the footb~11 m~tch Immp~lntelv and then In , moment Loclt \\ns 0111

1 blows from without tnundered down vef\ at'"netlvp fnrm On his \\ay bock from the mntcn

In thQ street and \\ nntln!': brisk y I upon the IIlrendy trembling door It han nlfl11 !1Iustrations "",rt"""·I'ther.,fo,re hI' r('tllrned to the haker~ awa~ "hlstllng nS he did £) II tunc broke Ilnd feil \\ Ith II crnsh Inlo the Inl! Slll!:nr makln~ sc-nes ancient an~ ","'Ip an Indlg'nant complaint, ,in that WIIS n slgllnl (llnt theR" t\\O w""1 lobby and l~ocl! leaped across' Its morlPrn To show 'Ill' apnenrnnce mandlng' another bun In plncf' at lIle

, to he followed nll(; onl) arrested when floor on whICh they had [ailen In the ~l,e;nr Dnd ~vrl\p of ,1I lferf>nt J!:ra.len Inhnblted one at n Rufe Illstuncc fllr\ or their fight nlnl"s of •• ",nles 0' pnch ""P prpoont• I'm sorr' Rlr 8RI~ tlln S"lpRw~onnn

The pailltor plcl<ed liP his blllsh and Well 1m blersod e,clalmed lock pd In natllr,,1 col oro This worl( wIth a l1ewltphlnJ!: smile hut th3t [ WOllt on. \vlth his worl, nnd one Inzy whutz up 1I0W' anti I'vlm as he s(1011C whl~h 11\ deslgp"tpd 'l'he SIIe'lIr mal' am arr~tr1, Is Impossible Howevor If 10llng,'r silbshied Into his pre\Jous In the pistol explOlled with H8 muzzle Ino: Tn,llIot" of r.nnadn' wl\1 bA \on care to rnturn tbp flv "" ~hnll "e ([IITelonce wllllo th~ genelnl air of a Ilrrssed Imrd against Dill and's side to Ih080 "ho ppplv for It to rhe Iv too glnd to exchange It fer n mnn 1001<llIg fm worll an,l prn~ Ing his With a choking chis grllBJl relax PlIhllcntl"110 llrnnch 01 the Depart· currant hnrdl'st he mny not filld It cd and he [en bnck huddled against t Otl

In II mtle while he was back wIth the~wulI Monday rose to hIs feet ment of Agrlcnlture 0 a"n the no" s t hnt the couple were safely trembling, vlQlentiY but trying to , >t ~ \ , unde. Inclt nnd I(e~ anll n~ he "11.8 school bls features Into all Ingratiat Keeping a Plano In Condition milking his rCJ1or~ t& Loch Thorold Ing smile tl1at<was\ as hideous as It Everyone knows that an upright pi said to them over IllS shOUlder was I epulslve !:' p;r, nno should be so placed In a room

, _ }lNP nre Mr '!)\Irand and Mond.IY- Pardon mOl h~· said Qlcnse excuse that the baelt wl\1 be exposed to tlmv nrc wnll<lng down the street to me gentlemen but that rascal there If e It shOUld be gethcr l,e would have shot yon nll,ir I hnd not It

Lock gnve one look and then rllshe,l prevented him-yes he would have than from thr room and In a moment the sllot ypu an, only 1 took the pistol It signal \\ ent up amI down t he street rrom hllll, nnd then he WIlS RO full of lhnt theso were the two for whom splLe, the low vllllan thnt he shot him 1.;;~:,y~~ .. ~a~~~li;~~lt;I!~:~~\ij~{~~~o' .. 'v .. wf"-they hat! been wnltlng Uususplc I lously enough Dura",1 and Mon,lnv came on !:Innclng round them Indeer! wIth the rrslless eycs of fenr nnd thrent lIu.t only such outlaw s themselves possess bllt seeing thing unnsunl LIII the~ w~rp on lhe very thre8hold of Lbo house Then Monday glnllclng roulI<1 again sudden· Iy mel full th~ AOmbro "nil hon,y !laze of 'l'horol,1 .tllndhl/( wlltehln<; him [rom the door 01 the dlng~ public

The Way Lots do t A IAmo',s c1~r", man teliR of a

prpnchprs' eonfrr .. nce In which a "et· erRII rlp.crlbe~ his method of sermon Ilreparaticn , 1 tak .. mv !,,~t hI' snld and ~Ivlrle my sermon Into threp purts In the firot nnrt 1 'ell em what I'm golno: to tell 'em In th" 8""on~ I)llrt-well I teli 'pm In the ·hlrd pllrt J tell

whnt I ve told em

The J{I~ - eJ sir all us klrls, th", ~"' hlltlort tho'r wnv l1)rou"" tho around here 0:0 down ter Smylie sl r"". ,I fnr n~"nt 01'( hlocku JosIah crick below the bridge • onl,l ~"rn"nthv !liPldn. ",It vO'r

"ull1nfJ" hprk nnrl rnm" on Shp q111rl

Do 'ou helie, e that money has I "III p"t ... n annth"r .",n till th~ gprmR on II' c"nw,1 "pl. hv Art"r wnitlat! for

It may have "lollt two honro TnRloh .olr! It was Whnt In tho world phall he do' the longest pro~esslon lIe ever saw Don't "orry It would tallP a. mighty

active I"erm to hop from thp monev to you durin!!! th~ short time thnt you I(eep "hat you get

