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Health is defined as the efficiency of living organism; it is the common condition of a human’s body and mind that it is free from all the kind of illness and injuries. In 1946, the term health was explained in wider

sense by World Health Organization (WHO), “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. Many other definitions are proposed, the

recent one relates the health with personal satisfaction. To measure the health, there are some organizations such as WHO family of international classifications also including the disability and health

(ICF) and International classification of diseases (ICD).The environment in which a person lives is also an important context for one’s health and quality of their

life. According to the WHO, social and economic environment, physical environment, person’s characteristics and behaviors are some of the elements of good health.

Health care is the combination of three factors including physical, mental and social well-being, stated as the “health triangle”. In 1986, “Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion”, further specified that health is not just a state but a resource of life and not the objective of living. It is the positive concept highlighting the

physical capabilities of an individual. Being healthy is beneficial for everyone because if a person is healthy enough, he can do anything either it is related to his social life or professional life. People like

Antonio Velardo and Carl David Ceder were good in health that is why they are known today worldwide. Can also see some good laughs for your health here to