Download - Caput Quintum Derivatives

  • 1. Caput Quintum

2. Edifice: a building, especially a large one.
Edify: to improve morality, intellect, etc. especially by instruction.
Edification: intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement.
Aedes: temple, building house
3. Homicide: killing of one person by another.
Homicidal: capable of killing someone; a maniac
Homo: man
4. Pauper: a person who is extremely poor.
Pauperize: to impoverish.
Pauper: poor person
5. Pecuniary: relating to money; requiring payment.
Pecunious: abounding in money; rich
Pecunia: money
6. Dormant: lying asleep or as if asleep; inactive.
Dormancy: state of being dormant.
Dormitory: a building for housing a number of people; a place for people to sleep.
Dormer: a window set into a gable projecting from a sloping roof.(came through a French word meaning sleeping room.)
Dormio: to sleep
7. Plural: more than one
Plurimus: very many, most
8. Rustic: relating to or typical of country people.
Rusticate: to go to or live in the country.
Rustication: act of retiring to or living in the country.
Rusticus: rural, rustic