Download - canada’s mba for Working - Royal Roads s mba for Working Professionals. letter from the dean mmmm master of business administration MBA in Executive Management MBA in Executive Management


master of business administr ation v ic toria bc canada

canada’smba forWorkingProfessionals

let ter from the dean

master of business

administration MBA in Executive Management

MBA in Executive Management with a specialization in Management Consulting

MBA in Human Resources Management

Thank you for your interest in the Royal Roads University MBA program, offered through the Faculty of Management. Ours is an innovative graduate business program designed specifically for experienced professionals who want to advance their careers. Supporting students in developing advanced business acumen, extending individual leadership skills and gaining a stronger understanding of the relationships between management, society and the environment is the driving force behind our program.

The Royal Roads University MBA combines active and collaborative learning through face-to-face experience labs, online classes and virtual experience labs. With support from faculty, advisors and colleagues, students learn to integrate the principles of leadership, responsibility and strategy to address complex challenges. Students apply this approach to solving real-world, global issues throughout our 18-month program. Led by faculty with practical experience in management and industry, Royal Roads University provides a learning experience that is rich and dynamic.


The overall aim of our MBA program is to enhance the skill set, knowledge and insight of accountable and responsible managers to enable them to contribute to the health of an organization, its stakeholders and its environment.

We hope you will consider the MBA program at Royal Roads University. We look forward to hearing from you.


Pedro G. Márquez, PhD Dean, Faculty of Management



online Pre-residency

In preparation for the first MBA residency and the MBA program, students are required to fully participate and complete the online pre-residency called ‘Getting Down to Business’ (GDB). This session starts four to six weeks before the first on-campus experience lab (formerly known as residencies), and guides students through a variety of technical and program-related activities relevant to a business program.

As the official start of the program, GDB is a moderately paced, three-week online session that encourages students to explore the learning platform, form an online learning community, and become familiar with subject matter specific to the MBA program. Topics covered in GDB include, but are not limited to accounting, writing skills, economics, and team-based learning. It is critical that all students fully engage in the GDB session to best position themselves for success in the MBA program.

Classmates meet face-to-face for the first time at the beginning of the first experience lab and continue to work in teams during the distance modules.

Students are encouraged to visit us at to work through self-directed tutorials for the MS Office suite of software, before their first on-campus experience lab. Students who need more formalized training may wish to register for an in-person course at a computer

The Royal Roads University

applied MBA program is specifically

designed to meet the needs of today’s

experienced professional.

Over the 18-month program, students

complete two, three-week residencies,

ten online courses including five

virtual experience labs, and an

Organizational Management Project.

This allows working professionals to

benefit from the synergy of on-campus

learning and direct interaction with

leading faculty members, while

continuing to meet the demands

of career and lifestyle. The result is

accessible, high quality learning with

minimal professional disruption.

canada’smba forWorkingProfessionals


training institute. Other tutorials for new students can be accessed by visiting and, for a learning readiness assessment, visit us at

Experience Labs (EL)

There are two, three-week Experience Labs (ELs) that ‘bookend’ the program. Following GDB, students attend their first EL on the Royal Roads University campus in Victoria, B.C. These sessions are intended to be engaging, intense, exploratory, and memorable. The second EL occurs at the end of the program, bringing closure to the MBA experience with an integrated simulation, among other activities.

EL Workload

Students can expect the experience lab periods to be rigorous. The normal classroom schedule is Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Homework, readings, and team meetings are done outside these hours in the evenings. To gain the most from residency, students are advised to avoid personal and work commitments as much as possible to focus solely on the activities of the residency.

Distance Learning (DL)

The distance portions of our MBA programs take place over the Internet. Before each course, students are provided

with a package of materials and readings. Following an asynchronous model, students work through the requirements of the course at their own pace, although there are a number of “real time” deadlines for assignments, exams, etc.

We utilize a number of different delivery methods, including textbooks, articles, case studies, interactive Internet learning, videotapes, and “chat” bulletin boards for correspondence with your team members who may live in another part of the country.

Classmates meet during the first EL period and continue to work in teams during the distance modules as well. While teams are assigned by the MBA Program office, students work on several different teams throughout the duration of the program.

