Download - Carmel Pine Cone September 11, · iniih r wav on the Seideneck cot tage in the pine forest Mrs. Seide neck is visiting in San Francisco.


I 5 (?eYea i'1 $ 1 .5 6 ISSUED EOERY THURSDAY cl)e Copy, 5 cents•I


D evoted to the interests o f Carmel-by-the-Sea, Pebble Beach, Carmel H igh lands, Carm el V a lley

SEPTEMBER 11, 1919 C A R M E L - B Y - T H E - S E A . C A L . V O L . V , N U M . 32

Development of Banking

FacilitiesG re a t im p ro v e m e n t

lia s been m a d e in b a n k i n g fa c i lit ie s

d u r in g th e p a s t d e ­cade .

T h e F ir s t N a t io n a l B a n k o f H o n te re y is

r ig h t a b r e a s t o f th e t im es in it s e q u ip - m e n t, s u p p ly in g

fa c i lit ie s t h a t h a v e

p ro ven th e ir w o r t h

fo r e ffic ie n t se rv ic e .


BankM O N TE R E Y , CAL.

Umler U. S. G o v e rn ­ment Supervis ion


T h orou gh and accurate R ye e x ­aminations P e r fe c t f itt in g Glasses — Lenses D uplicated Save the pieces, w e do not need the p re­

scrip tion .O P T IC A L G O O D S , G O G G L E S ,


H a re - H a r k in s O p t ic a lC O M P A N Y

4 317 A L V A R A D O , M O N T F .R F .Y

P IC T U R E S H O W S I N C A R ­

M E L T I H 6 M O N T H .

Saturday, Sept- 13 — L illie Burke in “ Arms and the G irl”

Tuesday, Sept. 16 Dorothy Dalton in “ The Price Mark.”

Saturday, Sept. 20 Enid Bennett in “ The B iggest Show on Earth.”

Tuesday, Sept. 23 Charles Bay in “ His Own Home Tow n”

Saturday, Sept. 27 Vivian Martin “ The Trouble Buster”

Saturday, Oct. 4 Jack Bick­ford and Louise Huff in “ The Ghost House.”

. Lost something? Put an Ad in the Pine Cone.

G o o d rich TildesGUARANTEED 6000 MILES

I Pay the War Tax

30x3^ $18.70 Postpaid


Pacific Grove, California

9ine tHeedkjM ovies w ill continue tw ice a

week here d u rin g th is month. H ereto fo re the once a-week show began in Septem ber. A n o lh er sign o f resident and v is it in g popu ­lation grow th .

Y o u are p rotected by a $10,000 acciden t bond w h en yo u travel in C arm el G arage Stages W e are responsib le.— C . O . G oo ld .

N o tices are posted on Ocean a v ­enue announcing the intentiou of the c ity trustees to construct a coi c ete roadw ay on that street. Protests w ill be read and heard on Tuesday even in g , O ctober 7.

E u gen e Fenelon , whose return from overseas m ilita ry service was noted last week, was a week-end vis itor here.

T h e th ird qu arterly installm ent o f federal incom e and profits taxes are due and payab le to the In ternal R evenue C o llec tor next M on day. T h ose who fa il (o settle up w ill he classed as delinquents and w ill be sub ject to severe penalties.

F . M . F e ik e r o f N ew York , m anager o f th e H il l M cG row P u b ­lish in g Co., was a week-end gu est here o f Sherm an 13. W ilson and daughter.

M r. and M rs Frank M, Swasey o f B erkeley are sojourners here. Mr. Swasey is a retired newspaper man. and years ago was associated with the father o f the l ’ ine C one pub lisher on the S . 'F . B u lle tin .

JVe se ll Becw er B o a rd —C a r m e l N ew s Co , L S- SlevUv, M a n a g e r .M rs. B . N . W ilson o f Portlan d ,

O re ., cousin o f K a th yrn W ilson , a m agazine writer, who was here som e years ago, is a guest at La P laya .

Sonia, w ife o f V as lii. d ropped in unexpected ly one m orn ing last week from L os A n ge les She has been p la y in g parts in the movies at the Lasky stud io.

I f y o u rea d it in th e T in e Cone y o u m a y s a fe ly re p e a t it.

ftational B a k in g S y s te mN O W H AS A

C a rm e l Sto^eTw o Deliveries

Every Day

In charge o f Mrs. H, Aucourt

Old Bakery Ocean Avenue

Accom panied by her husband, Mrs, P. K . C ordon returned from a w eek ’s visit iu San Francisco last Saturday.

T o appear shortly in the P ine Cone : T h ir ty -s ix litt le stories tie- sc r ib in g in te restin g th ings in our country. A story every week T h e W onders o f Am erica.

T ire tenth and linnf o f the sea son ’ s afternoon concerts at Carm el H igh lan ds Inn last Sunday ga ve opportu n ity fo r Mrs. R om ayne H unk ins to be one o f the trio. S h e rendered sp len d id ly three p iano solos.

W h ile repairs aud alterations are iniih r wav on the Seideneck cot tage in the p ine forest Mrs. Seide neck is v is it in g in San Francisco. G eorge .1 ran up for the w eek­end.

M rs. A. C. Law son is lea v in g shortly for Colorado, where she w ill m ake her home with her sou B rie in a litt le town near Denver. H er cottage here has been rented for a year.

