Download - Calvary Moravian · 2019-08-16 · cordially invited! Please see the enclosed white insert for details! Calvary Moravian

Page 1: Calvary Moravian · 2019-08-16 · cordially invited! Please see the enclosed white insert for details! Calvary Moravian

Calvary Moravian Church


AUGUST 18, 2019

600 Holly Avenue Winston-Salem, NC 27101

Witnessing to the love of God in the heart of Winston-Salem since 1893.

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Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

August 18, 2019 11:00 a.m.

Watchword for the Week – Let us run with perseverance the race that is

set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.

Hebrews 12:2

(Selections in today’s service are taken from the blue Moravian Book of Worship.)

Preparation for Worship



The Right Reverend Lane A. Sapp PRELUDE –Adagio from Enigma Variations

Edward L. Gar (1857-1934)

Mary Louise Kapp Peeples, piano

The Praise of God

+HYMN OF PRAISE 381 – Holy, Holy, Holy T. NICAEA (144 C)

+LITURGY OF GRACE, pp.31-35 The Reverend Chaz Snider

The Worship of God with Our Tithes and Offerings

ANTHEM – Lord God, We Worship Thee Marie Pooler (b. 1928)

The Chancel Choir

+All who are able, please stand.

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Praise God from whom all blessings flow;

praise Him, all creatures here below;

praise Him above, ye heavenly host;

praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

The Proclamation of the Word of God

THE HOLY SCRIPTURES Linda Smith, Lay Reader

EPISTLE: Hebrews 11:29-12:2 p. 1051

+GOSPEL: Luke 12:49-56 p. 906

Lay Reader: The Gospel of the Lord.

Congregation: Thanks be to God.

+Ascriptions of Praise.


(The children are invited to join Pastor Lane at the chancel.)

T. JESUS LOVES ME [Hymn 726]

Tune: William B. Bradbury (1861)

Text: Anna Bartlett Warner (1859)

Jesus loves me! This I know, for the Bible tells me so.

Little ones to him belong; they are weak but he is strong.

Yes, Jesus loves me, yes, Jesus loves me,

yes, Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so.

(Children Pre-K to 2

nd grade are invited to leave for Godly Play

during the singing of this hymn.)


(The service ode continues on the next page.)

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HYMN OF PREPARATION 628 – Rise Up, O Saints of God!


SERMON – Fire Pastor Lane

+HYMN OF DEDICATION 709 – How Firm a Foundation T. FOUNDATION


Moravian Liturgies (539 B)

PIANO – Prelude in D Major J. S. Bach (1685-1750)

Mrs. Peeples

(The congregation is seated for the postlude as a time of prayerful

reflection. If you need to leave during the postlude, please do so quietly

in respect of those seated near you.)



Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

Judge eternal, you love justice and hate oppression; you give peace to those

who seek it, and you condemn the rage of violence. Give us courage to take

our stand with all victims of bloodshed and greed, and, following your

servants and prophets, look to Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.


Calvary Moravian Church Church Office: 336.722.3703 E-mail address: [email protected]


The Rt. Rev. Lane A. Sapp ([email protected]) Pastor

The Rev. Chaz Snider ([email protected]) Associate Pastor

Mrs. Amanda M. Schumpert ([email protected]) Director of Music and

Christian Education

Mrs. Mary Louise Kapp Peeples Organist

Mr. Paul F. Knouse, Jr. ([email protected]) Administrative Assistant

Ms. Sabrina Maksi ([email protected]) Financial Secretary

Mr. Brian C. Lott ([email protected]) Band Director

Mr. Gordon D. Cranfill, Jr. ([email protected]) Facilities Manager

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The sympathy of the congregation is expressed to the family and friends of

Brother Donald Lacey Smith who entered the more immediate presence of

the Savior on August 11. Brother Smith was the grandfather of Brother Mac

Smith, and he was a resident of Keystone Heights, FL. The funeral service

for Brother Smith was held in Jacksonville, FL on August 15.