International option

Royal Roads University has enjoyed a long and rewarding relationship with the Grenoble Graduate School of Business and, in the past, students have had the opportunity to attend their final residency in Grenoble, France. Royal Roads will continue to look at international opportunities with the current MBA program. Further details about international exchanges, will be posted online at


Getting Down to Business

Experience Lab 1: Discovering Self and Organization

› strategy and context of the organization

› tools and measures

Distance Learning 1: Understanding the Organization through the disciplines

› understanding the organization through measurement

› understanding the organization through relationships

› virtual experience lab (integration 1)

Organizational Management Project (OMP)

Distance Learning 2: Understanding the Organization as part of the larger world

› financing the organization › marketing › virtual experience lab 2

(integration 2)

Distance Learning 3: Understanding the wider context of the Organization

› business in the global economy

› understanding systems › virtual experience lab 3

(integration 3)

Distance Learning 4: Delivering Through the Organization

› leadership › decisions beyond

the boundaries › virtual experience lab 4

(integration 4)

Distance Learning 5: Specialization topics in Executive Management

› specialization topic 1 › specialization topic 2 › virtual experience lab 5

(integration 5)

Organizational Management Project (OMP)

Experience Lab 2: Making Change Happen

› integrative Practices › simulation


“The MBA program at

Royal Roads gave me a

rock solid management

education. I had prior

work experience but the

course content rounded

out my formal education

and took my skills to the

next level. The strength

in this program is that it

allows you to apply what

you learn immediately.

That’s powerful.”

Andrea Chisholm, MBA GraduateManagement Consulting, 2009

MBA – Executive Management

Earning an MBA has come to define success in today’s business marketplace. Royal Roads University’s MBA in Executive Management provides students with a thorough and comprehensive understanding of management practices and develops critical thinking and decision-making skills in demand by high performing organizations.

Students cover core content including Environment of Business, Financial and Managerial Accounting, Marketing Management, and Corporate Finance and choose electives based on individual interests. The program enhances management skills and an understanding of an organization as a whole.

courses of study


MBA – Executive Management Specialization in Management Consulting

Consulting is a growing and exceedingly competitive field. Royal Roads University’s MBA program with a specialization in Management Consulting equips students with the ability to market their skills and expertise whether in-house or externally. Graduates of this program will attain advanced placement in the process of obtaining the Certified Management Consultant (CMC) designation.

coursesGetting Down to Business

Experience Lab 1: Discovering Self and Organization

› strategy and context of the organization

› tools and measures

Distance Learning 1: Understanding the Organization through the disciplines

› understanding the organization through measurement

› understanding the organization through relationships

› virtual experience lab (integration 1)

Organizational Management Project (OMP)

Distance Learning 2: Understanding the Organization as part of the larger world

› financing the organization › marketing › virtual experience lab 2

(integration 2)

Distance Learning 3: Understanding the wider context of the Organization

› business in the global economy

› understanding systems › virtual experience lab 3

(integration 3)

Distance Learning 4: Delivering Through the Organization

› leadership › decisions beyond the

boundaries › virtual experience lab 4

(integration 4)

Distance Learning 5: Specialization topics in Management Consulting

› specialization topic 1 › specialization topic 2 › virtual experience lab 5

(integration 5)

Organizational Management Project (OMP)

Experience Lab 2: Making Change Happen

› integrative Practices › simulation


MBA – Human resources Management

High performance organizations demand highly skilled human resource managers. This sought-after degree, which integrates best practices from both a business and a human resources perspective, gives HR professionals the tools to interpret their organization’s strategic needs and adds value to corporate decision-making. The program provides graduates with enhanced HR management skills, and a superior understanding of organizations as a whole. The program is best suited to experienced managers, business leaders, HR managers and HR professionals who want to deepen their understanding of how advanced strategic human resource management skills and leadership impact the workplace.

“The MBA at Royal

Roads armed me with

the confidence to apply

what I learned about

business and technology

in my industry. It was like

business boot camp –

stressful and spectacular

all at the same time. This

program really pushes you

to succeed.”

