Download - Cardava Recipe 3

Page 1: Cardava Recipe 3

Sift together flour and baking powder. Set aside.Mix cream butter and sugar. Blend eggs one at a time.In another bowl, combine milk, water and vanilla.Add the flour mixture and the milk mixture alternately to the cream mixture, starting and ending with flour. Pour into prepared pan greased with butter.Bake in a pre-heated oven of 350°F for 25-30 minutes.

Ripe Cardava RollsPicardava


Ripe Cardava Pie

6 ripe cardavas2 eggs2 tsps of wheat flour250 g of fresh cheese cut in thick slicessalt (as desired)

1/2 cup butter1 1/3 cup sugar3 eggs1/2 tsp vanilla2 cup ripe (mature as fruit) cardava purée1 3/4 cup wheat flour1/4 cup cornstarch1/4 tsp baking powder2 tsps baking soda3 tbsps milk





1 cup cooked and sliced cardava½ cup white sugar½ cup water2 tbsps peanuts (pounded)½ cup sliced pineapple

Mix the pineapple slices and the cardava banana with the rest of the ingredients until sticky.Top with peanuts and serve.

2 cups banana flour1 ¼ cup all purpose flour4 ½ tsps baking powder¾ cup butter or margarine1 ¼ cup sugar4 eggs¾ cups evaporated milk½ cup water1 ½ tsp vanilla

Page 2: Cardava Recipe 3

Cardava withHot & Spicy Sauce

Caramelized Bananawith Candy Sprinkle

Ripe CardavaTart with Coconut




• 1/2 kl banana cardava• cornstarch• onion• garlic• catsup• 1/2 cup tomato sauce• 3 tbsps hot sauce

• 6 fully riped/mature and soft banana cardavas• 3 eggs• 1/4 kl sugar• 1/2 cup coconut milk• 1/8 kl butter• 1/8 kl crumbled fresh cheese• 1 tsp ground cinnamon• 1 shot spirit beverage (rhum, bahalina or whiskeaaavy)

• 3 pcs medium ripe cardava (large)• 1 egg• 1/2 cup evaporated milk• 1 cup Japanese bread crumbs• 1 cup cooking oil• 1/2 cup brown sugar

Slice banana into cubes.Mix with cornstarch.Deep fry banana until golden brown.

Hot & Spicy Sauce

Sauté onion and garlic.Mix with ground pork.Add 2 cups water, 3 tbsps catsup, 1/2 cup tomat sauce,hot sauce, sugar, cornstarch.

Peel bananas and cut into half inch.Insert a cocktail toothpick or popsicle stick into the center of each sliced banana.In a bowl, whisk together egg and milk.Spread the breadcrumbs on wax paper.Dip each bananas into egg-milk mixture.Roll bananas in breadcrumbs.In a frying pan or wok, pour cooking oil andheat until oil begin to simmer.Put bananas in the oil and fry until golden brown.Use tongs or slotted spoon to remove bananas from the hot oil.Drain bananas on a plate lined with paper towel.

Page 3: Cardava Recipe 3

Roll banana in sugar. Wrap banana and langka in lumpia wrapper. Fry in hot oil until golden and crispy.Place turon on plate (they will stick to paper towel) and add moresugar on top, if desired.






Preparation:• 1 L milk• 8 ripe cardava banana• 1 tbsp butter• 1/8 kl sugar• 1/8 kl fresh grated cheese• 1 tsp cinnamon powder• 1 tsp vanilla

• 15 ripe cardava banana• 1/8 kl sugar• 1 tsp cinnamon

• ripe bananas, cut lengthwise• brown sugar• 3 cups cooking oil• lumpia wrappers (spring roll)• 1/2 cup langka (jackfruit) preserves (optional)

• 4 ripe bananas• 1/4 cup brown sugar• 250 mL cooking oil• barbecue sticks

• 4 ripe bananas• 1/4 cup white sugar• 1/4 cup margarine or butter• barbecue sticks• coal

Peel the bananas.Heat cooking oil to 350 degrees Celsius.Place sugar in the cooking oil.Fry bananas until cooked.Place bananas in barbecue stick.

Peel the bananas and place in a barbecue stick.Grill them in coal until cooked.Brush with butter or margarine.Sprinkle with white sugar.

Cut and slice the cardavas and cook with water, sugar and cinnamon.When cardavas are well cooked, let them cool in thesame water.Blend it until you get a concentrated juice.

Serve as cold beverage.You can serve as milkshake or add chunks of cheeseto the beverage.

Chucula Masato

