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How Much Energy Is Stored In

Different Kind of Food?

Does the size of food tell how

much calories it contains?

What is Calorimetry ?

• Calorimetry is the measurement to

determine the changes in energy of a

system by measuring the heat exchange

with the surroundings. It determines how

much heat is absorbed or released by

noting the temperature difference.

• Calorimetry is used in many applications

especially food.

• The instrument that is used to measure is

called Calorimeter, and the unit is calories,

and it is written as “cal” or sometimes it is

also called Calories, which is written as



• Independent Variables:

– Foods (popcorn, sugar crackers,

chips (Pringles), biscuits, types of

nuts (peanuts, macadamias,

almonds, wall nuts, cashew nuts,


• Dependent Variables:

– The amount of calories

• Controlled Variables:

– Distance between the food with

the bottom of the can, clean water








y• The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot

be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to

another. This fundamental law was used by scientists to

derive new laws in the field of thermodynamics—the study

of heat energy, temperature, and heat transfer.

• Food is a store of chemical energy. As it burns in the fire,

chemical energy is released and converted to thermal

energy (heat) and light energy. Notice that the food now

turns into ashes (a new substance).

WhichFood Release the Most



The food contains so many kinds of nutrients

like vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats, and

proteins. The alimentations that are going to be

tested are snacks such as biscuits, chips, and some

nuts. Each food has different amount of calories. The

food that will release more energy is Sugar Cracker

and Oreo. It is because these foods contains mostly

sugar or called sucrose, in which this substance is an

energy source. And also their size is as the size of

the food is larger, the most calories it contained. Pop

corn is the food that has less calories from the other



Foods for test:


Cashew Nuts








A Calorimeter (homemade)

o One big and small can


Scale (gram)


Calculator (to count the


Measuring cylinder

A cork and nail


• This experiment objectives are achieved. Which are to see how much chemical energy are stored in food and how the nutrient contains could affect the energy productions, which is measured using a process of calorimetry. So the conclusion of this experiment is that; First the law of conservation of energy has been proven that energy only could be transferred (heat). Second, the size of the food doesn’t tell the amount of Calories. As what it resulted in the experiment, even though nuts are small but they contain more energy than Oreos or the Sugar Crackers, it because nuts contain much fats than those snacks. Popcorn has the least calorie because popcorn doesn’t contain much nutrients.

Carbohydrate Protein Lipids (Fats)

• Carbohydrates are an ideal source of energy for the body.

• Diet with too high in carbohydrates can upset the delicate balance of your body's blood sugar level, resulting in fluctuations in energy and mood which leave you feeling irritated and tired. There are 2 types od carbohydrate; simple and complex. Simple carbohydrate is sugar that we could find in biscuits, jellies, etc. and complex carbohydrate is found in bananas, grain, oats, nuts, etc.

• All proteins are made up of different combinations of 20 compounds called amino acids.

• Depending on which amino acids link together, protein molecules form enzymes, hormones, muscles, organs and many other tissues in the body.

• We also need fat for hormone metabolism, healthy skin and hair, tissue repair, protecting the internal organs and to prevent excessive loss of body heat.

• There are 2 kinds of fat: Saturated and unsaturated fat. Saturated fat comes from the animal products (milk, meat, butter, etc.) and unsaturated fat examples such as fishes (omega-3), nuts, sunflower oils, virgin oil, etc.



Q = mCΔT

Q = heat energy

m = mass of water

C = specific heat of water

ΔT = change in water temperature


• This experiment is aimed to determine the amount

of chemical energy stored in food by burning it and

capturing the heat given off in a homemade

calorimeter. It is also to observe how nutrients in

food affect the production of energy.

Balanced Diet

• A balanced diet needs to contain foods from all the

main food groups in the correct proportions to

provide the body with optimum nutrition. It should

also be made up of the correct number of calories

to maintain a healthy weight, and be low in

processed foods.

• A balanced diet is one that provides the body with

all the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals

required to maintain cells, tissues and organs as

well as to function correctly. A diet that is lacking in

nutrients can lead to many different health

problems ranging from tiredness and lack of

energy to serious problems with the function of

vital organs and lack of growth and development.

Food Initial Mass of Food (g)

Final Mass of Food (g)

Initial Temperature of

Water (C˚)

Final Temperature of

Water (C˚)

Amount of Calories/gram

Calories/serving According to the Calculation


Calories According the Nutrition Fact kcal/serving

Sugar cracker 3 g 0.49 g 21˚C 63˚C 1.03 kcal/g 109.2 kcal 130 kcal

Oreo 3 g 0.81 g 27.4 ˚C 89˚C 2.1 kcal/g 140.6 kcal 140 kcal

Biscuit (Tiger) 3 g 0.5 g 21˚C 54˚C 3.3 kcal/g 83.16 kcal 114 kcal

Chip (Pringles) 1.08 g 0 g 21˚C 67˚C 4.3 kcal/g 170.1 kcal 206 kcal

Popcorn 0.22 g 0 g 23˚C 26˚C 1.3 kcal/g 46 kcal 40 kcal

Food Initial Mass of Food (g)