M rs. L . 0 H orn leaves Ibis week for a v isit in-Bowm an, about forty m iles north o f Sacram ento. She w ill be accom panied by Miss E llen Steel, who has been her guest, here for a mouth.




143 Alvarado st., Monterey

Mrs. Charles C lark le ft on S u n ­day for a w eek ’ s v is it in San Jose B efore com ing t o Carm el the C larks lived in San Jose n ild they have m any friends there.

T h is is vacation month at S tan­ford U n ivers ity . A m on g those o f the c o lle g e com m un ity here fo r a rest are D r J. M . S tillm an aud fam ily and P ro fessor H. D. G ray and fam ily .

Bark Stove Cones Kindling Fireplace Pitch pine

Luis Marques, Carmel, Cal.

R oy F ra ties is the first Carm el hunter to b rin g iu a deer this sea­son. H e and Pau l Stoney spotted the anim al up near the D e l M onte ranch, and the first aud on ly shot laid low Mr. Deer, at one hundred ya ids .

A tea is to be g iveu at A ll Saints R ectory tom orrow afternoon. F o r tw en ty-five cents you ge t tea, m eet your old friends, m ake new ones, and in c id en ta lly help “ the litt le church around the corn er.”

Wermuth StageLeave Orders

Fisher’ s Schweninger’ s Phone 604 W 5 U. S. Mail A $10,000 bond protects you

This Week -“ Good Morning”

CoffeeThe Pound, 45 Cents

Chocolate1-Pound Tin, 30 Cents

P n l i m i t A spread fo r hot^ a n n u i c a k e s a n d b r e a d

The Pound, 35 Cents

mlTZ BreadThe Loaf, 10 Cents

Keep Coming H e i i> i 0*s

C ’m On, Skin-nayT h e local p u b lic school opened

on M on day, w ith M iss M ary P o w ­ers and M iss M ai G u ichard in charge o f the classes. S ix ty pu- ils enrolled , as fo llo w s : F irs tgrade, 7 ; Second g la d e , 9 ; T h ird grade , 7 ; Fou rth grade, 9 : F ifth grade, 6 ; S ix lli grade , 5 ; Seventh grade, 7 ; E igh th grade , 10. T h is num ber w ill be added to th is week.

O w in g to D teness in b eg in n in g the term parents are u rged to see that the ir ch ildren be regu la r in attendance.

A B a n k A c c o u n tis th e k ey s to n e

in any system o f legiti­mate business. It pre­vents disputes, increases credits, a n d improves standing in the business world. An account here will save lots o f worry, lots o f time and actual money too. Why not open one and be a real business man.

I= =:

B a n k o f M o n te re y § M o n te re y S|tv. B a n k |C . . . B U I L D I N G Sja n ie m a n a g e m e n t j

C op yr igh t

C H A P T E R XI ! .

The Senor Again.With splinters flying, shocked upon

Its heavy hinges, the great oak door was open. Stanwuy lipped through; Vidal, his deep chest punting from his herculean labor, ax still gripped in an enormous hand, came after him, his fellows crowding after them.

A ‘ large room this time, some thirty feet square, furnished w e ll; blankets, scattered morsels o f bread and meat, showing that here Torre’s men had been. A glance showed that the room was empty of human occupants; a sec­ond glance found one man lying close to I lie wall, limp and inert, a red stain upon his breast.

Stanway ran to him, stooped, stood straight with a little grunt of satisfac­tion. It was not any one o f the De la Guerra household.

"Shot accidentally by one of his fe l­lows,” he muttered. “Or else De la Guerra lias got ids hands on a revol­ver I”

A door at tliq far side of the room stood open; a eundle still burned brightly upon a little stand. There had been no time lost in leaving.

“ I hear men running yonder!” Vi­dal’s big finger pointed through the open door. “Come, compadres!”

They ran with him, crowding to­gether.

Again there was a hallway, this one far down under the main floor and so wide that three men might pass abreast through it. There came a sharp turn-, the footsteps were louder, men were running toward them. And then, as several men shot into view:

“ Stop!” cried Stanway, loudly, his hand knocking Vidal’s weapon up­ward. "It is Gaucho and his men!”

“Where are they?” cried Gaucho, ex­citedly. “ The master? The senorita? You did not find them?”

“You did not meet them?” In u sharp cry from the rancher.

“ We met no one!” Gaucho answered, a look of wonder In his eyes.

“Then there Is another door. They have fooled us. Come! They can't get out of tiie house.”

They turned, rushing hack toward the room they had just quitted. And at the instant Stanway plunged back through the doorway lie knew where were these men of Torre's.

For he heard Torre’s voice shouting loudly just above his head where he had already judged the drawing room must be; lie knew that through some other passageway the men they had thought to trap had made their way there, and lie remembered that his own orders had been for one man o n ly to watch over the bound Torre and Juarez.

“ N’unez! Castro!” Torre was call ing. his tones ringing out clear, the tones of command, calling for haste, for swift obedience. “There is one man here only. Kill him! Ah !”

There was the crack of a revolver, a cry, the sound of a body falling.

“ Now !” and again Torfe’s voice rang triumphant. “Cut these damned ropes, Castro! You others free Juarez. Watch the doors. Guard tiie passage­way. By the lord of hell, we’ll win this game yet!” -

“ They are too many,” panted a dis­senting voice. We—”

“Coward and foo l!” cried Torrre's echoing voice. “Give me that gun.

