Download - Campus Current Vol. 32 / Issue 1

Page 1: Campus Current Vol. 32 / Issue 1


Monday, September 10, 2012

CampusMondnddddndaayay, Se tptembber 1010, 200121212

CurrentA n n e A r u n d e l C o m m u n i t y C o l l e g e

An Independent Student Newspaper

By Kyle McKenzieStaff Writer

The newly renovated Andrew G. Truxal Library on campus is now open for students and faculty to use. This time last year, the library was nothing more than an empty shell. Now it is an impressive 74,000-square-foot building in the middle of campus. This renova-tion project cost $19 million, which was under the estimated cost of $21 million. During the construction the library was moved to a temporary building next to the tennis courts last year so that construction could begin, and continued up to the begin-ning of the fall semester. When visitors walk into the

@mollywinans: with 2 million left over from

the budget for #truxal, I wonder where the money went? to another building

on campus?

library from the first floor en-trance, their gaze is drawn to the large room of over 100 computers for students to use for study and homework. The library has three floors and 20 group study rooms, a large increase in the amount avail-able before the renovation. Each study room has a monitor that students can use to do work that would require the use of a com-puter. The second floor also has a section that contains over 200 magazines, newspapers, and jour-nals that are published regularly. It also has over 140,000 books and around 10,000 audiovisual items. The entire third floor of the library is a quiet study, with quiet study rooms available for students to use, away from distractions and noises.

@aaccbeh:You get alot of privacy with hidden

desks and tables in nooks and crannies and private

cubical. #truxal

Something Old; Something NewPhotography By Ken Harriford

Photography By Ken Harriford


@KMSully725: #truxal the library was also made with recycled goods!!

Timothy Pickeral , 18 (l) and Tyler Anderson, 20 (r) take advantage using one of the many group study rooms in the library.

Campus ife pg 2 pinion pg aculty pg Around AACC pg 5 Classi des pg 7


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Page 2: Campus Current Vol. 32 / Issue 1

Monday, September 10, 2012 Campus Current

2 Campus Life

Social BuzzWhat are students tweeting about AACC?

Join the conversation! Tweet with keyword “AACC” or “#AACC” and your tweet may

appear in the next issue of the Campus Current.

@Horane_ChiLLBro: #aacc= white girl nation

@abylsma: Congratulations goes out to the guy who sits in front of me in physics for wearing the

same outfit two classes in a row #AACC #winning

@PaulCaillouet: Rollin 20 books deep in #aacc

@byraaaaan: It’s so weird having full grown adults in my classes now at #AACC

@AllyRex: Props to #AACC for having a good lookingbaseball team

@lyndsayla: Hooray for awesome profes-sors who don’t penalize us for things that

are out of our control! #aacc

@iHeart_MyTC: I’m mad gas prices go up as soon as I drive the most in my life.

#aacc is putting a hurt in my wallet

@emilywalz13: Just because your an #AACC regular doesn’t mean you own the school.

@ABCDianaEFG: Is it weird for me to say I can’t wait till class tomorrow? #AACC

@PaulCaillouet: When there’s a dead silence in class that’s when you know the class is going to suck #aacc

@Megan_Rose21: I don’t know how I’m supposed to get from one side of the campus to the other in 15 minutes. #AACC

@meggles4sho: Free m&ms, soda, AND codoms?!!?! I love this school #AACC

@Konnor12DePol: I have never seen this many weird people in my life #aacc

@JaimeRiicker: It’s freezing in this school! #AACCprobz

@charleighbitme: Not only do I have no idea where my classes are located tomorrow but I also can’t remember

what classes I even signed up for #aaccprobz

@olivia_dayton: I always forget where I park. #AACCProbz

@_rach_face: I’m gonna have to leave 20 minutes early every day just to find parking until all these shitheads drop out in a few

weeks #AACCprobz

Answers on pg 7.

@Mo_Diggs: No better place to get your daily dosage of second hand smoking at its

finest #AACC

@DiLonardo33: When a guy is riding around #AACC on a unicycle and try’s to ride

down 20 steps and eats s*@t >>>>>I’m dying over here!

@EnvyM3_: #AACC went hard on their cafeteria.

