Download - Caillin daily ;life chinese


Interesting things about

China (according to

Caillin)By Caillin

Daily Life

Children go to school in China at age six.

People can only have one or two children.

At the Spring festival or Chinese new year people dress up as lions and dragons to scare the bad spirits.

The Maglev train is one of the fastest trains in the world. It is run by magnets and goes less then 8 minutes to go on the 19 mile (30 kilometers) track.

Many animals in China are endangered such as the giant panda and the golden-hair monkey and the snow leopard.

Endangered Animals

Sports and Leisure On Sundays, some families go outside to the Great Wall of China or row boating.

Parks are mainly used by elders because men retire at age sixty and woman retire at age seventy.

Some of the popular sports in China are Ping-Pong, basketball, volleyball, swimming, and gymnastics.

The Olympics

In swimming China has won 7 gold, 15 silver and 5 bronze

In shooting China has won 14 gold, 11 silver and 12 bronze

Olympic TrainingOlympic training is very important in China.

There is a training camp that is run by the government.

Children are chosen even if they don’t know how to play the game.

Yao Ming know as the Houston Rockets center. When he was 12 he was 6 feet and 5 inches tall the scouts predicted that he was going to be 7 feet 5 inches so he can be good at basketball. Yao didn’t like to play basketball until he was 18. When Yao was 13 he went to the Shanghai Sharks.

For now….


The final end