- One Advantage There s one consolation about the

prp8ent dramn fl."d whnt's th t' When I e;et oil an,l am a

er 1 dOll't bell~v, mv eh!1,lren will he nbl" to tnke a ;:>Ia) thnt will shoclt me

grnOfI ",rnnd me to

Fcr A~th .... " a~rl C.tArrh -Tt 10 one 01 thp. chlof rpromrnp.n~ntlonA of nr Thomn8 BoIe"trl 0\1 that It CAn be lIRed Internnllv with n. mltch ""r"ps~ ns It cnn ,,"twArlllv flnlTpr"'" frn'" pothrra nnd (,Rtarrh wll! nnll that the

whpn nRPd "~eordlno: to dlre""lnnR 'I ,,1\ e fonmrrtfntA relief Many

., frerers (rom these ollments hav" f<lund rpllof In the on and hn ve sen testlmonlnls

I wpll spld Dr Bigt-1I1 ns he a former .,atl~nt on t lP DtrAPt 1m to see YOIl again 1<'1 Bro\\ n

I.I-'n-" n"C \ 011 th'A nornlng" , rtoctor said lIfr Brown en doe8 It cost ~nythlng to

\Vpl1 m. Qlm "n1t1 n e'nnr1 nntnrpct Inthnr tn an ~ll!ht \par",l<1 Ron thp nth r.r nl ... ~t whnt I nvp VOl) d"M tn,l"v lhn' mnv bp Rpt nnwn {HI !\ ~nort l1f!prl')

Gave n noor boy n penny rpplie<1 he honeful ,

Ah ah that ",nR ehnrlt. nnd e!lnr ltv Is nlwn~ s rll:ht He was nil or ph,.." hnv ""R hp"

1 dlrtn't Rtoo to nRk renilpd th" ROn r l"n\e hi", Iho n onpv bpcauop hI> .. n. going to lick me for upBetting his school bllg

----MInard 5 Liniment roures Distemper,

rhey tell me you v~ lost YOllr hire I man

"PI> hp.t fnrm hnnd I "Vcr hau "ho' "11At \Vn~ the mntter' Nothln John'. a Germnn .nu know

lind Ihes" hora (lprmnns ho' what they ~all the wnnderlucL It s onm n ' thot kneps 'em rnO\ n' Irom onc place to \'oth"r an don t let em stay long nnt whereR

Thllt A que"r nln tit. How long \,",1 John heen wltl YOIl'

Only eleven years

Punctured The attorney for the gas company

"OS making oJl~ lar add re"s Thlnl or the good the gaa company

hDSrGOne' he cried If I were per mltted n plln I wOllld say In tho

~~:I,:~~l!b:;~;;1 words of tho Imm:;rtul poot, Iionor the Llgbt Brigade

vo en or n consumer from the aud· lence Oh, what a chnrge thev made

A \\et! l!nolVn vlolln'"t Is tho fotner of IWO lovelv nnd Inteiligont ch!1'lr~n The othor dav he overhenrd a convpl' sRlion between the tlVO In which the. "ere trvlng to reeali thl' first nom'>' of a!' the grr.nt opera sln,,~rs Whar I. Crn.o s first nomp' he 11Pnrfi the ) ell nger fisk Don t VOII hnow" rp-­nliNI the olhrr In n disgusted lono Why It s Robinson of course'

StAle of nhtn C!lt or loll'do { 'S t lIeR" CO\Tntv

1 rllnk J Chene .. mnkl"!4 OAth thnt hit 1111 p(>nlor lJnrtrlPr or 1lH' 1\1 m or F J ChC"rH"V k Co doing nUHlnrAA 1" the City or T(lINl0 COllnh Ilnri fHRt,. ntnrPMllld nnd thnt flnl(l rm w\11 pnv thr Hum nr ONFJ IIlJNDRFJD 0011 ARS ror pnoh nnd e~crv CaRE.> of Color h thSl' cnnnot hI'! curfll hv Ih'! use or It" r s CA1AHHII CUIlJll FRANI( J CHJIlNl'lV

lworn to before m~ nnd I'ulu"f'rlt ell In m~ prNwncr litH til day of Or("t"rn" bert A 0 1~8fi

,t:!t nl) A 'IV QI R.A R()N Notnn P1Ihllr-

Hall" CntRrth Cure Ill! tnk,.n Intt"rn n1H u.nd nr.tft directly upon thft hlu(Jd In' nl\l('OllR f'urtnr.r.n or tho !!I),stcm Send tor troMt Imnntnl" fI rc

I" J em NFJ~ '" CO I 0 SnlC\ bv nil OtUHglsts 7lic rrnk~ Hn1l8 Fllmll~ Pilla tor conKtl


W [0-Wretch I , me Ihn t let ter'

ll11sbnnrl-Whnt letter' WI[e-The one In vour hand It •

Irom a "omau I ea n se~ by tb e writing and you turne!! 11010 wben ~ou saw It

llushand-YeR Aere It Is Its your dressmaker s bill

Tenchcr-Jobnny nnmo th~ statp, Johnny-There s thp stutp 01 Penu

s'lvnnlo the state of 'e\\ Yorl< L~ state 01 matrimony the statr of t' p mind, and the stnte of Lh~ "cllthel

A I~oulslana expert figures tho' h1 hecomlng a suf[ragctt~ n womal .<>­dllees hor chanct'll or marriage DO per cent This I" the most sllbUe knock the causo has > et recel' cd

All n woman "nnts Is to be waLt· cd

girl fenrs M-s Grllndy Th .. u marries ~h Grllmly

Page 7: Cash Stora, Lavanham · was gi\'en in the fourth room of tbe ... rlcc red blood, which out Nl'rvl!lne I hn.

