Download - Case No.: IT-09-92-T • Prosecution · UNITED NATIONS International Tribunal for the Case No.: IT-09-92-T • Prosecution of Persons . Responsible for Serious Violations of Date:



International Tribunal for the Case No.: IT-09-92-T Prosecution of Persons

• Responsible for Serious Violations of Date: 21 November 2017 International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the

Original: EnglishFormer Yugoslavia since 1991



Decision of:


Judge Carmel Agius, President

Mr. John Hocking

21 November 2017






The Office of the Prosecutor: Mr. Peter McCloskey

Counsel for the Accused: Mr. Branko Lukic Mr. Dragan Ivetic

114739IT-09-92-TD114739 - D11473521 November 2017 SF

I, CARMEL AGIUS, President of the International Tribunal Persons

Responsible Violations International Humanitarian Law Committed in the

of the former Yugoslavia 1991 ("President" "Tribunal" respectively);

BEING SEISED of "Urgent Motion to Reconsider Decision 13 November 2017" by

Mladic ("Mladic") on 16 November 2017 ("Defence Motion"), whereby Mladic that I

reconsider the on Three Motions" issued by myself on 13 November 2017

("Impugned Decision") "and the originally sought"; I

NOTING "Prosecution Response to Motion to Reconsider Decision of

13 November 2017" filed by the 'V'u>",,,, of the Prosecutor the Tribunal ("Prosecution") on

16 November 2017 ("Prosecution Response"), whereby Prosecution submits it finds

nothing in Defence Motion that would justify reconsideration of Impugned Decision;2

NOTING the "Addendum to: Urgent Motion to Reconsider Decision 13 November 2017" filed

by Mladic on 17 lJelreni:::e Motion Addendum"), whereby Mladic submits,

alia, that evidence that to """"1."""">,, without undertaking prior a

Medical visit to diagnose assess his medical and

with a result,,;3

NOTING the Addendum to: Urgent Motion to Reconsider

13 November 2017" by Mladic on 20 2017 ("Defence Motion Second


Addendum"), Mladic argues, inter alia, m latest


NOTING in the Impugned Decision, I, inter alia, one filed by Mladic ',U"'HH"''''-'U

the remainder of thatinsofar as it was inappropriately or filed me,

motion, dismissed two motions filed by Mladic in entirety;5

RECALLING that reconsideration is permitted, inter where an decision presents a

clear error of or particular justify its reconsideration order to avoid an " . 6InJusuce;

1 Defence para. 26, 2 Prosecution Response, para. 1. 3 Defence Motion Addendum, para, 10. 4 Defence Motion Second paras referring to Fourth Registry Submission in Relation to Defence Motion on the Provision of Medical Records, 13 November 2017 (public with confidential and ex parte anrleX(!S

. ("Fourth Submission m Relation to Defence Motion on Access to Medical Vl'l,lliVIJ'''', 16 November 2017 (confidential and ex Further Submission in Relation to Defence Motion on Access to Medical 17 November 2017 and ex parte). 5 See Impugned para. 48.

Case No. IT-09-92-T


RECALLING further that, where an impugned decision constitutes review of an administrative

decision, "new facts arising after the relevant administrative decision would not constitute a valid

basis for reconsideration, as they were not before the Registrar when he reached his decision,,;7

NOTING that Mladic argues that the Impugned Decision should be reconsidered "insofar as it was

made before new circumstances and infonnation were available to the Registrar and therefore it is

based on a clear error of reasoning and reconsideration is necessary to prevent an injustice,,;8

CONSIDERING that, to the extent Mladic bases his submissions on this argument, he is incorrect

at law and his submissions are accordingly dismissed; ·

RECALLING in any event that, in relation to MladiC's request for a medical visit pursuant to

Rule 31 of the Rules Governing the Detention of Persons A waiting Trial or Appeal Before the

Tribunal or Otherwise Detained on the Authority of the Tribunal ("Rule 31 Medical Visit"),9

I declined in the Impugned Decision to examine MladiC's submissions on the basis that they were

prematurely raised before me as President; 10

CLARIFYING that I did not rule on the merits of these submissions because, based on the

infonnation available to me as of the date of the Impugned Decision, no final decision relating to

the Rule 31 Medical Visit had yet been taken by the Registrar;ll

CONSIDERING that, in these circumstances, if Mladic wished to challenge any such decision

taken by the Registrar after the Impugned Decision was issued, a request for reconsideration of the

Impugned Decision was not the correct course of action;