Dave Tyson, Graduate MBA in Digital Technologies Management, 2003

Getting Down to Business

Experience Lab 1: Discovering Self and Organization

› strategy and context of the organization

› tools and measures

Distance Learning 1: Understanding the Organization through the disciplines

› understanding the organization through measurement

› understanding the organization through relationships

› virtual experience lab (integration 1)

Organizational Management Project (OMP)

Distance Learning 2: Understanding the Organization as part of the larger world

› financing the organization › marketing › virtual experience lab 2

(integration 2)

Distance Learning 3: Understanding the wider context of the Organization

› business in the global economy

› understanding systems › virtual experience lab 3

(integration 3)

Distance Learning 4: Delivering Through the Organization

› leadership › decisions beyond

the boundaries › virtual experience lab 4

(integration 4)

Distance Learning 5: Specialization topics in Human Resource Management

› specialization topic 1 › specialization topic 2 › virtual experience lab 5

(integration 5)

Organizational Management Project (OMP)

Experience Lab 2: Making Change Happen

› integrative Practices › simulation


courses of study


Accountable and responsible ManagersThe overall aim of our MBA program is to enhance the skill set, knowledge and insight of accountable and responsible managers to enable them to contribute to the health of an organization, its stakeholders and its environment.

Our MBA program focuses on eight learning domains:

CommunicationCritical thinkingProblem solvingAbility to work with othersIntegrationLeadershipResponsibilityInnovation

organizational Management Project (oMP)The Organizational Management Project allows students to integrate and apply the knowledge and skills gained throughout the program to a research project in an area of interest to them or their organization. The scope of the OMP consists of 188 hours of work and requires a final written report and presentation.

“Everything came together

in the final organizational

project. I realized how I

could apply everything

I had learned about

private industry and make

it relevant in my work in

government. It gave me

an opportunity to test

the model. Logically, I

knew my learning would

come together, but after

the project, I knew first

hand. That increased

my confidence a

thousand fold.“

Carrie Johnson, MBA GraduateManagement Consulting, 2009


struc ture


AdmissionOur MBA program is designed for experienced managers and business leaders who want to advance their careers. Applicants are assessed on three criteria – education, professional experience, and personal characteristics. As a baseline for evaluation we look for a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university, seven years of full- time professional experience including three years in management, and personal characteristics that demonstrate the capacity to succeed in the program.

flexible AdmissionSome applicants may have acquired knowledge and experience equivalent to these criteria through life experience. In those instances, our flexible admission criteria may be used. If qualifications are insufficient in one area, flexible admission allows us to credit strengths in other areas. Those applying for an MBA in Human Resources must have education or experience in that field. Those applying for an MBA in Executive Management with a specialization in Management Consulting may have experience in any field.

Virtual Experience LabsBetween each Distance Learning session is a two-day Virtual Experience Lab (VEL). This session is primarily a synchronous session using technology to connect students from around the globe.

Distance Learning WorkloadStudents take two distance courses at a time for a period of 8 weeks. Each module requires a level of effort of approximately 12 - 14 hours per week. This means a minimum total commitment of up to 24 - 28 hours per week. During the first distance courses, the amount of time required may be higher as students familiarize themselves with distance learning technologies.

To assess your computer capabilities, visit

courses of study

“My Royal Roads MBA

enabled me to bring

a strategic business

focus to the delivery

of human resource

services and apply my

education in ‘centre of

expertise’ and ‘business

partner’ situations.

My Organizational

Consulting Project (OCP)

presented an integrated

approach to workplace

health – wellness

measures aligned with

organizational goals,

leadership training,

and disability

management processes.

Royal Roads University

has been an amazing

personal journey.”

MaryAnn Kempe, GraduateMBA in Human resources Management, 2004

GDB Getting Down to Business (online)EL Experience Lab (on campus)DL Distance LearningVEL Virtual Experience Lab







Program StructureThe Royal Roads University MBA is an 18-month graduate degree. Programs begin in August and December each year with a three-week online, pre-residency session (GDB) that leads into the first of two on-campus experience labs (in August or

January). Each on-campus experience lab (EL) bookends the distance learning portion of the program. On-campus experience labs take place in Victoria, B.C. Participants work in teams during both experience lab and online portions.

For more information about the MBA program, visit us at

Contact an enrolment advisor at [email protected] or 1-877-778-6227.

GDB Getting Down to Business (online)EL Experience Lab (on campus)DL Distance LearningVEL Virtual Experience Lab






master of business administr ation v ic toria bc canada

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