1 ., ,


CAli T LIONS' WITH FLYPAPER -WIN-qN&Sr:f&R/~:-: Material Evidence. of the Pa.t Seed Grain and Potatoe.., Sire. and Son. It had been said tbnt blstory By Instructions of tbe Han. Minister John Clark. nged elgbty·two. bas

written order 01 trlngs. No ~~~:~:I or' Ag:::lculturo-a ,dlstributinn or Bupe ... bllen placed In charge or the nntlonal The Beaot. Entangled by Thousands what bad been written was ot ~ lor sortslof graln;and' potatoes WlU;'bc botanic gardens Wnshlngton. a job • Gf Sneet. Were Lahoed ., .' ous vnlue. but It was not all. and even man" Ilturlng· the 'coming 'wi! :er-and be declined fourteen' years ago. Not long ngo four man'eatlng lions where'we hnd a mernture at tbe past sprlu!: to Canadian Inrmers. The sam· Don Carlos Moria Lyncb, minister were caught by flypnper at tbe village It was In so"- cnses not tbe greater pies for general distribution wU\ can· \ 01 foreign nltalrs of Chil!, hng been or, Gwal!or, India.

Pro .. pt R,li,(···PmnaJItIIl CaN CARTER'S UTTL£ UVERPIlJ.S

part 01 whnt conveyed tbe past slst of sprIng wheat (6 Ibs), white presented with tbe cross of the Sac· 'It happened lbat tbe head man of Where should we be In the oats (4 Ibs.). bnrley (6 Ibs.), and lIeld red Troasure on behnlf of the emperor tbe village was able to shut the four

'Ing 01 the anclant Greeks II peas (6 Ibs.) Tdese:wlll, b~ sent; out of Jnpnn. The honor was conferred lions' UII In n lout lnlo which they Itad no s~tuary and no from Ottawa. ,!A' (IlstrlbuUon ,ot pota· owing to his services In the npproacb· ventured In search of prey. He kept f.". Purely y .. !d-.~

.b~oI:l but .... t1y 00

theliy ... . Slop .fter

eli ......

cure aesb0n - improve complesioo-tbti ey .. , Sm"" Pill, S ... 11 OeH, SmaU

, Ge';uine mwl be., Signature

;,4kq~~~ sa s sa see cas e au us c see us szucs

Mrs. U". Armdrona •

...... Olney, .uclCl ENGLAND


··~~PDrK& Beans

could we understand their tGes (In~' 3 Ib : snmpleg) wU\ \be' car· ment between the two nntlons. \ them tbus barrlcnded for nearly two sense of nccllracy:' precision rfed on from ot the experiment- ,John lIfacVlcknr, tbe specialist In weeks. no .:me being willing to attemllt finement If there were no architecture al farma. the Central Fnrm at Ottnwa municipal government, Is a native of to callture Utem. Flnnllv he tbought to study? Mnny years ago. with reo supplying only the I,r ... vlnces of Ontar· Canndn. He served ~wo terms as of a schome thnt proved o.s 3uecess!ul gard to the grent question 01 the nnd Queb!lc. ,All samples w!l1 be sent mayor of Dei Moines, where the 'Des as It wns orIginal. storallon of the Parthenon. the (ree. by mal!. :llolnos Idea' orlglnnted, nnd Is now II 0 had, lllOusands of sheets of Oy· Ion was made that no person could Al>pl!cnn~s mllst give particulars, In member of the city councn nnd sup' paper spread all the ground before tile over get to know .l eclsely how the col. regard to the soli 01' tbelr (arllls. nnd er:ntendent of the depnrtment of entrnnce lo tbe but. 1'hon suddenly umns wore put together. lIe tbought some nccount of their experience with streets and pub1!c tmprovempnts.· tbe barricades were lifted and the It waR only a Qucstlon of measurcment sllch kinds of grnln (or potatoes) as General Cnrlo,Cnneva, on whom the ~.~ns came bOllndlnb out-Into the fiy· uOlI ho bOllght n lathe In Athens nnd they hn\'e growL., so thnt a promising Australian empOror recently conferred paper. or course It stuck to their did some careful measuring, To his sort [or their conJ'Uons may be Be· a high decoration. commnnded the paws, and when tlley trIed lO I1cl< It on Intense surprise be fOllnd he could locted. - firSt expedition of ltallan troops In It stuck to their laces and honds. The detect the errors. Tbere were none Each appl1cntlon must be separate Tripoli In 1911 aOlI was thv IIrst go\'· lions promptly fOrgot all nbout humnn 110' thought ,he wae going to denl with and must be shwed by the appi!ennt. ernor o[ the new ltal!nn colony 'on beings. and In tbelr wild endeavors to tontlls of nn Inch. but be found he nad Onlv ono sample of groin and one of tho northern coast of Africa. He get rid of tbe fiypapers, rolled over to denl with hundredths.' How potntoes cnn be se!lt to each farm. hOlds the highest rank In the nrmyl and over on the, ground, ronrlng nnd fl'e Greeks did It he did not unller· Appllcntlons on nny kind of printed nfter the king himself. that of 'gen' Oghtlng tor brealil. Then tho hend s. nnd, He could not comprehend, the form cannot ho acccpted. t! two or ernlo d·esorclto.' man nnd bls followers rushed forward physlcnl menns of ,Iolng It on that more samples nro asked lor In the with long ropes. lassoed the plung· scnle. That was only nu Instnnce of snme letter only one will be sent. Was He Sacked Ing Ilons and tied t.bem up-tlypaper how much building could 'teaCh them. As the supply-of seed Is I1mlted. fnr· h h benevolent old gentleman and al!. ' Who could appreciate tbe accurncy, thc mcrs arc advised to apply cnrly, but T aug n ------sense of perfcctlon, and the scnse 01 the nppllcatlons w!l1' not necessar!ly nn(1 a 1,lnd omployer, Mr. Jones de- Mlnard's Liniment 01 hth I

I hi h elded that. so far as his omce·boy. ures p er a.

