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On the Complexity of SNP Block Partitioning Under thePerfect Phylogeny Model

An appropriate subtitle

Jens Gramm1 Tzvika Hartman2 Till Nierhoff3

1Universitat Tubingen, Germany2Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel3International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley, USA

Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics, 2006


IntroductionThe Model and the ProblemThe Integrated Approach

Bad News: Hardness ResultsHardness of PP-Partitioning of Haplotype MatricesHardness of PP-Partitioning of Genotype Matrices

Good News: Tractability ResultsPerfect Path PhylogeniesTractability of PPP-Partitioning of Genotype Matrices

2 of 22

What is haplotyping and why is it important?

You hopefully know this after the previous three talks. . .

3 of 22

General formalization of haplotyping.


I A genotype matrix G .

I The rows of the matrix are taxa / individuals.

I The columns of the matrix are SNP sites / characters.


I A haplotype matrix H.

I Pairs of rows in H explain the rows of G .

I The haplotypes in H are biologically plausible.

4 of 22

Our formalization of haplotyping.


I A genotype matrix G .

I The rows of the matrix are individuals / taxa.

I The columns of the matrix are SNP sites / characters.

I The problem is directed: one haplotype is known.

I The input is biallelic: there are only two homozygous states (0 and1) and one heterozygous state (2).


I A haplotype matrix H.

I Pairs of rows in H explain the rows of G .

I The haplotypes in H form a perfect phylogeny.5 of 22

We can do perfect phylogeny haplotyping efficiently,but . . .

1. Data may be missing.I This makes the problem NP-complete . . .I . . . even for very restricted cases.

Solutions:I Additional assumption like the rich data hypothesis.

2. No perfect phylogeny is possible.I This can be caused by chromosomal crossing-over effects.I This can be caused by incorrect data.I This can be caused by multiple mutations at the same sites.

Solutions:I Look for phylogenetic networks.I Correct data.I Find blocks where a perfect phylogeny is possible.

6 of 22

How blocks help in perfect phylogeny haplotyping.

1. Partition the site set into overlapping contiguous blocks.

2. Compute a perfect phylogeny for each block and combine them.

3. Use dynamic programming for finding the partition.


.Genotype matrix

.no perfect phylogeny

7 of 22

How blocks help in perfect phylogeny haplotyping.

1. Partition the site set into overlapping contiguous blocks.

2. Compute a perfect phylogeny for each block and combine them.

3. Use dynamic programming for finding the partition.


.Genotype matrix

..perfect phylogeny

7 of 22

How blocks help in perfect phylogeny haplotyping.

1. Partition the site set into overlapping contiguous blocks.

2. Compute a perfect phylogeny for each block and combine them.

3. Use dynamic programming for finding the partition.


.Genotype matrix

..perfect phylogeny .perfect phylogeny

7 of 22

How blocks help in perfect phylogeny haplotyping.

1. Partition the site set into overlapping contiguous blocks.

2. Compute a perfect phylogeny for each block and combine them.

3. Use dynamic programming for finding the partition.


.Genotype matrix

..perfect phylogeny .perfect phylogeny .perfect phylogeny

7 of 22

Objective of the integrated approach.

1. Partition the site set into noncontiguous blocks.

2. Compute a perfect phylogeny for each block and combine them.

3. Compute partition while computing perfect phylogenies.


.Genotype matrix

.no perfect phylogeny

8 of 22

Objective of the integrated approach.

1. Partition the site set into noncontiguous blocks.

2. Compute a perfect phylogeny for each block and combine them.

3. Compute partition while computing perfect phylogenies.


.Genotype matrix

..perfect phylogeny .perfect phylogeny

.perfect phylogeny

8 of 22

The formal computational problem.

We are interested in the computational complexity ofthe function χPP:

I It gets genotype matrices as input.

I It maps them to a number k.

I This number is minimal such that the sites can be covered by ksets, each admitting a perfect phylogeny.(We call this a pp-partition.)

9 of 22

Finding pp-partitions of haplotype matrices.

We start with a special case:

I The inputs M are already haplotype matrices.

I The inputs M do not allow a perfect phylogeny.

I What is χPP(M)?


M :

0 0 0 10 1 0 01 0 0 00 1 0 01 0 0 00 1 0 11 1 0 00 0 1 01 0 1 0

No perfect phylogeny is possible.

10 of 22

Finding pp-partitions of haplotype matrices.

We start with a special case:

I The inputs M are already haplotype matrices.

I The inputs M do not allow a perfect phylogeny.

I What is χPP(M)?


M :

0 0 0 10 1 0 01 0 0 00 1 0 01 0 0 00 1 0 11 1 0 00 0 1 01 0 1 0

.Perfect phylogenyPerfect phylogenyχPP(M) = 2.

10 of 22

Bad news about pp-partitions of haplotype matrices.