Now, listen. 1 have found where the De la Guerra banco Is! I t ’s just yon­der in the old man’s bedroom. It ’s full o f gold, companeros. And then— watch the doors, amigos! Then cross the tiorder with our pockets full I”

There came answering shouts, the noise of heavy furniture being dragged across the floor and piled at the doors, Torre’s voice giving commands.

“But where is the master?” a va- qnero whispered anxiously. “They have killed him !”

“And the senorita?” cried Gaucho. They ran about the room, seeking

n sign of that other passageway which had led these men directly into the drawing room.

“ We had better go back,” command­ed Stanway crisply, after a short search which showed nothing. “ We can break down the door into the room where they are. Gaucho, Mentor, V i­dal, you men stay here so that they cannot play hide-and-seek with us again.”

"Pardon, senor. You are very kind.I already owe you much. But now I shall take care of tfiese bandits.”

It was the old Spaniard, Senor Don Antonio de la Guerra, his old-fusli- ioned black coat faultlessly clean of a speck of dust, his flue white mustache curled nicely, his eyes glowing very brightly, for a moment gentle and full o f gratitude as they rested upon the rancher, then very hard as they turned toward the ceiling.

His vnqueros cried out sharply at the sight of him standing there so un­expectedly in their midst. From him they looked to the sleDder form of the white-faced girl at the door of a little closet which De la Guerra had sud­denly thrown open.

You, senor!” cried Stanway, as­tounded. “ Not hurt?”

I, senor?” De la Guerra lifted one white hand, showing for a moment the revolver in it. “At your attack I seized this. One man I quieted. In the rush I got Teresa Into the closet there. She, too, is unhurt. And now— ”

Again his fine old face hardened, hts eyes were burning black pools of mer­ciless rage. He stepped across the room, set his hand to a spot which his thumb found readily, and a narrow door flew hack, showing a stairway.

“Tills way, senor. May I go first? Thuuk you. Gaucho, will you stay with the senorita? Thank you. And, Senor Stanway, I should be glad to have you accompany me.”

Already Ids foot was upon the first step. Stanway laid a quick hand upon his arm.

“Surely you do not think of coming upon them this way— ”

“ Surely,” smiled the old man, “ they are my guests, I am the host. I am going to them.”

He went slowly up the short flight o f stairs, Stanway close at his heels, wondering. At the top was a little door. De la Guerra rapped softly with the barrel of his revolver.

There was a sudden silence in the room, voices dropped to whispers. De la Guerra knocked again.

"W ell?” It was Torre’s voice, sharp, impatient. “ Who is it?”

“ It is I, Senor Torre,” answered the old man, quietly. “And I am Antonio de la Guerra. I bring my apologies for being so tardy to wait upon a guest— and I come to talk with you.”

Again silence, again hurried whis­pers, then Torre crying out:

“What have you to say? I can put a oullet through the door which will find you! I f you will open the safe, let us take the gold and go; you may keep the silver and stay. What do you say?”

De la Guerra laughed softly. And then, seriously, he answered:

“ I say, my dear Senor Torre, you are talking bravely; but that you at last are in no position to dictate. It Is 1 who dictate. Let me come in that we may talk, or I shall have to have V idal chop down some more o f my doors. And I do not like to do that.”

Torre hesitated. W hy? Stanwny thought because he was studying his men with those keen eyes o f his, trying to guess how fa r he could eount onthotn not*

Evidently not very far. For In a moment came his soft laugh, nnd his short command:

"Nuaes, open the door. Let my kinsman come jtlst to the threshold.I f any of his men try to enter—well, leave them to m e! Enter, senor!”

The door slid open. De la Guerra stepped just to the threshold, Stan­way close behind him.

“Good evening, caballeros,” said the old Spaniard courteously. “Now for my word with Torre. All o f the men he has brought with him may go free and unharmed, provided that I am as­sured Pedro Celestino, and poor At- fredo there will live. I f auy of them is to die, then the man who has killed him is not to g o ! Juarez maty go. Dempton may go.”

“You are pleased to lie gracious, my high nnd mighty kills mun!” sneered Torre Impudently. “O-lio, Senor Stanway! You are there, too? Custre,” sharply to a black-browed ruffian at his side, “you are the host murksinun I ever saw, and, besides, you are an admirable soldier who knows how to take a command. I f tiie Senor Stanway moves a hand or takes a step this way will you blow his brains out for me?”

Castro's answer was to fling down his revolver so that it rattled noisily on the floor.

“You have led us into a trap,” he retorted sullenly. “ I accept the Senor de iu Guerra’s word that I may go free. I have harmed no one!”

A b)a<Jc frown gathered Torre's brows. A little smile crept into De la Guerra’s stern eyes.

“The first sign that you lose, Tor­re,” ho said quietly. “ The first sign that I w in !”

“ Da you know, my kinsman,” re­plied Torre insolently, shrugging his shouldtsvs at the mutiny of Castro, “ that I may lose nnd still you not win? How? Why, to lie explicit to an old man, I can at least hnve the ex- quisit* pleasure o f ending my gay lit­tle e^stenee gaily—and in shooting you j » « t between the eyes, senor!”