Final Mass of Food (g)

Initial Temperature of

Water (C˚)

Final Temperature of

Water (C˚)

Amount of Calories/gram

Calories/100g According to the Calculation (kcal/100g)

Calories According the Nutrition Fact kcal/100g

Cashew Nuts 1.46 g 0.7 g 23.8˚C 83˚C 4.05 kcal 405.5 kcal 553 kcal

Peanut 0.72 g 0.2 g 23˚C 74.2˚C 3.61 kcal 361 kcal 567 kcal

Macadamia 1.22 g 0.6 g 23˚C 95.8˚C 5.96 kcal 596.72 kcal 717 kcal

Almonds 1.22 g 0.2 g 22.3˚C 78.9˚C 4.64 kcal 464 kcal 576 kcal

Walnuts 2.3 g 0.5 g 21˚C 90.2˚C 3.01 kcal 301.1 kcal 654 kcal

Pistachios 0.66 g 0 g 21˚C 87.4˚C 2.88 kcal 290 kcal 562 kcal

• Eating a handful of almonds per

day could bring on many health

benefits, according to recent


• Six new almond-related research

studies have highlighted the

effects of almond consumption on

overall diet quality and health

status, abdominal adiposity (belly

fat), measures of appetite and

satiety, and cardiovascular risk


• Relatively low in calories, almonds

have more calcium than any other

nut, making them a great food for

overall health. Plus, they are rich

in fiber and vitamin E, an

antioxidant that helps fight

dangerous inflammation and

possibly health conditions such as

lung cancer and age-related

cognitive decline.

• While all nuts contain heart-healthy

omega-3 fats, walnuts (14 halves

contain 185 calories, 18 grams fat, 4

grams protein) have high amounts

of alpha linoleic acid (ALA).

Research has suggested that ALA

may help heart arrhythmias, and a

2006 Spanish study suggested that

walnuts were as effective as olive oil

at reducing inflammation and

oxidation in the arteries after eating

a fatty meal. The authors of this

study, funded in part by the

California Walnut Commission,

recommended eating around eight

walnuts a day to achieve similar


• They can reduce risk of diabetes.

• Eating about 28 walnut halves a day

provides antioxidants and

phytosterols that may help reduce

the risk of breast cancer.

• Technically legumes but

generally referred to as

nuts, peanuts are high in

folate—a mineral essential

for brain development that

may protect against

cognitive decline.

• Helps Prevent Gallstones

• Helps Lower Cholesterol

Levels (Copper)

• Lowers Risk of Weight Gain

• Heart Health Pistachios have been shown to

reduce LDL ("bad") cholesterol and increase

the good HDL cholesterol after only a short

period of regular consumption. High in

antioxidants such as vitamins A and E, they

fight inflammation, protecting blood vessels

and reducing risk of heart disease.

• Diabetes Help

• Healthy Blood Pistachios are an incredibly rich

source of vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is essential to

make hemoglobin, the protein responsible for

carrying oxygen through the blood stream to

cells, and is also shown to increase the

amount of oxygen carried.

• Eye Health Pistachios contain two carotenoids

not found in most nuts.

• Immune System A healthy immune system

requires adequate intake of vitamin B6, which

pistachios abound in.

• Skin Health Pistachios are a great source of

vitamin E, a powerful fat-soluble antioxidant,

essential for maintaining the integrity of cell

membranes and often recommended for

healthy and beautiful skin.

• Protein

• Macadamia nuts are a good source

of protein. They contain all of the

essential amino acids as well as

some non-essential amino acids.


• Fiber

• The fiber in macadamia nuts helps to

give a feeling of fullness and reduces

hunger pangs. Fiber is also important

for digestion. It helps to maintain the

health of your intestines by promoting

the right balance of intestinal bacteria

and can aid in relieving constipation.

• Antioxidants

• Macadamias contain important

antioxidants, such as vitamin E and

selenium, as well as other


• Weight Loss. The monounsaturated

fats contained in macadamia nuts are

thought to metabolize differently from

other types of fats. Studies show that

nut eaters usually weigh less than

those that don’t eat nuts.

• Prevents Cancer. Rich source of

flavonoid makes cashew helpful

against cancer. It contains a flavonoid

called proanthocyanidins which

inhibits the development of tumour

and prevents the growth of cancer


• Health Benefits of Cashew -

Strengthens Bones and Lowers

Blood Pressure

• Cashew prevents tooth decay and

abscessed teeth.

• Cashew contains good fat and one is

unlike to gain weight by consuming

cashews. High calories and high

dietary fibre makes it a filling snack

and helps in maintaining the body


• Cashew is helpful in combating

diabetes as cashew seed extracts

helps in restricting the absorption of

glucose in the body.

• Cashew contains zea-xanthin which

helps in protection of the eyes from

UV-rays and prevents age-related

macular degeneration (ARMD).