We thank Linda Smith for serving as our Lay Reader this morning.

Mrs. Amanda Schumpert, our Director of Music and Christian Education, is

on vacation through today. She will return to the office tomorrow.

The Women’s Fellowship will be making chicken pies to be sold at its

upcoming Fall Bazaar in October. The group made the pastry (crust dough)

last week. Chicken cooking and pie assembly will be Tuesday, August 27,

at 4:00 p.m. Please make plans to help! We need both men and women. A

nursery will be provided if needed. Please call or text Donna Cheek

(336.399.0857) with questions and/or if you can help. Thank you!

The 6th Annual Children’s Festival will be held this afternoon from

2:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. at Friedland Moravian Church. Events begin at

2:00 p.m., followed by the traditional lovefeast at 4:00 p.m. Everyone is

cordially invited! Please see the enclosed white insert for details!

Calvary Moravian Church

Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

August 18, 2019

We welcome all members and guests on this Tenth Sunday after

Pentecost. We are glad that you have come to worship at Calvary! We

hope you will feel welcome in the Lord’s house.

Please make a special effort to greet those around you in the spirit of

Christian fellowship. As the Ritual of Friendship pad is passed, kindly

take a moment to write down your name, address, and phone number.

During the prelude, you are invited to enter a spirit of reverence and

quiet reflection as we prepare to worship the Lord. We kindly request

that you silence all electronic devices.

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Next Sunday, August 25, will be a fun morning as we celebrate with

anticipation the start of another school year and church season! We'll begin

with a church-wide breakfast at 9:45 a.m. during the Sunday school hour in

Fellowship Hall (this will take the place of all Sunday school classes for the

morning.) Teachers, during breakfast, feel free to say a little something

about your class if you'd like! This is a great time to learn about all the class

offerings we have for the fall! The 11:00 a.m. worship service will be

focused on education and will feature our little ones getting their stars for

the second floor hallway, learning and re-learning about New-to-the-Pew, as

well as our 2019 “Blessing of the Backpacks” for all students, teachers,

administrators, staff, Sunday School teachers, etc. Please mark your

calendars for a wonderful morning of celebration and worship next Sunday.

The last summer organ concert in the 2019 “Sounds of the Summer” organ

series will be held tomorrow, August 19, at 7:00 p.m. in Hanes Auditorium

of Salem College’s Elberson Fine Arts Center. The theme will be “The

Teacher,” and the program will be presented by students of the University of

North Carolina School of the Arts and Salem College. The recital instrument

will be Salem College’s Holtkamp organ, Job 1785, 1964. The concert is

free and open to the public.

Piedmont Opera, our neighbor near Calvary, will be presenting a concert

next Saturday, August 24, at 7:00 p.m. in our sanctuary. The program will

include works of great bel canto opera composers including Donizetti,

Bellini, Verdi, and Puccini. The program is part of Carolina Summerfest

2019. Tickets range from $8 to $24, and may be obtained through Piedmont


Women’s Fellowship Fall Bazaar – October 5. The Women’s Fellowship

will be hosting a Fall Bazaar, Saturday October 5, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00

p.m. We are asking for anyone that would like to rent a table for $25.00.

Anyone can sell any unused items such as handmade crafts, jewelry,

woodwork, Moravian items, and vendors with merchandise to be

sold. Additionally, the Women’s Fellowship will have breakfast and coffee

available. Raffle drawings will also be going on with great prize giveaways.

The bazaar will be advertized in local print publications along with flyers

and some Christian radio station spots. Please spread the word for this fun

fall event!

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The annual Bookmarks Festival will be held on Saturday, September 7.

Some of the events will occur in the Calvary sanctuary during the day.

Calvary volunteers are needed for two-hour time slots beginning as early as

8:30 a.m., with events ending by 5:30 p.m. If you can assist by serving a

shift (or more) as a Calvary volunteer, please let us know up using the sign-

up sheets in the narthex, and/or contact Sherry Griggs, this year’s Calvary

coordinator for the Festival: 336.817.4801 (cell) or e-mail:

[email protected].