Stitftwny shuddered, seeing the deadly d m rn e s t threat In Torre’s low- lidded aye*. But De la Guerra’s gaze did not waver and he answered:

“Eveo that, Torre, is denied to you.” He laughed softly. “For, above all things, you are a gambler and \\aftI take a gambler’s choice! You can kdt me, yes— perhaps! And i f you ii>d? My vaqueros would rush in here iu*l on time for me to see you d ie! I * * know that. There would be no ch *««* in i t for you. I offer you a cliane*— I f you let these men go, if you tftcpW down your gun and agree to take *a n e e I offer you ! And be­ing a gn*ihler above anything else in the wotld— why, you will accept the one l i t le chance I otter you.”

Torre hesitated. His hesitation was .plain in his attitude, the head dropped a little, the moody gathering o f the brows. He looked swiftly to the men about him, f6 Juarez first, to

them all. Juarez shook his head slowly, his lips compressed, his eyes on tho (Joor.

“There Is no longer nnything for me To fight for,” he said slowly, “ Nothing hut death! I can find that any duy upon the other side of the border, senor. I think—-that you are alone!”

“Cowards! Cowards a l l !” Jeered Torre. Then he turned ngnln to De la Guerra. "W hat chance do you of­fer me, senor?”

“ We shall speak of that when the others are gone, when you accept It,” returned De la Guerra sternly. “ I simply give you my word that I shall give you what tiie Americans here call an ‘eVeo break.’ You haven’t that now.”

“ Your word, senor.”“My word,” gravely.“Bueno,” cried Torre gayly. That

Is all Wmt I ask, Adios, my little cowards,” he smiled at Juarez and the rest. “Congratulations upon the game, my kinsman,” bowing to De la Guerra. And he tossed his revolver


£armel Pine Con*PUBLISHED W E E K LY

ESTABLISH ED FEBRUARY, 191J I Intel Oil as seaond class matter Feb­ruary HI, 1(115, at the post office *1Carmel. California, under tiie Act ofdar.-li iS, 1879.__________________ '

W. 1,. OVERSTREET, Editor and Publisher PHONE GOSt XV i

Official Paper of the City


For President HIRAM W. JOHNSON

W E E K L Y G R E E T IN GN o o n e is ta k e n for h o h a t h e is, hj>

f o r i o h . i t o th e rs m a k e him , a n d th is is th e h a n d le u s e d by mediocrity t o kctf d o w n d is t in c t io n . —Schopenhauer.



M r. and M rs. R o b e r t P inkertonoF W isconsin are o c c u p y in g the M ichael W illia m s c o t ta g e ou ihe E igh ty acre Tract fo r s ix mouths, lln tli arc writers.

A y o u n g business m an lost 128 in greenback on O cea n Avenue. T w o day s later he fou n d th em , lie th inks, in the sand w h e re lie lost them. W h y p ave O cean Avenue- Soupy, II 'f is h in g P o w r le rs find

H ou seh o ld G oods ( i t saving /> r ic e s — Hold) K in ’s.11 ( “ B u d ge ” ) E v e r e t t , receullj

le lu rh ed from F ra n c e , w h ere lie was w ith Ihe f ig h t in g M arines, here this week. H e le a v e s shortly for L os A n ge le s to m e e t th e par­ents o f som e or h is m a te s wet* k illed . In one a c tio n in whi^ Ever.-tt’ s com pany o f th re e hun­dred men took p a r t , o n ly eigW su n ived.

U rsu la H oop er is h e r e fo r a f«* days lliis w eek, th e g u e s t o f Mr* M abel G ray Y o u n g .

Del Monte LaundryW ill do your

R o u g h D r y L a u n d r y

belter and cheaper than it can be done at home. Try them and see fo r yourself. A ll laundry called fo r and delivered by leaving- word at the office o f the agents. J. \V . H a n d & S o n


C h ic k e n s “ t*Rhode Island Reds, fr iers ami broilers, dressed on reserva­tion; fo r sale a t Search cot' tape, 13th and Casanova. _


f S c h w e n in g e r ’sj0 It O C E R Y

Latest Records, all makes, at Palace Drug Co., Monterey-Pianos for rent. adv

An A irda le Terrier, answers to name of

Bruno. N o tify , or return D Carmel Candy Store.

B es t Goods J P re sh G oods j R ig h t P r ic e s jI T r e e A u to D e l iv e r y %

... ■■■■n.niiinmomwig

Buy from Pine C one adv’rs-

Why They Voted “ No”The communication published

beiow is full o f valuable informa­tion and suggestions having to do with road improvements in Carmel. The Pine Cone is al­ways ready and w illing to print 'otters having fo r their subject the public weal- Mrs. Grace MacGowan Cooke writes:

i Fresh Candies


B Carmel, September 1, 1919. *• L OVERSTREET,

Editor Pine Cone.Eear Sir:— It is one of the foolish ns we all share, to be unwilling to misunderstood. I f there are people

aouunkthat a citizen o f Carmel who tut against bonds for ihe paving o f

» * ? Avenue is not public spirited, unite1" ' '1} tilat’s wllat they think, and

tni.?, | can say is likely to change ejr (..anion. Still I am moved to ex-

X l!|. J01' myself, and for the others ‘ ' atc 1 as • did. By the way there

ihn C a number o f us. It seems-I r.e couid hardly be that many neo

in town who were opposed to p>o- ' in.5* hard-hearted and unwilling

ave improvement in our civic con- aition., when v;e incorporated, I at least was

tavor o f it mainly in the hope of knt'?"nCads— somc ca'l them street EL, Jy ttle " 'ord is t°o ambitious— "SI of us would be satisfied with

in c-nnt roads between the houses •i- 4,s Vljtaiic. 1 believe that ninety- jr undredths o f the votes east for