@StuffedBra: Everyone on campus smells bad today. Step it up #aacc

@28thompsonD: #aacc new library may be the only place on campus to get a fast inter-

net connection #truxel

@Kennytfree: God I love being able to wear my hat in school. #AACC

@Horane_ChiLLBro: #aacc sells sushi...lmao

@RyanCSmith93: The amount of rolling backpacks on this campus is too damn high!


@mnmule: i hate how i have to leave my house 45 min before class to account for 20 min to find parking. build a new lot #AACC

The Campus Current is published by the Student Association through its communications board and is financed by student fees and advertising. It is an independent student newspaper and not a publication of the col-lege. We reserve the right to edit and/or refuse to publish any letters or stories received. The Current will not publish unsigned letters to the editor. Opinions ex-pressed in the Current are those of individuals and not necessarily those of the Current as a whole.

ADVERTISEin the Current or write to us at the Current

Editor-in-Chief Tracy Sloan

Photo Editor Ken Harriford

Design EditorKimberly Doane

WritersKyle McKenzieNikki Butterworth

PhotographersAdam Jones

CartoonistStephen Filer

AdviserSheri Venema

The Campus CurrentAnne Arundel Community CollegeHumanities 206101 College ParkwayArnold, MD 21012Phone: 410-777-2803Fax: 410-777-2021e-mail: [email protected] us on Facebook and Twitter!

CampusCurrent Staff

Page 3: Campus Current Vol. 32 / Issue 1

Monday, September 10, 2012Campus Current

Opinion 3

By Tracy SloanCo-Editor

On July 20, 2012 a mass shoot-ing took place which has sparked an on-going debate about gun control. The shooting in Aurora, Colorado took place in a very common and vulnerable location, a movie theater showing the open-ing premier of “The Dark Knight Rises.” Since that shooting there has been a domino effect of shoot-ings all over the nation in equally vulnerable places. Does America need more gun regulation? Many people argue that no matter what you do to ban guns or at least regulate who can own guns, criminals will still be able to illegally obtain guns. Semiautomatic handguns and assault weapons make for the top two used guns in mass shootings in American since 1982. More than 75% of these guns were obtained legally. Its not difficult for an individual to go online and purchase ammunition or to purchase guns at a private gun show. Our Constitution protects our right as Americans to keep and bear arms but it was also written at a time when the assault weapons and guns we have today were not available. According to the Pews Research Center, a survey conducted in July 2012 among 1,010 adults shows that 67% view shootings

like the Aurora shooting as acts of troubled individuals as opposed to 24% who view it as a reflection of broader problems in society. Since this shooting in Aurora there have been numerous shootings in a matter of only a few months. But with so many shootings taking place in such a short amount of time, one can no longer avoid the fact that this is not normal and certainly this must be a reflection of deeper problems in our society. Aside from focusing on the issue of gun control, there needs to be acknowledgement of something deeper contributing to the crisis. What is causing the individuals in our society to go on mass killing sprees? What is the root of the problem? Gun control is just one of the issues contributing to the crisis we are currently experiencing. According to reports, the 15 year old shooter at Perry Hall High had made references on his facebook about murder-suicide and mass murderer Charles Man-son. Many of the shooters showed signs of mental instability. If issues like these were addressed ahead of time would these have prevented on or more of the shootings? The issue of gun control is a constant debate but if there is one thing that can be agreed upon its that something must be done to induce change in our society.

Comments or suggestions? Tweet us @Campus_Current and let us know your opinions!

For more information, call 301.687.4201

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Study close to home. FSU offers a B.S. in engineering (electrical concentration) at AACC Arundel Mills Regional Higher Education Center.

Heard the news?

Answers on pg 7.

The Gun Control Debate

Page 4: Campus Current Vol. 32 / Issue 1

Monday, September 10, 2012 Campus Current

4 Faculty

By Nicole ButterworthStaff Writer

Who are your heroes?

Schaeffer: My heroes are my mother and my step-mom. My mother taught me to be bold and independent, and taught me how to fight to be the person I was born to be. I definitely learned a lot about courage through my mother, she always got through the hard times with a smile on her face. My step-mom works for the YWCA, and fights for the quality of life of others. She taught me to be grateful for every moment, to seize opportunity, and to help aide others in finding their own opportunities.