NOTING further that Mladic wrongly suggests that I decided in the Impugned Decision that I "lack

authority over the matters raised in the Defence filings",12 and submits that if the Impugned

6 Prosecutor v. Radovan Karadzic, Case No. IT-95-5/18-T, Decision on Request for Review of Decision on Defence Team Funding, 31 January 2012 ("KaradzicDecision of 31 January 2012"), para. 38. 7 Karadz;c Decision of 31 January 2012, para. 38. I note that, while the Defence Motion cites paragraph 37 of the Karadzic Decision of 31 January 2012 in setting out the applicable law governing the President's reconsideration of an administrative decision, the Defence Motion conspicuously neglects to refer to paragraph 38 of this decision (Defence Motion, para. 4). 8 Defence Motion, para. 5. 9 Rules Governing the Detention of Persons Awaiting Trial or Appeal Before the Tribunal or Otherwise Detained on the Authority of the Tribunal, IT/38/Rev. 10, 15 November 2016. 10 Impugned Decision, para. 46. II I note that such decision was taken on 13 November 2017 after the Impugned Decision was filed (See Fourth Registry Submission). I note in this regard that the Impugned Decision was distributed by the Registry at 12:34 on 13 November 2017, while the Fourth Registry Submission was distributed at 18:12 on the same day. 12 Defence Motion, para. 8. See Defence Motion, paras 9, 12.

2 Case No. IT-09-92-T 21 November 2017


Decision is not this would to the conclusion that does not any organ

within the [Tribunal] that authority to action'",J3

RECALLING that, the Impugned Decision, I dismissed MladiC's submissions to extent they

ro"nro,,,",,,-,,,," matters within the ....'V,,,.....,« of Trial '-'""",,,OJ,",,' I of the ("Trial Chamber"),

and not the President,14 and that as the date Impugned Decision, Mladic had not

decisions; 15

RECALLING further that I decided in Impugned Decision that, while I could dismissed

MladiC's remaining submissions on the that he not clearly judicial of

any administrative decision taken by the bases of review, I

nevertheless ,",V",,,,.'......,,, his submissions on an exceptional basis, taking into account the Registrar

had also substantive submissions before me, and the interests expediency judicial


RECALLING in respect I specifically considered addressed Mladic's numerous

submissions regarding the Registrar's decisions of Mladic's medical

records; 17

CONSIDERING any event since Mladic now the final his medical

""""",,,,,,,18 there is no for any further intervention on my part;

CONSIDERING that also appears to seek reconsideration of the Impugned

u,e'VHkl as it to his a waiver immunity, no whatsoever to


this request reconsideration; 19

13 Defence Motion, para. 12. 14 Impugned Decision, para. 30. See Impugned Decision, paras 5, 7, 13, referring to Decision on Motion to Compel Registrar and United Nations Detention Unit to Provide Medical Records, 20 2017; Decision on Second Additional Submission in of Urgent Defence Motion to Registrar and United Nations Detention Unit to Provide Medical 23 October Decision on Defence Motions, 10 November 2017 Chamber Decision of 10 November 2017"). I note in particular that the Trial Chamber found that Mladic failed to demonstrate that his health warrants cancellation of the scheduled delivery of the trial and the issuance of a stay of proceedings Chamber Decision of 10 November 2017, p. 3). 15 See Motion to Reconsider Decision on Defence Motions of 10 November 2017 or in Alternative (sic) Motion for Certification to Appeal, 17 November 2017; Addendum to: Motion to Reconsider Decision on Defence Motions of 10 November 2017 or in Alternative Motion for Certification to Appeal, 20 November 2017. See also Decision on Motion to Reconsider Decision on Urgent Defence Motions of 10 November 2017 or in the Alternative Motion for Certification to Appeal, 21 November 2017. 16 Decision, paras 33-34. 17 Decision, paras 35-43. 18 See Defence Motion, para. 16. 19 See Defence Motion, para. 25.

3 Case No. IT-09-92-T 21 November 2017


CONSIDERING that Mladic otherwise fails to demonstrate any clear error. of reasoning in the

Impugned Decision or particular circumstances justifying reconsideration of the Impugned Decision

in order to avoid an injustice;

HEREBY DISMISS the Defence Motion.

Done in English and French, the English text being authoritative.

Judge Carmel Agius President

Dated this twenty-first day of November 2017, At The Hague, The Netherlands.

[Seal of the Tribunal]

4 Case No. IT-09-92-T 21 November 2017