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Campus Interviewing© Campus Logix
Campus Logix
Established 2006
Besides Campus Recruitment, execute
Decentralised career services
Onboarding & organisational socialization challenges
Growing list
Optimising resources
4. Number of students in target years within target programs
5. Student career development opportunities
6. Employer branding opportunities
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‘A’ List- In-depth campaign
Baby Boomers (1946-1964) - 44 to 62 Yrs
Gen Xers (1965 -1980) – 28 to 43 Yrs
Gen Ys (1981-2000) – 8 to 28 Yrs
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Gen Ys
*Life Defining Events: 9/11, school violence, digital technology, Y2K, corporate downsizing/outsourcing, business dis-honesty
*Attitudes & Values: Confidence, diversity, optimism, dedication, civic conscious
*Characteristics: Techno-crazy, collective action, pack mentality, innovative, highly independent, demanding, gets bored easily
*Source: N-gen People Performance
*Work for young North Americans, divides into 3 categories
A ‘job’ for money & money alone (tweens & teens mostly)
A ‘real job’ for related experience &/or for more money (1st & 2nd year undergraduates)
A ‘Career’ for experience in a specific industry (3rd year undergraduates & upwards)
* Source- Youthography
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Higher emphasis on work – life balance
Flex hours, working off-site
‘Save the world’ projects
Fun & relaxed working atmosphere
Easy access to resources
The ‘learners’
‘Success at school’ is good grades, good work experience
The ‘academics’
‘Success at school’ is being successful in academics
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Developing your Employer Brand
Establishing your company ‘image’
Who works there now and how are they depicted in popular culture?
What kind of impact does your company have on society/environment/technology or business?
What kind of press do you get?
Communicating your ‘EVP’
Your people culture
Dedicated student recruitment webpage
Presence in school newspapers
School ambassadors
On-campus media
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Day to day experiences (typical day in the life of…..)
Required skills, competencies & attitude
Growth opportunities (rational connection between entry level positions and senior positions)
Cannot potray value chain, day to day in posting…use infosessions, facebook, youtube etc.
Learning opportunites- working with clients, alongside VP or CEO
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Coop, internships & summer jobs
Employer Info-sessions
On-campus competitions
Plant/site visits
Faculty partnerships could include free trials of software, demo products
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Logistics Planning
Campus-promo Events
Limited space & time (Sept-Nov)
Refreshments – pizzas, wine & cheese
Ensure test contents are within the parameters of the curriculum
On-line and on-campus testing
Scheduling candidates
Case interviews
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Successful interviewing
Outline the recruitment process & timelines
Explain the position & requirements
Explain the career path
Provide prompt feedback
Don’t do most of the talking
Do not look away while student is answering or look disinterested
Don’t show your displeasure if student responses are not meeting your expectations
Do not ask questions that could relate to nationality, citizenship status (you can ask if they are eligible to work in Canada), religion, mother tongue, marital status, sexual preference, physical disabilities
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Offer Management
Communicating timelines
Post offer communication