-irporation were with that hope. The keJ development Company had

and wagon going prettyfarro" mending the thorough

a, we could get about, hy choosing i I 1) ' ,and wearing hike boots.

v,.. mmk that what we all expectedteu u* town government wouldConL I ,ro,ad. mat,er l,P where the

1 ve keep such streets asfa r .ln usable condition, and, as

as there was any money for such

COl|ij afford " eW rcads’ o f thc type " e De-J?!* the Property here is held hy form / moans- It is in the

n«>deS, homes. This is not are, a There seems to oe noPun" Carntel should expect tothan p.? .IPore expensive sort o f street tavc cf C Grove. I f we could only3; ‘ -- r et'r'S aboi,t onc-th-ird as good to im-ln [ ov® „has' some of us would

» b V Ikankful. I f we had streets ■ d as Pacific G rove’s, property

•lie nc^r doubling in value in%mst year that we had them.

Httip „ ,We 1,ced is streets— and then 0:, . !10re streets. The paving ofE T p venue would be desirable per-

1 Crtn-1; UWP C0Ul(i aff0rd it, but it or he,P 'he growth of the town,than • an,yone’s comfort any more itles ,.,7 '.ns, tl!e road done as the other


asW d

nwe*Jv *n be done— well laid with the in I ;., , .n' material that was usedVri*l Avenue. iFor thc first few

a road would be just as a p.aved road. If it was pro-

lanr. f l " u,° wou'd last in good &.T mr a long " g r

r» such■wlj .

& kept!U-ve for a |or>g time. We are poor. 1 to»d is within our means. As

Tje' the Mvcd road is not.’ tscs-L my 0WP case. I shall he *r»vei ° j ° .much per foot fo r the Tv, oad that abuts on mv property, ^ ^ s n a e n i e n t amounts to mv pay-

ing for my own road. The town only makes it possible for me to do so ad- vanteageously, and on long time. In the end I pay.

My place has road on three sides of it. I am to pay for all of them. I ’m delighted to do so. Maybe I shall hardly see where the money is com­ing from, but I regard it as a privilege, and if the town will only let the con tracts and build the -roads I ’ll never complain of my share that is to be paid. My property will be increased in value accordingly.

But when, having strained my means to meet the road-making bill on streets on which my property abuts.I am ask­ed to vote for bonds to pave Ocean Avenue, on which property of narrow frontage, business property, with its single frontage abuts, I don’t feel so cheerful about it.

We have so good a road-making material at hand, we have such an ex ample of its wearing qualities when properly laid, as in the Pacific Grove streets, Lincoln Avenue, and the roads in the P. I. grounds, that the matter is taken out of the realm of experi ment. If the property owners on Ocean Avenue want a good road, they can have it just as the rest of us may, by paying so much per foot for it, on a deferred basis.

I f the city government spends some ihing extra on this, our present main street, I think none of us would ob ject, but to ask people who have plowed through dust for years, got stuck in sand-sloughs, had every truck or stage that tried to reach them stall ed at least once or twice, people who have been heartily ashamed of the place they lived in, on account of the gashes, quicksands and canyons left them to travel over— to ask such peo ole to keep on scrambling around in such alleged streets, and grin cheer fully while they vote for money to pave a street they walk over maybe twice a week, maybe once in two weeks, is a bit untactful.

If we’d been given anything in the way of streets to keep us in a good humor we might have felt more like paving Ocean Avenue for the glory of it. Glory. That’s all it amounts to. No one need make any mistake mere. The gravel road would be just as good on Ocean Avenue. Towns that have more money than we have, get along with such streets. Paving is econ­omical in the long run. Granted. But we have no streets of any kind anywhere in Carmel. We are in the condition of an individual whose cloth­es are falling off him in rags, so that he’s in danger of being run in bv the police. Such a one does not stop to ask whether the garment he can af­ford in his poverty, and which will cover his nakedness, is going to last forever. If he is wise— and we Car­melites think we are— he buys what he can, as quick as he can.

And so I vote-d against bonds. And so, it seems, did several other people.

Providence and the Wind Were With Us

That there is a building- le ft in Carmel today we may con­gratulate ourselves.

An alarm o f fire was sound­ed at about 2:30 yesterday a f­ternoon by Marshal Englund. He was making his afternoon rounds in the c ity ’ s northern outskirts, near the Carmel Development Co. ’ s land, when he discovered the fire in the forest.

Over one hundred men re­sponded to the alarm, and fo r two hours fought the flames with sand and by beating with shovels. The members o f the Carmel Fire Department die heroic work at the point near the municipal garbage dump, where the fire started.

N ot a building w a s de stroyed, the fire being con­fined to underbrush, manza nita bushes and pine trees. This morning various patches

in the burned section are still smoking.


D r. G ra c e A n d e rso nO STEO PATH rC P H Y S IC IA N

Underwood Apts, Monterey Keg i t ja r h ou rs , 10 to 12, 2 to 5

O thers bq a p p o in tm e n tPhone 179 J

.1 . K . B E C K , M . D .

Office at C arm el-b y -th e-S ea Pharmacy, Carmel, Cal.


