Download - Carolina, Dante, Daniela


Danny Tom Kathy Aruna

They are very excited and happy with their band formed by two others friends, Danny and Aruna

They were getting ready to compete in the “battle of the bands”, because they wanted to be famous and the whole world to hear their songs.

Tom and Kathy are boyfriends

Kathy was so excited that they had been accepted at the competition that she accidentally broke Tom’s guitar.

Instantly she felt so guilty that she spoke to her sister, despite their differences, to borrow money to buy another one and be able to compete.

• Tom and Kathy went to buy the guitar, and they were disappointed to see that they all were very expensive. Then the shop assistant showed them an old, cheap guitar but it sounded good.

So, they bought it.

• When Tom started playing his new guitar, he became a great guitarist instantly but his behavior with the group had changed a lot.

It made everyone worry, specially Kathy.

Kathy was very sad, so when she arrived home she began to write a song that talked about how badly she felt about the situation with Tom.

Kathy went to Tom's house to inspect the guitar.When she entered Tom’s room, she played the guitar, but it did not deliver any sound ! Later when she was walking down the stairs she heard noises coming from the guitar !

She quickly returned to the guitar shop and got the address of the previous owner of the guitar to find out more…

• The woman told Kathy that the guitarist of her boyfriend’s band died in a car accident after a great contest for bands. But just before that, he had also been having ploblems with the band as well.

Kathy went to the house of the former owner of the guitar and told her what was happening to Tom.


Later on, the woman’s boyfriend had recovered the guitar and then began to have strange dreams until the woman decided to sell it without his consent.

Then they began

serching at the local library all the car accidents that occurred in that year.

• Kathy told Rachel what happened and asked her for help.

When they found the crash in the archives, Rachel confirmed her theory that Tom would die the same way that David, unless they win the competition and break the curse…

 When they were at the competition Rachel told Kathy that she had continued with the investigationand found out that David’s group had won the competition, but he was still angry before the accident,so, they have to lose the competition to save him

As time went by Kathy became more and more nervous

Until she decided, to take the stage and broke the guitar into a thousand piece making everything come back to normal

Steel City didn’t won the competition, but it did not matter ... Everyone was safe and kathy and tom in love more than ever