Download - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PHASE II INFO MEETING II_InfoMtg_Jan-14-2018.pdf · 2018/1/14  · Percentage of project completed Percentage of project paid Fundraising Status (eff 1/11/2018)



    Nicholas TanionosJan 14, 2018

    “One generation shall praise thy work to another.” (Psalm 145:4)

  • Myth: Condition of Church Was Fine

    FACT: 50-year old carpet had significant wear &

    tear throughout the church

  • Myth: Condition of Church Was Fine

    FACT: Pews had signs of wear

  • Myth: Condition of Church Was Fine

    FACT: Weather-worn exterior doors needed refinishing

    FACT: Side exterior doors needed refinishing & fixing

  • Myth: Condition of Church Was Fine

    FACT: Inconsistent temperature and humidity conditions caused significant damage to the icon screens.

    FACT: Mosaics are fragile and in danger of collapsing; they have shown signs of damage over the last 15+ years.

  • Myth: Condition of Church Was Fine

    FACT: In November, the mosaic of Archangel Gabriel fell

    off the icon screen. It’s only a matter of time before the

    other 5 icons on the Iconostasio will fall too.

  • Myth: Condition of Church Was Fine

    FACT: The 38-year old Air Conditioning (AC) unit is beyond repair, malfunctions frequently, parts are no longer available, and is extremely inefficient.

    FACT: The 50-year old Boiler is outdated, needs repairs annually, and is extremely inefficient.

  • Completed Projects


    Design & installation of iconography

    Acoustical Study

    Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning (HVAC) engineering study

  • Completed Projects

    Electrical & lighting improvements

  • Completed Projects

    Carpentry repairs due to termite damage

  • Projects Near Completion

    Carpet installation

    Pew restoration (hand-sanded, polish applied, gold

    crosses re-painted, kneelers repaired)

    Six (6) exterior church doors refinished

  • Scheduled Projects

    Icon screen (Iconostasio) replacement [mid March]

  • Scheduled Projects

    HVAC Improvements -

    New AC unit installation [May/June]

    New Boiler installation [May/June]

    Boiler demolition & asbestos removal

    Chimney demolition

    Replace current boiler with two (2) new ones

  • Project Status

    Completed 30%

    Close to completion



    Projects PaidProjects

    Pending Completion & Payment

    Percentage of project completed Percentage of project paid

  • Fundraising Status (eff 1/11/2018)

    114 families committed to donating $237,827

    75% of pledged amount ($178,701) received

    Thank you to all these families

    for their generosity and commitment!

    “One generation shall praise thy work to another.” (Psalm 145:4)

  • Fundraising Status (eff 1/11/2018)

    Donations & Other Funds Received

    Pending Pledged Funds

    Funds Needed to Complete Project

    Funding Sources Needed to Complete Capital Improvement Phase II

    The more money that is donated,

    the less money will need to be financed.

  • Fundraising Status (eff 1/11/2018)

    Recognition of donations will be identified on a

    commemorative plaque per specified Donor Levels.

    Grand Benefactor Benefactor

    Sponsor Patron

  • Let’s reach our goal and complete this project to

    repair, renovate & enhance the interior of our church!

    O Lord, sanctify those who love

    the beauty of Your house, by

    your divine power, reward them

    with glory and do not forsake us

    who put our hope in you.

    Together we can do it! ‘Ολοι μαζί!