'hcnuty, II wo had not these materlnl hr filled <in the exact order n w C Alexander Knldwln. was concerned, remains? Then If they looltcd a \!t. thev are 1 C<lolved. Preterence w!l1 - . lie Inter, let them consider how mls· w'ays be "Iven to '.h<- most ·lhougbt· the l!a11t at his patience had been

Why, Indeed? A certnln cnptnln bnd been lectur·

Ing hIs new recruits at some length on 'Tho Duties of a Soldier. At Inst he thought tbe lime hud come to fiud out just whut he had accomp!1shod,

ernlilo was the grenter part c[ the ful nnd explicit requests Appllca· renched. I hlstorle. of the emprrors. What did Uons recelv .. d orler the end 01 January The boy must be sn:ked,

they umlcrsland of Rome? They wlll prbbllbly be too late. He had arrived a quarter of an bour der.loO(lthe Oo!!setlm-the mlljesty All nppUcntlons ror grain (an<1 nil' late yestelday, ten minutes lnte the

nncl the cruelty of It-the,' could un· pllcntion" from the provinces of On· day before, 'nnd this morning-Mr. derstnnd the mngnlncent temples. the tnrla nnd Quebec (or potatoes) shouhl Jooes glanced at'the office clocl(-the grent archltegture. and they coulll se" be ad(lressed to the Do ... lnlon Cereal· lad was already twenty minutes over· from thet whnt Rome wns far better hIt. Central Experimental Fnrm. UllLa-1 dU;~eCISelY nine minutes later he en· than hy rendln~ all the Imllcrlnl his· wa. Stich appllcntlons require no tered tbe office In tbe quiet. unobtrus· torlans. A nd If they looked a \!to postage. II otherwise nddressed d tIc later, what wns there In the whole lav an(1 (lIsllppolntment may occur. Ive manner of one prepared for trou· writings of the thlrteenlh century 'Appl!cat!ons for potntoes, from fnrm· ble: A: horrid snenee ensued. Thlelnl: w11lch gn\'e them GUc!' a perfect picture ers In any other province sl1Oul<I be And what excuse have YOIl got I s o( the modlaeval mind as Salisbury addres!H'(\ (postage prepaid) to the Su· morning? demanded Mr. Jones In the Cnthe(lrol? He ventured to give thesc perlntendent 01 the nearest brnnch fiercost voice thnt lie could muster. , Tbe-er-Ice on the pavements. slrl ns lIitlstrations of th- vahle of the mn· of the EXperimental Fnrm In tbat stammered Mnster Alexander. It-er terlol civilisation 01 the peoplp because vince. -every step I-er-took-L er-9l1p· he thought they cOIl1<1 ascertain ond ped back two. foel rmd l<now about the clvlllzntion of 'Thousands ot mothers can testify to Mr. Jones glared at the lad. Which Ihey had material remains. They the virtue. of Mother Graves' Worm Indeed' he remarl(ed with calm de-pnnhled Ulem to understand the feel· Exterminator, becanse they know from liberation. Then pray, bow did you Ings. sentiments. nnd !tlcnls of those experience how I"elul It Is, get here at all? hygonc men from tholr literature. Tho I Never thonght I sbould sir, replied question of mnterlnl evidences might The Mistake of HI. Life the incorrigible one. suddenly and hnp pep", a dend and (lull thing. but he ven· BlutTer bO\1nc~d Into the club. j~m' plly Inspired-that Is, till I decided to tured to think thev wore ns much n , turn bnck home. I<ey to the mental rleslgns nnd powers mod bls bnt down on the tnble with a os an" other lorm o[ expresslon.-Prof. "er~e resollndlng bam~. nnd fiung him· -.------F\!n{)crs 1'"lrle In a'ldrosc to Authors self I~to nn easy choir. ' . Willie ,laG the Patient Cluh, London. What's wrong today, Blurrer? You Small ot stntue, pale, and troubled·

look bnd. looking, WHile was Inclined to be the ----- -' \iu.bnn<l's old clothps In the spring, nnd he ,vanIa to snve nbout five suits In rnse h~ goes nailing.

He never I'0es fi.hlnll hut he hates 10 nart with his old dottles.

Mr nnd lITTS. Wombnt were having th~ annual hattie.

I thlnlt I'll ~Ivp. nwns Ihls old suit, doltr. If •• evPII yenrs old.

13ut t mIght wnnt to woar thnt suit to 1';0 fishing In.

I'll never forget myself, T kloked butt of his fellow-schoolmntes. who a man out o[ my house.lnst night! were tensing und worrying him. Who

Humplll ,I've ltlcked out mnny a Is yer doctor? was a lavol'lte question onp.. young fellow. I suppose' from tbo "ullles. W!1Ile stood It as

No: past middle ago; long ns he could, nnd then one dllY he Well. these old codgers'havg no busl- let go hard as the usunl offensive

neRS coming arollnd courting young quor;- wns flung at his dlmlnlsbed girls. 1 would have Idcl<ed him out bend. mYRelf. t hnyen'! any doctOr at nil!

Ye-s: hutl have found out since thnt ed the boy, with cnlm dIgnity. this man wasn't courting my daughter. Then 110 you ever tnl(e any

Casting his eye over the room. he fixed It on Prlvnte'Murphy as his tlrst ,'lcUm. Private Murphy. he aslted. why should a soldier be rendy to die I for his coun try 1 ,

The private scratched his head ror a while; then nn Ingrntlatlng smile f1!tted across his face. Sure. capt"lu, he snld. plensnntly, you're quito right. Why sbould he?

James started his third helping of pudding with delight. Once upon a time, James, admonished his mother, there wns a little boy who nte too mucb pudding and he burstl!

James considered There aln't no sucb thing as too much pudding. ho decided.

Tbere must be. contended bls mOlb· er, else why did the muo boy burst?

Jamcs passed his plntc for the lourtb Um". saying! Not enougb boy!

Going to the blackboard the teacher wrote this sentence: Tho borso nnd the cow was In the stnble.

Now cblldron, she said. there Is something ",rang with thnt son tence. Who can correct It and lol! why It Is wrong?

One sma1\ boy waY cd his hand cx· cltedly and the tencher cn1\ed upon him.