Eddie Johnson; Fay Davis; Patrick Biggam and family; Judy Middleton;

Berletta Walker; Jane Sofley; Hannah Biggam; Margaret Higgins; Mary

Hampton; Chris Wikel; Ina Magi; Wesley Davis; Bill Hampton; Ursula

Pierce; Jack Messick; Pat George; Ed Alford; Ramona Burke; and Patricia


(Copies of our Prayer List for family members and friends

may be found in the narthex.)




Lay Readers


Godly Play


John Berkenstock

Tyler Collins, Eldon Nance

Joel C. Lineback, Noah Cox

Richard Swing

Mike Sigmon

Robert Stafford

Chris Stone, Chris Wikel

Dawn Martin

Linda Smith

Lisa Davis

Rachel Robinson

Matt Kane

TODAY: August 18 Next Sunday: August 25

Craig Cagle, Robert Caudle

John Davis

Paul Marshall

Jack Messick

Joel C. Lineback

Chese Trivette

Jay Trivette

Melanie Nance

Stephen Baker

Rachel Robinson

Mike Hattaway

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TODAY (August 18) Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

9:45 a.m. Sunday School

9:45 a.m. Inquirer’s Class: “Moravian 101”

(last session; Fellowship Hall)

11:00 a.m. Worship

2:00 p.m. 6th Children’s Festival and Lovefeast

(at Friedland Moravian; lovefeast will

begin at 4:00 p.m.)

MONDAY (August 19)

6:30 p.m. Joint Board (Fellowship Hall),

followed by Elders (Burke)

and Trustees (Fellowship Center) meetings

WEDNESDAY (August 21)

6:30 p.m. Christian Education Committee (Burke)

THURSDAY (August 22)

10:00 a.m. September 2019 “Connection” Newsletter

Assembly Team (2nd

floor foyer)

SATURDAY (August 24)

7:00 p.m. Piedmont Opera Concert (Sanctuary)

[Tickets: $8-$24, available through

Piedmont Opera:]

NEXT SUNDAY (August 25) Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost/

9:45 a.m. Breakfast for All

(Fellowship Hall; no regular Sunday

School classes)

11:00 a.m. Worship

Calvary Moravian Church Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

August 18, 2019

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Our Discipleship Emphasis for this year, “That We, as on one stem

growing,” will begin on Sunday, September 8. That morning during

worship and for the remaining Sundays in September, our worship service

will be built around this theme with a sermon series designed to help us look

at what disciples do as committed followers of Jesus Christ.

Also on September 8, A Ministry Fair will be held in Fellowship Hall. The

fun and fellowship will begin right after the worship service and will feature

the many amazing opportunities for service to our church, community, and

beyond. Plan to bring the family and enjoy food (“heavy hors d’oeuvres”),

music and prizes while visiting the fair booths and learning about our church


Additionally during worship, each member/family unit will receive a packet

of materials, including a commitment card and time and talent survey.

Members will be asked to bring their commitment cards and completed

surveys to worship on September 29. We hope everyone will make a

concerted effort to be present for all of these important events during

September, and let us all join in prayer for one another that Calvary can

truly be a place where we are “branches of Christ, the Vine.”

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Sunday, August 25

Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

“Blessing of the Back-Packs”

Breakfast for All – 9:45 a.m.

Worship – 11:00 a.m.

Sunday, September 1

Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday School – 9:45 a.m.

Worship – 11:00 a.m.

Monday, September 2

Labor Day

Church Office Closed All Day

Sunday, September 8

Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday School – 9:45 a.m.

Worship – 11:00 a.m.

Discipleship Ministry Fair – 12:00 Noon (Fellowship Hall)

Wednesday, September 11

Calvary@The Table Dinner and Programs – 5:00 p.m.

Chancel Choir Rehearsals resume – 7:00 p.m.

Sunday, September 15

Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday School – 9:45 a.m.