C a rm e l C h u rchLincoln st., south o f Ocean av

Morning service 11 o ’clock Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Rev. S. C. Thomas, Pastor

Strangers Welcome

Christian Science Services

Sunday, I I A .M . Sunday School, 9:45 A . M.

Wednesday, 8 P . M . C h u rc h E d i f i c e — M o n te V e rd e S t r e e t ,

o n e b lo c k n o r th o f O ce a n A v e n u e




H f 'C u r wagon makes regu lar calls

to Carm el. P H O N E 488.

F o r S a le *“ *e,two-story home i *. Carmel-

by-the-Sea.— Three bedrooms, ser­vants’ room, garage, woikatiop, lib ­rary, large liv ing room, d ining room, kitchen, bathroom, extra toilet down stairs, large grounds, lawn, flowers; electric lights, private gas plant; unfurnished; close in. Inquire at P ine Cone office.

P A IN L E S S D E N T IS R YDR. KLE ISER, located between

the Army Y . U C. A. and Long

& G retter’s Drug Store. High

class dentistry at reasouable price.

Crowns, fillings, bridges; teeth extracted absel«tely without pain; plates No cocaine, gas or dangerous drugs used. Specialist

in painless denliatry. 244 Alvarado street, Monterey. Phone 105.



Dong & Gt*ett«frD R U G G ISTS

246 Alvarado ftonterey

P ro p e r ty T r a n s a c t io n s

Deed: Frank W . Gale to L. H. Rask et uit. Lots 16, Blck 54, Carmel-by-the-Sea.

Deed: Wm. E. Martin et ux to Gustav Laumeister. Lots 17, 18, N. half Lpts 19, 20. S. half Lots 15, 16, Blk 144, Add. No. 2, Carmel-by-the-Sea.

Deed: Carmel Villas Co. to Geo. L. Blrkmaier. Part, o f Carmel Highlands Tract, Ro. San Jose y Sur Chiquito.

Deed: Andrew Stewart et ux to A lice M. Goss and L illie B. Hanson. Lots 14 and 16 Blk 113, Carmel-by-the-Sea.

Deed: J. F. Devendorf et ux to Carmel Devp Co. Lot 3, Blk 130, Carmel-by-the-Sea.

Deed: Carmel Devp Co. to Sunset School District. Lots 11, 13, 15, 17, and 19, Blk 110, Carmel-by-the-Sea.

G et a cq u a in te d w ith o u r p o l i ­cies a n d o u r m erch a n d ise ,— H o lm a n ’s, P a c i f ic Grove.


I u , B e n L e id igware, household Goods, Agent Florence

and Perfection Stoves, Hotpoint AppliancesHeadquarters for Hunting and Fishing outfitc.

FINE PRINTING done promptly

at the P I N E C O N E


For Information As to Property | In and About IC A R ME L j

A l > l U t l X S

C a rm e l D eve lo p m en t j

C o m p a n yii'iiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiHiiaiiiiiiiiauiNmfiMmtimHitiiinaiiiiiiiiuiic

Day-light H igh and L o w Tides at Carmel

Sept I.ow Ft. H ioh F t.11 5 :13 a 0.0 12:07 p 6 812 6 :24 « 1.4 12:39 p 5 913 7 :05 n 1.9 1 :14 p 6.014 7:48 a 2 3 1 :58 p 5 915 8:41 a 2.7 2:50 p 5.816 9 :46 a 3 1 4 ;00 p 5.617 11 :03 a 3.2 5 :20 p 5.5

EDGEWOOD Stoves and Ranges, Rudolph’ s,New


>!■— ■HH—— HH— ■‘IHI—— Ml—— »!>■ - H—*

I For Sum m er—i G R A S S R U G S


C lim a x F u rn itu re o.Pile B ig S tore in M on terey on Franklin S treet

Several patterns o f Inlaid Linoleum to close out at low prices

R E SO LU TIO N N O . 50


BF. IT RESO LVED by the Board of Trustees o f the C ity o f Carmel-by-the- Sea that the said Board deems it to be required by public interest and con­venience, and that it is the intention o f said Board tn order the follow in ': w ork to be done and improvement to be made in said City, to-wit:

That Ocean Avenue between the east line of Mission "Street and the west line osf San Antonio Avenue be im- tiie .plficial grade as fo l­lows, to-w it:—

the roadway be graded and paved^yth -concrete pavement four (4 j inche^uiict: between curb lines.

f « ^ e -paft, spaces be graded their full stkltii. aw s i.own on the plans.

9 i @ F ^ 8 F :-fe -te ' eur*)s 10 t,e s' x( 6 ) i n c h # ^ ^ 3 e - o n top, vary in heigiit. from f ii_has to sixteen and th ree -Ty - i Ths ( Id 3-4 ) inches and be in .a e c r jL a %i¥*4vUli the section shown on thfe Tjlarr?.''

That twenty-five (25 ) corrugated arch culverts 'b e constructed therein at the places, and iu accordance with the.deta ils shown on the plans.

That fifteen (15) inlet boxes and nine (9 ) outlet boxes l-e consructed therein at the places and in accordance with the details shown on the plans.

That twelve- (12 ) concrete cut-off walls be constructed therein at the places and in accordance with the de­tails shown on the plans.