How has your childhood shaped you into the person you are today?

I definitely believe I experienced a lot early in life. There were moments were I had to grow up quickly, and other moments when I had way too much fun. I am thankful for every moment of my childhood because who knows where I would be today if it were different. I’m more than happy with the position I am in - with the Student Association, my academics, and my personal life.

What is your planned major, and why?

I am in the Registered Nursing program. When I was younger I always wanted to be a doctor, I dressed up in a little Halloween costume all throughout the year. I had a period of time where that just seemed like way to much work and effort. I tried the culi-nary field and I hated it. So then my stepmom suggested I attend one of the orientations they have here (at AACC) for the program. I fell in love instantly. Later that year I made plans to move out here from WA State (where I grew up), to attend this specific nursing program. I couldn’t have made a better decision.

What is the Student Association and why were you attracted to it?

The Student Association is the governing group on campus. We look over all the other clubs and organizations, allocate fees to them, and work together to voice the opinions of the student body. I believe that the Student Associa-tion is full of wonderful student leaders and I wanted to become a part to make myself a better leader and a more professional individual.

Why did you want to be Presi-dent?

It kind of fell into my lap actu-ally. It came up in conversation one day that I should think about becoming the president. A few weeks later, I still couldn’t get the thought of it out of my mind, so I decided to go for it. I love this college with all my heart, it has given so much to me and I want everyone else to be able to experi-ence the same thing.What are your plans as the new Student Association President?I want to reach out to students more through town halls and general events. I also want

to reach out to the clubs and organizations, to let them know that we are here for them with extra hands and a good skill base to aide them with whatever they may need. I want students to know who we are as the Student Association, and I want them to know we are here for anything.

Will the budget cuts affect any of these activities that you and the rest of the Student Asso-ciation have planned for this semester?

Well, I think that it all depends on how creative we can be and that goes for all the other clubs/

organizations as well. We can definitely keep up the number of events, but it’s going to take a lot of ingenuity to do so. I have faith that the events offered this year will be just as grand as ones we’ve had in previous years.

Are there any ways we can increase the budget of the As-sociation besides doing fund-raisers?

Fundraisers are our number one right now; if we need money, we have to raise it. That’s how it’s going to be for the remainder of the year. However, there are ways to change that, we just need

the students’ help to achieve it. There is a student advocacy day, in which students can show how much they support our school and how much a little more cash would help us out. Also, there could be a student activity fee increase, which has been turned down in the past, but we could always change that by voicing that students would be willing to compensate. There are many options; it all depends on how far the students are willing to reach for them.

Q&A Session with Schaeffer Seabrook

Photography By Ken Harriford

Page 5: Campus Current Vol. 32 / Issue 1

Monday, September 10, 2012Campus Current

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Around AACC 5

Photography By Ken HarrifordPhotography By Ken Harriford


Lynda Fitzgerald demonstrates choreography to students at the AACC Dance Company auditions on Sept 4 2012 in Cade 103.

2 Anthony Davis 19, William Handelman 19, Matt Gurtshaw 25, and Jeremy Bullock 17 take a break from classes to have some fun dodging nerf balls in the Running Man inflatable, on Aug 30 2012 on the SSVC lawn.

New school President Dr. Dawn Lindsay took time to meet with students during the CAB sponsored event “Wingfest” on Sept 5.

Photography By Ken Harriford Photography By Ken Harriford

Photography By Adam Jones

Page 6: Campus Current Vol. 32 / Issue 1

Monday, September 10, 2012 Campus Current

Page 7: Campus Current Vol. 32 / Issue 1

Monday, September 10, 2012Campus Current

HelpWantedPart-Time Accounts Bookkeeper, Payroll/Pay Receiver Position: Plus Good Computer Skills A Must Sent Resume To : [email protected] Regards Reed Jack.

Classifieds 7


Do you have a pulse on campus life? Then come join us and con-tribute to the school newspaper. The Campus Current is looking for Writers, Copy Editors, and Photographers. For more informa-tion contact us via Facebook , 410-777-2296, or even Room 208a in the Humanities Building.

Page 8: Campus Current Vol. 32 / Issue 1

Monday, September 10, 2012 Campus Current

8 Comics