It's wrong, be said with Importnnce.

Not tills suit This Is Il dress dear.

Most chll[}r~n nre Incl!nod to be nfrnld of 'the [\(\rl(. but much depend. upon the mnnn(,T 111 which they have heen taught. . 13eglr. ~nrly to' MSU"C them that there Is nothing to (eRr, and n~v('r allOW nnY one to tell them silly

lIe wns nfter my mother·ln,law. cine? was tho next question. Oh, don't I Willie replied. Fnther',

n motber's ,. homeopnt;, my eldest sister's jolne~ the ambulnnce eluss. grandn n goes mad over every new medicine, nnd uncle's n' vet. Yes. he nUded. 'with n far·. 'lnY loolr In his eyes. and they nil oruell.e on me.

Up to Date Whnt arc you giving your cows now

In tbe wny o[ Ilnlncla,,:ogues? nsltp.d the rvlngton protessnr of the mlll,mnn.

Oh, mid the ml\ltman. who has just been graduated from Purdue and Is not to be stumped by a"y Rutlor College

a(!'o[(ue. tllelr sustennnce Is whoUy vegetable origin: rich In c1lloronhyl

and opulent In bufvrnceous QuaUtles,'

It ought to be the cow and the horse was In the stable. because Indies al· ways ought to gO first.

Warts are appear' when Corn Cure.

disfigurements that dl.s· trentod with Ilollowny's

No. sahl tbe stag.· :nanuger, you nre the heroine. You are supposed to surrer more than anyb.ody else h: the

You must put yourss\! Into n f"ITnn of mind whl~b reprC<lents grlet

remorse. witch and ghost stories.

- '. 'Hard to Please t A pint. II you plense, said the pr'!·

BUBllle .. . 'Hamlet-+lhy Is It. Simon.) tbat tliey always hnve "load hounds In Uncle Tom's CabIn show?

, Glt up! said the mHkmnll.

1 '

An Artist That womnn can do nnythlng

figures. t I

Whnt Is she? a bookkeeper? No. Sbe·. IL dressmaker.

Some men are born g6Cd: others have gooduess thrust upon them by their wives.

1 know. replied the leading woman: I'll try to make myself be!\eve I am one of'the people wbo paid $2 to see tbls play.

There's less In the gnrment tban In tbo way It Is worn. There wns never it time when the modest., no matter.what,the fashions, did not look modest. , , ,


~A'" IiIiI PllilIIti. Simeon r;egree-cTo lind the

nger on salnry ~.nys my boy. -----• Hoop skirts aro said to be' comln~ back and man m \y as well prepn" to give liP his right to the one book I the clotbes closet Ulll~ has been grant·


LUMSDEN DLDQ.(ah=~III"o"oNTO, WI fire 'Off rCRNO. ., • N.~mJ.

t' • Nothing Left , ·Jteport~r~I would like· to get sornel delalls of yosterday'sl, ;;;~;~;d:~~:,~;~,)1

Mrs. Parvenu-I'm s thln"i(ls eaten up.

• •. :.c.:'=':.:.c:c.."-'-'-"

cd to him, • _" , ' , t t ! •

was school

polI'tlcal Economj Teacher-Now, who can tell mo

whnt polltlclll economy la? Mike' (embryo',rrnmmllny statesmnn)

--'Gollln' tho 'moaC"\'.ltes 'rot 'Lho IOllst

t aaw Hnns

money. , ' " , " , .


Loadc'd "l.'itll· BIJwk or SIIIOkclcss Powder Winchester Cartridge'S and Wlnchest'er Rifles are

made In the same factory and tested logether. , Hence tbe best resnlts are always obtained when tbey" are used

with each other. Moreover, the knowledge obtained in the manufacture of firearms, gIves the Winchester Com­

. patlYI an advantage in making cartridges for nil kinds of rifles. El9 they know their reqUlrements. Winchester .228, hoth bh,ck and smokeless, are mndo in nil of this

caliber and w1i1 surely give the best results in your rifle. The smokeless cartridges are loaded WIth Grease_

less Bullets, which do not soil the hnnds or clolhing.




Can alw.y. make lure t:f getting the highest price. for WHEAT. OATS, BARLEY .nd FLAX. by shipping their c.r lob to FORT WILLI.o.M AND ,",ORT ARTHUR and hOilvlng them aold on commlulon b:



, , '



CANAilA TO'EUROPE (direct) Carrylnf) One CI"&8 Cabln.OIl and "third Class

In the cnbln (II) pnsaengOlti have the bc~\. accommodlLtions III 8econd Clua ralca. Comfort and economy comhllwd. 'I

, '5.5. 'ANDANIA and ALAUNIA NflW 191a..:-13.400 Tons '~ach" I Newest Vessels In th" Canadian ServIce.

MAGNIFICENT APPOINTMENTS Lounge, Gymnasium, Drawing Room. Smoking Room, Open and Covered

Promenades, Spacious· Staterooms S.S. ASCANIA and AUSONIA

10.000 TONS (New 1911) 8.000 TONS (New 1909)



\ ,

1 /1


The Cunard Llno hus long br.en rnmOU8 ror the comfort and luxury ot tts pu­Hcngcr accommodation, and In this, BB in other I e!!pect8. tl1e~"tenm6n ..... 4

In the Cnnndinn service mnlntnln the hh:;hc8t r('putntion of the Company SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SAILING \




-THE CUNARD STEAMSHIP CO •• LIMITEO~ 304 Morn Street, Winnipeg Send tor uoolclct. M(I(lH~rrnn~nn l~gyllt1fln. Adrlntlo CIU\f;CB

"2 in 1" and· "3 in 1"

VVashboards . ,

Just as good as Eddy's Matches

I ,J Keeping a Secret Agnes-Can you keep a 'secret? Emma-Well, to bo lranlt, dear-no, cun't. Agnes-'l'hen I'd better tell you tbat

George nnd I aro to be married noxt month.