All o f raid work to be done is all o f the work described in the plans and specification therefor, adopted by the Board of Trustees o f the City o f C ar­mel-by-the-Sea on the 1 1 th day o f August, A. b . 1919, and all o f said work to be done according to said plans and specifications, which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof.

IT is hereby determined that serial bonds shall be issued to represent assessment o f Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) or over for the cost o f said work and improvement, said bonds shall bear interest at the rate o f eight per cent per annum and said bonds shall extend over a period o f nine years from the 2nd day o f January next succeeding their date and an even annual proportion o f the prin­cipal suijt thereof shall be payable by coupon on the 2nd day o f January o f every year until the whole is paid and the interest shall be payable sem i­annually by coupon on the 2 nd days of January and July respectively, o f each year on all sums unpaid until the whole principal and interest are paid. Said hands and interest thereon shall be paid at the office o f the City Treasurer of the City o f Carmel-by-the-Sea. A bond shall be issued to represent each

° f T '*en.,y ' five D o lors (bz^.OO) or more remaining unpaid for thirty (2 0 ) days after the date o f me warrant for such work and improve­ment, or five (5 ) days after the de­cision o f said Board o f Trustees upon an appeal.

Notice is hereby given that on Tues-' Die 7th day of October, A. b.

1919, at eight <8:C0> o’clock P. M. in the Council Chamber of said Board o f Trustees in .th e City Hall in said C ity any and all persons havin'* any obicctions to the proposed work oT im­provement may appear before said Board o f Trustees and show cause why said proposed improvement should not be carried out in accordance with this resolution.

The C ity Clerk shall cause this Resolution o f Intention to be publish­ed twice in the “ Carmel Pine Cone,” a

A S p le n d id C o n ce rt

T h e lust o f th is season 's Dig even ls iu music and dram a iu C a r­mel took p lace last F r id ay e ven in g at Arts and C ra fts I la l l .

V io lon ce llis t F red erick Preston St-arch is one o f A m erica ’s best known musicians, and is h im self a b ig event. W hen title takes into account that in the concert o f last week M r. Search had as fe llow artists M rs. H in iiayne H unkins at the p iano and E du ard Foersle l, v io lin ist, som e idea o f the exce l­lence o f the program may be ga ined .

T h ere were six groups on the program , com pris in g , w ith en­cores sixteen distinct com positions, bill, even w ith this ge ilcn .n s b ill the auditors were, sorry when the last num ber— B oe llm an n ’ s “ F irst M ovem ent o f Sonata in A M in o r” — was finished.

T h e solo numbers espec ia lly won the hearts and the app lause o f (lie hearers.

I t is a m atter o f regre t that Mr. Search is g o in g abroad for a year, but w e are thank fu l that it is on ly for a year.

I I 'e te ll the tru th in our n irss- ages to the, hu-yin-g p u b lic — H o lm a n ’s.

C R E N C H Conversation Classes are to be form ed here by Mrs.

Frank P . Patterson, who has had years o l experience in teaching in N ew York and in Pasadena.

Anyone interested who wishes lo join is cordially invited to attend the m eeting to be held Septem ber 19, at 3 o ’clock, in the the K e llo gg cot­tage, where all information may, he obtained. adv

For summer visitors, T h e Pine Cone three months for 40 cents.

weekly newspaper o f general circu la­tion, printed, published and circulated in said City and the official newspaper o f sai-d City, which is hereby designat­ed for that purpose by the Board o f Trustees.

The Superintendent o f Streets shall cause to be conspicuously posted along the line o f said contemplated work and improvement and in front o f all the property liable to be assessed, notice of rhe passage o f this Resolution of Intention, in the manner and form re­quired hy law.

A ll o f the herein proposed work shall be done in pursuance o f an Act o f the Legislature o f the State o f California, Icsigratcd the “ improvement Act of i£ i l , ” approved April 7th, 191 f, and amendments thereto.

Adopted by the Board o f Trustees o f the C ity o f Carmel-by-the-Sea this 2nd day o f September. A. D. 1919, by the fo llow ing vote:

Ayes: Trustees: Fraser, de Sabla, Taylor.

Noes: Trustees: none.Absent: Trustees: none.Not Voting: Trustees: Kibbler, Arne. |

Approved:P. FRASER,

Pr« ^ n t o f the Board o f Trustees.•SEAL)

Attest:EVA K. de SABLA,

C ity Clerk, pro tern.


tition o f A . P Fraser, M rs. E . K . deS ab la , C. J A rne, P e ter T a y lo r and W in . T . K ib b le r p etition ing th is Com m ission to fix a tim e anti p lace fo r a h ea rin g in order to and that this Com m ission then and there in vestiga te and acqu ire in ­form ation as to tlie physica l char­acteristics o f the M issiou b u ild in g and ou tbu ild in gs kuown as San Carlos Borrom eo M ission, com ­m on ly known as C arm el M ission, near the town o f C arm el by-the- Sea, M on terey C ounty. C a liforn ia , and to g iv e notice o f said hearing and the tim e and p lace fixed there­for. as requ ired in an Act entitled “ An act lo am end section four o f an act en titled ‘ An act to create a com mission fo r (lie purpose o f m ak in g a survey o f local h istorical m aterial in the State o f C a liforn ia ; d e fin in g the pow er and duties o f said com m ission ; and m ak in g an appropriation-therefor,’ ’ ’ approved M ay 17, 1917, aud good cause a p ­p ea rin g therefor.