Worship – 11:00 a.m.

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The Moravian Church Tenth Sunday after Pentecost August 18, 2019

The Signs of the Times

“Hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the

sky. How is it that you don’t know how to interpret this present time?”

Being a pastor in farming communities the past nine years has helped me be

more aware of the weather. When I was younger, I never wanted much rain,

because then the grass would grow faster, and I’d have to mow more often,

or outdoor activities would be cancelled. I hated it when baseball games

were rained out. Now I’m more aware of the need for rain to help the crops

grow, and I’ve learned how to interpret weather patterns by looking at the


There are signs out there as well that point to the coming of God’s kingdom.

All we have to do is look at all the immorality in the world. Society has, by

and large, turned its back on God’s commands — and, sadly, so has the

church, for the church has embraced some of society’s iniquities. The signs

are plain. They are just ignored by the world.

The signs have already caused the divisions that Jesus speaks of in Luke

12:52 and 53. Families are divided—natural families and church families.

There are divisions caused by politics, economics, and religious practices.

There is only one solution: Jesus. There needs to be true repentance, the

turning from our sinful ways, and following Jesus as the only way. There is

no middle ground when it comes to following Jesus. He demands our

devotion and our commitment, even if it means other relationships, even

family relationships, are cut off. Are you willing to risk the disapproval of

your family, even your church family, so that you can follow Jesus?

Reid Lauderman, pastor, West Salem Moravian Church, West Salem, Illinois

Calvary Moravian Church Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

August 18, 2019

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AUGUST 18, 2019

Maude Booker (Sandra Davis’ mother); Jeanne Underwood (Wesley Davis’

sister); Blake Johnson (Vickey Pitts’ cousin); Blake and Angie Johnson

(Brandi Stone’s friends); Dr. Tad Lowdermilk (Adrienne Polychron’s

friend); Maegan Simms (Ursula Pierce’s granddaughter); Angie Cranor

(Shannon Lineback’s sister); David Taylor (Jan Bullins’ brother); Pam

Stowers (cousin of Bob Snyder); Meli Novovic (friend of Mary and Bill

Hampton); James and Joseph Nance (grandsons of Eldon and Beth Nance);

Sandra Reich (friend of Vickey Pitts and Pam Goforth and a friend of Joel

N. Lineback); Gary Pitts (Vickey Pitts’ husband); Shirley Stewart (sister of

Fay Davis); Greg (nephew of Brandi and Jordan Stone); Debbie Frye (friend

of Judy Ludwick); Sherri Sheppard (sister of Donna Sharp); John Turner

(father of Shannon Lineback); Austin Kahler (nephew of Stephen Baker);

Kelsey Salmon (friend of Angie Seippel Jones); Louie Childress (Michael

Childress’ father); Devan and Bobby Yountz (niece [and her husband] of

Frances Swing); Diane Bacon (friend of Mary Bland); Rachel Falls; Randy

Fulton; Robert Shults (friend of Mary Bland); Patricia Smith (sister-in-law

of Pat Scales); Susan Hill Harwell (friend of the Lineback family); Patricia

James (niece of Camilla Williams); Judy Steel and Ken Loucks (friends of

Gene and Donna Sharp); Colin O’Brady (son in law of Gene and Donna

Besaw Sharp); Ryan and Adrienne O’Connor, and their son, Keegan,

(relatives of Lydia Ingram); Allyson Wooten (daughter of the Reverend Dr.

Craig Atwood); Beverly Day; Jim Zarick (friend of Seth McKnight); the

Reverend Jeff Coppage (Moravian pastor); Ann Schaefer and Ann Everhart

(friends of Rameth McKnight); Mr. and Mrs. William Burrier (parents of

Jan Wikel); Ann Thomas (Jane Sofley’s sister); the family and friends of

Donald Lacey Smith (Mac Smith’s grandfather) who entered the more

immediate presence of the Savior on August 11; and the victims and

families of recent gun violence.

Calvary Moravian Church Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

August 18, 2019