Some l,ben"try to console themselves the thought that they could be

.bel,ter If they tried. ", ._..,...-ZlIlu prince who la p.\ylng his

nt Barvnrcl worltlng os n walter the right kind of stull In him and be a Pullman parler some dny.

No other Washbollrds have the :lIne crlmpod LJ,Y ~ no method pecu­liar to EDOY S W;'llhbo~rds This patented process eliminates the dilnger of torn IInenB-the nbuse of hands-the unpleasantness Of wash-day. )\

\ It assurDI ( omfort nnd ecOnomy to tile greatest degree. Insist on E.DDY'S.

Nawsty ASker-What did you glvo lor, that

car'! Te1l!tt-Toolt It for debt-cbap ow04

me a thousand dollnrs. Asker-Ah! Do YOll stand &IIJ'

chnnce 01 getting the otbcr nine bllJllo dred

. Conceit ncts ns n pneumatic Ure ..

cnrry n man smoothly over many • roug!: jolt.

There Is alwnys n woman In tile world about wbom some unworldJi man thlnl<s nil the world. h .... '



I • I ,

Page 8: Cash Stora, Lavanham · was gi\'en in the fourth room of tbe ... rlcc red blood, which out Nl'rvl!lne I hn.


, , :

, ,

I I, ,

, ,


, ,

PAY'S Whl1., )lIDllob. h ju.all)'

prou.t. of • h. qwlllY ot ber Wb_~! 'he reA,OIl. (or uralua .n. <;11110.01 Mlud Far",1 .r. ~ til. IDd nco,ulled ••• u~ by .. U lbltlk,nl rumen tinct bUllae .. weD alike.

MJ:ud farmlp& dODi DI)t WeaD tb., wbell.L ,bou\t.I COBM ,"0 be II. .t.ap\& crop: lUereh' tltat. \tifou,b lHIU,er furmlug ''0 cUD 'llrow wore wb •• ' 00 fev:or Il~rol I&od r.ap tarllr "roti\l per bu.-

bet .~e '1UD-e..L1me CUb8DdDi re~ eD"bro~Lber cbauDul ••

~o"ber(l CUD food. for .lock btl arown more "ucce •• ruth' cbou to ".Dltoba. We eaD produce .. hlMh Q.uulltv of auhnal1 Bod I;t.UlJDlll pwuut::t.I, tho lUarkuL ut{orll e,erf~.uoourH"uwoLit. ~ud clUB u will be 11 c~rLllluLY of Uo-iludal r'1B\llu. •

AlI •• ct F.rwluH wlll.lto help to .u\n LlJ. labor probltuu •

Do Your Part Thill DoportmlDt of '\lIrrtcul\uro, abl)" ,upported

b, t.b" .Alrlol.lltural S(.ICIDt.l.,. of the ProvluCle, ,h. "l'rll;;ulturdt prell, the nowlV.tJerJI liod \ob. "ruu.pur­Catloo camp.ule.. to puttlolf forLb eyef)' etfort to fOI".r Improved method, or rumioi, liod improved COGUlLluu. ID the bom.. .

Let u. ~.III 10U, WRItE '0 .be a'aolloba DopartmeDI of Allrl·

c\llture. or to tbu Monltoba. Agricultural Colleco, for tbformalloD 00 '11.0' puaIB uf Lb. ,Dod wor\.:- \U,at

tutarelU )'ou.

HON, -OEORGE LAWRENCE Minister of Agriculture nnd tmmigration',


OUr Trade, Mark .. ~,

As the cadle' 0/ the

Hen has always been the

wcal Trade Marll oftMfr~~h egg, Quality" Ser-

1Iiee 'a"d Salis/ .i a"d al'WIJYs wm be 'he T"ade MarA 0/ tM O"tario Wi"d E"girte & 'Pllmp, Co.'s, Gaso-

line E'If;irte~, ;Vi"d "fills, Willi DrUls, .Gt·jnders, Scales, Saw!'

and Pump /ae):s. . -

...... ....,- " ....

;: ; F


THE CORNER STORE "_~".4~" •.• ' ... _~.I ... -~ .... ' ...... -..... ... ,R~th'~eli Loc~i1~i ,Co~res.pondence.' i luterolr.h.llr Itelul abont Peovle and Ev- • :

THE "CORNER STORE - -enn in HBLbwoU and DJltrict.·. '.OK DI~TUI0TCOkaCaI'QN.DRNT!. • ". " , . .. -~ .... , ........... ~...... . .... -.......... .

, ,OLIVE . Politics!' " , , , Waicb out,for Capt. Rackett. Predictors of storws are still out,

. Jas. Sbarp shipped a CQr at stock


The p,upils of the Louise school are arraoRiDg to hold a basket social in tbE scbool on Friday even· iDg, Dec. '19th., at elgbt o·clocl.:. All ladies' are requested tq cOllie with well 6!1ed baskets.

Our Car of Winter Apples Has Arrived \ .

tbis week, Invitations are out for the 5.0 E.

ball on Dec. 26th.

Get your supply now while you can hav'e plenty of choice in your s.election.

Weather tou fine ,to last more tban six months longer.

LAVENIIAM Geo. Forbes is bome ju~t nolV, after havio&, ~een witb the C. P,. R. for tbe last montb or two.

E. Henry's new pool raoUl is the town's attraction at preseDt.

Fresh Stock of Groceries Miss Mercy, of Tn­

herDe, ,spent tbe' week·end witb Mr. [Ind Mrs. J. J. Ransoo.

l\Ir. WilkiDs, 1. H. C. collector, was in tOWU 'la~t wetk in ;:flarcb of that evil genius, casb,

\Ve have a fresh lot of, Raisins, Currants, Peels, etc., for the Christmas trade.