I T IS HEREBY ORDERED that F r id ay , O ctober 31, 1919, at l!n> hour o f 10 o ’c lock A. M . and llie audience room o f the Tow n H a ll o f Hie town o f C arm el by the- Sea, M otilerey C oun ty, C a liforn ia , situated on the N orthw est corner o f Ocean A ven u e and San Carlos S treet in said town o f C arm el by- the-Sea, M onterey C ou n ty , be and the name hereby are fixed as the tim e and p lace for said hearing, and that any and all persons in ­terested in the said M ission b u ild ­in gs or hav ing any in form ation as to Ih e condition o f the said build in g and ou tbu ild in gs connected therew ith , or any part thereof, m ay present any facts and any papers, records, docum ents o r ot Iter in form al ion substan tia ting the said persons’ ideas as lo the condition o f said M ission bu ild ings and ou t­b u ild ings at Ihe lim e when lire Frnuciscnn Fa I hers were in charge I hereof, and that the Secretary and A rch iv is t o f 1 his Com m ission g iv e pub lic notice o f said tim ean d place fixed for said hearing a t least, s ixty days p iio r to the said lim e, in the fo il on in g n ew spapers : T h e ‘Sacram eiilo B e e ,” “ San Francisco E xam iner, ” “ L os A n ge les Ex press,” and the “ Carm el by the Sea F in e C on e,” (h e said latter paper b e in g the paper published in t lie county in which said M iss ion b u ild in g nas situated ami in the town nearest the said M ission bu ild ing .

A N D I T IS F U R T H E R O R D E R E D that this Com m ission then and there hear and consider a n y in form ation apperta in in g thereto w h ich shall lie b rought be­fore it to the end that it may es tabliah accurate m odels o f the said San Carlos Borrom eo M issiou with its ou tbu ild in gs , and cause lo lie prepared p lans and specifications su ffic ient in d eta il to en ab le the said M ission b u ild in g s and out bu ild ings to be restorer! as they were when the Franciacau Fathers were in ch a rge thereof.

Dated Au gust 19, 1919.J O H N F. D A V IS ,

Chairm an o f C a lifo rn ia H is to rica l S u rvey Com m ission .

C a u m e l S tu d io sM. De N E A L E M O R G A N

Lincoln st. near Ocean ave.

Oils, Tempera (w a te r colors), Monotypes

Visitors Welcome — Tuesday, Saturday, Sunday, 2 to 5

A R T H U R H. V A C H E L L

13th Ave., bet. M onte Verde and L incoln

Saturdays 2 tOD

L A U R A W . M A X W E L L 'S

STU D IOSanta Lucia and Cam ino Real

Saturday, 2 to 6 A lso by appointm ent


Paintings on Exh ib ition

at the

BOOK S H O P Ocean A ven u e

About fifteen m em b ers o f 1 be C a lifo rn ia A lp in e C lu b arrival lu-re Satu rday a n d established cam p on the D u in rm ige lau d . 0* Sunday, equ ip p ed w ith knapsack* and w a lk in g s ticks , th e y “ hiked to Poin t L o b o s , M o n d a y tound them at P eb b le B ea ch , an d relitr* hom e was m ade on T u e s d a y tlie Seventeen M ile D r iv e .

buy FURNITURE at Rudolph’s N o w Montere)'

La P laya A r i i v a ls

D y e in g a n d C le a n in gTailored and Fancy Gar­

ments Alterations a Specialty

N . E. W A R N E R San Carlos H ighway

Carmel Phone 602 J 2

Pine Cone advertising pays.

Pasadena— M r and M rs Gordo* K Hanfmann and ch ild ren , Mrs I Haywood, Mrs A n n ie H obbs , Mi* .Julia C H obbs, M r and M rs RobedR iddell.- Oakland — M r and M rs H W W iinson and ch ild ren , M r and M* Oscar L Starr, C F C u sh in g , Rnssf'1 and Spencer C ush ing, M r and M1* A J M ount and c h ild , Mrs Cushing.

Berkeley — A lexan d er L o g ie ,I L og ie , Mr and M rs B p Thom-1’ and children, Dorothy M itchell,

San G abrie l— M r and M rs F ̂T on g ley .

I.os A n ge les— M iss G race U& oreaux, L E Groat, M rs E S G f ling. Miss E T G erlin g .

H o llyw ood — L u c ille WhitworthSan Jose — Miss N orm a Ryland-P iedm ont— M iss M Becker.Chico — H E N ich o ls , E T VVii1'

iamson.Sacramento S H P ie rc e and so"'Burlingame — M rs W in C LynchSan Francisco— M r and Mrs J0*

Quinn, M r and M rs R u n n ie FJiBto": Mr and Mrs S tock, M r and Mrs ̂Morris. Mrs B W esterm ann, Mrs , da Cunlia, C R K n o x . Robert '* Capp, Sheppard F ren ch .

Indianapolis — W m F Mullens.E l Paso — Mrs M R ow ley .Seattle — W alter H am ilton .St Augustine— M r and Mrs TIiefl'

(lore Livesay.N ew York M r and Mrs

K reiger and son.St Louis — Dr and M rs A

ing and two daughters.

Buy you r M eat a t HonP ^

Carmel Meat Mark̂Branch N ew M o n te re y Market


HUGO F U T T E R E R , pRO^j