Download - Canobolas Public School News fileCharlotte, Lachie V, Jasper, Luka, Pete B, Harry and Benji have all been selected to October represent OSSA at the District Athletics Carnival next


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Canobolas Public School News Term 3: Week 5 – Wednesday 14

th August 2013

February 2012 December 2011




District Athletics


3-6 Assembly



School Concert


Education Week / Book

Week Celebration



School Photo Day


Presentation Night

Hugo CAMPBELL Class: Kinder

Canobolas Public School last week

Canberra Excursion Mr Dixon, Mrs Manson and Mrs Starr had an incredible time away with a wonderful

group of children at Canberra last Thursday and Friday. The students were very well

behaved and represented the school with pride. Staff received numerous comments from

people all over Canberra about their stunning uniform and polite manners. Well done 3-6!

Possum Magic K-2 Excursion K-2 travelled to the Civic Theatre last Thursday to see Possum Magic. It really was a

magical experience and the children are still singing the magic song.

Assembly Next week 3-6 will present their combined assembly for this term. Parents and visitors are

welcome to attend.

Musica Viva K-6 travelled to Bowen on Monday to watch “Tigramuna.” This South American urban

music was thoroughly enjoyed by all. The musicians played and shared knowledge of

many different instruments from other countries.

Gifted and Talented Success

Well done to Lliam, Danny and Jeremiah who have gained selection in an exciting new

Gifted and Talented Class at Orange High School next year. Students selected into this

class will experience differentiated teaching aimed at extracting the most from natural

academic talents and abilities. This is a fantastic achievement, congratulations! Well done

also to Mrs Manson for guiding the boys to their success, a great result for all your hard

work. We look forward to following your progress next year!

District Athletics Charlotte, Lachie V, Jasper, Luka, Pete B, Harry and Benji have all been selected to

represent OSSA at the District Athletics Carnival next Monday. We wish them well with

their efforts, and look forward to hearing their results.

State Rugby Union Titles

Harry has been selected to represent Western Region at State Rugby Union Carnival next

week. This is a remarkable achievement for a year 4 boy. Go Harry!

School Concert

We are in search of several long pairs of Black Gumboots for our senior concert item. If

you’re able to assist please see Jane Doherty.

Congratulations to those students that received Merit Awards at this week’s

assembly: Kinder: Emelly, Amelia, Jy and Seth

Year 1/2: Allera, Lola, sophie, Makenzi, Charlie and Milli

Year 3/4: Charlotte, Bart, Abigail S, Breanna, Xavier, Oliver, Samuel and Harry

Year 5/6: Richard, Emily, Lachie, Jasper and Lliam

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I can do it!!

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CANOBOLAS PUBLIC SCHOOL P&C NEWS President: Melissa Caulfield Vice Presidents: Adelie Badman & Mario Mihalich Treasurer: Aneta Burton Secretary: Merindah Rivers

“My daughter wanted a

pet spider for her birthday

so I went to our local pet

store, they were $70. Too

much I thought, I can get

one cheaper off the web.


This Week 15th August Evans Frankham Jones Mclean

Next week 22nd August Byrne Butcher King Mihalich


Meringues cannot be accepted THANK YOU!

Help needed

On Tuesday 17th September the children are celebrating Book Week and Education Week. The teachers

are planning open classrooms and we’d like to host a morning tea under the trees. Anyone who can

bring a plate to share for morning tea is welcome. A table will be set up under the trees to leave it.

On Thursday 19thSeptember we are hosting the OSSA Science Day. This will involve catering lunch for

50 university students who facilitate the day. The P&C will supply a B-B-Q and we will need some salads

made. If you are able to help out, please let me know. Thanks, Mel.

Living Fundraisers

Everyone has received a bag of living fundraisers. These are due back at

school by Friday 23rd August. Please return any unsold items, along with

your money to the office by this date. You don’t have to wait until then

though. We have people wanting more items to sell, so if you’ve sold all you

can, please return the bag so we can redistribute the items. Thanks so much

for your support and positive feedback about this fundraiser. As always,

come and see me if you have any questions. Mel.

Saturday 7th September – Election Day

The P&C will be holding a fundraising cake stall at the school on election day. We’ll need two things

from parents, 1. Baked goodies to sell (slices, cookies, cakes, muffins, scones, etc) packed for sale and

brought up to school on Friday 6th September. There are a number of small polystyrene trays available

in the office if you’d like some to put your goodies on. 2. I need volunteers to man the cake stall for ½

to 1 hour on Election Day. If you can spare some time during the morning, between 8:00 and 12:00,

please put your name down on the roster in the office, it’s broken down into ½ hour time slots. So come

along and vote, then stay for a while and sell some cakes that will raise money for the school. Thanks

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Cake Day Survey

July 2013

The aim of the survey was to ascertain how families felt about providing cakes/goodies on their rostered day

throughout the year. It also facilitated an opportunity for families to withdraw from the roster, make

recommendations and raise awareness of Cake Day's fund raising purpose.

A generic survey was distributed to every family for consideration. Completed surveys were collected and collated by

the Cake Day Coordinator and representatives from the P&C.

29 surveys were collected. The findings are as below;

Do you think Cake Day is a worthwhile fund-raiser? 90% YES 10% Unstated

Do your children enjoy buying cakes on Cake Day? 93% YES 4% Unstated 3% NO

Do you enjoy baking for Cake Day? 80% YES 3% Unstated 17%NO

Would you prefer the frequency of Cake Day... 80%Weekly 3%Monthly 17%Unstated

Would your children prefer... 60% Home- made 24% Bought cakes 36% Don't mind


“Cake Day is a wonderful tradition” “... a good charity event”

“The responsibility of remembering, not losing and purchasing with their money is so important – especially for the

younger children! Don't stop”!!

“...such a worthwhile cause to sponsor Respicius. A firm believer that this should continue”

“Our family believes that Cake Day is about inclusiveness, cooperation, friendship, sharing, not to mention the

element of surprise each Thursday for the children. The school doesn't have a canteen, kids need something to look

forward to AND IT”S FUN”!!

“Not only does it give you a break for recess once a week (and you know it's home -made and not bought, it's also a

wonderful thing for the children to be introduced to charity (sponsoring someone less fortunate and parents helping

the school). Better than a whole day of canteen duty that most working Mums/Dads can't do”!

“I like the idea of supporting a child in a poor country. Also, as our school does not have a tuck shop – it gives our

children the opportunity to buy something different to heir packed lunch”.

“I think it's a little effort for parents for a lot of happy kids. I know my child loves Cake Day”.

“I'd happily do it 2 x year but if most families are purchasing store bought cakes or biscuits I don't see the point”

“My children love to help prepare and decide on what our family brings for Cake Day. The more creative the better!

It also enables the children to practice their cooking skills”.

“Could there be regular updates on funds raised and sponsorship news in the newsletter”.