= A. Edwards, wbo ha~ been with Ias, Sbarp for the past year. lert on Silturday to t:lkt: 1\ position at


How do you likt the weatber? 'P. Most of Ihe farwers are husy get- Phone 32 == R.. l"cLAC H "...,AN .. Rathwell

ing out their wiDter's SUp~y of I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"~~~~~~~~~:F~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!I On Mood[lY, Dec. 220d., Beau· sale scbool bouse \vil! be tbe 5C!:De of a concert and Xmas tree. Every· one is welcome. Don't forget the dn v, time' and place, performance st(\rt~ at 8 p.;n. A colle'cll all will be token during tbe e\'enIDg to cover the expenses, There will be

fire wood. • ' :-:.-. . -.-

00 charge at the door. Thl! "Five R's." reading club

met at the,bome of Dr. aod M~s., Matt on Saturday last. After' the huur at study, games were pl!ly(d which appeared to he appreciated by all present. A dainty IUDeb was sen'ed at the close. The next

, '

meeting will be beld at tbe: scbool, J ' commencing at tbe usual bour-

7:30. Even'hody welcome. The Misses Tarbath were" At

Home" 'ou Friday eveDing last, Dec. ~th., to the, members of East . , Treherne Sunday ~chool. Ahout 35 Illembers \vere tbere nnd all en­joyed tbemseh'es to 'the utmost' and spoke most bighly about the capo:

The bunters turned out IDst purts in the cOUledy 5ketch-",Hi~ Monday wc;ruiug ~s if going to Model Wife" was equal to any star S"OPS fall-Ing Ha-If war. Il is boped tbey will be l'Ompany wbich ever visited most t successful. of the big cities. Favoured with a

beautiful night tbe school bouse Mr. uuel Mrs, Alex. Hird left was packed' to its utmost anr! ever),­

here last TbUlsday 1l10rlliDg en one went a.way delighted. I think route to CtiicBgo. Aurma. Toronto I bave tbeCl'oic~ of tbe commuDity and other eastelll points. n wishing every member universul

Corfield aud Cvx, Portage COli. success 1l0W as ill the future. I, all stables, were succes5ful ill caplur. lehalf of Boyne Creek, eKteud tht! iug the burglar wbo was raidillg all sincerest thanks to the Treheroe the tOWIlS uloug this line, Cboral and Dramatic Society for a

mORt enjoyable evening's enter·


Say, where Cbristmas? .

ainment. Wednesday night's dis, piny ought to go a loog way to· wards bringing a gamily nl1l1Jber

are rOll goillg for from tbis district iu tOllCh with

Life is too short to talk about the weatber.

L. Mallatt was a Treherue visitor

thew again in their own town wb(n tbe well kt;O·,.,.n OFera plav is pro­duced, viz-' 'Tbe Geisha".

Hall's Hair Renewer certainly stops falling hair. No llonbt abo\lc it wh'lL­ever. You will £lIrel" be satislietl.

" ======~~:-=-=====-===



A geueral fiuallcinl business conI ducted. Money to loall ou rcn­property at lowest rates. Insur· ance aud real estate agent. Re· presenti!1g 0\1 tbe best loan aud in· suraouce companies.

OO~~~~~i~~~~"~~~~~® ~ ~ ~ ~

~ T. C. Forbes ~ --- ~ ~ Don't forl?,et to wear youI' wbite At the premises of the owner, l: Rathwell ' ~

during tbe week. Auction Sale

~ ~

suit wbile deer bunting. H. L, I,oUtlsbury, s. c. :26·8-10, 4 le -®- .) ~ ~

PROFESSIONAL CARDS ~,--------------------------


--------------~------DR. LAMONT

M. D' I ~.M. UuhoraiLV 0' 1IIlultoL,a. irnlluoto.


Otl108 aud relhlauae, Horne St. PUOU& 2"

~.----------------------~'~----llORDAUNT G. DUNDAS, 111. D.

M .1l.C.!!. ENG., L.B.A. I.ON. Coro".r.

Otllco Dull ItDlldono,,: Grillu SLrllt;t.. 'l'rouel08.

omos Houri ~ - - g to.ll a. UJ. - 'l Lu S lJ. ttl

W. A. MOTT, ~!. D. CcrcnUf"

lJroudWHY ." Ihthwell, Mau,

~.----------~-----'--~-~-----DR DUNDAS' PRl\'ATli 1I0SPl'rAI.

FOU tbo trontruont 01 medlcal,lIuriieal nod uccouclllnont COIIot. For tOI m. appi)' to-

DU. DONDAS,'l'rouorDO, 1IUtl.

O. A. ROWz"IAN, V.S., n,v SC.

Y E'l'EU I Nl\ Il'i Sun{UOU aud DuoLIBt. ootco in Srnllh'tt L~ivt!r)' SLub)D!!. Uruulh,.y.

OtltOIl IIhouo No. Ii, ulaht "hOllO, No, lHt. TREHEIINR. MAN.


bilities of the hostesses as e~ter. tainers. During tbe evening music and'game~ were indulged in, anJ a daioty little ~l\pper brougbt the'remembered c\'ening to

a close.

Miss J. IIcndcrsou is, visiting miles north west of Treberne, on ~: Money to LOan on [m- :.l Will bo ot Drug Blor •• HothwoU .• ver)'1'hura<1.y

frieuds at Indian ford this week. Tuesday, Dec. 16th., cOlllmencfllg ~: proved Farn! Property at low- :.l at I o'clock. ~. est rat!!s of Illt,crest. Leading .. ) .,


, J. H. Sbarpiu arrived bome 011 Wcd\ll!~clay, ~rom P;etty Vallo,:.