Finding optimal pp-partition of haplotype matricesis equivalent to finding optimal graph colorings.

Proof sketch for first direction.

1. Let G be a graph.

2. Build a matrix with a column for each vertex of G .

3. For each edge of G add four rows inducing

the submatrix

(0 00 11 01 1


4. The submatrix enforces that the columns lie in different perfectphylogenies.

11 of 22

Implications for pp-partitions of haplotype matrices.


If χPP(M) = 2 for a haplotype matrix M, we can find an optimalpp-partition in polynomial time.


Computing χPP for haplotype matrices is

I NP-hard,

I not fixed-parameter tractable, unless P = NP,

I very hard to approximate.

12 of 22

Finding pp-partitions of genotype matrices.

Now comes the general case:

I The inputs M are genotype matrices.

I The inputs M do not allow a perfect phylogeny.

I What is χPP(M)?


M :

2 2 2 21 0 0 00 0 0 10 0 1 00 2 2 01 1 0 0

No perfect phylogeny is possible.

13 of 22

Finding pp-partitions of genotype matrices.

Now comes the general case:

I The inputs M are genotype matrices.

I The inputs M do not allow a perfect phylogeny.

I What is χPP(M)?


M :

2 2 2 21 0 0 00 0 0 10 0 1 00 2 2 01 1 0 0

.Perfect phylogenyPerfect phylogenyχPP(M) = 2.

13 of 22

Bad news about pp-partitions of haplotype matrices.


Finding optimal pp-partition of genotype matrices is at least as hard asfinding optimal colorings of 3-uniform hypergraphs.

Proof sketch.

1. Let G be a 3-uniform hypergraph.

2. Build a matrix with a column for each vertex of G .

3. For each hyperedge of G add four rows inducing

the submatrix

(2 2 21 0 00 1 00 0 1


4. The submatrix enforces that the three columns do not all lie in thesame perfect phylogeny.

14 of 22

Implications for pp-partitions of genotype matrices.


Even if we know χPP(M) = 2 for a genotype matrix M,finding a pp-partition of any fixed size is still

I NP-hard,

I not fixed-parameter tractable, unless P = NP,

I very hard to approximate.

15 of 22

Automatic optimal pp-partitioning is hopeless, but. . .

I The hardness results are worst-case results forhighly artificial inputs.

I Real biological data might have special properties that make theproblem tractable.

I One such property is that perfect phylogenies are often perfectpath phylogenies:In HapMap data, in 70% of the blocks where a perfect phylogenyis possible a perfect path phylogeny is also possible.

16 of 22

Example of a perfect path phylogeny.

Genotype matrix

G :


2 2 20 2 02 0 00 2 2

Haplotype matrix

H :


1 0 00 1 10 0 00 1 00 0 01 0 00 0 00 1 1

Perfect path phylogeny








17 of 22

The modified formal computational problem.

We are interested in the computational complexity ofthe function χPPP:

I It gets genotype matrices as input.

I It maps them to a number k.

I This number is minimal such that the sites can be covered by ksets, each admitting a perfect path phylogeny.(We call this a ppp-partition.)

18 of 22

Good news about ppp-partitions of genotype matrices.


Optimal ppp-partitions of genotype matrices can be computed inpolynomial time.


1. Build the following partial order:I Can one column be above the other in a phylogeny?I Can the columns be the two children of the root of a perfect path


2. Cover the partial order with as few compatible chain pairs aspossible.For this, a maximal matching in a special graph needs to becomputed.

.. The algorithm in action

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I Finding optimal pp-partitions is intractable.

I It is even intractable to find a pp-partition when just twononcontiguous blocks are known to suffice.

I For perfect path phylogenies, optimal partitions can be computedin polynomial time.

20 of 22

The algorithm in action.

Genotype matrix

G :


2 2 2 2 20 1 2 1 01 0 0 1 20 2 2 0 0

Partial order

..A .B




Partial order: .

Compatible as children of root: .

21 of 22

The algorithm in action.

Genotype matrix

G :


2 2 2 2 20 1 2 1 01 0 0 1 20 2 2 0 0

Partial order

..A .B




Partial order: .Compatible as children of root: .

21 of 22

The algorithm in action.

Partial order

..A .B




Matching graph

..A .B




.A′ .B ′

.C ′

.D ′

.E ′

A maximal matching in the matching graph

inducesperfect path phylogenies.

.. Return

22 of 22

The algorithm in action.

Partial order

..A .B




Matching graph

..A .B




.A′ .B ′

.C ′

.D ′

.E ′

A maximal matching in the matching graph

inducesperfect path phylogenies.

.. Return

22 of 22

The algorithm in action.

Partial order

..A .B




Matching graph

..A .B




.A′ .B ′

.C ′

.D ′

.E ′

A maximal matching in the matching graph inducesperfect path phylogenies.

.. Return

22 of 22