Download - Can Bosnia be put back together again? World Regional Georaphy Afton’s Class July 15, 2009.

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Can Bosnia be put back together again? World Regional Georaphy Aftons Class July 15, 2009 Slide 2 Map quiz London Paris Berlin Frankfurt Amsterdam Spain Bosnia Hungary Ireland Switzerland Sweden Alps Rhine River Iberian Peninsula Danube Slide 3 Territory: A Generic Definition A general term used to refer to a portion of space that is occupied by a political actor. Examples? Link to the concept of scale? Slide 4 Other Key Terms, Locations, and Actors Domicide the intentional destruction of homes and residences to prevent the return of displaced populations Iconic landscapes cultural representations depicted in the built environment. Republika Srpska the Serb-controlled part of Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) Srebrenica site of the mass killings of Bosnian Muslim men and boys by Serbs in July 1995. Radovan Karadzic (Political leader of the Bosnian Serbs during the war) and Ratko Mladic (Military commander in charge of Serb forces in Bosnia; directly responsible for Srebrenica) Slide 5 A Timeline of Events in the Former Yugoslavia After World War II, the interwar monarchy becomes a communist republic under Prime Minister Tito, now called the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia. It was composed of six republics: Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Slovenia, and Montenegro, as well as two provinces, Kosovo and Vojvodina. Tito's tight rein on Yugoslavia keeps ethnic tensions in check until his death in 1980. Without his pan-Slavic influence, ethnic and nationalist differences begin to flare. Slovenia and Croatia declare independence in June 1991 Slide 6 Timeline continued Bosnia declares independence in April 1992. The most ethnically diverse of the Yugoslav republics, Bosnia is 43% Muslim, 31% Serbian, and 17% Croatian at that time. Ethnic tensions strain to the breaking point, and Bosnia erupts into war. Thousands die and more than a million are displaced, with the most horrific killing occurring at Srebrenica. By the time a tenuous peace is achieved in 1995, the country has been partitioned into three areas, with each region governed by one of the three ethnic groups. In November 1995, Bosnia, Serbia, and Croatia sign the Dayton Peace Accord to end the war in Bosnia. Kosovo Slobodan Milosevic sends troops into the region in March 1998 to quell ethnic tensions; NATO intervenes to prevent further population displacement and killing in March 1999. Slide 7 Soft Power: Constructing Iconic Landscapes Slide 8 Slide 9 Slide 10 War Memorial to soldiers in the Republika Srpska Slide 11 Slide 12 Karazdic: The Great Transformation Circa 1995July 2008 December 2008 Slide 13 Domicide: Some Examples Slide 14 Slide 15 Slide 16 Slide 17 The Result? The impact of ethnic cleansing and ethnic territoriality in Bosnia-Herzegovina Slide 18 Preferences for Ethnic Separatism by Nationality and Ethnic Group Pride Slide 19 A Broken Bosnia Remains -Bosnia remains a divided country; you cant put Humpty-Dumpty together again. -The struggle for political control continues on the local, national and international scale. -Future prospects? EU membership as a carrot for economic and political reform. Slide 20 Other concerns: Kosovo Became independent in February 2008, despite Serbian and Russian opposition. Flag of independent Kosovo: Slide 21 Slide 22