Download - Carla harris event slides 2015 tucson high


Presenta(on  Sponsors  

Pima County/TucsonPima County/TucsonWOMEN’S COMMISSIONAdvocating equality since 1976Advocating equality since 1976


Carla  Harris  u  Presiden(al  Advisor      u  Wall  Street  Vet  u  Author  u  Leader  u  Singer  

February  18,  2015  at  Tucson  High  School   Pearls  of  Wisdom  for  Teens  who  Expect  to  Win  In  business  and  in  life  

just  for  the  girls….  Plus  some  bonus  pearls,  

 •  Welcome  &  

introduc/ons    •  Carla’s  Pearls  

for  Teens    •  Q  &  A  

•  Announcements  &  Closing  



 •  Why  are  we  here?  

 •  Presenta/on  partners  

 •  Engagement  maKers  


Welcome  &  Introduc(ons          

Pima County/TucsonPima County/TucsonWOMEN’S COMMISSIONAdvocating equality since 1976Advocating equality since 1976

Special  thanks  for  book  &  presenta(on  sponsorship…    Jane  Larriva  Rojas  SVP  -­‐  Financial  Advisor    Morgan  Stanley  Wealth  Management  Chair  –  Morgan  Stanley  Wealth  Management  Diversity  Council  

Are  you  interested  in  making  money  grow?  

Welcome  &  Introduc(ons          

Mission  Statement:    

To  create  a  financially  info

rmed  youth  in  Arizona  

Welcome  &  Introduc(ons           OWN  your  Fiscal  Health  

Know MY Voice. Own MY Health.. Flex MY Wings.. Leave MY Mark.!

Mission:    To  prove  that  collabora5ve  focus  on  k-­‐12  girls  will  significantly  impact  global  health  and  economic  scenarios  within  a  single  genera5on  

App  launching  in  March  2015  

         2015  Spring  UA  Eller  School  Project  –  SASH  Report  

Collabora(on  MaKers  

Free  Access  March  1-­‐  March  31  

My  Girl  Power™  Community  Partners  


Carla  Harris    

Presiden(al  Advisor      Wall  Street  Vet  

Author  Leader  Singer  

February  18,  2015  at  Tucson  High  School  

Pearls  for    Teens  who  

Expect  to  Win  In  business  and  in  life  

Q  &  A  

 •  Follow-­‐up  –  Available  materials  –  E-­‐Survey  

•  Partner  resources  upon  exit  

•  Special  thanks  to  Tucson  &  Pueblo  High  Schools  


Closing  and  thanks          

For  more  informa/on  on  materials,    please  contact  Lucy  Howell  at  [email protected]  

Presenta(on  Sponsors  

Pima County/TucsonPima County/TucsonWOMEN’S COMMISSIONAdvocating equality since 1976Advocating equality since 1976


Carla  Harris  u  Presiden(al  Advisor      u  Wall  Street  Vet  u  Author  u  Leader  u  Singer  

February  18,  2015  at  Tucson  High  School   Pearls  of  Wisdom  for  Teens  who  Expect  to  Win  In  business  and  in  life  

If  you  know  where  capital  flows,  you  can  be  where  money  grows