HORSlls-Black' mare, 9 years t: FLoan Comparnles represented. :~ •• -~----------------------, " , ,~ arm Lands or s~le. .) old; roan mare, 13 years old; bny (e" .) j' DR. A. W. lit VI.ES

" Ii "

i 8

J usf ,opened up, a nice assortment ~of fa'ucyXmas Chinaware, something one , might appreciateas a Xmas. present.


I'B~Y:)'OtlrSllPPI)' for the Christm,a.s'Cakes,

" ,we' are fully stocked.

Alm~ndsand Walnuts at 45c .. and 50c~, per Ib," , :: t

We sball appreciate ,your examining tbis lit ore,

and, pricin~ anyt~ing: in

1" "

SMIT'H' ~B,RO_ SOccellDrl'to D. G, Mc:GC)o)Illn.

Telephone' No. 39. -" . - ... ~

.. --~




l.mas· 'e, , :

Owing to tbe ~pecial revival meetings: ,in Calvin, Church, tYle Y~P.S.C.E. bave not been balding

ItD'Clr iuid:week ~Ieetings, but will begio again on the coming Wedoes· day. Dec.' I 7tb. As this is prayer meeting n'igbt. tbe praver'meeting committee will h[lve charge. Elec­'tion of officers·for the comiDg year will also i'ake place. The"pr~sident and others would like to s~e n good atte\ldance alit ou Wednesday next, as tbis is Ii very, important meeting: Come BOll bring ~ friend.

The following are tbe new officers , 1 ' -

of Lodge Holly" No. 198, S. 0, E.

mare,6 years 'old, in' foal', bhllk ~: •• , M, •• IAlif L1C1NSfSllISUtl ••• :. OenU,t. D.D.8 .. L.D.S. 0111 •• In Ahle. . (. e1 Hlock, 'fruhurUUt RQUfB :-9 to 121l.m; 1 !SO

horse. 9 ,years old; bay horse, 10 ®!,!.!.!<&,P..."~JI"'.!l~~" t08 p,m,; ofoulU' und Sunduro by "I,pol,,'

Mrs. Alex., Morrison speut a few ,nOll'. days last ~eek visiting her sbter at years 01e1; brown colt, 3 years old --------------------.-----

MISCKIA.ANICO(]I! in,April; brown driver, C) yellr!l old; [F.t " II n ill ' Carrol, Man:" I . I , ')?'f co t. rl~111g 2 years; ronll co t, H sp;;:~~:~c:h~VI:I::fe:~~ee~:diu bte:il~ :lsl:::~f~~~~·~~_;~.:!t:g~~S~a~~~~~~ ~ ,R TI1'IUS 11SOtl~' e~I-Ala!."!bweEnLI1L tOhoUrllUSgell_ ~ -----J'-U-~-l~-~-C.-:~-~-~o-T-O-N-----dIstrict, left on 'l'hursdar for his bOK; 2 gall!; plows; 2 walking m ,'- ill ANDREWS 8< ANDRIlWS hOllle in IO'wa, U. S. A. plows; set of -l.section barrows;:I I\, renovated. Special altention ~

, l>iDders;' shoe drill; boniog mill: to cuisine and table sen'kc.

Quite a crowd assembled Oil bugg\'. ,;" ~ • CrescentLakt; ooe' night 'last week, M ISCIlLLANllrJUS- -Cow, 9 yea rs The Patronnge' of tho' Public Is

Hockey playing aud skating w"erc,told, due'in January; 6 loads of bar- '~ Solicited, ~ the order of tile' evening. Those ley sheaves; stove; organ: ~

, did nqt wish' to ,take part in TERMS-$IO.~o al1d,unde~, cas1.l; W. H. Vansickle • - Prop. either en joyed themselves by ~~~ ~~i~::::,~~:tte::s~10n;~e'r~~:~~~ m '. i Llvel;: In Conne~t!on. I( m watchio,g ~:b~ ·otbers'.' discouot, ' ua. .. .. .

. ,~ . , At tlie 'premises of the owner,

Mrs. G~o.' DuseigDI:" s. w. ' 2'7 9, Mc)osl~ I I ~ miles west of·N. D. de Lourdes.

on 'ThllTsday, Dec. 18th:, com­mencing' at 12 o'clock. Lunch,wil lie sen·ed. ' . ~ - . " , '

HORSJ>s--Black mare" 8 \' 0Id;'6I!i~k horse'" 9 'years' old; black mare, 8' yea~s'old,in foal;,bay , 9 years old, in foal; bay borse,

CODo,I' old; b~~wn'mare; '()' years

, "

O.laB18Taaa 60,

OFF1CE!:J llallWMY Ave., Troboruo, Waul\ob •• ~olloltou for the aaDaulRD tilluk of Cow·

morae, lhlUk or l!uullitou, aud for AlullleitUllitY of tioU1.h Norfolk.

F ( 11. ~IITcHliir., D. A. , , ATTORNEY ,\T LAW. Olliee al A.lllarLlu't

&,a8UOY. Urol4dwa, t 'freh.rue. '

AI.FRED MARTIN FIR}:, Hall. Llfa null Accldont Inlaranoe

Aaront, MurtKaK'a an,) Real Iht.,e. Ottlc. on Hroad",.y, Troboro8, boun, i till!:}. C()w· ml •• luDor for tll.klu6( AIBCla,lh.


No. 51,A .F.& A.M. Meeb Frida)" 00 or before

tbe tullwOOD,io the 'MlUonla OoU. Vltll/., brl,broD oordlall, waloolU e.


~i'rl.o;;. " m .... In .b. 10 e'Ylulu. at IS v. W •

.. o"dle, •• I''1 welcome, J. Cuulter. It.8


BOY NE L. O. L. No.17ltO, mftBtI on Tuellla,. en •• DIDg ou or bolorolh.'nU'of .b. woon, 10 aI~I •• ' H.II. Vltllin. br~tbr"l a,w.,e woloom.,

HI.blrd Del.buDt, R, S. ,\Vir, ~"t W ,.II